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Val Re: My admissions of guilt You know you have MS when...

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I just didn't have the energy to go back out to my car, drive all the way home, change shoes, and drive all the way back to work. I just made fun of myself and then made myself feel better by doing it to all of our customers' kids! LOL And just so you know, my husband brought me the matching shoe to both pairs later so i got to choose which pair I wanted to wear. I love him! Although, he did laugh at me when he walked in and saw me sitting in the floor with the kids rolling up their pants and lacing thier shoes backwards. I think one little boy even took his shirt off and turned it inside out!Val Lee wrote: Tammy~ I like the way you made two diffent tennis shoes a fashion statement! :) Love and blessings... ValTammy in Texas <tamatha_tx> wrote: Ok, here's my admissions!Val Lee <a1manlady> wrote: I pulled this off of one of my friends blog entries. I thought it was pretty

funny. True, but funny. Love and blessings... Val @};- You know you have MS when... Your four-year-old is better than you in memory games. You face-plant into the floor and only afterwards you think, gIfm falling!h You tell your daughter to go to bed (in the garage) at 9 PM. Youfre on the phone with a dear

friend and canft remember who the heck she is. Happens at least every other day! ___________________________________________________________________________ You pay the phone bill twice because you canft remember that you paid it the first time. You forget to pay the electric bill and your power gets turned off. You realize you sent the electric bill payment to the phone company. ___________________________________________________________________________ You call someone and by the time they answer the phone, you forgot who you called. Again, at least every

other day! You try to grease a skillet with g409 instead of gPam.h ___________________________________________________________________________ The bottoms of your feet are numb and you realize youfve been walking around without shoes on because you canft tell the difference. ___________________________________________________________________________ Your dog cleans up after you. Not only my dogs, but the cats, too!!! ___________________________________________________________________________ You attempt to bake cookies, but you use wax paper instead of parchment paper. Even worse, you canft determine whatfs wrong until your cookies start to look like candles in the oven. Worst of all you have to call your mom to ask if you are able to cook in the oven with wax paper. She thinks youfve lost your mind because youfve been baking cookies on parchment paper for years! _____________________________________________________________________________ You dice your fingers while washing knives in the sink. The water turns red and you havenft a clue why. _____________________________________________________________________________ Itfs easier to use gCharadesh because you just canft remember the words. Hey, I play this game all day long with everyone I meet! Are you trying to say that they aren't playing the same game??? You hold a nail with one hand and a hammer with another. But by the time youfre ready to finally swing the hammer, youfve dropped the darn nailcagain. _____________________________________________________________________________ You call your daughter and ask for directions and realize youfve already arrived at the location in question. _____________________________________________________________________________ You attempt to move your index finger and your pinky finger moves instead. You wash your hair with conditioner and THEN wash it with shampoo.Naw, I just forget to rinse out the conditioner before I turn the water off. Then have to turn it back on after I have dried off! _____________________________________________________________________________ You try to get your key into the door to your apartment. You jam and slam and swear. Your neighbor opens the door from the inside to help you and you realize youfre breaking into the wrong place. _____________________________________________________________________________ You go to the store, turn around and realize youfre lost. You have to call your 16-year-old to come and find you.Not quite, but thank goodness I know some of the girls that work in the grocery store. I have had to ask them which coffee is Folgers!! _____________________________________________________________________________ You have a college education, but when your doctor asks you to spell a simple, four-letter word, youfre speechless. Of course, you can easily shout out a four-letter word in reply. (Not necessarily the same one the doctor wanted to hear). I can spell it

slowly and only after the 5th attempt! Now the finger game is the one I screw up. _____________________________________________________________________________ You invite your guests to sit on the cake while you serve the couch. Your mom seeks out advice about Social Security from YOU. _____________________________________________________________________________ Buttons are useless, zippers are worse, so your whole wardrobe turns into elastic waists or Velcro. My wardrobe has turned into sweatpants and tshirts! You have become jealous of how few

times pregnant women go to the bathroom. I really don't remember going to the bathroom when I was pregnant near as much as I do now! You use body soap instead of body lotion and canft figure out why it wonft rub in. _____________________________________________________________________________ You map out everywhere you go based on how many public restrooms are along the way. You have to ask the dog where his leash is. _____________________________________________________________________________ You fail a test for intoxication and you havenft had a drink. YOU

try to walk a straight line with MS! My friend is a cop and he gave me the sobriety test one night at the house. He then promptly told me to carry my prescription label with me at all times for my Avonex because not only did I fell the test, I showed all signs of being on helluciniginic drugs! _____________________________________________________________________________ Your nine-year-old tucks you in bed and kisses you on the nose. Your 80-year-old mom jumps up from her seat and offers it to you. _____________________________________________________________________________ You point your keyless car entry button

at the front door of your home and wonder why the door isnft beeping. _____________________________________________________________________________ Your Neuro asks you to look to the right and instead you look to the left. Or worse, you move your whole head instead of just your eyes. _____________________________________________________________________________ You start to take your meds and canft remember if you already took them. So you hunt to find the pamphlet that comes with the prescription so you know what to expect if you accidentally overdose. My husband or my 17 yr old now brings me my meds and watches as I take them. _____________________________________________________________________________ You do exactly what the instructions on the shampoo bottle read: gWash, rinse, repeath. But, you only do it because you canft remember what parts you have already done. ____________________________________________________________________________ You go to work with one shaved leg because you forgot to shave the other. The next morning, you decide to shave the other leg to play catch-up only to find out that you re-shaved the same one again. Never done this, but I did go to work

with two different tennis shoes on once. Didn't feel like driving all the way home, so I pulled one sock all the way up and pushed on all the way down, cuffed one pants leg and left the other straight. Then went out to the waiting room and had all the kids doing the same thing! The parents thought I was crazy, but the kids loved me! _____________________________________________________________________________ You sleep in your work clothes because youfre just too darn tired to change into PJfs and then back into work clothes the next morning. _____________________________________________________________________________ Your 70-year-old father offers to let you borrow the cane he used after knee surgery, because it looks like you need it more than him. My 6 year old sees canes on the shelf at the store and loudly proclaims, "That's what old people use and you use one, Mommy!" _____________________________________________________________________________ One of your students (worried about your eyesight) tapes paper over the overhead lights and you think youfve forgotten how to operate them. ______________________________________________________________________________ You refer to gswallowing a pillh as gswallowing a pillowh.

Your childfs teacher corrects YOUR spelling in a note to her. You get excited when the weatherman says to expect gunseasonably cool weatherh. That's what the weatherman has said for two days! We threw a party! ______________________________________________________________________________ You show up to your job from four years ago, walk in the front door, and only then realize that youfve shown up at the wrong employer. ______________________________________________________________________________ And one of the best ways you know you have M.S. is when

your teenager thanks YOU for doing some of the cooking and cleaning! Some days my teen comes home from school and is stunned to see that he doesn't have to load the dishwasher. Then he opens it and realizes that I forgot to turn it on!Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. See what I have for sale at http://www.hoodyardsales.com/search.jsp?accountId=3158143 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. See what I have for sale at http://www.hoodyardsales.com/search.jsp?accountId=3158143

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