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Yesterday's post that wouldn't go through

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Tom and I went on another nice long walk today. I'd say at least 3miles, maybe a little more. Right now, I am contently tuckered out. Ihavea feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Our landlady surprised us when wereturned from our walk, with a nicely set table and a big pot ofcabbagestew and lemondade for dinner. What a sweet woman. In all rights, Ishould have been fixing dinner for her. She just got back last nightfroman eight hour flight from Paris. I know she's got to be suffering fromjet lag. Oh, and guess what? You all remember me telling you about the whitedeer? Well, yesterday a great big pure white cat was in almost theexact location as the deer. But, this cat obviously has been aroundpeople,because it sure took to Tom and I. Came right up to us and acted justlike it knew us. I'm sure if I had opened my door, that cat would havecome in and made himself right at home. I told my landlady about

thecat and deer. She said she has never seen either one before. Tonight I decided to go to Google and see if I could find the golfcourse that we're living on. Here's the link if anyone is interestedinlooking it up. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/images/communities/nc/wakefield1.jpg & imgrefurl=http://www.golfcourserealty.com/golf-communities/north-carolina/wakefield-plantation.htm & h=120 & w=120 & sz=4 & hl=en & start=10 & tbnid=oiBdKXU3Na6-kM: & tbnh=88 & tbnw=88 & prev=/images%3Fq%3DTPC%2Bat%2BWakefield%2BPlantation%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG May you all be blessed... ValeneEuphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne. ~Quentin Crisp~

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