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Karnataka police formulate a workplace policy on HIV/AIDS

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Karnataka police formulate a workplace policy on HIV/AIDS

By Deepanjali Bhas

The Karnataka State Police has become the first state police

department in India to formally unveil a comprehensive and detailed

Workplace Policy on HIV/AIDS. But will it work on the ground?

Even as debates rage on the actual number of people living with

HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in India, the Karnataka State Police (KSP) became

the first state police department in India to formally unveil a

comprehensive and detailed Workplace Policy on HIV/AIDS, in April


The guiding principles of this policy are:

Employees living with HIV/AIDS have the same rights and obligations

as all staff members, and they will be protected against all forms of

discrimination based on their HIV status.

Minimise the possibility of HIV infection and transmission among

staff members and their families.

The policy document adds that no person with HIV or AIDS will be

unfairly discriminated against within the employment relationship or

within any employment policy or practice, including with regard to

recruitment procedures, advertising and selection criteria,

appointments and the appointment process, job classification or

grading, remuneration, employment benefits and terms and conditions

of employment, welfare schemes, the workplace and facilities,

occupational health and safety, training and development, performance

evaluation systems, promotions, transfers and demotions, disciplinary

measures short of dismissal, and termination of services.

The formulation of this policy is a commendable step that could prove

to be a model for police departments in other states as well; Andhra

Pradesh, Maharashtra , Manipur and Nagaland have already shown an

interest in drafting a similar policy. And yet, when police personnel

from police stations in Bangalore were randomly quizzed about their

own department's policy, they did not have a clue! Will this be yet

another example of a good effort on paper that fails to be

implemented on the ground?

Although the Mumbai police department announced a one-page policy in

2004, the KSP document is the first extensive document clearly laying

out the guiding principles, rights of personnel diagnosed with

HIV/AIDS, and grievance redressal mechanisms. As S T Ramesh, ADGP

(Prisons), who, as ADGP (Recruitment and Training) last year was

instrumental in forging a consensus on developing a policy,

says: " The experience was new and marked a realisation of the high

levels of risk that police personnel face in their job. "

An International Labour Organisation (ILO) study, conducted in four

Indian states by Networks of People Living With HIV/AIDS, noted that

discrimination at the workplace could be higher than the reported

6.1%, considering that many PLWHA do not disclose their status for

fear of losing their job. The study noted that HIV-positive people

are often compelled to leave their jobs on account of harassment such

as denial of promotions, forced voluntary retirement, and

ostracisation by co-workers.

As work profiles go, police department staff are at extremely high

risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Exposure to blood is routine for

constables and officials, and this, coupled with high-risk behaviour

through unsafe sexual practices and long periods of time spent away

from home increases their risk.

The first case that brought the issue of Stigma and Discrimination

(S & D) in the police department into focus in Karnataka was when

Constable Ramesh Rao from Shimoga district was diagnosed HIV-positive

in 1999. Rao was dismissed from the force after having secured an

appointment. This was in accordance with a 1994 state police

department circular stating that the department could not hire

persons diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Rao approached the Karnataka

Administrative Tribunal (KAT) with a petition demanding

reinstatement, which too was initially rejected. He got his job back

only after a seven-year-long legal battle when the KAT ruled, in

August 2005, that he should be reappointed and paid for the seven-

year period.

Rao says that being told that he would not be appointed constable due

to his HIV-positive status was a double blow. After being dismissed

he was forced to take up work in a private organisation.

Rao's problems did not end here. The police department, citing the

Karnataka Pay and Promotion Policy, decided to pay him only his basic

salary for the seven years, minus travel and dearness allowance which

constituted his full salary. Lawyers Collective has drafted a reply

to the police department pointing out that this is not in keeping

with the KAT order that stated that Rao should receive his full

salary for the seven-year period.

As Rajkumar, advocacy officer, Lawyers Collective, the organisation

that has been fighting Rao's case since 2004, says: " This was not

just about the legalities of a case, it was about the dignity of a

person. " He points out that even in an area as sensitive as the

concerns of PLWHA, petitions like Rao's are considered acts of

indiscipline within the police force.

It was Constella Futures that, as part of its Essential Advocacy

Project, took the lead in initiating meetings and discussions on the

need for a workplace policy in the KSP. In association with other

organisations working with HIV/AIDS -- the Karnataka Health Promotion

Trust, Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society, Karnataka Network of

Positive People, UNAIDS, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -- a

working group was formed with representation from the KSP that

included Constable Rao.

Sumathi Subramaniam, head of advocacy, Constella Futures,

says: " Getting a formal commitment like this policy is like getting a

window to this space of fighting S & D. "

There were several complications, however, one of them being the

issue of pre-recruitment testing. After clarifications were obtained

that this was of no consequence to other fitness requirements and was

discriminatory, the need for the clause was dismissed. Subramaniam

notes that the process of drafting the KSP policy marked a shift in

mindset and was a big leap for officers who realised the role the

police department has to play in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Gaps and concerns: From ensuring confidentiality to the challenge of


Under the policy, a nodal officer of the rank of superintendent of

police has been appointed in all districts of Karnataka for grievance

redressal. Training and sensitisation of staff and faculty is also

currently underway.

Although the policy, which is drafted along international lines, is a

step in the right direction, a number of serious issues remain. The

most obvious is the challenge of implementation, a concern echoed by

several police officers and experts in the field.

S Mohammed Afsar, t echnical specialist (HIV/AIDS), South Asia, and

national programme coordinator, ILO, appreciates the fact that the

KSP policy is in keeping with the ILO's principles, and that there

has been a recognition of the vulnerability of the police force to

HIV/AIDS as well as its responsibility. But, he points out, its

translation from theory into practice will be difficult.

He admits that the fact that the director general of police has

signed the policy is an advantage, as it is then considered binding.

But for any policy to be effective there has to be a core committee

to review its implementation. This has not yet been done.

As some KSP officials say, a major drawback is that as of now there

is no provision for medical claim reimbursement for HIV/AIDS, whereas

expenses incurred for tuberculosis- and cancer-related testing can be

claimed. In this context, confidentiality itself becomes difficult to

ensure, for when medical claims are sent for approval there is an

entire chain of people who see the files which have the names clearly

mentioned. Maintaining confidentiality then, and preventing S & D, will

be impossible unless the current system is modified with employee

number codes.

Afsar, who supports the drafting of such polices in corporate houses

and the public sector, says that two-thirds of people do invariably

get to know about an HIV-positive co-worker's status. Ensuring

absolute confidentiality is difficult as it has to be balanced

against care and support needs. " This makes it a `shared

confidentiality', which is why sensitising people at all levels in an

organisation is important, not just at the shop floor or middle-rung

level, " he says. The ILO is now commissioning a study to assess the

implementation of policies in organisations where they are in place,

and identify bottlenecks.

Further, in the absence of a state government policy to prevent S & D

against PLWHA, the KSP policy's effectiveness on the ground is

debatable. As KSP officials say, the department is a part of the

government and cannot function in isolation. Afsar notes that in the

case of PSUs and government departments, legislation in this regard

could provoke stronger action.

There is also a strongly held view among senior police officers that

awareness levels on HIV/AIDS must be boosted across the board, from

officers of the highest rank to the lowest. This in itself is a

challenge, given that it will bring sex and sexuality issues out into

the open.

The existing stigma and disinterest is so great that the actual

number of people infected with HIV/AIDS in the KSP has not yet been

documented. Media reports in 2004, quoting a senior police officer,

stated that nearly 400 of the 40,000-strong Mumbai police force are


Sector experts and police officers say that the police force is, in a

sense, more conservative than society at large; it tends to have a

more rigid viewpoint on most issues. The disciplined nature of the

force makes even issues like pre-recruitment testing for HIV/AIDS

subject to heated debate, be it in the KSP or Mumbai where NGOs, in

2004, condemned a move by the Mumbai police to make HIV testing


Police officers say that it is likely that, on hearing about such a

policy, there will be some initial confusion in the ranks that would

require clarification. They hope the proposed training sessions will

help clear doubts. Rao admits that most of his colleagues in the

constabulary do not know much about HIV/AIDS; even among the senior

officers there are some who are insensitive to the needs of PLWHA.

A dissemination process is currently underway, with copies of the

printed policy dispatched to all districts in Karnataka. It will soon

also be on the KSP website.

Interestingly, the last six-seven years have seen a lot of activity

on the HIV/AIDS workplace policy front in India , says Afsar. While

most corporate houses have been emulating global best practices, PSUs

like Steel Authority of India Ltd, BEST, Mumbai Port Trust and Goa

Ship Yard have also joined the ranks. He notes that, compared to most

countries in Asia, India is doing much better in this regard but,

given the sheer size of the country's working population, more

advocacy efforts are required to boost these initiatives.

Towards a more inclusive audience

Training and sensitisation are keywords in the battle against stigma

and discrimination, a continuous effort to dispel myths and increase

awareness about HIV/AIDS. Organisations working in the sector plan

regular training sessions for those who are perceived to be the most

important decision-makers, at the highest level and on the ground.

But, experts say, training alone does not translate into actual

attitudinal change.

While Sumathi believes that the biggest challenge in framing the

policy was getting a formal commitment to this first-of-its-kind

document, and that the support of the leadership environment in the

KSP was a big advantage, how attempts at behavioural change actually

play out on the ground is a concern. Constella Futures is working for

change in the police training curriculum, which will happen

gradually, so that HIV/AIDS gets into the framework of training at

the recruitment stage. Among others, an HIV/AIDS training course for

the staff and faculty at the Karnataka Police Academy , Mysore , was

conducted in June 2007, and an intensive Training of Trainers (ToT)

module will be taken up in the next few months. The KSP's Unicef-

funded Gender Sensitisation and People-friendly Police Project will

also incorporate a module on HIV/AIDS.

Nevertheless, lawyers like Rajkumar sound a more cynical note. He

believes the entire criminal justice system in India has to be

overhauled. Attitudinal change is crucial, and while change can be

seen at higher levels of government it is seriously lacking at the

crucial middle and lower levels. Rajkumar points out that

administrative-level personnel, who are mostly ignored in the

sensitisation programmes, are often the most prejudiced and

judgmental, blocking the provision of essential services to PLWHA .

Across-the-board sensitisation is clearly the need of the hour.

In light of this, organisations working in the HIV/AIDS sector and

advocating the rights of PLWHA need to go beyond regular training and

sensitisation modules, creating new avenues and a more inclusive

audience for sensitisation.

(Deepanjali Bhas is a development communications specialist who was

previously a journalist with The Times of India)

InfoChange News & Features, September 2007


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