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Re: I had no idea......

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Hi . Wow...2 kids with plagio....bummer. Yes, we did see Dr.

Wood. We had a positive experience with him. Granted, we only saw

him for about 10 minutes. The rest of our time has been spent

working with the Assistive Tech Dept at Gillettes. If you return to

Gillettes for your son I highly reccommend seeing e or

. They have been so great through all of this. Amelia is

growing so fast and they have agreed to see her every week instead

of the normal once a month. And they have been very understanding

about the fact that she cannot stand her helmet and doesn't wear it

full time. we saw e last night and she showed us the plaster

mold they made of Amelia's head and there has been amazing

progress. I have posted Pics....if you can find them on here!

Good Luck!


> > Hi. My name is Shiela and I am new to this group. I had no


> so

> > many children had Plagio. My daughter, Amelia, is 6 months


> has

> > been wearing a cranio cap for about 6 weeks. I first noticed


> > problem at 2 months and brought it to my peds attention.


> are

> > 2 other kids in my playgroup who have had the cranio cap, so I


> > what to look for) My ped gave me some stretching excercises

to do

> > for Amelia's torticollis and said to wait until the 4 month


> to

> > see if her head was better. At 4 months her head was still


> > flat so she referred me to a wonderful cranio-facial surgeon


> > Gillettes Childrens Hospital in St. , MN. He reccommended


> > cap saying hers was one of the more severe cases he had seen.


> > thanks to my peds advice about stretching her neck her tort


> > almost gone and she did not need p.t. She had to endure the

> > plastering process 2 times because the first helmet they made


> > too small. ( The process only takes 5 minutes from start to

> finish,

> > so that wasn't too bad) The first 4 weeks were very rough


> > she is growing so fast that her helmet would be too snug

within a

> > matter of days. But we are able to see our orthotist once a


> > and things are getting better. When we first started the


> she

> > would shut down and just sort of lie there. Now she is her


> > self and her head is changing shape. (Although we are still no

> where

> > near the reccommended 22 hours a day with the helmet on....she

> can't

> > sleep in it)Anyway, I'm glad there are so many other parents


> > there dealing with these issues. And it's nice to know that

if I

> > have a concern one of you have been there and can help me


> it!

> >

> > Shiela--Amelia 6 months-cranio cap: June 2004




> For more plagio info

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