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Re: More on Splenda and dietitian

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well, i just FINALLY got with a nutritionist. they are very cheat: $200 an

hour!!! lol but i found that Ukrops here has one for only $80, and they

will help you shop afterwards.

i was told to trash sugar (already done), and invest in Splenda (already

done). i was also told to trash my whipping creamand half and half, and

purchase milk again. also, lower my intact of bacon, eggs, sausage, etc.

and to eat oatmeal.

glad this is not expensive. i just threw out all my oatmeal (about 6 boxes

of the stuff), and all the stuff that i'm now supposed to have; and purchased

lots of the stuff that i now have to throw out. lol so i guess in

addition to trying to watch my BS, and my weight, i will have to start a

business on the streets (hmmmmm, big market for overweight middle aged women

i hope).

i will go this week to either the one at the Ukrops, or the hospital, get my

" diet " set up, and be on my way. i'm told they guarantee weight loss, BS

control, and better health. then i guess the rest is up to me. pat

(who's in love with this gal because she said i could even have ice cream!!)

we'll see

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We'll see is good...it doesn't sound like she's keeping your diabetes in

mind...oatmeal raises your BGs Pat, you know that...but okay, eat and test

and keep good notes.

I think you'll get better information from this list.


In a message dated 07/22/2002 2:40:50 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

pat0829@... writes:

> will go this week to either the one at the Ukrops, or the hospital, get my

> " diet " set up, and be on my way. i'm told they guarantee weight loss, BS

> control, and better health. then i guess the rest is up to me. pat

> (who's in love with this gal because she said i could even have ice

> cream!!)

> we'll see



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i was told to trash sugar (already done), and invest in Splenda (already

done). i was also told to trash my whipping cream and half and half, and

purchase milk again. also, lower my intact of bacon, eggs, sausage, etc.

and to eat oatmeal.

Yup....this is what I was trying to explain by saying you were eating all

over the place ;-) If you eat a higher carb diet along with the goodies from

a low-carb diet, you will just get fat.

The dietician will put you on an ADA diet. I think that is an excellent place

for you to start.

Once you eat and test for a few weeks, you might choose to go lower

carb....or maybe you won't.

If you threw out 6 boxes of oatmeal, are you talking about the instant

packets? The packets contain sugar and fruits. Real stuff would be better,

with fewer carbs ;-)

Good luck on your new endeavor ;-)


Peace and Carrots Farm




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i was eating the flavored stuff. she told me i could not have that, but

regular, with a little fruit, would be good. i have some of the regular, so

i will try it tomorrow, and see what happens.

like wendy said, i'm swinging both ways, and i need to find a direction, and

someone to just get me on that course. $80 is not that bad.

of course, all of them tell me to drop the computer lists, and go to

qualified folks. but i like the variety i get here. and i need to read

the books with all the points of view. pat


> mind...oatmeal raises your BGs Pat, you know that...but okay, eat and test

> and keep good notes.


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i was told to trash sugar (already done), and invest in Splenda (already

done). i was also told to trash my whipping cream and half and half, and

purchase milk again. also, lower my intact of bacon, eggs, sausage, etc.

and to eat oatmeal.

Yup....this is what I was trying to explain by saying you were eating all

over the place ;-) If you eat a higher carb diet along with the goodies from

a low-carb diet, you will just get fat.

The dietician will put you on an ADA diet. I think that is an excellent place

for you to start.

Once you eat and test for a few weeks, you might choose to go lower

carb....or maybe you won't.

If you threw out 6 boxes of oatmeal, are you talking about the instant

packets? The packets contain sugar and fruits. Real stuff would be better,

with fewer carbs ;-)

Good luck on your new endeavor ;-)


Peace and Carrots Farm




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mom loved oatmeal, so i'd buy the instant stuff, about 8 boxes at a time, and

just keep them. it killed me to give them all away, but i found it raised

my BS. she said the regular (unflavored) would work. i still have instant,

but if cooking the other would work, i'll do that.

i still haven't gotten the goodies for my wendy's cereal, but i will. and

yep, i just need a place to start. before, when i was about 30 lb. lighter,

the oatmeal really did not bother me. i'd like to get to the point that i

could eat almost anything, in moderation, and not suffer. i realize that

Captain Ds, and all that stuff, is gone, along with Cheetos, chips, bags of

jelly bellies, and cheese doodles. however, i think i can deal with that.

just tired of eggs and bacon every day. pat


> If you threw out 6 boxes of oatmeal, are you talking about the instant

> packets? The packets

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Well, it's true none of us are " professionals " ...but we all had the disease

and we've all dealt with it in our own way and we can share our experience,

that's what it's all about. It really bothers me when professionals put this

kind of list down, though.

My doctor considers me a well informed, well motivated diabetic patient and

totally supports my internet research and all I've learned here. I do keep

him abreast of all I've learned online.


In a message dated 07/22/2002 3:23:44 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

pat0829@... writes:

> of course, all of them tell me to drop the computer lists, and go to

> qualified folks. but i like the variety i get here. and i need to

> read

> the books with all the points of view. pat



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well, i still think i probably get as much info here as i will from someone i

pay big bucks to. however, i've gotten confused, and think i'm just kinda

going aimlessly. so, i'll try the nutritionist for a bit, and see what

results i get.

i think what i need more is someone to show me portions, how to measure

things, etc. stuff that probably seems common sense to lots, but not me.

i feel like if i can just sit with someone and have them explain it all to

me, that i will be better. then, after that, i might have knowledge enough

to figure this out myself. it's scarey, confusing and a bit irritating. i

thought i was doing ok, but my BS and the other test says i'm not. pat


> Well, it's true none of us are " professionals " ...but we all had the disease


> and we've all dealt with it in our own way and we can share our experience,

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well, i guess it's finding something like i like and likes me. my fav.

breakfast is a cappuccino with lots of whipped cream, croissant and

marmalade, and strawberries and cantaloupe. so, scrap that. i love

donuts and pastries; muffins; and had just gotten so i was good at making

scones. lol and then there's coffeecake. i don't care for the normal

breakfasts of beggs and acon (as we call them), so i need to find something

that works. i love sausage biscuits, but am realizing that neither of the

ingredients for that work.

i just tested and i'm at 283. i had pizza, and i made it. so, ditch that.

of coruse, i'm having a war with my town because i have three week old

garbage in the back yard and no one seems to think they should pick it up.

next garbage day, i will have my shotgun over my lap. lol

i think maybe if the nutritionist just gives me some ideas, in writing, and

lays out what i should have, i'll be better. i hate low fat milk, but i

understand that will replace the whipping cream and half and half. there

were other things i was told, like tuna salad or chicken salad, but low fat

mayo (yuk). if it works for me, then good. if not, then i'm back to finding

another diet plan.

i'm watching Food Network and i see all these people traveling and eating

anything. they are all young and skinny. i just wonder what they will

look like in 20 years. pat

> I know what you mean about being tired of bacon and eggs!

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I know what you mean about being tired of bacon and eggs! When I was a

gestational diabetic I had to have lots of protein at breakfast and absolutely

no fruit and barely any carbs. I was soooo sick of eggs in all their

incarnations that I've barely had them since, and the baby's 17 months old now!




~~~~It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got~~~~

-Sheryl Crow

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i was also told to trash my whipping creamand half and half, and

purchase milk again. also, lower my intact of bacon, eggs, sausage, etc.

and to eat oatmeal.


I'm sorry that she told you those things.


Art Mc


" Ouch, that ain't gonna grow back "

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all of them tell me to drop the computer lists


Of course they do:-) Have you ever wondered why?

Art Mc


" Ouch, that ain't gonna grow back "

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I don't use proportions...I just weigh and measure out all foods I eat at

home and depending how my BG is affected, that determines the portion size.

For instance, I make whipped cauliflower almost nightly ( " faux mashed

potatos " ) and 125 grams measures out to somewhere around only 2 medium GI

carbs for that size portion. OTOH, 50 grams of blueberries has about 9

medium GI carbs so since I'm trying to keep carbs down to about 25 or less

per meal, I'd want to eat less blueberries. I do believe I eat balanced

though...my dinner usually consists of about 4-6 ounces of meat/chicken/fish,

two veggies and a huge salad plus (usually) ricotta mixed with DaVinci syrup

with a few berries. And I do take vitamin supplements. Vicki

In a message dated 07/22/2002 10:06:56 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

pat0829@... writes:

> i guess what i meant is that i don't know which proportions to eat. the

> nutritionist said to split my plate in quarters, and have 1/4 meat, 1/4

> starch and the other half vegies. so what exchange is that? any way, i

> will call to make appt. tomorrow, and see what happens. pat



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> i just tested and i'm at 283. i had pizza, and i made it. so,

ditch that.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> The nutritionist told you to eat pizza????? to the point where you

are at

> 283???? Stop payment on the check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> Art



Art, and Pat...

when i ate the way a nutritionist and or diabetic educator told me,

my bs rates were in the 250 - 300 range... i gained 35 lbs in a

month, and i was in a lot of arthritic pain... not to mention yeast

infections and other ^ bs problems...

I listened to a few on this list, and a friend who is on the web, and

cut out most carbs, and my bs dropped to 90 - 140 range...

so for me, and for others, that is the cure... when i have a bite of

sugar stuff, i want more :(


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ok, my stupid question. how did you get started with knowing the

measurements? i know i need to weigh, and i have scales, although they are

not digital. how do i know the grams, etc. to have of each thing, per meal?

how did you come up with a meal plan?

the doctor told me this: 1400 calories; 30% fat; 20%protein (i'm guessing

the scribble says protein); 30%-nothing beside that; and a scribble. this

is very helpful. lol

what i may do is hold off making an appt. with a nutritionist and try it on

my own a little longer, but i'm not sure where to start, and what i should

dump. i am a little concerned with the medical community because they do

stick to the ADA, and i've heard too many comments here about those

guidelines almost killing folks. but i'm not doing well on my own: i

didn't think the pizza last nite would be that bad.

decisions, decisions. pat


> I don't use proportions...I just weigh and measure out all foods I eat at

> home and depending how my BG is affected, that determines the portion size.


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i think i have it, but not sure where. i know when i was first diagnosed,

the doctor breezed in, said " well, you have diabetes " , and left the room.

then, as i checked out, he handed me something. i have no clue what i did

with it, but he's able to sit, so that's one place i didn't put it. lo pat

> I'll be glad to share the information with you if you're interested.

> Otherwise I'm sure that between the members of this group we could even put

> together a meal plan for you.


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i have the Netzer?? book. and it has almost everything i could imagine in

there. i guess my question to the list is: how much of what should i

start with? give me a calorie, gram, carb--whatever--count that would be a

good starting place. any help would be good.

and i will take them privately if you'd prefer.

i actually trust the list more than a dietitian, but after hearing how bad i

was doing (yep, i guess the pizza is a sign there), i just want some hard

facts. and i'm gonna read 's site as soon as i get dressed and get

some breakfast. thanks. pat

> Also, buy a book of nutritional food counts and pay attention to the


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I listened to a few on this list, and a friend who is on the web, and

cut out most carbs, and my bs dropped to 90 - 140 range...

so for me, and for others, that is the cure... when i have a bite of

sugar stuff, i want more :(


Exactly the same with me . I listened to those people for years and

was a constant roller coaster. I joined this list, switched to low-moderate

carbs and saw immediate positive results.


Art Mc


" Ouch, that ain't gonna grow back "

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Sorry.. I spelled it wrong. This is right: Terrailon. It cost about $50

but it's earned its keep with daily use for the last five years. (Haven't

even replaced battery yet!) Vicki

In a message dated 07/22/2002 9:24:52 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

whimsy2@... writes:

> That's simple...buy a food scale, smile.

> The one I have is a Terrillion

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Well...they give the portion size in the Netzer book. You have a scale...so

just duplicate that portion size and you'll know how many carbs you just ate.

BTW, I much prefer the gram measurement to the cup measurement...there's

always air in the cup between the pieces of whatever so you don't really get

an accurate measure. And forget their fruit figures...how they expect us to

duplicate a banana that has its counts by DIMENSION is totally ridiculous.

That's why I prefer the online USDA website. You do have that, don't you,

Pat? (If not I'll post it yet again).

In a message dated 07/23/2002 7:58:48 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

pat0829@... writes:


> i have the Netzer?? book. and it has almost everything i could imagine in


> there. i guess my question to the list is: how much of what should i

> start with? give me a calorie, gram, carb--whatever--count that would be

> a

> good starting place. any help would be good.



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You could at least start with the ADA guidelines and see if it works for you.

I'm doing that only I'm not eating as many carbs as they suggest. Serving sizes

are much smaller than you'd think, for instance, a serving size of cooked

vegetables is 1/2 cup. My meal plan is supposed to be 1500 calories a day.

I'll be glad to share the information with you if you're interested. Otherwise

I'm sure that between the members of this group we could even put together a

meal plan for you.

By the way, the crust on the pizza was most likely the culprit. Also, many

tomato-based sauces also have sugar in them to cut the acidity. Check the carb

count on some commercial spaghetti sauces next time you're in the store.



~~~~It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got~~~~

-Sheryl Crow

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> That's simple...buy a food scale, smile.

> In a message dated 07/22/2002 6:17:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

> pat0829@a... writes:


> > i think what i need more is someone to show me portions, how to


> > things, etc. stuff that probably seems common sense to lots,

but not me.

Also, buy a book of nutritional food counts and pay attention to the

portion sizes listed. Don't guess - actually measure the food until

you are certain what a third cup of rice or a tablespoon of peanut

butter or a cup of vegetables looks like.


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> That's simple...buy a food scale, smile.

> In a message dated 07/22/2002 6:17:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

> pat0829@a... writes:


> > i think what i need more is someone to show me portions, how to


> > things, etc. stuff that probably seems common sense to lots,

but not me.

Also, buy a book of nutritional food counts and pay attention to the

portion sizes listed. Don't guess - actually measure the food until

you are certain what a third cup of rice or a tablespoon of peanut

butter or a cup of vegetables looks like.


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Yep, I used to drink my milk from a measuring cup to make sure I had the right




~~~~It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got~~~~

-Sheryl Crow

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> i have the Netzer?? book. and it has almost everything i could

imagine in

> there. i guess my question to the list is: how much of what

should i

> start with? give me a calorie, gram, carb--whatever--count that

would be a

> good starting place.

I'm sure you could get as many eating plans from this group as there

are members, but since it sounds like your dietitian is going to

recommend the ADA plan, try this:

1-2 servings of fruit a day

1-3 servings of dairy a day

5-6 servings of vegetables a day

8 ounces of lean meat or fish a day (split up in two or three


2 servings of carbohydrate per meal (30 grams)

1-2 snacks with 0-30 grams of carbs each

20-30 g. of fat per day (mostly monounsaturated)

This is what I do, and is not inconsistent with ADA guidelines, but I

count the carbs from veggies and fruit as part of my overall carb

allowance, and they don't. Try to divide them up so your

carbohydrates are accompanied by a little bit of protein and a little

bit of fat, to slow down the breakdown of the carbs into sugars.

Given these guidelines, just use the Netzer book to see how much a

serving of your favorite foods in each category is, and that's what

you eat. For example, if a half cup of broccoli is a serving and you

want to eat a whole cup, then that's fine - just count it as two

servings. I find it a whole lot easier to just add up the actual

carbs in a meal than to use the exchange system, which I can never

keep straight.


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