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Hi all: I was just wondering if any of you have noticed a body odor? Jodi

would kill me if she knew I was asking but tonight she came in and as soon as

she came close to me I could smell a strange odor. Even after she washed her

hands I could still smell it on them, I have a very sensitive nose. Could

this be the toxins coming from her body that are building up? This really is

concerning me and she promised she would call her doctor tomorrow, that is if

she could reach him. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Genny/Jodi's Mom

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In a message dated 12/24/00 6:51:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, Babycolt98102690@... writes:

body odor

I don't think my experience is relevant to your situation, but I strongly noticed a chance in my body odor early in AIH treatment. I smelled, in some indefinable way, distinctly masculine. I can't pin it down beyond that. No one else noticed a change in my smell, or at least they said they didn't, but to me it was very definite. Again, I don't think this relates to you, but since you asked, I'll start the discussion with my experience.

Harper (AIH)

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My concern is that the odor is new, when the disease isn't. It wouldn't hurt to call, leave a message with the doctor's answering service, would it? I'll be thinking of you.


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> Hi all: I was just wondering if any of you have noticed a body

odor? Jodi

> would kill me if she knew I was asking but tonight she came in and

as soon as

> she came close to me I could smell a strange odor. Even after she

washed her

> hands I could still smell it on them, I have a very sensitive nose.


> this be the toxins coming from her body that are building up? This

really is

> concerning me and she promised she would call her doctor tomorrow,

that is if

> she could reach him. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good


> Genny/Jodi's Mom

Well, I also noticed something. Like Harper, I seemed to be the only

one who noticed. I would describe it more of a sweetish/sour smell.

The worst it seemed to be was when I was in the hospital the first

time I had an acute attack. Since then, I have noticed it now and

then, but very faint. And for the first time in my life, I have had

(ick) foot odor. That is not faint..<yuk!> but at least is not all

the time.


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Regarding strange odors - my perspiration smells like vinegar.


>From: Babycolt98102690@...

>Reply- egroups

> egroups

>Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Smell

>Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 21:50:22 EST


>Hi all: I was just wondering if any of you have noticed a body odor? Jodi

>would kill me if she knew I was asking but tonight she came in and as soon


>she came close to me I could smell a strange odor. Even after she washed


>hands I could still smell it on them, I have a very sensitive nose. Could

>this be the toxins coming from her body that are building up? This really


>concerning me and she promised she would call her doctor tomorrow, that is


>she could reach him. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

>Genny/Jodi's Mom


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Vinegar is how I would describe my odor. Seems to come just from around my neck. When I've asked my docs, they just smile. Since the liver is the big chemistry set for the body, when it isn't working well, it stands to reason that the chemical balance of a lot of things will be thrown off, including perspiration.


Terradon Unlimited


"People who ask me how we can still have such a positive attitude after all we’ve been through, have it all wrong…We’ve been able to get through all that we have BECAUSE we have a positive attitude". Don Hanson 8/2000

Re: [ ] Re: Smell>Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 21:50:22 EST>>Hi all: I was just wondering if any of you have noticed a body odor? Jodi>would kill me if she knew I was asking but tonight she came in and as soon >as>she came close to me I could smell a strange odor. Even after she washed >her>hands I could still smell it on them, I have a very sensitive nose. Could>this be the toxins coming from her body that are building up? This really >is>concerning me and she promised she would call her doctor tomorrow, that is >if>she could reach him. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.>Genny/Jodi's Mom_________________________________________________________________Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Same here smells like vinegar. I also get the same grin when I mention

it to my doc, then like always he says it's normal.



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> In a message dated 12/25/00 4:10:25 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> christibro33@a... writes:



> > how embarrising

> > christi


> Not unless you give really, really kinky parties.

> Harper

ROFL @kinky parties!!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...


Don't know about anyne else, but our son (, 16,AS) also has an uncanny

sense of smell. He used to smell food before eating it, but doesn't do that

much anymore. He is a very finicky eater---will take the same lunch to school

every day...and has for years! Hope this helps...



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> Hi everyone,


> I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute

sense of smell.


> I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of

Aspergers. Has anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?


> S. Hart



My 4 year old AS son has a hyper sensitivity to smell (along

w/hearing)....He tends to ask " Whats that smell " alot when we don't

smell anything. I believe that this can be common...as they have

sensory issues.....sounds like he has hyper senses....


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All three of my aspies are very sensitive to smells. My 2yr old will

actually gag if she doesn't like the smell.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

( ) Smell

> Hi everyone,


> I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of



> I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers. Has

anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?


> S. Hart



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Same here Gail. My 3 AS kids all smell their food and drink.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

Re: ( ) Smell

> S...


> Don't know about anyne else, but our son (, 16,AS) also has an uncanny

> sense of smell. He used to smell food before eating it, but doesn't do


> much anymore. He is a very finicky eater---will take the same lunch to


> every day...and has for years! Hope this helps...

> Blessings,

> Gail




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My son, 9, AS, also has a very acute sense of smell - sometimes smells

bother him so much that he gags.


Re: ( ) Smell

All three of my aspies are very sensitive to smells. My 2yr old will

actually gag if she doesn't like the smell.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

( ) Smell

> Hi everyone,


> I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense




> I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers.


anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?


> S. Hart



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Yes I think it is!!! My son who is 12 can sometimes smell things I don't smell

and then he gets sick to his stomach... before I knew he had Asperger's I always

thought it was his seizures!! So I think they do and also they hear music and

voices different than we do!!

I hope this helps.....

Jo Sue

ssamuelhart <ssamuelhart@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of smell.

I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers. Has anyone

heard of this or had any experience with this?

S. Hart

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LOLOLOL Now thats cute!!


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

( ) Smell



> Hi everyone,


> I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of



> I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers.

Has anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?


> S. Hart



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My son smells. Of course, hes getting to that age....

No. Seriously. claims he can't smell. But when encounters a bad smell,

" The air tastes funny. " Go fig...

's Dad

( ) Smell

Hi everyone,

I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of


I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers. Has

anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?

S. Hart

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I know my oldest always smells dinner. Normally he guesses the menu

in one try. Several autistic children I've known are sniffers. So I

think there is probanly a correlation.


> Hi everyone,


> I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute

sense of smell.


> I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of

Aspergers. Has anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?


> S. Hart



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hehehehehehe Thanks I needed that!!! What age is your son??? 12??

My son has the same problem!!! Smell, Hearing......

Have a great evening!!!!!!!

Jo Sue

" W. " <scott@...> wrote:

My son smells. Of course, hes getting to that age....

No. Seriously. claims he can't smell. But when encounters a bad smell,

" The air tastes funny. " Go fig...

's Dad

( ) Smell

Hi everyone,

I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of


I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers. Has

anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?

S. Hart

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I grew up with an older sister who still does that till this day. She is 46 and

my younger sister and I still laugh at her smelling anything. She thinks people

don;t notice so even NT will do that.

Re: ( ) Smell

> S...


> Don't know about anyne else, but our son (, 16,AS) also has an uncanny

> sense of smell. He used to smell food before eating it, but doesn't do


> much anymore. He is a very finicky eater---will take the same lunch to


> every day...and has for years! Hope this helps...

> Blessings,

> Gail




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There is such a phenomeon, I forgot its name, where you can taste a smell,

or see a sound etc.


-- Re: ( ) Smell

My son smells. Of course, hes getting to that age....

No. Seriously. claims he can't smell. But when encounters a bad smell,

" The air tastes funny. " Go fig...

's Dad

( ) Smell

Hi everyone,

I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of


I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers. Has

anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?

S. Hart

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It's pretty funny (and embarrassing) sometimes. I tutor him in the late

afternoon, often in a library, and, even though I sometimes brush my teeth after

lunch and use breath mints, he'll correctly (and loudly) guess what I ate from

how my breath smells. Then he'll want to know where I had lunch, the location

of the restaurant, etc. Yikes!

S. Hart

Hi everyone,

I tutor a boy with Aspergers. He has an uncanny, ultra-acute sense of


I was wondering if this is a possible characteristic of Aspergers. Has

anyone heard of this or had any experience with this?

S. Hart

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