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Re: physioball, potty training, CPT protests

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Re " physioball and potty training "

We use a physioball. It's a big success with Matias! It's a

large-sized one meant for an adult with a child on her/his legs, and

it's incredibly bouncy. You keep hands or arms around the child's

chest for CPT, and in between series of bounces you move very far

backwards and forwards. Matias loves the thrill of it! There are

smaller sized ones for bigger children, with two 'ears' on to hold on

to (the variety you find in toy shops). They seem to loosen the mucus

because of the vibrations (cfr trampoline).

We also play games with little balls. Matias sits at one end of the

(long) table, and has to blow them across the table against various

goals such as little puppets, cardboard cut-out figures, self-made

bowling peggs, … We sometimes incorporate a handicap into the

game and

lift the table on one side with wood blocks, so he has to make more


an effort (blowing longer, and not harder, is the CPT objective).

We're in the middle of potty training, and the poops don't seem to be

much of an issue. The bulky, loose ones (which are rare at the

moment) unfortunately tend to go preceeded by belly aches, so we


the potty well on time. I'm more worried about the opposite: if

Matias feels the stools are not coming readily and he needs to make


effort to push, he preferes to hold them up, which doesn't make the

thing easier. I just hope he won't get obstructed, and I keep the

lactulose ready … Can CF children get obstructed from holding up


stools? We were told to watch out after 24 hours without stools, and

we were given an enema set with a flexible tube (which we have not


to use it yet).

To Bridget

Re " My son is 10 mths old and has hit the, " I refuse to do CPT, "

stage " .

I've noticed some people disagree, but we've nearly always done CPT

twice daily. We only skipped twice in two years, I think. When


was younger (<1 year), there were also weeks every CPT session was


scream from the beginning to the end (helped him a lot with

coughing..) He wasn't always crying, but more often yelling out

his protest. Actually, I remember times I closed the windows, afraid

the neighbours might think we were mistreating him! He also wriggled


lot (even when not protesting). But the screaming weeks did alternate

with entire weeks when he just fell asleep during parts of the CPT


I think he stopped protesting completely when he was about 1 ½


old, and now all of us enjoy it, so there's hope!

Nele, mom of Matias, 2yo WCF



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