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Hi all,

Sorry I have not written in awhile I have had so much stuff going on After 3

years of being treated for everything but what they found I now have which is

Polycystic ovary on the right which is where most of the pain is located however

I am in the middle of a huge argument between gynecology and GP, Gyne dr agrees

that yes I do have Polycystic ovary yet it does not explain being physically

sick at 3.30am dead on every morning So Gp said it might be one of a number of

problems that could possible be detected if I choose to have a operation for

them to have a look around which my heart is screaming no at the minute because

of last year where I was overheated in theatre.

At the moment family is a huge problem for me I have two brothers living at home

with me as well as my little man who is a dream (sometimes) Myself and one

brother do nothing but fight and hurt each other most times we are play fighting

but gets out of hands very quickly I am thinking of kicking them out as they

have their own places.

One question, At the moment I love my car well dad's so comfy to drive I do do

alot of driving at night to get my son to sleep around 2.30am mostly any ideas

to get him to sleep with out mummy driving for a hour or two he is so cute

during the day but devil at night should I leave him in his cot and see if he

goes back off would he be doing it as he knows mummy takes me out type thing.

The father is no longer around any idea's please, I have thought of a nanny as

picking him up hurts at the moment.

Regards, Ms Donna~Marie

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> Donna Hurst wrote:

> One question, At the moment I love my car well dad's so comfy to drive I do do

alot of driving at night to get my son to sleep around 2.30am mostly any ideas

to get him to sleep with out mummy driving for a hour or two he is so cute

during the day but devil at night should I leave him in his cot and see if he

goes back off would he be doing it as he knows mummy takes me out type thing.

The father is no longer around any idea's please, I have thought of a nanny as

picking him up hurts at the moment.


First off, I hope you get your situation with your doctors worked out and

relief. My son as a baby would not sleep, we said we had sleep deprivation until

he was two years old. We have actually crawled out of his room on the floor

hoping he stayed asleep. We finally figured out that he stayed awake because he

didn't want to miss anything going on.

We have put him on top of the dryer in the laundry room in a seat that

reclines and is cushy and the noise of the dryer going around and around

actually put him to sleep.

It won't hurt him to leave him in the cot and the " experts " say letting

them " cry themselves to sleep " teaches them how to comfort themselves, my son

would not stop the crying and at thirty minutes, I would give up. I think I

created a situation that was hard to break so don't do what I did and do what

you are comfortable with.

There are many sites on the internet with techniques, this one has the tips our

pediatrician gave :http://www.ehow.com/how_11435_baby-sleep-through.html

We found out much later that the formula that we gave our son, gave him gas,

thus the bottle before sleeptime, gave him indigestion. We got him mylicon

drops, this soothed his tummy and he did not wake up the usual amount of times.

Hope this helps, if I had to do over, I would have left him in his crib until he

cried himself to sleep as I prevented him from not getting a good sleep schedule

by not doing so. Good Luck, Donna. Bennie

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I am glad that the docs have some idea what is causing your pain. Ouch! I have

had a couple ovarian cysts and they do hurt. Can they give you birth control

medication? My gyn did that and it helped. I started with them in

perimenopause. Thankfully they stopped a few years later when I entered


I wish I could give you an idea about how to get your son to sleep. We used to

do that with our daughter. She would finally fall asleep after an hour drive.

If we went around 9pm we could get her to sleep at a decent hour. Our daughter

grew out of it after a few months.

Does your son take naps? If so maybe limiting the nap time would help.

Glad to hear from you. Missed your posts. Gentle hugs, Tami :)

> Donna~Marie wrote:

> After 3 years of being treated for everything but what they found I now have

which is Polycystic ovary

> I do do alot of driving at night to get my son to sleep around 2.30am mostly

any ideas to get him to sleep with out mummy driving for a hour or two

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I had ovarian cysts when I was younger, they started around 15 years old and

lasted until 27, when I had a hysterectomy! Best cure EVAH! LOL.

Seriously, I had a LOT of female problems, including that my fallopian tubes

would twist and end up places they weren't supposed to. The main problem with

cysts is when they rupture, as mind did a LOT. I had several surgeries to

remove the remains of the cysts, NOT pleasant. The sad thing is, my daughter

started getting cysts (including rupturing ones) about the same age I was.

Birth control helps her.

As to your son, how old is he? When my daughter was little, I'd drive her

around too. I think her first year she spent more time in her car seat than her

crib, LOL. The vacuumed cleaner helped sometimes, as did a warm bath right

before bed and some slow rocking. I refused to give her a pacifier after about

5 months because I wanted her to learn to self sooth, but if he's still got a

paci, that might help. There is also a woman here in the states who puts out a

video/audio that they say is guaranteed to put the

child to sleep, but I think it's for older kids. Also, a " noise maker " that

plays white noise or a heart beat may help. I have one (for ME, not my kids,

LOL) that I think I paid about $5 for on Ebay. A strict schedule helps too,

some say.

But probably the best thing I ever did was to let her cry. After about 8

months, I'd make sure she was not hungry, wet, ouchie or hurting, then I'd put

her down and sit with her for a few minutes, then go into the other room, or

over to the other side of the room. She'd cry because she didn't WANT to go to

sleep (I think she was afraid she'd miss something), but she'd obviously be SO

tired, her little eyes would be drooping. She'd cry for a while, then finally

go to sleep. When I first started that, she'd cry for an long time, sometimes.

Eventually the time went down and down until she'd cry for a few minutes then

fall asleep. It's rough to sit and LISTEN to

them cry, but sometimes it's the best thing we can do.


> Donna~Marie wrote:

> After 3 years of being treated for everything but what they found I now have

which is Polycystic ovary

> I do do alot of driving at night to get my son to sleep around 2.30am mostly

any ideas to get him to sleep with out mummy driving for a hour or two.

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