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Concerns about Global Fund Replenishment G8 meeting in Berlin

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Dear Forum Friends

Next week is Global Fund Replenishment G8 meeting in Berlin


g_september_26_28 ). We are quite shocked to receive the mail from our

colleagues in UK. I will appreciate if you can read through the mail provide

your responses to anton_kerr@... with copy to sdawa@...

for us to forward immediately to UK.

I wanted to update you on the current crisis the global HIV, TB and malaria

community has to deal with. We have had all sorts of global commitments to

universal access to comprehensive HIV services by 2010. The revised estimates

produced by UNAIDS in August 2005, indicate global resource requirements amount

to US$ 15 billion in 2006, US$ 18 billion in 2007 and US$ 22 billion in 2008 for

prevention, treatment and care, support for orphans and vulnerable children

(OVC), as well as programme and human resource costs. It appears that there is a

funding gap between resources available and those needed of at least US$ 18

billion from 2005 to 2007. However, this is likely to be a significant

underestimate. Without adequate funding the MDGs of universal access to

treatment cannot be fulfilled.

A key mark of this commitment is the G8 commitment to the Global Fund. Next

week is the Global Funds replenishment meeting in Berlin (the country that is

current president of the G8 hosts the Replenishment conference). We are having

really tough battles with our governments - particularly the UK and France - who

are usually very supportive of the GF. From the UK perspective - we have a new

Prime Minister and new DfID Minister. The new DfID minister has started a

process to turn the UK's current political and financial commitments to HIV and

direct them to health systems strengthening through budget and sector support

more generally to government. Although strengthening government delivery and

health systems is important, we know as HIV advocates the failures of

governments to deliver on HIV in so many ways - particularly for key


The ED of the GF will come to speak, and the new DfID minister is coming to

respond. CSO representing large networks will talk - as will Mellors the

Communities Focal Point person to the Global Fund. What the UK does at GF

Replenishment is crucial - because of the ripple effect it will have with other

G8 donors. Through the UK's Stop AIDS Campaign - we have asked the UK to pledge

£700 million over the next three years. We expect to hear that the new DfID

Minister announce a long term commitment to the Global Fund (another one of our

calls), but are very pessimistic that there will be much of an increase year on



Brown faces first test as PM in fight against AIDS

NGOs and MPs call on Brown to keep G8 promises at Global Fund conference in


The Global Fund was created by the G8 in 2002 as a performance-based,

transparent and multi-sectoral international funding mechanism to combat AIDS,

TB and malaria. So far almost two million lives have been saved by Global Fund

programmes, providing 1.1 million people with antiretroviral treatment for HIV,

2.8 million people with treatment for TB, and 30 million insecticide-treated bed

nets to protect against malaria.

The Global Fund is a partner in the International Health Partnership that was

launched by Gordon Brown on 5th September 2007, which aims to align aid for

national health plans, although does not itself provide additional funding. Just

two months after Gordon Brown warned the UN General Assembly about the

consequences of failing to keep international promises to tackle poverty and

disease, he faces his first test as Prime Minister on funding the fight against


Dr Leonard Okello of ActionAid, a member of the Stop AIDS Campaign, said that

with HIV, TB and malaria killing six million people each year, the Global Fund

needs wide support. He said: “The Global Fund works. It has been a lifeline for

millions of people affected by HIV and AIDS, transforming lives and communities

across Africa and beyond. For people across the continent there is simply no

question that leaders like Gordon Brown must deliver on their G8 promises.”

The Stop AIDS Campaign – a coalition over 80 UK-based NGOs - has been joined by

Conservative Shadow Minister for International Development, MP;

Liberal Democrat spokesperson for International Development, Lynne Featherstone

MP; and the three Chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary Groups on AIDS TB and

Malaria - Neil Gerrard MP, MP and O’Brien MP – in backing

the call for a £700m pledge.

Dr Mohga Kamal-Yanni of Oxfam, a member of the Stop AIDS Campaign, concluded:

“Gordon Brown can help to end the tragedy of these diseases by maintaining his

strong record of tackling poverty and disease and living up to the commitments

of the G8 to triple the size of the Global Fund.”

The Global Fund currently provides approximately 20% of the resources spent on

HIV/AIDS and two-thirds of those spent on TB and malaria. 40 million people

worldwide are living with HIV and AIDS – two-thirds in Sub-saharan Africa.

Despite the G8 promise to achieve Universal Access to HIV prevention, treatment,

care and support by 2010, 72% of people in urgent need of treatment have no

access to medicines.

UNAIDS estimates that there was a global funding gap of $8bn in 2007 to tackle


In June, G8 leaders committed to trebling the size of the Global Fund to Fight

AIDS, TB and Malaria so that it could distribute between $6bn and $8bn by 2010,

with the money to be delivered at the Fund’s replenishment conference in Berlin

(26-28 September).

Amidst concerns that this pledge will not be honoured, NGOs and leading MPs are

calling on the Prime Minister to pledge £700m to the Global Fund over three

years. This would ensure that the UK continues to contribute its fair share as

the Fund expands its programmes to meet the G8 promise. The UK currently

provides 8% of all resources.

For more information please contact Steve Cockburn on 020 7324 4785 or 07786



Stanzin Dawa,

Advocacy Officer, India HIV/AIDS Alliance

Kushal House, Third Floor,

39 Nehru Place, New Delhi 110 019


Switchboard: +91-11-4163 3081 Ext. 133

Fax: +91-11-4163 3085

Email: sdawa@...

Websites: www.aidsalliance.org; www.aidsmap.com

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