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Feldenkrais Therapy is a MIRACLE For Me!

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I have been disabled with CONSTANT pain for 14 years following a failed lumbar

fusion. I also need a knee replacement and in fact BOTH knees have been killing

me! I have tried every kind of physical therapy and am on quite a few

medications: morphine, Percocet, Neurontin, Robaxin, & Mobic. I recently changed

my care to a new specialty pain clinic and among other things they prescribed

Feldenkrais therapy at their affiliated P.T. clinic. After about 2 sessions I

started feeling better (because the therapist worked on my legs I could already

walk up stairs with a never before spring in my step!) and now after 6 or 7

sessions I am feeling better than I have in years!

Whereas I was unable to shop with my wife (too much slow walking and standing),

in the last 2 weeks I have been on 3 shopping trips ranging from 2 to 4 hours!

My good days used to allow me to get throughout the day without taking

breakthrough meds and my bad days put me to bed! I still have bad days (falling

barometer or too much activity) but now on my good days I am not complaining

about hurting all the time. I'm still taking breakthrough meds, but not anywhere

as much as before!

Feldenkrais was a structural engineer who, following an injury discovered that

the effects of that injury and the adaptations the body/brain made to avoid pain

caused changes throughout everyday movements that then caused even more pain in

new areas of the body. I can attest to that, I have been hurting from my neck

to my big toe! And my 1st injury was to my knee at 16 years of age, requiring 4

surgeries in 8 years. And not being able to lift with my legs, and the awkward

way I have had to walk certainly caused injury to my back.

My better mood without all the constant pain is amazing and I think my constant

awareness of feeling better and my sharing that news with others is having a

very positive effect. And in addition to reduced depression I think the good

mood is increasing the positive effect of the therapy. And now for the really

exciting news: I have asked my pain Dr. to titrate my morphine dosage down! Who

would have thought that with the usual increased dosage needed throughout the

years most of us have been through, that I am now able to reduce my dosage.

While most people have never heard about the Feldenkrais Method, there is a lot

of information out there; just 'Google' Feldenkrais Method. I sincerely hope

others of you find the same relief I have found.

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