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Re: Ok guys gross subject but need help - Maggots

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Donna Hurst wrote:

> Hello All,


> Quick questions - as title says I had such a startle when I came across

maggots in my bedroom earlier this week. I have hoovered them and cleaned every

inch of my room with help from Mum and Dad, who were disgusted to say the least.

They were no bigger or smaller than a centimetre, but were found on a red chair.

Hi Donna

The maggots likely came from a fly or two laying eggs in goodness knows

what, that's in the chair. If you can't safely spray the chair with

strong bug killer, wait a couple of days and then steam clean the living

hell out of it, than it's likely a good idea to toss the chair out. No

matter how much you like it, it obviously has picked up something that

delighted at least one fly - probably more.

Whatever was in the chair that attracted the fly in the first place, is

likely something soaked into the fabric and the cushioning. If you

can't poison it and steam clean it, you'll never kill whatever got the

little buggers in it in the first place.

Make sure the rest of the room is scrubbed nice and clean and that there

are no little surprises hiding anywhere.

I know finding maggots is gross, but it's not the end of the world.

Just clean everything very well, toss the chair if necessary, and make

sure the room stays clean. Not to worry too much about tidy, but clean

is important, even more so when you have asthma. (I have it too).

When I had been in the States for a few months, I found a cockroach in

our very clean bathroom. I just about had a fit. I stomped that thing

to death and flushed it. Then I re-cleaned everything. Some creatures

are just too gross for me - and obviously for you.

Chin up ducky, get the icky stuff gone - chair too if need be. It'll be

all right.


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Maggots must have protein to feed upon, dead flesh is their normal diet.  Flies

lay their eggs in dead animals or in wounds that are infected sometimes.  That's

why you can see them on some very sickly or injured live animals but always will

find them on rotting flesh or animals.  Then they turn into flies and go about

their business elsewhere.

I kinda doubt these were maggots.  Not sure what else they could be.  Were they

living and moving?  Do you have an animal that could have tapeworms, the

segments sometimes end up where they lay and do move till they dry out then they

look kinda like small grains of rice, or you may find these stuck to the hair

around the anal area of the animal with tapeworms.

I'd get a positive identification and try to find the source.




>To: Chronic Pain <chronic_pain >

>Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 2:30 PM

>Subject: Ok guys gross subject but need help - Maggots



>Hello All,


>Quick questions - as title says I had such a startle when I came across

maggots in my bedroom earlier this week. I have hoovered them and cleaned every

inch of my room with help from Mum and Dad, who were disgusted to say the least.

They were no bigger or smaller than a centimetre, but were found on a red



>After the first " OMG, how the hell? " and " what the hell? " is that I proceeded

to hoover them up and yes I threw the bag out.


>What can I do? My asthma for weeks has been bad I now know why. What can I do?

Please help. I have moved out of the room at present.



>Ms Donna-Marie Hurst South Wales Untied Kingdom

>**For the Americans reading this post - " hoovering " is the British word for

vaccuuming. Lyndi, Moderator





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Maggots are the small little white worms that devour decaying meat. I have seen

them on dead humans and animals. They can help determine the time of death

because different insects appear at different times as revealed in the study of


On a side note, as a young boy I came home from school hungry and found a big

ole' fried chicken leg sitting on the cabinet, left over from a meal a couple

days earlier. I didn't waste any time taking a big bite out of the chicken leg

before I tasted the most horrible taste and immediately spit it all out only to

observe maggots crawling all over the chicken leg where I had bitten.

I didn't seek medical assistance and obviously I didn't die and it wasn't a very

pleasant experience however it was a good learning experience for me!!

Hope this helps!


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(((((((Donna Marie)))))))) It is good to see you. I can understand how you

must feel. I would be a little freaked out too!

Maggots are the larva stage of a fly. Fly eggs are laid on decaying meat or

food. Maggots will not eat unless it is dead already.

could you have dropped food in the chair? Are you sure they are maggots? Not

that I would have any idea what else they could be.

I would wash down the chair with warm water and soap to make sure it is clear of

any food particles.

If you see more I would definately consider getting a professional in.

I hope they are gone and done. Gentle hugs, Tami :)


> Hello All,


> Quick questions - as title says I had such a startle when I came across

maggots in my bedroom earlier this week. I have hoovered them and cleaned every

inch of my room with help from Mum and Dad, who were disgusted to say the least.

They were no bigger or smaller than a centimetre, but were found on a red



> After the first " OMG, how the hell? " and " what the hell? " is that I proceeded

to hoover them up and yes I threw the bag out.


> What can I do? My asthma for weeks has been bad I now know why. What can I do?

Please help. I have moved out of the room at present.


> Regards

> Ms Donna-Marie Hurst South Wales Untied Kingdom

> **For the Americans reading this post - " hoovering " is the British word for

vaccuuming. Lyndi, Moderator


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Just a note but I had a mass of fruit flies from bananas that kept multiplying

and there too are really very small and they got on my garbage bag and it was

gooey-it was awful. I no longer buy fresh fruit unless covered. Could it be

them instead of flies/ fruit flies?

Just a thought, cathie in Ct

> wrote:

> Maggots are the small little white worms that devour decaying meat.

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> Jennette wrote:

> I kinda doubt these were maggots. Not sure what else they could be.

>> Ms Donna-Marie wrote:

>> Quick questions - as title says I had such a startle when I came across

maggots in my bedroom earlier this week.


In the U.S. we have a county extension office that you can take them to and

identify them. Our local Hope Depot's and Lowes are trained by the the

insecticide companies.

There are also insects called Mill bugs which breed and look like this and also

fly after their cycles.

Donna, put them in a zip lock bag in any stages you can find them. They get in

flour, oatmeal, etc and fall off ceiling. Let us know Bennie

Info from a website:


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