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FORUM subscriber survey: Questionnaire (11/06)

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AIDS INDIA e FORUM subscriber survey: Questionnaire (11/06)

Few days ago you must have received an announcement about this survey

on the e FOURUM. This is an evaluation of the

effectiveness of a peer to peer, HIV/AIDS related electronic

discussion group. We are interested in finding out how to make this

FOURM more useful to you and your work. We would appreciate, greatly

if you could help us by taking a few minutes to answer this short

survey. Your valuable feedback will assist us to meet your needs

better and to improve this service in support of AIDS prevention and

care initiatives in India.

This is a voluntary survey, and confidentiality of your identity will

be respected. A copy of the results of this study will be made

available to you. There are twenty questions in this questionnaire.

Please answer all questions and reply by e-mail before November 30th,

2006 to <joe_thomas123@...>

Thank you


Moderator, e FORUM




First hit " Reply " to this email message. Then simply type an 'X'

where appropriate. When you have answered all the questions,

press " send " to send the email message.

Q. 1 what is your profession? (Type an X between the brackets

preceding your choice. Select only one choice)

[ ] Student

[ ] Government/ Civil Service

[ ] Researcher/ Academic

[ ] Social Worker/ Counsellor

[ ] Staff of AIDS Service agency

[ ] PLWHA/ PLWHA activist

[ ] Other (please explain) [ ]

Q. 2 Affiliation/Institution: (Type an X between the brackets

preceding your choice. Select only one choice)

[ ] AIDS service agency (International)

[ ] AIDS service agency (National)

[ ] University/ research institution

[ ] PLWHA organization

[ ] Bilateral agency (Eg. AusAID, Dfid, USAID)

[ ] Multi lateral agency (UN/ World Bank)

[ ] Hospital/ clinic (Health care worker)

[ ] Government employee

[ ] Human rights/ Development agency

[ ] Funding/ Donor agency

[ ] Other (Please specify) [ ]

Q. 3 (Type your answer between the brackets. Don't worry about extra

spaces at the end of your response).

1) Country [ ]

2) State [ ]

2) District (City) [ ]


Q. 4 Gender (Type an X between the brackets of your choice. Select

only one choice)

[ ] Female

[ ] Male

[ ] Transgender

Q. 5 what age bracket do you belong to? (Type an X between the

brackets of your choice. Select only one choice.)

[ ] Less than 20

[ ] 20- 29

[ ] 30- 39

[ ] 40- 49

[ ] 50- 59

[ ] 60 +

Q. 6 How would you rate the overall value of AIDS INDIA e FORUM as a

regular source of AIDS related information? (Type an X between the

brackets of your choice. Select only one choice.)

[ ] Excellent

[ ] Good

[ ] Adequate

[ ] Poor

Q. 7 How many of the AIDS INDIA e forum messages do you read

weekly?. (Type an X between the brackets of your choice. Select

only one choice).

[ ] All or almost all (75-100%)

[ ] Many (50-75%)

[ ] Some (25-50%)

[ ] A few (10-25%)

[ ] Very little (less than 10%)

Q. 8 How frequently do you participate in discussion on AIDS INDIA e

FORUM? (Type an X between the brackets of your choice. Select only

one choice.)

[ ] Weekly

[ ] Fortnightly

[ ] Once a month

[ ] Once in three months

[ ] Once in six months

[ ] Never

Q. 9 What are your reasons for not participating in discussions on

the FORUM? (Type an X between the brackets of your choice you wish

to select. Choose All that is Applicable).

[ ] Too much information

[ ] Prohibitive cost and expenses of the internet

[ ] My agency prohibits posting messages on the e FORUMS

[ ] Do not have regular access to internet connection

[ ] No time/too busy

[ ] Am happy just to read the discussions

[ ] Not confident in English

[ ] Don't know how to submit messages

[ ] Reluctant to give opinions in public

[ ] Other, specify [ ]

Q. 10 what type of messages do you find most useful? (Type an X

between the brackets of your choice you wish to select. Choose all

that is Applicable).

[ ] Discussion of specific topics by other subscribers

[ ] Announcements of conferences, scholarships, web sites, job

vacancies, etc.

[ ] Journal articles, book references

[ ] Conference coverage

[ ] Project reports, lessons learned, best practices

[ ] Links to resources on the Internet

[ ] Cross postings from other lists

[ ] Requests for information (RFI)

[ ] Other, please specify [ ]

Q. 11 In which ways do you use the information from the AIDS INDIA e

FORUM in your work? (Type an X between the brackets preceding each

choice you wish to select. Choose All That Apply).

[ ] To increase current knowledge and awareness about HIV/AIDS

[ ] Program development/ Policy development

[ ] Clinical management

[ ] Teaching, research

[ ] Share information with my colleagues

[ ] Networking

[ ] Print messages and keep these in the resource centre

[ ] Other, specify [ ]

Q. 12 Can you give an example of how the AIDS INDIA e FORUM has been

helpful to you in your work?

(Type your answer between the brackets, using as much space as

necessary. Do not worry about extra spaces at the end of your


[ ]

Q. 13 In the last one month have you done any of the following after

having seen/read on the e FORUM. (Type an X between the

brackets of your choice you wish to select. Choose all that is


[ ] Not Applicable

[ ] Visited a website of a project

[ ] Down loaded a publication or online resource

[ ] Requested for more information

[ ] Registered for an event (training, workshop, meeting)

[ ] Contacted other people/organization whom I have never contacted


[ ] Responded to an advocacy call for action

[ ] Other (Please specify)

Q. 14 How many other HIV/AIDS related discussion groups do you

subscribe to? (Type an X between the brackets of your choice. Select

only one choice).

[ ] Member of only this FORUM

[ ] 1-5 Forums

[ ] 6-10 Forums

[ ] More than 11 FORUMS

Q. 15. What is the most important benefit you had by being on this


(Type an X between the brackets of your choice you wish to select.

Choose all that is Applicable)

[ ] Got my current job

[ ] Attended a conference

[ ] Received a scholarship

[ ] Beneficial information about grants/funds

[ ] More aware of the HIV/AIDS policies

[ ] Extended my friendship/contact net work

[ ] Other benefits (please list)

Q. 16 where do you usually access your e-mails from? (Type an X

between the brackets preceding your choice. Select only one choice.)

[ ] From my office/ Work Place

[ ] From my home

[ ] Internet Café

[ ] From my home and office

Q. 17. How frequently do you check your e-mails? (Type an X between

the brackets of your choice. Select only one choice).

[ ] Daily

[ ] 2-3 times in a week

[ ] Once in a week

[ ] Few times in a month

Q. 18. How would you assess the quantity/Number of the messages

posted on the FORUM? (Type an X between the brackets preceding your

choice. Select only one choice.)

[ ] Too many messages are posted daily

[ ] 4 - 5 messages posted daily is fine with me

[ ] Post more the 5 messages in a day

[ ] Reduce the postings to 2-3 messages

Q. 19. What type of network access do you have? (Type an X between

the brackets of your choice. Select only one choice).

[ ] Direct dial up net work (Slow connection)

[ ] Direct broad band connection (ADSL, Cable, ISDN) (Faster


[ ] Part of a LAN. (My computer is linked to an office computer


[ ] Don't know

Q. 20 please share your suggestions to improve the contents of AIDS-

INDIA e FORUM. (Type your answer between the brackets, using as much

space as necessary. Don't worry about extra spaces at the end of

your response.)

[ ]

Q. 21 Any other comments about the Forum?

[ ]

Thank you for your feedback.

Please e-mail the filled questionnaire to <joe_thomas123@...>

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