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Thanks for sharing. It is all a matter of perspective and you put in

beautifully into words. I am still trying to learn and accept that joy but

am finding myself closer each day. It is hard to give up those dreams that

you had as you carried that baby for 9 months, never expecting to have a baby

that would be unhealthy or have special needs. But in every corner these

days, I find myself being thankful for my daughter and what I am learning

thru this experience. God is so wonderful and merciful. Thank goodness that

he is so patient too. Thanks for letting me jump on your band wagon.

B. mom to Mackenzie( 16 months ) and 10yrs.

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> Thanks for sharing. It is all a matter of perspective and you put in

> beautifully into words. I am still trying to learn and accept that joy


> am finding myself closer each day.

The dreams are hard to give up, and when your child is so small there are

still so many questions unanswered and so many things to be still determined

that it isn't time to revel in it just yet. I remember being involved in

the politics of disability when it was " Part H " for services and things for

children birth to 3. There is so much emphasis on services and therapies

that we tend to forget that normal litle ones pretty much scoot around home

at that age. Not too many of our typical kids are getting music lessons or

dance lessons, etc. at 2 or 3 and even 4 or 5. Preschool is the first real

opportunity for average kids to get out and about.

Instead we are assessing, and taking our little ones to therapy and pointing

out all those things that need assistance and sometimes it's hard even just

to enjoy much less accept and then later rejoice in them.

I felt an urgency when my daughter's age was counted in months (when does

that change exactly?) to discover what was there and not there and time was

truly my enemy. Then the need to " help her be all she could be " came next

and I sought answers and therapies and ideas to work with her. It's only in

the last year or two that I have really come to enjoy being with her, and I

still have far to go to just accepting her just as she is.

Actually, I have a son nearly 30 (very typical except he's a Libertarian and

running for state senate this year) who I have just come to accept for who

he is in the last two or three years. And I have two other sons 28 and 23

who are =still= needing some effort! I guess it takes me longer than most

moms!!! <smile>


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

I went to Dr. Randalls yesterday and have lost a total of 8#s since

first visit with him. I was estatic because I was having such a hard

time w ith losing. When I said *WOW*, he looked up and said Its only

8 #s " I laughed and told him that it was a hard fought 8#S! " Let me

say that he did NOT say this in any negative manner at all!! I do

like him so much and my dh met him too and liked him. I was glad to

know that I will not (hopefully) have an NG tube when I wake up and

should not have a drain in my tummy either. An eerie calm has come

over me. I feel really good and am staying away from anyone who is

slightly sick!!!!! have waited too long to get cancelled for a


, I call myself fat, not as a judgement, but as a statement of

fact. It is what I am, not who I am. I got over words along time

ago. Especially when I was waiting for *insurance approval*, call me

anything, but approve me!! LOL (as it was I was in the " extreme

morbid obesity " scale. OH well, my last weekend in this life, glad

to be soon getting on with my new life.

Love to all

Sandy Anzalone

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  • 2 months later...


Dr. Thayer kept my initial weight which he took about 2 months before

surgery. I think I gained 6 or 7 pounds after that. I'll have to make sure he

adjusts it at my next visit!

- Alice A.

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I never thought I'd feel calm, but on the day of surgery, I was much better

than expected. Your only job is to go to sleep... not too much to worry

about. The rest is out of your hands ;-)

- Alice A.

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I'm sorry if I put fear into you or anyone else, that wasn't my

intention. But to be blunt, no I did not have a good experience there and it

will be a long time before I go there again. Don't get me wrong, Dr. Randall

and the operating staff were absolutely wonderful and did a great job. Not

only did I come back (more discomfort than anything) with hardly any pain but

they also helped quite a bit easing my fears. My problem was with the nursing

staff. There were a couple of them who were very good but I found most of

them to be incompetent. They never listened to anything I said, granted that

I'm not a big expert or anything like that but when you try to tell them that

you know something is not going to work and they ignore you and you're proven

right, over and over again it kinds ticks you off. I think the staff was just

understaffed and worked too hard. But my major complaint is that they never

kept me informed. The words I dreaded hearing was " I'll be right back "

because they would disappear with no explanation. Again, I don't mean to

scare you but it was very frustrating.


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Bananna SF CIB? Never tried those, but sound revolting to me! No problem,

as always, that's what the cool people do for one another! :)


Re: Thoughts

Thank you Dawn for your list of foods. It's funny, I love the Carnation

Breakfasts except for the banana one. Was not good at all. The ones they


me in the hospital made me gag. I'm getting down with no problem so I might

be doing better than I think. Thanks again

Don (the really cool one)

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