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Re: Info about Gallstones

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I've read that apple products, esp. apple cider vinegar will

eventually dissolve them - it's the malic acid in them that does it.

You can google it.

My neighbor got them with every pregnancy. She doesn't eat

vegetables and was told that's why - it's a symptom of not eating

enough fresh produce, tho I don't know which vitamins exactly are

responsible. Since the Swiss evidently only ate fresh vegetables for

a few months a year and the rest of the time drank milk and ate

cheese, I'd guess grass-fed dairy products may be a good substitute,

tho the fat in them may irritate an angry gallbladder.

There are gallbladder flushes - some are rather nasty and require you

to drink a full cup of olive oil but I've heard people say they pass

a lot of stones doing that. Some are even mad enough to catch what

comes out, rinse and sift it to see what stones they've passed (and

count them)! I guess if you're going to drink a cup of oil, you need

something to make it feel like it was a good idea.


> Hi

> I am new to this list.

> Does any on the list have gallstones with pain and symptoms, and


> supplements do you use to control the symptoms if any, and also

does anyone

> follow the recommended diet by Weston Price, to include raw butter,


> cream etc. What foods do you use to help with the gallstones, and

have they

> been dissolved or gone by natural methods.


> Thanks and Blessings for the New Year.


> Klairen



> --

> A New Era of Humanity Begins... 10MillionClicksForPeace.org




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> Hi

> I am new to this list.

> Does any on the list have gallstones with pain and symptoms, and what

> also does anyone

> follow the recommended diet by Weston Price,

> to include raw butter, raw

> cream etc.


> Klairen

I've never had them but I use raw butter and mostly sat fats.

I like this little blurb on gallstones. Especially it quotes

Kwasniewski who is WAP friendly and PUFA unfriendly.



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Have you had a sonogram to be sure that you have gallstones? Or are you

assuming you have stones because you have pain? I ask because I have pain,

but no stones, as determined by a sonogram.

I use Chinese medicine, specifically the herbal remedy Lidan, available as a

tea pill. The box says to take 4-6 tablets three times a day. I only take it

when I eat things that cause problems for me, which is most saturated fats,

like butter, eggs, cream. Coconut oil does not cause pain. But, apples do.

You need to figure out what causes pain for you.

Since I'm certain I don't have stones, I'm not too worried about my pain,

and I'll keep my organs, thank you very much! Not something my doctor




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of klaireh@...

Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 2:03 PM

Subject: Info about Gallstones


I am new to this list.

Does any on the list have gallstones with pain and symptoms, and what

supplements do you use to control the symptoms if any, and also does anyone

follow the recommended diet by Weston Price, to include raw butter, raw

cream etc. What foods do you use to help with the gallstones, and have they

been dissolved or gone by natural methods.

Thanks and Blessings for the New Year.



A New Era of Humanity Begins... 10MillionClicksForPeace.org

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--- Kathy Dickson <kathy.dickson@...> wrote:

> Have you had a sonogram to be sure that you have gallstones? Or are

> you assuming you have stones because you have pain? I ask because I

> have pain, but no stones, as determined by a sonogram.

Kathy, that's a good point. If the pain occurs with an empty stomach,

it's more likely to be a stomach or duodenal ulcer. If the pain is

after eating a big meal, it could be gall stones.

Another possibility is pancreatitis:


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here's a natural approach



> Hi

> I am new to this list.

> Does any on the list have gallstones with pain and symptoms, and what

> supplements do you use to control the symptoms if any, and also does anyone

> follow the recommended diet by Weston Price, to include raw butter, raw

> cream etc. What foods do you use to help with the gallstones, and have they

> been dissolved or gone by natural methods.


> Thanks and Blessings for the New Year.


> Klairen



> --

> A New Era of Humanity Begins... 10MillionClicksForPeace.org




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From husband's experience - Gallbladder pain may also be a result of

a dysfunctional gallbladder, not necessarily gallstones. An

ultrasound can determine if there are gallstones. If it shows nothing

(and one still has pain), an MD may recommend a follow up with a

procedure called nuclear scintigraphy - one gets injected with a

radioactive dye and then lies still underneath a camera for 1.5 hours

while the camera takes pictures of the glow-in-the-dark gallbladder

during that time. The dye binds to the enzyme known as CCK

(cholecystokinin). If the CCK doesn't discharge quickly enough, you

are diagnosed with a dysfunctional gallbladder (and a low fat diet is

recommended but lipase enzymes can help prevent symptoms if such a

diet change is not desired). Often, however, the problem more

correctly lies in the Sphincter of Oddi. A disruption in CCK activity

has been shown to correlate with gluten intolerance - at the

Hyperlipid blog posted links to articles about this about a year ago.


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Usually pancreatitis hurts on the left side, gall stones are on the right,

just under the bottom rib.

I also wanted to caution the sufferer about doing the olive oil/lemon juice

cleanse because if you do have gall stones, they can trapped in the duct and

that is EXTREMELY painful! My acupuncturist has a sonogram every year to

make sure that she doesn't have gall stones so that she can treat her gall

bladder aggressively.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 4:23 PM

Subject: Re: Info about Gallstones

--- Kathy Dickson <kathy.dickson@...> wrote:

> Have you had a sonogram to be sure that you have gallstones? Or are

> you assuming you have stones because you have pain? I ask because I

> have pain, but no stones, as determined by a sonogram.

Kathy, that's a good point. If the pain occurs with an empty stomach,

it's more likely to be a stomach or duodenal ulcer. If the pain is

after eating a big meal, it could be gall stones.

Another possibility is pancreatitis:


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I would recommend getting a really interesting book, Timeless Secrets of

Health and Rejuvenation

<http://presentmoment.com/product_info.php?cPath=16 & products_id=4997 & osCsid=f04d\


by s Moritz that provides a gall bladder cleanse. I recently did

it and removed about a 100 green pea sized gall stones from my body with

no real effort.

The book is ayurvedic based and advocates more vegetarian based diet

which i do not agree with, but incredible info.

http://presentmoment.com/index.php?cPath=16 & osCsid=f04d9add4cdf9317b319cad93961e\


Same book on google books:

http://www.google.com/books?id=hv9OPiYJiD4C & dq=Timeless+Secrets+of+Health+and+

Basics of cleanse:

* best to do colon and kidney cleanse before and after (details in

book too)

* Drink something with malic acid for a week (Kombucha, apple

cider/vinegar, strawberries, ...)

* Second to last day

o veggie only, juicing preferable til 1:30pm then stop eating

o @ 6pm and 8pm -- drink 1 Tablespoon of epsom salt disolved

in water (tastes nasty)

o @ 10pm -- drink 4oz of good olive oil mixed with 6 oz juice

from fresh squeezed grapefuit (1 large grapefruit)

* last day

o @ 6am and 8am -- drink 1 Tablespoon of epsom salt disolved

in water (tastes nasty)

o stay near the bathroom from 9-noon when your body detoxes

your liver. should see dozens of bright green (or possibly

calcified) gall stones.

+ mine were pea sized or smaller, but can get much bigger

+ this was completely painless, but suppose larger ones

could be tougher.

o start eating again around noon, but ease into it with

quality food.

* Perform the cleanse every 2 months or so til the green stones are


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