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Re: Nerve pain flair ups

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I have been taking 300 mg of gabapetin that is a sister to lyrica due to the

unbearable pain I have, it only helps it 3/4 the time because I am afraid to

take too much.

And I put my legs up higher than my head and I use ice packs for my legs,

ankles and feet.

(I normally end up on the cough with my legs up on the arm rests, my Mom put

my legs up on top of her front bed board and told me " that is putting your

feet up above your head " )

I am suppose to be soaking my feet 10 min with hot water, 10 min with cold

water and alternate for 30 minutes for my feet and ankles because I have

some type of inflamation in my ankles and feet. I am going to a foot doctor

for this. I also take 99mg X 2 of potassium at night which helps and then if

that doesn't work I drink 1/2 cup of pickly juice for the cramps to go away.

It works for a while.

Hope this helps



N. Wisconsin

> I was wondering for everyone that has nerve pain/ weakness in their legs

> and/or feet, what do you do when you have a flair and being on your legs

> is the last thing you want to do?


> Cherese

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>Cherese wrote:

> I noticed that when I am more active I have more nerve pain spikes and muscle

cramps. I spent the weekend riding and shopping with my family (even being in

the car for over 30 mins gets painful). So today I am spending the day in bed

hoping it will all calm down. I have housework that needs to get done and my

physical therapy routine. I don't want to take my stronger meds because then I

would be too light headed for any movement so just the muscle relaxant, my

stimulator and a milder med.

> I was wondering for everyone that has nerve pain/ weakness in their legs

and/or feet, what do you do when you have a flair and being on your legs is the

last thing you want to do?


When I do that, overactive and irritate nerves, I have an anti-inflammatory I

take as this calms the nerves and also my Neurotin. You might want to speak to

your Doctor about adding those and I do not do well without them. I also have

exercises my physical therapist gave me to assist lessen the pain.

I also lie down and get up for short periods through out the day. Hope that

helps you out but yes I deal with this daily and went out with my husband last

week for six hours and I am still paying for it.

Hope you are better.


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Hello Cherese,

Have you spoken to your doctor about this pain?

Ask him if a T.E.N.S. UNIT can help you to transfer that nerve pain to somewhere

else. I use a TENS unit just about every day. I have serious nerve damage to my

legs and arms. Along with Sciatica, and myelopathy and nerve damage to the

thoracic spine. I use the unit on my neck when it gets very painful to use my

arms. I have ulna neuropathies to both arms, sciatica to both legs, and

neuropathies(radiculopathies) to both legs. The thoracic pain is a " real pain in

the arse " That pain can go on all day, it feels like my ribs are turning inside

the skin.

When I use the nerve stimulator my pain is gone for approximately 3 hours. I

know that doesn't sound like much relief but believe me, any relief is great

relief when it comes to nerve pain.

You will need a prescription to get one, and try going on line to get it, it's

much cheaper that way. I just googled TENS unit and several sites pop up. Choose

whichever one your doctor may suggest.

And have a pain free day, /NY

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Hi ,

Are you talking about an external TENS unit or an internal stimulator?

I have a spinal cord stimulator implanted that reduces my constant nerve pain

quite a bit. When I have spikes and flair ups it breaks through the stimulator

and turning the stimulator up high enough to cover it makes my legs and feet

numb so I can't walk. I know my legs are still there and working but I can't

feel anything.

I had a lumbar fusion and laminectomy with hardware (L2-S1) due to lumbar

scoliosis and grade three spondylolisthesis. I am now fused at a grade one. I

have been on quite a few medications but they don't interact well with my family

life or me ( I am not a medication person, I don't even like drinking). Oxy made

me want to vomit, Nucynta makes me light headed, Lyrica - my husband and kids

calls that my zombie med. Granted sometimes I am crying for my meds and I just

want to sleep the pain away. I am sure we all have those days.


> wrote:

> When I use the nerve stimulator my pain is gone for approximately 3 hours.

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I haven't been on Neurontin since before my surgery, then it wasn't working as

well for me as Lyrica. But now that I have the stimulator Neurontin may be most

helpful as I have grown to hate Lyrica's side effects. I made my doctor take me

off of Lyrica as I " woke up " one night in the midst of picking my daughter up

from marching band practice. I don't remember driving there, pulling up at the

school or her getting in the car. She said something and I " woke up " sitting at

a red light. Needless to say I haven't taken it since! My doctor keeps telling

me it's the only thing that would help the nerve pain but I think I am a bit

scared since that incident. I would rather be in pain than be the cause of my

kids or someone else's kids getting injured or worst.

I will have to discuss starting Neurontin again.


--- Bennie wrote:

> Cherese,


> When I do that, overactive and irritate nerves, I have an anti-inflammatory I

take as this calms the nerves and also my Neurontin. You might want to speak to

your Doctor about adding those and I do not do well without them. I also have

exercises my physical therapist gave me to assist lessen the pain.


> I also lie down and get up for short periods through out the day. Hope that

helps you out but yes I deal with this daily and went out with my husband last

week for six hours and I am still paying for it.

> Hope you are better.

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I have also found out that I have more pain when I am more active with exercise,

and family things than I do when just having a normal day of taking it easy as I

do my house work and such. I know I will pay for it the next day or two or

three depending on what I do and don't have the time to take rest periods and

when I do when I am active I hurt more so, at times I feel like i am damned if I

do and damned if I don't.

I am on neurontin but thinking of asking the doctor is there something i can

take with it like an anti inflammatory to help with it. Lately I have been

having a lot of leg pain again in the middle of the night which makes for

sleeping very rough as we all know we don't sleep well as it is. My feet hurt

also but my husband is so good he massages them every night with lotion for me,

tonight though he said he wanted to try massaging my legs to see if it helps its

just the shin and calf area that hurt. I just wish I could have him massage my

neck and shoulders and lower back with out me jumping out my skin.


---- Bennie wrote:

> When I do that, overactive and irritate nerves, I have an anti-inflammatory I

take as this calms the nerves and also my Neurotin. You might want to speak to

your Doctor about adding those and I do not do well without them. I also have

exercises my physical therapist gave me to assist lessen the pain.


> I also lie down and get up for short periods through out the day. Hope that

helps you out but yes I deal with this daily and went out with my husband last

week for six hours and I am still paying for it.

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I never thought about using ice to help calm the pain. I will have to try that.

One doctor did suggest drinking seltzer water daily to help with the cramps. I

have to have hubby pick some up for me, I mix in Crystal Light to help the



--- wrote:


> I have been taking 300 mg of gabapentin that is a sister to lyrica due to the

> unbearable pain I have, it only helps it 3/4 the time because I am afraid to

> take too much.

> And I put my legs up higher than my head and I use ice packs for my legs,

> ankles and feet.

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Being one who suffers from fms and nerve damage I can't help myself from doing

things then later suffering from it . relief? I wish.

I take soma for muscles and used to take Demerol for pain but they now switched

me to codeine nerve pills and headache pills do they do the job of taking or

giving me a sense of relief? no not really. Flare ups yeah I get them.

I heard about the TENS unit and how it works, that sounds pretty cool but I

wouldn't be able to get that from VA so have to deal with it the best I can. Oh

forgot there is one thing that can help a little bit I met this person who does

different types of massage including reflexology man you cant believe how much

better you feel but can't afford the 40 bucks each time I would have to go in at

least twice a week in order for it to really benefit me.


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---Cherese wrote:


> Hi ,


> Are you talking about an external TENS unit or an internal stimulator?

Good morning Cherese,

I use an external nerve stimulator, it helps out ,I think much better than an

implanted stimulator because you can move it to the area that is hurting.

I use it on my neck and sometimes on my thoracic spine, but mostly on my lumbar

spine. I have spondylolithesis to my lower lumbar spine and several central

herniations too. and several central herniations to my thoracic spine. My neck

is another adventure when it comes to pain. I've got a central herniation to

C3,C4,C5,AND C6,C7. I have a left sided herniation to C7-T1.


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My doc recommends diet Tonic Water.

I get the kind with Splenda since it tastes better to me than the other


And, I use ice packs, too. They work especially well on my hands.



Raleigh, NC USA

> " ms_nikki48 " wrote:


> ,


> I never thought about using ice to help calm the pain. I will have to try

that. One doctor did suggest drinking seltzer water daily to help with the

cramps. I have to have hubby pick some up for me, I mix in Crystal Light to help

the taste.

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> wrote:


> I heard about the TENS unit and how it works, that sounds pretty cool but I

wouldn't be able to get that from VA so have to deal with it the best I can. Oh

forgot there is one thing that can help a little bit I met this person who does

different types of massage including reflexology man you cant believe how much

better you feel but can't afford the 40 bucks each time I would have to go in at

least twice a week in order for it to really benefit me.


You should be able to get a TENS unit through the medical logistics department

if you go to a VA hospital and a Physical Therapist can put in for one or your

Doctor can order it.

When I worked at the military hospitals we would distribute TENS to VA patients.

Wouldn't hurt to ask how to get it rather than can I get it.

If not, check with Medical Products Online, they have some really great sales on

TENS units and the forms you need to get signed to order the products.

You can check out he units they have and see if it is something you would want

but I would check with you VA benefits officer to see if you can get one

ordered through the VA.

Bennie, a fellow vet

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The tonic water has quinine in it and it helps the cramps and used to be given

by pharmacists but they don't order it so much anymore but I remember given it

for restless leg syndrome as a child. I probably had a vitamin deficiency. lol


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>Cherese wrote:

> Bennie,


> I haven't been on Neurontin since before my surgery, then it wasn't working as

well for me as Lyrica. But now that I have the stimulator Neurontin may be most

helpful as I have grown to hate Lyrica's side effects. I made my doctor take me

off of Lyrica as I " woke up " one night in the midst of picking my daughter up

from marching band practice. I don't remember driving there, pulling up at the

school or her getting in the car. She said something and I " woke up " sitting at

a red light. Needless to say I haven't taken it since! My doctor keeps telling

me it's the only thing that would help the nerve pain but I think I am a bit

scared since that incident. I would rather be in pain than be the cause of my

kids or someone else's kids getting injured or worst.


I also got bad side effects on Lyrica and just titered my self off again. Lyrica

seems to be okay the first week, in which I gain tens pounds, and have some eye

blurring but by four weeks the side effects tend to accumulate and present with

a combined side effects that I cannot tolerate. I went back on Cymbalta and it

is week two so hope that helps.

The change in weather threw me for a loop and I had aching all over as in a

fibro flare. I think that 300 mg once a day is not enough but taken at least

three times a day and my doctor had me on a increasing scale. I have heard of

people taking up to 1200 mg a day so I don't know what an effective and

acceptable dose is to help but you might check.

I was given a anti inflammatory diet and I have avoided many of the foods and

stuck with it and it helps. You can check out some of the foods by typing in a

search, anti inflammatory foods .com

My doctor also gave me an inflammatory medication Etodolac and it seems to help

also. I have heard of stories like you state and when I took Ambian that my

Doctor gave me to sleep, I did somewhat what you did. I did not drive (which I

was afraid I would so I stopped it) but I got up and with my dogs and at my Dads

who is 92, I was out in the country walking around and my Dad came and got me


When I woke up at 5a.m. my Dad was lying by me and I asked why and he was really

scared and told me what I had done. I took the bottle of the medicine and threw

it down the commode in front of him, called my pharmacist and Doctor and told

them to be a notice on my chart and this was because my Dad tends to think I am

a druggie as I will tell him I am going to lie down and take a muscle relaxant

and it might make me sleepy but don't be worried. Since I tell him that, I am a

druggie. It is such a catch 22.

He has always been healthy until six months ago, he got down in his back as he

saws and cannot walk much. I don't wish this condition on anyone but he thinks I

should not have what I have until I am his age but I did not ask for this and I

would give anything not to hurt. He is not a compassionate man and self centered

and I tend to stay away from toxic relationships now so I can survive.

I hope you get some relief Cherese and did the stimulator help you? I hope so.

It is so frustrating not having a combination to get the pain livable. Let us

know how you are doing.


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, I got mine from the VA and they were all in different states. I

just received a new one from my physical therapist here at Mather VA. All

you have to do is get a consult to the PT and ask for one, they are very

receptive. Bennie is right on the dot.

-----Original message-----

>Bennie wrote:


You should be able to get a TENS unit through the medical logistics

department if you go to a VA hospital and a Physical Therapist can put in

for one or your Doctor can order it.

>You can check out he units they have and see if it is something you would

want but I would check with you VA benefits officer to see if you can get one

ordered through the VA.

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I currently have the implanted spinal cord stimulator which works from my low

back to my toes. I have been having pain in my upper back since my fusion but

this seems to be mostly muscle pain. I guess this is because this area has to

overcompensate for my fused lumbar spine. I thought about using my husbands TENS

machine on those areas but I don't know if both devices can be used at the same


You have a lot going on. Is surgery an option for you or is non surgical a

better route?

Take care of yourself!

> wrote:

> I use it on my neck and sometimes on my thoracic spine, but mostly on my

lumbar spine. I have spondylolithesis to my lower lumbar spine and several

central herniations too. and several central herniations to my thoracic spine.

My neck is another adventure when it comes to pain. I've got a central

herniation to C3,C4,C5,AND C6,C7. I have a left sided herniation to C7-T1.

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To tell you the truth she may have said Tonic water, I was on Lyrica and

Oxycotin at the time so my brain wasn't working. LOL!

I picked up a couple of bottles and now I remember why I stopped drinking it.

It's NASTY! I added crystal light to try and help the taste but I feel like a

kid taking my medicine. What do you guys do for the taste?


> Bennie wrote:

> The tonic water has quinine in it and it helps the cramps and used to be given

by pharmacists but they don't order it so much anymore but I remember given it

for restless leg syndrome as a child. I probably had a vitamin deficiency. lol

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I haven't been able to 'walk' for months, I HATE IT!!! I can get to the

bathroom, most days, it's next to my Bedroom. I have the 3 sided walker, and

another you use, with either arm. It has a 'ladder' type look. They made me get

a regular 'potty chair' when I shattered my knee, a few yrs ago. Or I use a low


I'm starting to get very depressed, about it, & my 'Family' isn't being

understanding. I've been 'YELLED' at: 'WHY DON'T YOU JUST WALK'! and 'DON'T YOU


That's how I tripped in the first place, when my Back gets tired, my legs do not

work as they should. I was coming in from the garage, and guess, since I 'did

too much' that day, my legs or my eyes misjudged the step. I was in a cast up to

my hip, for 5 weeks. My knee didn't heal right, cause I had 'Housework' to do.

Who do 'people' look at first, if their is animal hair on the floor, or

something isn't 'clean enough'? Yep The Mom. Even though I have trained, my

dirty floors, or dusty tables to wait for me and with 4 other 'Adult's' living


I'm still the one everyone POINTS TO. We have a 'couple' that come over often,

or we are at their house. They know I have 'Back Pain, but 'THINK' that I just

sleep wrong and will be O.K. in a few days. They even 'TALKED' to my Husband,

about how he should get on me to keep the house cleaner. I WANTED TO SCREAM!!

PULL OUT MY STACK OF 'CAT SCANS, MRI'S & X-RAYS. To show then my messed-up Back,

even then they wouldn't UNDERSTAND!

Cause my knee didn't heal right, it goes out on me, I fall, have plates in both

wrists, have broke ribs, have a 'Rod' in my upper L-arm, another plate next to

knee, both shoulders are messed up. I've had the 'rod' shorten once, the

'Hardware taken out of my knee, it was causing an infection. A few times I was

told, not to put any weight on that leg, bed ONLY. Not to get in a wheelchair,

if I put any weight at all on it, it would mess up all they did. The Dr. was

afraid I'd start to fall and use the leg to 'catch' myself.

My husband and Daughter 'hold the couch down' all day, so I can't vacuum in

there. My daughter will vacuum the 'walk way', but doesn't see the dust under

the tables, or the hair on the sides and back of the couches. I can't really get

into the 'Dinning Room' with my wheelchair, that floor is a mess.

My house is so dirty I CAN'T STAND IT! But if I start cleaning, even the hand

prints on the cabinets, they say, 'Do you have to do that Now'? I'm just washing

down the cabinets, I think they feel guilty. I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE, OR EVEN

COOK IN THAT KITCHEN. It's gotten where I need to hire someone to help me. They

are the first ones to tell everyone, how I'm not keeping the house up. I can't

do it alone, anymore. The Front door needs to be sanded and painted, some roof

repairs, have to be done, on and on. As they sit in front of the T.V. and 'YELL'

at me.

Sorry I just had to Vent. I'm going to try for a few hours of sleep and try to

wash some clothes tomorrow, playing, 'Wheelchair' Jockey, I put one in the

garage, roll up to the door and climb in one to get to the washer. I don't have

a ramp to get into the garage, after all that I'll be too tired and sore to

shower. I'm not able to stand that long, even hanging on a walker. I'm as sick

of this as they are, can't they pitch in? The house is small we all could have

it clean in a few hours. I do what you do, work one day, in bed the next, crying

cause of the Pain.

Thanks to everyone for letting me vent. Goodnight. Love to everyone.


> Cherese wrote:

> I was wondering for everyone that has nerve pain / weakness in their legs

and/or feet, what do you do when you have a flair and being on your legs is the

last thing you want to do?

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The stimulator does help but it is mostly the everyday aching, weakness and

soreness. I am currently on nucynta for my pain, baclofen for muscle pain,

lunesta to sleep and another med -I can't remember it now. My mother is my

largest adviser when it comes to antidepressants used for nerve pain. She

suffered from depression for years and has been on and off many medications.

Usually if a doctor wants to try me on it I will start it and call my mother for

the dirt (side effects). She tells me which ones are prone to lasting effects.

Of course I know it may effect me differently so I am willing to try what the

doctor advises, but it's nice to have the inside scoop.

All in all I am doing well. I am thankful that I have a high pain tolerance

everywhere except my head and stomach. Whenever I have pain there I am a huge

baby. My old pain clinic said they believed me about my pain levels because I

didn't always say my pain was at a 10. I explained to them after two kids a 10

is natural childbirth to me. I really do dislike the pain scale as a 7 to one

person may be a 10 to someone else.

I hope the Cymbalta works for you and you get some relief. Living with pain is a

hard thing to do. Sorry to hear about you freaking your father out but I know

what you mean about people judging your pain and issues due to your pain. I am

35 and I officially became disabled at 29.

All the more reason I am trying my best to find out how to live with pain, I

have the rest of my life to do so. BTW, I LOVE the advice you give. I seem to

learn something everyday from everyone here.


Bennie wrote:

> I tend to stay away from toxic relationships now so I can survive.

> It is so frustrating not having a combination to get the pain livable. Let us

know how you are doing.

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I am so sorry to hear about your pain and knee issues. I do understand your

frustrations with your family not helping out. My family will attempt to clean

but not to my standards or as often as I would like. They are happy with what I

call an organized mess, when I want clean surfaces and floors.

I have given up mopping, sweeping and dishes as bending hurts my back and

standing in one spot hurts. I also don't reach high as it causes pain as well. I

do these things for physical therapy but I don't feel I should have to do them

in housework. Not as long as there are other people in this house. My daughter

cleans the kitchen. I go behind her to get it to my standards but it is mostly

putting up a few things and cleaning the counters. My husband does the floors

and anything I can't get to.

I break up my routine into 15 min blocks, only do what doesn't hurt me badly and

stop when I feel pain. We also moved into a smaller house as our oldest just

left for college and I needed a house I could keep up with. Our old house was

2,400 sq ft, 3 levels, 4 bed, 3 full bath on over an acre. The new one is 1,900

sq ft, 2 levels, 3 bed and an office, 2.5 bath and 3/4 of an acre. I know this

isn't an option for most but I took advantage of the family changing and

" downsized " .

Try to talk with your family about the situation, it took me a while to get mine

to help. They figured after I healed from surgery I would go back to Momma,

cleaning, cooking, driving and taking care of them. It took a while but it is

working much better now.

Don't be sorry for venting your frustrations, I have been there as I am sure

others here have been as well.

Take care of yourself,


> Pegi wrote:

> I'm as sick of this as they are, can't they pitch in? The house is small we

all could have it clean in a few hours. I do what you do, work one day, in bed

the next, crying cause of the Pain.

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Take the night shift.

I assume the couch holders have to sleep some time?

Can you get a dust mop and a seated rolling walker to pick up hair/dust?

Consider contacting a close, local church--doesn't even have to be of your

faith. They have people looking for things to do to help people. If for

nothing else, a different set of folks a bit less toxic for you to talk to

that can get you out of that environment, even if for a short outing.


>ktynanny wrote:

>I'm starting to get very depressed, about it, and my 'Family' isn't being

understanding. I've been 'YELLED' at: 'WHY DON'T YOU JUST WALK'! and 'DON'T


>That's how I tripped in the first place, when my Back gets tired, my legs do

not work as they should. I was coming in from the garage, and guess, since I

'did too much' that day, my legs or my eyes misjudged the step. I was in a

cast up to my hip, for 5 weeks. My knee didn't heal right, cause I had

'Housework' to do.

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