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Hi-jacking :) was: POLITICS In Support of Organic and Social Justice Values

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I am glad you brought this up! I was hoping tp find some old threads

or start one regarding raw vs. cooked. I am getting confused by the

info out there. I recently read Fiber Menace, Gut and Psychology

Syndrome, Schwarzbein, and thye have left me thinking 1) veggies are

not the best way to get vitamins 2) Not as bio available, and 3) if

eaten they should be well cooked.

Anyone care to discuss this? I thought raw was best from things i have

read over the yrs, but these books left me wondering. Also i can't

site which one left me scratching where. It was the over all

impression and feelings they left me with. That we should be more

protein and fat heavy (traditional), low fiber veggies that are well


> A

> perfect example would be Masterjohn. He's pretty much a genius

> when it comes to lipid chemistry and fat-soluble vitamins. Don't

> bother to try and tell him to eat more raw food, though. His

> responses about fat-soluble vitamins are orders of magnitude smarter

> than his responses about raw versus cooked food. It's educational to

> Mike

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