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Re: Grave's disease

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Hi Celine,

High concentrations of zinc cause symptoms of hyperthryoidism. There's a fine

balance between zinc and copper so when zinc is high copper is low. Copper is

also toxic taken in high concentrations so you have to be careful when adding

it. The usual ratio of zinc to copper in the body is 8:1. To correct the

imbalance, a ratio of 3:1 is recommended. Most multivitamins contain 25 mg zinc

with 2-3 mg copper. You'd want to supplement with enough copper to get this

level to 8 mg zinc for the 3:1 ratio. You'll find more info on www.ithyroid.com.

Best, Elaine

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  • 4 years later...

i would encorage you to start at 1.5 mg because you take medecine

and ldn might change the situation.i do not think there are many

with grave that take ldn before rai.after 2 weeks that every thing

is stable you can go to 3 and later to 4.5.if you begin to feel hypo

then you must chabge your medication.


> Hi,


> I'm a new member. Haven't posted until now, but I've been reading

> the posts for a few weeks.


> I have Grave's Disease. (And, I got it unusually late in life. I


> in my mid 50's.) I have been on PTU for 2 years, hoping that


> I would go into remission. Hasn't happened.


> I refuse to have my thyroid nuked, or surgically removed. My


> had the radioactive iodine, and she immediately gained 50 pounds,

> then, came up with breast cancer. My sister's new doctor has


> her off PTU (says it's Poison!), and is treating her with iodine,

> magnesium, etc. As far as I know, this doctor hasn't heard of


> yet.


> I heard about LDN helping autoimmune diseases, and got the

> prescription from my very agreeable doctor.


> I have been unable to find a compounding pharmacy here that can


> the LDN, so I thought that I would try Skip's. (I didn't know


> an out-of-state pharmacy would do that!) Do I need to call them

> first, or just fax the prescription?


> Another question - I have read (here, I think) that Hypothyroids

> should be very careful taking LDN, because they can suddenly go

> Hyper. I am already Hyper. Does anyone know about Hyperthyroids


> LDN? I have been unable to find the answer to this. My doctor


> nothing about LDN, so I am doing this on my own.


> Any help would be appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Pam


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I am not very up on Graves disease, however, this appears to be a very good site


thyroid autoimmune stuff and LDN with lots of info. You can register and join

in on chats

there. http://www.ahsta.com/ (Alternative Health Solutions for Thyroid


Although I am on LDN for Crohns, I joined in a chat on the above site a few

nights ago led

by Elaine , the author of " The Promise of Low-Dose Naltrexone " which you

will see

on the sight. I am interested in learning more about the various applications


successes with LDN.

I filled my last prescription through Skip's. My doctor's office called it in,

but if you have it

in hand I believe you may just fax it.


Someone may have responded to you by now with this info. I hope it is helpful

to you.


> Hi,


> I'm a new member. Haven't posted until now, but I've been reading

> the posts for a few weeks.


> I have Grave's Disease. (And, I got it unusually late in life. I was

> in my mid 50's.) I have been on PTU for 2 years, hoping that somehow

> I would go into remission. Hasn't happened.


> I refuse to have my thyroid nuked, or surgically removed. My cousin

> had the radioactive iodine, and she immediately gained 50 pounds,

> then, came up with breast cancer. My sister's new doctor has taken

> her off PTU (says it's Poison!), and is treating her with iodine,

> magnesium, etc. As far as I know, this doctor hasn't heard of LDN,

> yet.


> I heard about LDN helping autoimmune diseases, and got the

> prescription from my very agreeable doctor.


> I have been unable to find a compounding pharmacy here that can fill

> the LDN, so I thought that I would try Skip's. (I didn't know that

> an out-of-state pharmacy would do that!) Do I need to call them

> first, or just fax the prescription?


> Another question - I have read (here, I think) that Hypothyroids

> should be very careful taking LDN, because they can suddenly go

> Hyper. I am already Hyper. Does anyone know about Hyperthyroids and

> LDN? I have been unable to find the answer to this. My doctor knows

> nothing about LDN, so I am doing this on my own.


> Any help would be appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Pam


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  • 1 month later...
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I'm sorry to hear that. Here is a lot of information I just finished reading


Someone just sent me a document from a clinic in New Zealand about treating

the thyroid. It touches on some of the points you mentioned.

It seems so sensible to me that I feel like sending it to my

e-health-buddies. It's too long to post here, but I'll send it to anyone

who wants it, and to Garnet and Daddybob in case it is something they can

put in the files.

Document is called: Waiora mara clinic

I'll pick out a few paragraphs to put below, too.

Re milk: from the altcancer site I clicked on another link which took me to

a site where a couple trying to figure out why the Chinese don't have such

high cancer rates reasoned that it might be because they don't " do " dairy.


So, how does all this apply to thyroid function??

1-mercury from amalgam and vaccines, cadmium from cigarettes and pesticides,

organophosphates from spray residues, toxins from our gut and teeth,

inflammation from fat cells, radiation from cell-phones, microwaves,

computers, cell phone towers, toxins in and on our food, mountains of sugar,

MSG, aspartame can settle in thyroid tissues and cause disintegration and

death of these thyroid tissues, causing Hashimotos by slow breakdown of

tissues or Graves by rapid disintegration.

Auto-immune disorders:

Thyroid problems are generally classified as auto-immune disorders. This

means that the body's immune system is sending antibodies to the thyroid

which are actually destroying thyroid tissues. Now why in the world would

the body do that??

The paragraph above describes why that occurs.

The solution:

Does it seem intelligent, if the above process is correct, to " fix " thyroid

disorders by prescribing unnecessary synthetic hormones to " replace " the

disintegrating thyroid tissues or to kill the gland with RAI or surgery,

when it is possible and practical to unload the toxins and radiation, supply

the raw materials needed for thyroid hormone synthesis and restore thyroid

function back to normal??



1 -all amalgam is removed from teeth, including from under crowns and


2 -all root canals are assessed for presence of infection and

inflammation, if so found.

a -have the teeth with the root canals removed, or..

B -use a powerful magnet under your pillow to gradually eliminate the


this 4 " x 6 " x1/2 " 4000 gauss magnet may be obtained from Lothrop

Technologies in Choctaw, Oklahoma. e-mail: polarp.power.magnets@...

Cost: about US$60 + post. Talk to: Lothrop

This magnet may be used under your pillow, under your jaw, at night to

remove any infection or small abscess. May take a month. The north pole of

the magnet may also be used for any other health problem involving infection

or inflammation. Simply place north pole of magnet over ovaries or uterus or

intestines or liver or stomach or spine, any ache. For prostate problems,

simply sit on magnet. For how long?? As many hours a day as are convenient

for as long as it takes to eliminate the problem.

For breast lumps, small magnets [13,000 gauss] may be obtained to Velcro

onto bra over the lump.


So, where do we start???

1-The first thing to do is...

have any amalgam removed from teeth and replaced with composite or porcelain

and....have any infected root canals, abscesses or cavitations cleaned out.

Mercury detox: the dental work will have released massive amounts of mercury

into the tissues. Its necessary to do a mercury detox with HMD or heavy

metal detox. Get this from on the net .. www.biotrace.co.nz. It usually

takes 3 bottles of HMD to adequately detox the tissues of mercury. In

Australia you can use CH-77 from harmonology.com

2-pH: if the intercellular matrix [the space between the cells] is acid,

body functions will be compromised. The ideal pH range is from 6.5 to 7.0.

If the pH is 5.7 to 6.4 bodily function will be impaired. If the pH is 4.9

to 5.6 serious curtailment of function will be present. All serious

diseases, thyroid, cancer, CVD, arthritis, MS, CFS, metabolic syndrome will

have a very low pH.

pH is best determined with pH paper from the chemist. Yes, its worth it!!

Check pH daily. If its below 6.5, use more raw fruit and vege salads. Less

bread and meat, take 1/2 tsp sodium bicarb and juice of ½ a lemon in apple


3-check your underarm temperature before arising for several days, away from

periods or ovulation. Keep a record. Ideal temp is around 36.6. Lower

suggests hypothyroid.

4-go to oxy powder on the net, get 2 boxes and take as directed. This clears

gut toxicity.

5-get some citrus pectin [with no sugar in it] at the super market and take

1 tsp in apple juice 2x a day, upon arising, before bed. Or you can cut up 1

or 2 apples with seeds, one lemon, skin and seeds, [organic fruit only] put

in blender with 1/4 tsp Himalayan or sea salt, 1/2 tsp ginger and 1/2 tsp

turmeric, blend. This pulls heavy metals and toxins out.

6-increase intake of organic raw fruit and veges, aiming for 50+% at every

meal. Carrot/beet root/greens juices made with a Green Star, Champion or

juicer are full of readily absorbed alkaline nutrients. Learn to

lacto-ferment food.

7-get adequate protein in the form of...

a-bee pollen from a bee keeper, not capsules

b-a greens formula...chlorella, barley, wheat, lucerne grasses, kelp. These

contain chlorophyll, protein, vitamins, minerals.

c-more nuts and seeds-soak for 12 hours then blend

d-more beans, lentils, chick peas-which must all be sprouted before cooking.

Make hummus, lentil soups, bean dishes.

e-raw egg yolks [cook the whites] Vitamins A & D, protein, use generously!

f-take cod liver oil or shark liver oil for vitamins A and D

g-use virgin coconut oil and olive oil, butter, avocados. Use full fat

cheese, raw milk, full fat meat. Do not use margarine. The low fat craze has

inflicted unbelievable harm.

Do not use any poly-unsaturated or trans oils.

h-for carbohydrates use brown rice, potatoes, kumaras/sweet potatoes, taro,

spelt, buckwheat, millet, quinoa.

i-cholesterol: we have been brainwashed to believe that cholesterol clogs

the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes. Not true!!

Cholesterol is essential for every cell wall, for every hormone, for the

skin, it is a repair substance and without it our arteries, cells, skin and

hormones would disintegrate. Statin drugs have been a major catastrophy. We

need every drop of cholesterol we can muster.

If we have elevated cholesterol, that indicates that the body is busy

repairing some tissues. Should we then get rid of the repair material?? Or

should we ascertain where the damage or inflammation is and help the body to

repair it?

8-eliminate as much junk food and processed food as possible. Turn off

microwave at the wall. Get a " CellGuard " card to eliminate cell phone

radiation from waiora1@...

9--take 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in apple juice or water 1/2 hour after

each meal. This insures digestion.

10-drugs: possibly the greatest threat to health. If on drugs work with your

medical adviser to diminish and eliminate them and a naturopathic adviser to

suggest alternative, safe nutrients that the body actually requires.

12-water filters: most city water is chlorinated, fluoridated and treated

with various microbial agents and settling agents. Water filters are



If you choose to follow these guidelines..

1-your health will improve dramatically

2-you'll look and feel much better

3-your immunity will rise considerably, creating a resistance to microbes,

colds, flu, disease.

4-your energy will increase

5-your emotions will improve

6-life will have far greater meaning


Auto-Immune factors:

The primary reason for most thyroid disorders is the presence of an

auto-immune factor. That means that the body's immune system is making

antibodies that are deployed to destroy and eliminate the auto-immune vector

or toxin which causes the disorder, as well as any infected tissues.

Medical " authorities " will tell us that auto-immune diseases occur when.. " the

body makes a mistake " and sends antibodies against its own tissues.

However, it's crucial to understand that. " the body..never makes a

mistake!!! "

If the immune system makes antibodies to destroy or eliminate thyroid

vectors, toxins or tissues it's because there is a vector or toxin present

that is causing the destructive process.

As many as ten million Americans with high cholesterol levels may not know

that their cholesterol is elevated due to undiagnosed thyroid problems.


Soy And The Thyroid

If you have a thyroid problem, or a history of autoimmune disease, over

consumption of soy isoflavones can trigger a thyroid condition. Isoflavones

are inhibitors of the thyroid peroxidase, which makes T3 and T4. Inhibition

can be expected to generate thyroid abnormalities, including goiter and

autoimmune thyroiditis. Soy foods can worsen an existing diagnosed thyroid

problem in many people. In both cases the symptoms such as fatigue, weight

gain, and depression or moodiness are often overlooked and hard to diagnose.


> The wife of a friend of my husband has been diagnosed with Grave's disease.

They live far away in LA so I can't really go about changing them over to NN or

anything but I would like to offer them some advice on where to look/explore for

good information. They have absolutely no money so seeing an out of network

doctor would be difficult, but given that they have her on 6 meds, that has to

be expensive too.


> Does anyone know of a good group or something I can point them to that

will have good alternative therapy information? Anything?


> Thanks,



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In the document for Waiora Mara Clinic if mentions millet as a good thing.

Wasn't it just discussed on this list that millet is highly goitrogenic and that

no type of processing or cooking changed that? I'm staying away from it just to

be on the safe side.

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Hi ,

Pregnenolone is the hormone to take for Grave's Disease. I have an article

somewhere on this but can't find it at the moment. We take Nutri-Pak. It is

the one that Lee sells but it can be bought from anyone on line. Your

friend should also look into thyroid glandular and progesterone (Progest-E).

The doctors kill the thyroid to 'cure' Grave's disease.

Going on a thyroid diet would be beneficial also. Your friend can write me off

line for that information or she can look it up on Lee's website.

www.litalee.com. It is not easy to find info on her site, however.

www.raypeat.com is another resource.

I'll look for that article.



> The wife of a friend of my husband has been diagnosed with Grave's disease.

They live far away in LA so I can't really go about changing them over to NN or

anything but I would like to offer them some advice on where to look/explore for

good information. They have absolutely no money so seeing an out of network

doctor would be difficult, but given that they have her on 6 meds, that has to

be expensive too.


> Does anyone know of a good group or something I can point them to that

will have good alternative therapy information? Anything?


> Thanks,



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I found it. Shomon's interview with Ray Peat.

Shomon: You have reported that pregnenolone can be helpful for Graves'

patients with exophthalmus. Can you explain further?

Dr. Ray Peat: Graves' disease and exophthalmos can occur with hypothyroidism or

euthyroidism, as well as with hyperthyroidism. Pregnenolone regulates brain

chemistry in a way that prevents excessive production of ACTH and cortisol, and

it helps to stabilize mitochondrial metabolism. It apparently acts directly on a

variety of tissues to reduce their retention of water. In the last several

years, all of the people I have seen who had been diagnosed as " hyperthyroid "

have actually been hypothyroid, and benefitted from increasing their thyroid

function; some of these people had also been told that they had Graves' disease.




> The wife of a friend of my husband has been diagnosed with Grave's disease.

They live far away in LA so I can't really go about changing them over to NN or

anything but I would like to offer them some advice on where to look/explore for

good information. They have absolutely no money so seeing an out of network

doctor would be difficult, but given that they have her on 6 meds, that has to

be expensive too.


> Does anyone know of a good group or something I can point them to that

will have good alternative therapy information? Anything?


> Thanks,



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They also said don't eat much meat. One should eat meat 3X a day. Ray Peat and

Lee are who I turn to for this problem.




-- In , Laree Kline <lareekline@...> wrote:



> In the document for Waiora Mara Clinic if mentions millet as a good thing.

Wasn't it just discussed on this list that millet is highly goitrogenic and that

no type of processing or cooking changed that? I'm staying away from it just to

be on the safe side.





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I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Would these recommendations help?

I've seen Dr. Ridha Arem for years and he is better than most wanting my

TSH hormones to be as close to zero as possible. The standard is 5.5 I

think which he feels is way too high. But even with the hormone therapy

I still have symptoms they are just 1/100th what they are without it.

Yet my quality of life is pretty awful. I can't go out and do things

with my family, I have to get handicapped accommodations made to go see

a live show with my husband and the heat is intolerable for me in the

summers here as I get heat exhaustion very quickly.

I also can't get my local doctor to put me on Armour only instead of

Levoxyl (synthetic) and Armour. The one here I don't like at all, she

didn't even examine my thyroid by hand to see if the nodules are bigger

or if there is more swelling. I have some bad swelling some days, and

it gets quite painful. Dr. Arem is in Houston and we have no insurance

so even for basic tests (and him waiving his office visit fee

completely) I am paying $500 plus fuel to get there and back (3.5 hr

drive one way).

I'm in Austin and thinking of trying some kind of natural doctor, I feel

god awful and can't lose weight. I am going gluten free soon because I

think that could be an issue. Anyway, this thread has been interesting

and I appreciate the advice!

I was trying to take Lugol's but I can't stand the taste and after a

week end up giving it up again. I have a new job so I am hoping to be

able to afford the capsules now. But we still have no insurance for

expensive lab work and doctors and my husband is out of work also though

hopefully not for long.


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Hi Joan! This is quite interesting, thanks! I have autoimmune

thyroiditis which is currently Hashimoto's but my doctor (Dr. Ridha

Arem) says it is common for it to go back and forth being hyperthyroid

then hypo as the thyroid freaks out from the immune system destroying it.

He wants me to see him constantly but I just can't afford it! Plus all

he does is prescribe Armour and Levoxyl which helps me not feel like I

want to die but that's about it!

I also suffer from pretty bad water retention. He had me on some

medication, I don't know what it was as I stopped taking it when I

started learning about WAPF. It really did help though and I was more

comfortable and better able to exercise so I have thought about getting

back on it =( It has some nasty side effects I think.


Joan Lulich wrote:


> I found it. Shomon's interview with Ray Peat.


> Shomon: You have reported that pregnenolone can be helpful for

> Graves' patients with exophthalmus. Can you explain further?


> Dr. Ray Peat: Graves' disease and exophthalmos can occur with

> hypothyroidism or euthyroidism, as well as with hyperthyroidism.

> Pregnenolone regulates brain chemistry in a way that prevents

> excessive production of ACTH and cortisol, and it helps to stabilize

> mitochondrial metabolism. It apparently acts directly on a variety of

> tissues to reduce their retention of water. In the last several years,

> all of the people I have seen who had been diagnosed as " hyperthyroid "

> have actually been hypothyroid, and benefitted from increasing their

> thyroid function; some of these people had also been told that they

> had Graves' disease.


> http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/ray-peat.htm

> <http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/ray-peat.htm>


> Joan


> .



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Hi I have both graves and hashis,I never heard of pregnenolone for

graves,and I've studyed graves for 3yrs.,I do know with graves

absorbtion issues are impaired and hormones are usually low in a lot of

cases including myself. I started with dhea 5mgs and just upped it to

10mgs a day and I am interested in pregnenolone as well but think I

should stick with just the dhea for now,as I take a lot of supplements

and I think it can get complicated with to much natural hormones? Any

thoughts on this? Can u take the 2 together? Some sites say yes and

others say no,and that dhea would be more towards the mother hormone to

start with,it gets real confusing!! I'm low on all hormones,and have

always been this way,and I'm also 43 and premenapausal. I'm trying to

naturally increase my levels,and later will maybe try bio identical

progesterone cream. Any thoughts on preg.,with dhea? Deb


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Hi Dawn,

Lee nor Ray Peat write about Hashimoto's. I don't know why. I'll write

and ask her. You shouldn't take Lugols. Most people with Hashimoto's have

an intolerance to iodine. We eat shrimp for our iodine requirements and our

Vitamin D.

You will be surprised to learn that Ray Peat suggests drinking coffee for water

retention and to breathe into a bag, drink carbonated drinks or take a bath in

baking soda. Water retention is caused from a lack of CO2 which is common with

thyroid issues. Peat has written extensively on this topic. www.raypeat.com

You might be better off working with Lee than with your doctor. It would

be cheaper in the long run and you would get better results. Most of her work

is by telephone. I live in the same town as her but we still had a phone

consult. She is a tough cookie but has a big heart. She talks to Ray Peat

daily which is an added bonus.


Feel free to write me off line is you have further questions.



> Hi Joan! This is quite interesting, thanks! I have autoimmune

> thyroiditis which is currently Hashimoto's but my doctor (Dr. Ridha

> Arem) says it is common for it to go back and forth being hyperthyroid

> then hypo as the thyroid freaks out from the immune system destroying it.


> He wants me to see him constantly but I just can't afford it! Plus all

> he does is prescribe Armour and Levoxyl which helps me not feel like I

> want to die but that's about it!


> I also suffer from pretty bad water retention. He had me on some

> medication, I don't know what it was as I stopped taking it when I

> started learning about WAPF. It really did help though and I was more

> comfortable and better able to exercise so I have thought about getting

> back on it =( It has some nasty side effects I think.



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This is not true,and so unfortunate for graves/hashis people out

there... I almost didn't respond to this,because,honestly I get so sick

and tired of all the misinformation out there regarding iodine... I have

both graves and hashis,and infact the worse case ever seen by endos,and

drs. I also got the eye disease to go with it,and hairloss. I had the

leg elephantitis where I could walk maybe 10dys out of a month. I had

myxedema,I even had delerium,paralysas,and went into thyroid storm. My

numbers where of the charts and tachacardia was almost an everyday

thing. This was my second bout with this disease,only this was sooooo

much worse than the first.,which went into remission. I did not want to

yank out my thyroid,as its not my thyroid that's sick,its my immune

system! I also did not want radioactive iodine,and wasn't a candidate

anyway once my eyes started. There's something not right about a radio

iodine treatment,that u have to stay away from people and even pets for

a week!! Not for me!! Then there is atds,which is what I used with my

first bout,fine,but not this time,as it caused my liver enzymes and

white blood cell count to go through the roof. I then began my never

ending research,and I mean over 2yrs worth of it non stop. What saved my

life and got me to perfect levels? Lugols iodine.... so my point is

please,for all u suffering out there,iodine can save you're life,and

spare you're liver,which took me 2yrs to get back to normal. I think

there is a huge misconception because of the iodine uptake test,which is

totally different. The uptake is very rapid with graves,because U R SO

DEFICIENT!!!! With graves u do not absorb iodine correctly,and are

beyond deficient,you're also not taking up vitamin d and a,and should

supplement these as well... remember endos have thousands of diseases to

deal with and diabetes is a major one,and they learn about the thyroid

in about 8hrs! If they choose interest in this area,and continue to

learn,then so be it,but I know more than any of my drs and my endo! I

actually have guided her through my treatment,and I love my endo because

she's not you're typical,I know everything endo... she is a believer in

supplements and open to all my suggestions,and admitted to me that the

iodine thing is somewhat of a mystery to drs,and that with all the

floride and bromide and toxins in our food supply,that everyone is in

fact deficient,graves people severely so.,because of screwed up

digestion and neurotransmitters gone awry... I really hope this can

help at least one person suffering with both graves and hashis,with

antibodies out of control,and feeling helpless.... Deb


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Thank you, Joan! This is very helpful and I will definitely give her a

try. I was reading the websites.

I've been trying to find help for so long and keep hitting walls.

Weight loss doesn't work and i'm so miserable. Diet changes have truly

helped but I only get so far.

It is funny the things that you mention. I crave coffee all the time!

I used to be very addicted to a LOT of caffeine so I made myself give it

up for awhile. Then I went back to a few cups a day of organic coffee

and I always feel better but I worried about what damage I might be

doing. I am also always craving carbonated beverages! I got off of

sodas and was drinking sparkling waters a lot but gave those up too. I

think I will try to find a semi-healthy one and drink one a day again

for awhile.

I never knew that it could be a CO2 issue.

I try to take the lugols and feel better for a day or two then just have

to stop. I assumed it was because I had an aversion to the taste.

I will definitely email you off list too so we don't bore everyone. =)


> Hi Dawn,


> Lee nor Ray Peat write about Hashimoto's. I don't know why. I'll

> write and ask her. You shouldn't take Lugols. Most people with

> Hashimoto's have an intolerance to iodine. We eat shrimp for our

> iodine requirements and our Vitamin D.


> You will be surprised to learn that Ray Peat suggests drinking coffee

> for water retention and to breathe into a bag, drink carbonated drinks

> or take a bath in baking soda. Water retention is caused from a lack

> of CO2 which is common with thyroid issues. Peat has written

> extensively on this topic. www.raypeat.com


> You might be better off working with Lee than with your doctor.

> It would be cheaper in the long run and you would get better results.

> Most of her work is by telephone. I live in the same town as her but

> we still had a phone consult. She is a tough cookie but has a big

> heart. She talks to Ray Peat daily which is an added bonus.


> www.litalee.com


> Feel free to write me off line is you have further questions.


> Joan



> >

> > Hi Joan! This is quite interesting, thanks! I have autoimmune

> > thyroiditis which is currently Hashimoto's but my doctor (Dr. Ridha

> > Arem) says it is common for it to go back and forth being hyperthyroid

> > then hypo as the thyroid freaks out from the immune system

> destroying it.

> >

> > He wants me to see him constantly but I just can't afford it! Plus all

> > he does is prescribe Armour and Levoxyl which helps me not feel like I

> > want to die but that's about it!

> >

> > I also suffer from pretty bad water retention. He had me on some

> > medication, I don't know what it was as I stopped taking it when I

> > started learning about WAPF. It really did help though and I was more

> > comfortable and better able to exercise so I have thought about getting

> > back on it =( It has some nasty side effects I think.

> >

> >



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I think it is risky. Why would this topic be any more boring than the other

one's. It is all about nutrition and eating a pro-thyroid diet doesn't go

against native diets.



> Though I was thinking Dr. Brownstein has used iodine replacement to help

> people with autoimmune thyroiditis hasn't he?


> Dawn


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Hi Deb,

Any tips for taking the iodine? it tastes pretty awful to me and I end

up with an aversion or " forgetting " . Are the Iodoral tablets good?

I have some of your symptoms but not the eye thing, and I am hypo most days.

I have horrid hair loss =(. Only time it ever stopped was when I was

pregnant with . I wondered if it was something in the prenatal

vitamins so I have been taking them still but it helps some, doesn't

stop it.

Do you take selenium also? Do you separate it from the iodine?


Deb. wrote:


> This is not true,and so unfortunate for graves/hashis people out

> there... I almost didn't respond to this,because,honestly I get so sick

> and tired of all the misinformation out there regarding iodine... I have

> both graves and hashis,and infact the worse case ever seen by endos,and

> drs. I also got the eye disease to go with it,and hairloss. I had the

> leg elephantitis where I could walk maybe 10dys out of a month. I had

> myxedema,I even had delerium,paralysas,and went into thyroid storm. My

> numbers where of the charts and tachacardia was almost an everyday

> thing. This was my second bout with this disease,only this was sooooo

> much worse than the first.,which went into remission. I did not want to

> yank out my thyroid,as its not my thyroid that's sick,its my immune

> system! I also did not want radioactive iodine,and wasn't a candidate

> anyway once my eyes started. There's something not right about a radio

> iodine treatment,that u have to stay away from people and even pets for

> a week!! Not for me!! Then there is atds,which is what I used with my

> first bout,fine,but not this time,as it caused my liver enzymes and

> white blood cell count to go through the roof. I then began my never

> ending research,and I mean over 2yrs worth of it non stop. What saved my

> life and got me to perfect levels? Lugols iodine.... so my point is

> please,for all u suffering out there,iodine can save you're life,and

> spare you're liver,which took me 2yrs to get back to normal. I think

> there is a huge misconception because of the iodine uptake test,which is

> totally different. The uptake is very rapid with graves,because U R SO

> DEFICIENT!!!! With graves u do not absorb iodine correctly,and are

> beyond deficient,you're also not taking up vitamin d and a,and should

> supplement these as well... remember endos have thousands of diseases to

> deal with and diabetes is a major one,and they learn about the thyroid

> in about 8hrs! If they choose interest in this area,and continue to

> learn,then so be it,but I know more than any of my drs and my endo! I

> actually have guided her through my treatment,and I love my endo because

> she's not you're typical,I know everything endo... she is a believer in

> supplements and open to all my suggestions,and admitted to me that the

> iodine thing is somewhat of a mystery to drs,and that with all the

> floride and bromide and toxins in our food supply,that everyone is in

> fact deficient,graves people severely so.,because of screwed up

> digestion and neurotransmitters gone awry... I really hope this can

> help at least one person suffering with both graves and hashis,with

> antibodies out of control,and feeling helpless.... Deb

> --aliano



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Ray Peat says one should take Pregnenolone instead of DHEA. Pregnenolone

converts into progesterone and DHEA. There is a side affect to taking DHEA but

I don't recall what it is. He has so many articles with bits of information

tucked in here and there. I know if I had Graves I would consult with either

Lee or Ray Peat. talks to Ray everyday, so one is as good as the

other. does enzyme therapy and Peat doesn't.

This might be the key to better health for you. I read as everything I could on

hormone issues and stopped at Ray Peat. He is a genius.

I'll try to find the article about the bad affects of taking DHEA.



> Hi I have both graves and hashis,I never heard of pregnenolone for

> graves,and I've studyed graves for 3yrs.,I do know with graves

> absorbtion issues are impaired and hormones are usually low in a lot of

> cases including myself. I started with dhea 5mgs and just upped it to

> 10mgs a day and I am interested in pregnenolone as well but think I

> should stick with just the dhea for now,as I take a lot of supplements

> and I think it can get complicated with to much natural hormones? Any

> thoughts on this? Can u take the 2 together? Some sites say yes and

> others say no,and that dhea would be more towards the mother hormone to

> start with,it gets real confusing!! I'm low on all hormones,and have

> always been this way,and I'm also 43 and premenapausal. I'm trying to

> naturally increase my levels,and later will maybe try bio identical

> progesterone cream. Any thoughts on preg.,with dhea? Deb

> --aliano


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Why do you think it's risky?

Everyone has a unique situation. Therefore, one person with hashi may

respond differently than the next. Some people may really be helped with

iodine, while others may have side effects.

With something like iodine, which is very closely related to thyroid

function, I'd think it's worth investigating. If you start at a very low

dose and work your way up, there is little risk. If you have a reaction,

back off or stop taking it. Some of the reactions are due to a sudden

increase of thyroid function or from detox (it will cause you to detox

mercury, flouride, and bromide). So again, going slow is important.

As for the taste, I've read you can use it by brushing it on the skin in

various areas and starting with it that way. There's also a few tablet

preparations like Prolamine Iodine (from Standard Process, 3mg) and Iodoral



On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Joan Lulich <joanlulich@...> wrote:

> I think it is risky. Why would this topic be any more boring than the

> other one's. It is all about nutrition and eating a pro-thyroid diet doesn't

> go against native diets.


> Joan



> >

> > Though I was thinking Dr. Brownstein has used iodine replacement to help

> > people with autoimmune thyroiditis hasn't he?

> >

> > Dawn

> >






P.S. - Go to the following website and vote for Blue Mt. Chiropractic as

your favorite chiropractor! http://www.schuylkillliving.com/bestof/

P.P.S. - For the spring primary election - Orwigsburg Republicans vote for

me, Orwigsburg Democrats write me in!


Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic


Healthy Habits Natural Market


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I should have written that Ray Peat thinks it is risky. I tried to find the

link but I have a hard time keeping his articles straight. He overlaps a lot.


> > >

> > > Though I was thinking Dr. Brownstein has used iodine replacement to help

> > > people with autoimmune thyroiditis hasn't he?

> > >

> > > Dawn

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Buddy


> P.S. - Go to the following website and vote for Blue Mt. Chiropractic as

> your favorite chiropractor! http://www.schuylkillliving.com/bestof/

> P.P.S. - For the spring primary election - Orwigsburg Republicans vote for

> me, Orwigsburg Democrats write me in!

> http://www.schuylkillgop.org/Touchinsky.html


> Buddy A. Touchinsky, D.C.

> Blue Mountain Family Chiropractic

> www.bmfchiro.com

> Healthy Habits Natural Market

> www.healthyhabitsnaturalmarket.com




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  • 6 months later...

Praise the Lord, he's the almighty healer!

From: sukhirs <sukhirs@...>

Subject: Grave's disease


Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 7:48 PM


Hi All,

Good News. My sister recovered from Hyperthyroidism. Her results came out

perfectly, Doctors were amazed to see them. She was at last stage when doctor

told her to have surgery.



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  • 2 months later...

Congratulations to your sister on recovering form hyperthyroidism!



> Hi All,

> Good News. My sister recovered from Hyperthyroidism.Her results came out

perfectly, Doctors were amazed to see them. She was at last stage when doctor

told her to have surgery.

> Thanks

> Raj


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