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Re: out of oxycodone/Gabapentin

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I agree with the comment that the pharmacy is violating your privacy rights by

taling where others can hear. I understand that it is important for pharms to

make sure patients understand what they are taking the medication for and proper

dose, etc. You should check the wording of the law. Maybe this place is taking

it beyond what is required.

If your state has voted this " extra counseling " in may be it would be helpful to

lawmakers to get feedback from patients on how it is working. If no one says

anything they will believe it is working fine.

Personally it sounds just like another annoyance we have to deal with. Like we

don't have enough red tape as it is!

Gentle hugs, Tami :)

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You guys are right - and the pharmacist who always does this is so

overly zealous that it is beyond an annoyance. I'm dreading this

evening because I have to get my Tramadol refilled and will go through

all this bologna tonight. If she's there, I think I'll just wait until

there isn't anyone at the counter then get my meds and tell her she's

given me the lecture before, thank her and give her all the extensive

documentation I've found about patients getting attacked for their

meds in parking lots.

I wasn't aware of this until one on the list pointed it out. I told my

husband about it and he said that this has happened a number of times

in our town and even twice at the pharmacy we use. That honestly

frightens me because my husband is the one who usually picks up my

medications and I don't want him hurt.

This whole thing is beyond insane. I'm writing to our senator, though

I don't have much confidence in him actually doing anything beyond the

usual canned response e-mail. (Thank you very much for your support.

Be assured that Senator Blankety blank will give this his highest

attention.) Then in a few weeks, I'll get a letter from the party he

belongs to (Democrats) asking for a donation.

Such a cynic, but it is what has happened before when we were trying

to block them putting an unlined C & D landfill in front of our house.

Jeanne B in GA

> Tami wrote:

> I agree with the comment that the pharmacy is violating your privacy rights by

talking where others can hear.

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>> L wrote:

>> You can see the hysteria playing out in your daily newspaper about

>> prescription drug abuse.


What about the man with neuropathy in his feet when he said he felt his feet

felt they were on fire and he got opioids and was Godsend but is called drug

addict by family.

Others were interviewed in this special I saw years ago and I remember a Doctor

got arrested for getting a script from someone else and then incarcerated and

GUESS WHAT, he was given pain meds he was sent to jail for. These people who

regulate this see crazy at times, I am sorry people are dying because they are

drug addicts but don't take away what helps us and NO ONE has ever takes away

cigarettes or alcohol that kill people and makes them addicts. Get a life. I

follow my Doctors plan. Bennie

Oh and the CBNews Health Channel and CNBC's and NBC's

Pill Popping Nation? America's Growing Addiction - Health ...


Jul 19, 2011 With pain killers becoming the second most abused drug behind

marijuana, ... makes you not feel as much, " the unnamed teen told CBN News. ...

U.S. Sees Rise in Alcohol, Drug Addicts Over 50 - Health & Science ...


May 20, 2011 Older Americans are increasingly seeking treatment for drug and

alcohol dependence, according to recent numbers released by the ... Boomers

historically have a high rate of substance abuse. ... Watch CBN News Channel ...



Angelenos Turn in Prescription Pills | NBC Los Angeles


Nov 14, 2011 Efforts to reduce access to addictive and dangerous medications

led Southern ... that prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing drug

problem in the U.S. .... Protecting Children From Food Allergy Attacks at

School. health ... Teenage Drug Use Up, Alcohol Use Down - Health News Story ...


Dec 14, 2011 Report Says Marijuana Use, Prescription Drug Abuse Rising ... any

other drug , so we are heartened that efforts made by the public health

community to ... You share in the NBC Montana.com community, so please keep your

.... Press Room :: PrescriptionDrugAddiction.com - A Resource for ...

www.prescriptiondrugaddiction.com/pressroom/default.aspCached - Similar

" Addiction to prescription drugs is now one of the nation's most serious drug

problems, " ... resource for addicts, their families and friends, and health-care

professionals ... He has appeared on the NBC Nightly News, MSNBC; has appeared

on ... Mental Health/Substance Abuse - NBC 24 Action News


Although drug abuse is commonly associated with the use of illegal drugs, a

growing number of people are becoming addicted to prescription drugs. ...

College students get hooked on 'smart drugs' - TODAY Health ...


May 17, 2011 The drug, Adderall, is normally prescribed for kids with attention

deficit disorder. ... students are becoming addicted to a popular prescription

drug not ... me, she told NBC News' Amy Robach, in a report aired on TODAY. ...

Drug overdoses kill more Americans than car accidents - NBC-2 ...


Dec 21, 2011 NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, .... This

costs health insurance companies as much as $72 billion a year in ... from

prescription drugs is due to a vastly increased use of these drugs by doctors.


Deadly Drug Overdose Leads to Pill-Pushing Doctor: Cops | NBC 10 ...


Oct 27, 2011 Doctor Accused of Feeding Drug Addict's Addictions ... of the

drug-addicted patients who asked him to stop prescribing drugs like Percocet and


McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/_McCainCached - Similar

During this time, she became addicted to painkillers for several years and ...

3.1 Founding and mission; 3.2 Adoption; 3.3 Prescription drug addiction ......

Health Communications. ... Salon.

http://www.salon.com/news/feature/1999/10/18/drugs/. .... " Montana College

Program That Aids Soldiers' Families Featured On 'NBC ...

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> Latus wrote:

> Not running for office, but my 2 cents anyway

>> Ellen wrote:

>> Will you run for office???

Steve (for office, check out American Pain Foundation, they need volunteers)

Ellen: Sorry its long:

All, here is one website telling which state and goal to have all states

involved. It will make you sick. Of Course by office of Justice and the is the



1. What is a prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP)?

According to the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws (NAMSDL), a PDMP is

a statewide electronic database which collects designated data on substances

dispensed in the state. The PDMP is housed by a specified statewide regulatory,

administrative or law enforcement agency. The housing agency distributes data

from the database to individuals who are authorized under state law to receive

the information for purposes of their profession.

2. Does the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) oversee PDMPs?

The DEA is not involved with the administration of any state PDMP.

3. What are the benefits of having a PDMP?

The overview provided by NAMSDL clearly identifies the benefits of a PDMP: as a

tool used by states to address prescription drug abuse, addiction and diversion,

it may serve several purposes such as:

support access to legitimate medical use of controlled substances,

identify and deter or prevent drug abuse and diversion,

facilitate and encourage the identification, intervention with and treatment of

persons addicted to prescription drugs,

inform public health initiatives through outlining of use and abuse trends, and

educate individuals about PDMPs and the use, abuse and diversion of and

addiction to prescription drugs.

4. Which states currently have a PDMP?

According to the Alliance of States with Prescription Monitoring Programs,

(www.pmpalliance.org) as of October 16, 2011, 37 states have operational PDMPs

that have the capacity to receive and distribute controlled substance

prescription information to authorized users. States with operational programs


Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho,

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts,

Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina,

North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South

Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Eleven states (Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, land, Montana, Nebraska,

New Jersey, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin) and one U.S. territory

(Guam), have enacted legislation to establish a PDMP, but are not fully


5. Are there other states that are planning to implement a PDMP?

At this time there is no pending legislation for the remaining states.

6. Who can I contact regarding a PDMP in a specific state?

Each state designates a state agency to oversee its PDMP, which may include

health departments, pharmacy boards, or state law enforcement. The Alliance of

States with Prescription Monitoring Programs (www.pmpalliance.org) maintains a

list of state contacts.

7. Where can I find state laws pertaining to prescription drug monitoring?

The National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws (www.namsdl.org) provides links

to each state's statutes and regulations regarding PDMPs.

8. Who can access the PDMP information collected?

Each state controls who will have access and for what purpose.

9. Is federal funding available for PDMPs?

The Harold Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (HRPDMP) is administered

by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice

Assistance, to provide three types of grants: planning, implementation, and

enhancement. Since inception of the grant program in FY 2002, grants have been

awarded to 47 states and 1 U.S. territory. For FY 2011, HRPDMP funding is

approximately $5.6 million. Additional information can be found at


The National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act (NASPER),

enacted in 2005, created a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services grant

program for states to implement or enhance prescription drug monitoring

programs. In FY 2009 and FY 2010 NASPER received $2 million to support NASPER

grants in 13 states. Information on NASPER can be found at www.samhsa.gov.

States can participate in both funding programs, but requirements and priorities

for each program may vary.

10. What is the difference between HRPDMP and NASPER?

The purpose of the HRPDMP is to enhance the capacity of regulatory and law

enforcement agencies as well as public health officials to collect and analyze

controlled substance prescription data through a centralized database

administered by an authorized state agency.

NASPER administers a grant program under the authority of HHS. The intent of the

law was to foster the establishment or enhancement of PDMPs that would meet

consistent national criteria and have the capacity for the interstate exchange

of information.

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