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Nixtamal questions

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Hi, Hecklers:

Your experience making nixtamal with popcorn is very interesting to me,

because I can get organic popcorn her in Sweden but organic cornmeal? Never

seen it.

Hope you'll have time to answer 3 quick questions:

1) Your lime source? Any concerns on how to source lime?

2) How long are you soaking and what are you grinding with?

3) You mentioned increasing your magnesium with magnesium bicarbonate and I

really would like to hear a bit more about that. I think it was you

originally that taught me how to buffer Vit. C. Perhaps it's the same with

magnesium bicarb? Anyway, could you please explain? Thus far I've only

gotten magnesium in tablets but if there's a better way I'd love to hear it.


april in sweden

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Hi April, happy to help!

I got the lime from www.amazon.com - it's a form of lime used in making pickles

so it's food quality. It's pretty cheap, I think I paid $3 for a very large

cannister of it. The brand is Ms. Wages Pickling Lime - if they don't sell it

there maybe you could do a search on pickling lime.

I got a cheap grain grinder from amazon.com that isn't the greatest (bulge on

the bottom keeps it from being firmly anchored to the table). It's the hand

crank kind. It takes about 15-20 min. to grind the soaked corn, and about that

much time to clean it up afterwards. The soaking varies depending on what else

I'm doing that day. I'll either simmer for an hour then cool for an hour, or

soak all day. The washing takes awhile so I put it off until I know I have a

block of time. You have to really rub the grains in your hands and rinse

repeatedly to remove the hulls and the lime - removing the hulls is part of what

makes it so much more digestible. It's not hard work, tho and isn't unpleasant

to do.

Magnesium bicarbonate is really easy to make. You just need seltzer water (the

kind with the fizz) and milk of magnesia - is the brand in the USA but

I've heard it's sold under different names in other countries. It is magnesium

hydroxide. I think the other name in Europe is Cream of Magnesia, and it's sold

as a laxative, in a bottle. Get the unflavored kind. Here's the link to tell

you how to make the magnesium bicarb. water:

http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=919980 I just quickly dump the milk of

magnesia in the bottle of seltzer until it starts to fizz then quickly screw the

cap back on.

You don't really need to measure, it will either all dissolve (get used in the

chemical reaction) or there will be some left on the bottom of the bottle (you

can shake again to try to get more of it to react). Since all the ingredients

are for internal use anyways, it doesn't hurt anything to have a little bit too

much in there. If you don't add enough milk of magnesia you just have more

seltzer water with your magnesium bicarb. water.

I read one study of people taking it for tachycardia and it said some didn't

respond well to the alkalinity of it (nothing bad happened to them but the

researcher felt they didn't get the full benefit of the treatment). If you have

ascorbic acid powder, you can add that to buffer it (I start with a pinch and

taste it) which will make some of the magnesium into magnesium acetate, a

supplement you can buy (and bioavailable form of mag. and Vit. C I believe).

You can also add citric acid if you have that on hand, which will make some of

the magnesium into magnesium citrate, also a good form of magnesium.

The magnesium bicarb. is a concentrate, you add some to other drinks. I add

between a tablespoon and 1/4 cup to a glass of water. I think you're supposed

to keep it refrigerated.

Magnesium is one of the minerals people are most likely to be deficient in, as

it is not added to depleted farm soil as often as potassium, which depletes

magnesium. People also shed more magnesium from the stresses of the modern

lifestyle and evidently you can lose your entire store of magnesium in one night

of poor sleep. I feel healthier when I add it in to my routine, and the

magnesium bicarbonate water is supposed to be more hydrating than plain water.

--- In , April Streeter <april.streeter@...>



> Hi, Hecklers:


> Your experience making nixtamal with popcorn is very interesting to me,

> because I can get organic popcorn her in Sweden but organic cornmeal? Never

> seen it.


> Hope you'll have time to answer 3 quick questions:


> 1) Your lime source? Any concerns on how to source lime?

> 2) How long are you soaking and what are you grinding with?

> 3) You mentioned increasing your magnesium with magnesium bicarbonate and I

> really would like to hear a bit more about that. I think it was you

> originally that taught me how to buffer Vit. C. Perhaps it's the same with

> magnesium bicarb? Anyway, could you please explain? Thus far I've only

> gotten magnesium in tablets but if there's a better way I'd love to hear it.


> Thanks,

> april in sweden




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This info is in NT somewhere. It really illuminates the characters in

Henry Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor and other Southern fiction.



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