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my swine flu shots PPT is online

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I've uploaded the PPT of my lecture " " Swine " Flu - The Virus and The Mass

Vaccination Campaign " .


The PPT is easy to follow and there are very few notes. 99% of the info is

contained within the slides as are most of the citations.

Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested.

A few topics covered are:

1. Origins of the virus - natural or manmade?

2. The virus is VERY mild

3. What are the stats in the Southern Hemisphere now that their flu season

has ended? (It fizzled out - much milder than expected.)

4. How much taxpayer money is the U.S. gov't giving to Big Pharma for the


5. Vaccine ingredients (including mercury and/or thimerasol (49% mercury by

weight). The adjuvants, which may be added later, are linked to Gulf War


6. Vaccines are experimental - will do safety testing AFTER the population

has been vaccinated according to manufacturers and the World Health


7. What's the safety history of the two Pharma conglomerates we're paying

for the lion's share of the vaccines?

8. Two pharma conglomerates we're paying for most of the vaccines built some

of their wealth and power aiding Hitler (they are both direct descendents of

the IG Farben company).

9. Pharmaceutical drugs are the 5th leading cause of death in American

according to a 2000 JAMA article (but could be much higher as this figure

only includes hospital deaths)

10. Large numbers of health professionals all over the world say they won't

take the vaccine.

11. The government launches fear campaign to scare citizens into getting the

experimental vaccine.

12. Media magnifies the fear mongering.

13. Many hospitals around the country as well as businesses and some

colleges are mandating the vaccines. Massachusetts passed a Draconian bill

allowing force vaccination, force quarantine, entering private homes by

force, and fining citizens $1,000 day or jail them if non-compliant.

14. What happened during the last swine flu pandemic and mass vaccination

campaing in 1976? 1 died of the flu and thousands were injured by the

vaccine with a debilitating paralysis called Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

15. Some suggested immune boosters.

Suze Fisher

" Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight. "

~Albert Schweitzer

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