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> > I'm a former lefty who has exited the false left-right paradigm, so

> > what

> > amuses (and saddens) me is the quibbles between leftwing and

> > rightwing folks

> > who are unaware that the oligarchs who control our politicians are

> > laughing

> > all the way to the bank while leaving us little people here to

> > squabble over

> > yet another government plan which the oligarchs will ultimately be the

> > beneficiaries of while they hang us upside down to shake out the

> > last few

> > coins left in our pocket.

> >

> >

> A bit confused by this because the implication is that there are

> corporate controlled leftists in Congress. There are perhaps a handful

> of people in Congress that could be considered leftists, some more

> that might be considered liberal - but liberalism is basically just

> another strategy for solidifying corporate control.

I don't know what distinction you're making between leftists and liberals,

but the gist of my argument is that it's really a moot point *what* they are

called, or what the righties are called, because those with the greatest

powers of influence from either side are essentially controlled to a large

degree by the oligarchs. The same oligarchs control both parties. That is

why so many folks are calling it a one-party system these days.


> Like any oversimplification - some of the time, the left/right

> 'paradigm' is useless, but some of the time it's useful. It's

> certainly useful as a communicative tool - if I use the phrase 'right

> wing talk show hosts', we know what I'm talking about.

Sure, but when it is understood that the oligarchs control/influence both

parties at the highest levels, the left/right paradigm really does become

useless. It would only be useful if the opposing parties existed outside the

control/influence of a higher power that uses them to keep people distracted

while they vertically consolidate wealth - from us to them.

> > Of course, our dollars are going to be worth even less in the not too

> > distant future because that $700 billion theft, I mean, " bailout "

> > has now

> > turned into over $23.7 TRILLION. And the Fed won't even let us know

> > what

> > they're spending most of it on.....

> > That's probably one of the biggest news stories of the century...but

> > do you

> > see *that* on the front page of any rightwing or leftwing newspaper or

> > website?

> >

> I see stuff challenging the system in fundamental ways in truly

> leftwing/progressive sources. Certainly znet.org, or counterpunch, and

> plenty of others challenge basic capitalistic assumptions (obviously

> to varying degrees depending on the authors). The Realnews network is

> pretty good - and it is viewer supported.


> But I don't think that there are corporate funded leftist sites or

> newspapers - that would be enough to make me suspicious of them

> immediately.

Well, did the leftist sites you mention, or ANY of them for that matter

report that the Federal Reserve has in essence extended the TARP bailout

from $700 billion to $23.7 TRILLION? This is more than double the GDP. By

any standard this is one of the most important news stories in decades. It's

more shocking when you look at a graph of the amount of US dollars in

circulation since 1910 to the present. It's a hockey stick graph with the

stick being nearly flat until the gold standard was removed in the 70s,

allowing the Fed to freely print fiat currency since it no longer needed to

be connected to collateral. And then, the stick begans to curve up gradually

until 2008. This will take your breath away, look at the END of the stick

THIS YEAR shooting straight upward as it never has before in our history:


So, how is it that the Fed could pump more than double the amount of US

currency into circulation within 1 year and any truly free press would not

report it?

As long as the Fed can print unlimited amounts of fiat currency (or simply

create it digitally), there is no end to how deeply they can enslave us in

debt. WE have to pay them back for that money, and so do our children and

their children. We are setting up the next generation as modern day

share-croppers. And as long as the Fed can create massive amounts of money

out of thin air, they can also fund their wars without financial limitation.

We little people who create REAL wealth from our labor, then have it sucked

up by the oligarchs who further mass their power and wealth at our expense.

Then, out of sincere concern for our well being, they fear-monger, coerce,

brainwash or force us to take their slow kill vaccines, drugged water,

poisoned food and poisoned air. It's sort of a high-tech Roman Empire by

proxy. By proxy of their puppet presidents and Congress critters.


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> As long as the Fed can print unlimited amounts of fiat currency (or simply

> create it digitally), there is no end to how deeply they can enslave us in

> debt. WE have to pay them back for that money, and so do our children and

> their children. We are setting up the next generation as modern day

> share-croppers. And as long as the Fed can create massive amounts of money

> out of thin air, they can also fund their wars without financial


> We little people who create REAL wealth from our labor, then have it


> up by the oligarchs who further mass their power and wealth at our


> Then, out of sincere concern for our well being, they fear-monger, coerce,

> brainwash or force us to take their slow kill vaccines, drugged water,

> poisoned food and poisoned air. It's sort of a high-tech Roman Empire by

> proxy. By proxy of their puppet presidents and Congress critters.

I left out some other by proxy industries, primarily the media, but also the

allopathic paradigm.

We all know too well how darn hard it is to convince our friends and family

how the low-fat and anti-cholesterol campaigns are a medical/media myth.


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> > > I'm a former lefty who has exited the false left-right paradigm,

> so

> > > what

> > > amuses (and saddens) me is the quibbles between leftwing and

> > > rightwing folks

> > > who are unaware that the oligarchs who control our politicians are

> > > laughing

> > > all the way to the bank while leaving us little people here to

> > > squabble over

> > > yet another government plan which the oligarchs will ultimately

> be the

> > > beneficiaries of while they hang us upside down to shake out the

> > > last few

> > > coins left in our pocket.

> > >

> > >

> > A bit confused by this because the implication is that there are

> > corporate controlled leftists in Congress. There are perhaps a

> handful

> > of people in Congress that could be considered leftists, some more

> > that might be considered liberal - but liberalism is basically just

> > another strategy for solidifying corporate control.


> I don't know what distinction you're making between leftists and

> liberals,

> but the gist of my argument is that it's really a moot point *what*

> they are

> called, or what the righties are called, because those with the

> greatest

> powers of influence from either side are essentially controlled to a

> large

> degree by the oligarchs. The same oligarchs control both parties.

> That is

> why so many folks are calling it a one-party system these days.



Well, given that a true leftist is totally against corporate influence

on society, and wants to restructure the society from its roots

(radical), whereas liberals differ slightly from republicans for

strategic reasons because they believe

that these differences will best preserve the control of the rich/

powerful - it is an important difference.

> >

> > Like any oversimplification - some of the time, the left/right

> > 'paradigm' is useless, but some of the time it's useful. It's

> > certainly useful as a communicative tool - if I use the phrase

> 'right

> > wing talk show hosts', we know what I'm talking about.


> Sure, but when it is understood that the oligarchs control/influence

> both

> parties at the highest levels, the left/right paradigm really does

> become

> useless. It would only be useful if the opposing parties existed

> outside the

> control/influence of a higher power that uses them to keep people

> distracted

> while they vertically consolidate wealth - from us to them.


but I don't consider the Democratic party leftist, or even liberal for

the most part. I agree with you about the current 2 party system. The

only reason I vote some of the time is because there are occasions

when I feel that the difference is large enough that some people will

come out better, or maybe that there is more of a chance that the

world will still be here in 4 years.



> > > Of course, our dollars are going to be worth even less in the

> not too

> > > distant future because that $700 billion theft, I mean, " bailout "

> > > has now

> > > turned into over $23.7 TRILLION. And the Fed won't even let us

> know

> > > what

> > > they're spending most of it on.....

> > > That's probably one of the biggest news stories of the

> century...but

> > > do you

> > > see *that* on the front page of any rightwing or leftwing

> newspaper or

> > > website?

> > >

> > I see stuff challenging the system in fundamental ways in truly

> > leftwing/progressive sources. Certainly znet.org, or counterpunch,

> and

> > plenty of others challenge basic capitalistic assumptions (obviously

> > to varying degrees depending on the authors). The Realnews network

> is

> > pretty good - and it is viewer supported.

> >

> > But I don't think that there are corporate funded leftist sites or

> > newspapers - that would be enough to make me suspicious of them

> > immediately.


> Well, did the leftist sites you mention, or ANY of them for that

> matter

> report that the Federal Reserve has in essence extended the TARP

> bailout

> from $700 billion to $23.7 TRILLION? This is more than double the

> GDP. By

> any standard this is one of the most important news stories in

> decades. It's

> more shocking when you look at a graph of the amount of US dollars in

> circulation since 1910 to the present. It's a hockey stick graph

> with the

> stick being nearly flat until the gold standard was removed in the

> 70s,

> allowing the Fed to freely print fiat currency since it no longer

> needed to

> be connected to collateral. And then, the stick begans to curve up

> gradually

> until 2008. This will take your breath away, look at the END of the

> stick

> THIS YEAR shooting straight upward as it never has before in our

> history:

> http://tinyurl.com/n24pef.


> So, how is it that the Fed could pump more than double the amount of

> US

> currency into circulation within 1 year and any truly free press

> would not

> report it?


> As long as the Fed can print unlimited amounts of fiat currency (or

> simply

> create it digitally), there is no end to how deeply they can enslave

> us in

> debt. WE have to pay them back for that money, and so do our

> children and

> their children. We are setting up the next generation as modern day

> share-croppers. And as long as the Fed can create massive amounts of

> money

> out of thin air, they can also fund their wars without financial

> limitation.

> We little people who create REAL wealth from our labor, then have it

> sucked

> up by the oligarchs who further mass their power and wealth at our

> expense.

> Then, out of sincere concern for our well being, they fear-monger,

> coerce,

> brainwash or force us to take their slow kill vaccines, drugged water,

> poisoned food and poisoned air. It's sort of a high-tech Roman

> Empire by

> proxy. By proxy of their puppet presidents and Congress critters.


> Suze




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