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Mini Beet Protocol - MBP

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I'm not sure if the " Mini Beet Protocol " has been discussed here or not, but

here are some current testimonials.

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving to All!

PS: According to one of the audios by Von - he consumes a diet which he

says is similar to the " Bible Diet " involving meat

and animal products, very much like what Jordan Rubin promoted in his " Makers

Diet " book.

Mini Beet Protocol

<http://robertvon.com/mbp.html> http://robertvon.com/mbp.html

Mini Beet Protocol (MBP)

Current testimonials of people using the MBP.


Mini Beet Protocol by Von Sarbacher

Updated: 11/20/2009




11/03/2009: Reikigirl from Millstone Twp., Nj writes: " Mini Beet Protocol: Read

about the MBP some time ago, just bought a juicer,

had all the ingredients so I gave it a try today. Mixed 1 tsp. cinnamon in 2

tbsp. warm water and drank...it tasted fine...followed

that with a cup of water...juiced 1/4 cup asparagus, 1/4 cup beets, mixed

together and drank... tasted like beet juice, really no

asparagus taste to it...then ate a large apple followed by 10 baby carrots...no

nausea...I feel just fine...will continue to follow

this increasing amount of juice each week as directed. I am 51 and hoping to see

an improvement in wrinkles and cellulite. I am 7

lbs. away from my goal weight and need to firm up my body. Will report back each

week. "

11/05/2009: Jp from Pomona, New York replies: " Rikigirl, I'll be looking forward

to your weekly updates on this. I plan on starting

this in a week or two. I just placed an order for the cinnamon. I'm hoping this

will help my candida problem since nothing else

works along with some other health issues. "

.. more

11/05/2009: from Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa replies: " Hi Everyone!

I haven't written here for quite awhile but I read this site everyday always

looking for new info. I had written that I started the

mini beet protocol and the last post was about 2 weeks ago. Today marks one

month from my first post. I don't want to repeat what I

posted the first 2x so I'll continue from my last post. The mbp really got me

interested in more info about this but much to my

disappointment, there wasn't much on the web other than 's very simple

site. I also listened to his audio which was quite long

but interesting. Well, since there wasn't much more about it, I started going on

juicing sites which I began to learn SO much from.

Now that my husband and I were up to a large glass of beet/asparagus juice (plus

we did not follow it up with the apple/carrot- not

recommending one does that, just documenting what we did) I decided to start

adding lots of dark greens as many of the juicing sites

said greens really benefit us and are full of nutrients and protein that our

bodies can readily utilize. Wow! We really started to

notice a difference! Then, I decided to start adding in garlic and ginger which

is delicious and act as natural antibiotics.

In week 3, we also both started craving our veggie juice, not just in the

morning but also about 5pm. We don't eat dinner until

about 8 as my work schedule does not permit until then. So, the juice really

amped us up in energy. Of course, me, being always

curious to know more about health just kept perusing different sites. That led

me to the raw food world.

Now, let me tell you, at first I thought, " What? Are these people crazy? " As I

was a vegetarian years ago for a long time but then

returned to poultry when I was pregnant with my first son when my midwife found

me severely anemic and threatened not to let me have

a homebirth if she did not see an immediate improvement. (This was a long time

ago now. A year later I began to eat beef as well.) I

always seemed to have energy issues and obviously very anemic as well as a

vegetarian. So, curiously, I began to read more about

this " lifestyle " and found lots of sites dedicated to this world. It is

fascinating and began to make a lot of sense why these

people were so full of energy, looked amazing and much younger than their " real "

age. I also could not ignore the fact that through

the veggie juice of which we had added kale, chard- all kinds, carrots,

radishes, dandelion greens, cucumber, zucchini, apples,

cabbage, parsley, cilantro and all sorts of various vegetables but not

necessarily all at once, we were seeing all sorts of amazing

changes. Lots of energy and a need for less sleep- naturally awake at 5:30 am

without even trying. Melasma is something I have had

for about 7 years now all over my cheeks and I have tried lots of ways to get

rid of it to no avail. Well it is almost completely

non-existent at this point. I see a lot of issues with this on this site for

those of you plagued with that. All joint pain is gone.

(Except, admittedly, my hips still hurt some. Still, after seeing all the

results from this juicing, I have hope of that reversing,

as well!) My husband who has always dealt with constipation issues has been

completely relieved of that. Our skin is so incredibly

soft we marvel at it. My eyes are very clear. Also, as von Sarbacher

claimed, wrinkles have disappeared on my face. All my

pores are very small too of which I have always had problems with large pores

and clogged pores trying all sorts of things to remedy

that. My hair is growing in dark again of which I have a lot of grey over the

last few years. Scalp itch has disappeared, my nail

beds are very pink and ridges on the nails are gone. I learned that's from lack

of silica of which many people are lacking in.

.. more

Mini Beet Protocol

<http://robertvon.com/mbp.html> http://robertvon.com/mbp.html

Mini Beet Protocol (MBP)

The protocol:

1. Take one shot glass of cinnamon, say 2 or more tablespoons of water, mix in 1

teaspoon of cinnamon with a fork. Stir for 2

minutes. If you do not stir well enough it will not mix well. It will be an

amazing annoyance on the back of your throat while

trying to drink it down. Right after drinking it you are to swallow a little

water to wash your throat of the residue of the

cinnamon. Let's say this another way. You are to have 2 glasses in front of you.

One glass is a stirred up cinnamon shot. The second

glass has a decent amount of water in it only, say 1 cup of water. Drink the

cinnamon shot, then chase it with the glass of water to

wash the throat of any residue from the cinnamon and to make sure you do not

burn your throat.

Now you can start the juicing below. It will be about 15 minutes until you get

everything juiced and start drinking. So this will

give the required time for the cinnamon to do its work, about 15 minutes in


2. The exact ratio of beet to asparagus juice combo is 60% beet to 40% asparagus

(ie. as an example in amounts: that would be

exactly 3 cups beets juiced and 2 cups of asparagus juiced). I have seen plenty

of people make it into 50/50 (ie. equal amounts of

each). Start out small please! Work your way up to taking a full 1 cup of beet

juice and 3/4 cup of asparagus juice (that is the

goal of the mini beet protocol. 1 cup beet juice and 3/4 cup of asparagus juice,

mixed and drunk). For the beginning you must start

out with a lesser amount and work your way up to that over say one week. Start

with 1/4 cup beet juice to 1/4 cup of asparagus

juice. First juice the asparagus. Take that juice away from under the juicer and

measure it out perfectly and if there is any froth

from the asparagus juicing, well, measure ONLY the juice, NONE of the froth!

Simple! Do the same thing with the beets that you did

with the asparagus - measuring it out separately. Now combine the beet and

asparagus juices, mix and drink right then. The ONLY

purpose of separating them out is so that you measure them correctly, that's

all. Again, you can do this for a week every day,

thereafter do the next step up 1/2 cup beet juice to almost 1/2 cup asparagus

juice. The third week step it up again and do the full

1 cup of beet juice to 3/4 cup of asparagus juice. This is the MBP not the Major

Beet Protocol. The MajorBP is just plain scary! Not

only in the amount of beets/asparagus you are consuming, but in its amazing

affects on the human body. WOW! WOW! WOW! Very GOOD! On

4 days of the MajorBP you will feel like someone lifted an anvil off of your

kidneys. I kid you not! Even if your kidneys function

like perfection already!

3. Last is to eat one apple, two apples or three apples: 1 apple if the amount

of mixed juice had a total of 1/2 cup of beet juice

or less; 2 apples if the amount of beets in the mix was 3/4 cups beet juice; 3

apples or more if the amount of beets was 1 full cup

of beet juice. We're talking ONLY about the beet juice portion of this mix! The

beet portion is the only reason we're eating these

apples. Only measure the beet portion to know how much apples to take in. Next

eat one or two carrots after the apples. I don't care

if it takes you 2 hours to get down 2 or 3 apples then eat 1-2 carrots as long

as you get them down and in THAT ORDER (apples first

then carrots). You have to start with the eating of apples right after drinking

the juice even if it takes you two hours to finish.

Just so long as you start right after the juicing, ok? If you did this correctly

you should notice total perfection without a single

hint of side effects, fevers, chills, nausea, headaches, etc. ok?


According to the one page website <http://robertvon.com/mbp.html> of the

inventor of the Mini Beet Protocal (aka MBP), Von

Sarbarcher, this juicing remedy will cure:

Fluoride Poisoning

Pesticide Poisoning

Mold and Fungal Infections

Crow's Feet

Infertility (wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes)

Heavy Metal Poisoning

Love Handles & Cellulite

Hormonal Imbalances

Free Radicals


Gray Hair




In order to do this protocol, you'll need:


A juicer

INGREDIENTS (organic, if possible)

* Ground Cinnamon

* Beets

* Asparagus

* Apples (any kind)

* Carrots


Von Sarbacher's extensive instructions here:

http://robertvon.com/mbp.html (His web page is best viewed in Internet Explorer;

Firefox has a character display issue.)

After you try this juicing cure, please

<http://www.earthclinic.com/contactus.html> send us your feedback!

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