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What If There Was a Cure for Alzheimer's Disease... and No One Knew?

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I apologize if this has already been posted. In any case, I think its valuable

information and deserves reposting.

Coconut oil and MCT oil

“…I plan to tell everyone I can and get this infor­mation to persons in

positions to investigate this with the hope that Dr. Veech

and other MCT oil and ketone body researchers get the funding they need. Feel

free to make copies and pass this write-up on.

If you have a loved one or a patient with Alzheimer’s or one of these other

degenerative neurologic diseases, consider trying

coconut oil. Dr. Veech suggests that, if possible, a videotape of the person

before starting and at various points af­ter starting

the coconut oil would be very useful to document change.”

T. Newport M.D.

A Case Study by Dr. Newport - July 22, 2008



… Until very recently, I didn’t see anything re­garding the potential use of

medium chain trig­lycerides (MCT oil), or ketone

bodies (also called ketoacids,) the end product of their metabolism, which may

not only treat, but also prevent Alzheim­er’s

disease. Further, this is a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease,

Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic

lateral sclero­sis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease), drug resistant epilepsy,

brittle type I diabetes, and diabetes type II, where

there is insulin resistance. Ketone bodies may help the brain recover after a

loss of oxygen in newborns through adults, may help

the heart re­cover after an acute attack, and may shrink cancer­ous tumors.

Children with drug resistant epilepsy sometimes respond

to an extremely low carbohy­drate ketogenic diet. MCT oil appears to be useful

as an aid in weight loss and body builders use it

already to improve their lean body mass (MCT oil can be easily purchased on the


… Thinking, what have we got to lose, we stopped at a health food store on the

way home and picked up a quart of 100% “virgin”

coconut oil. I calculated that in order to provide 20 gm of MCT, he would need

to take 35 grams or just over two table­spoons (about

35 ml or 7 level teaspoons) of coconut oil. The following morning, around 9

A.M., I made oatmeal for breakfast and stirred two

tablespoons, plus more for “good luck,” into his portion. I had some as well,

since I cannot expect him to eat something that I

won’t eat.

On the way to the 1:00 P.M. screening, I tried to prepare Steve by asking him

the season, the month, the day of the week, re­minding

him that we were going to Tampa, in Hillsborough county. He couldn’t remem­ber

the word “spring,” came up with April instead of May

for the month every time I asked him and he couldn’t remember it was Wednesday.

During the hour-long drive, we went through these

facts at least 10 times, but he still couldn’t remember. Shortly after we

arrived he was whisked away for the test, about 4 ½ hours

after consuming the coconut oil. When he returned, he was very unhappy about his

performance. , the research coordinator,

returned shortly thereafter and began to take his vital signs and blood

pres­sure, and, suspecting that we were continu­ing with the

screening process, I asked her if she could share his score with us. She said,

“Didn’t he tell you? He scored an 18!” more than he

needed to qualify for the vac­cine study. He remembered it was spring, it was

May, it was Wednesday, that he was in Tampa, in

Hillsborough county and that we were at the Byrd Institute, all points that he

missed on the previous attempt at USF. As a result of

the screening, we learned that he is positive for APOE4, but do not know at this

time if he has one or two copies.

According to the Ketasyn studies, Steve should not have improved, but rather he

should have stayed about the same….

… It is inconceivable that a potential dietary pre­vention and cure for

Alzheimer's disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases,

has been out there for so many years, and yet has gone unnoticed. It is very

likely that these diseases are becoming more prevalent

due our current diet. The American diet has changed drastically from what it was

before the 1950's, when our parents and

grandparents used lard and coconut oil to cook…..

Dr. Newport

10030 Orchard Way

Spring hill, FL 34608

Home: (352) 666-1025

Cell: (352) 428-0251


Coconut oil and MCT oil websites:



www.amazon.com <http://www.amazon.com/>

www.tropicaltraditions.com <http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/>



Palm kernel oil website:

www.oilsbynature.com <http://www.oilsbynature.com/>

Coconut oil and coconut milk are also avail­able at most health food stores and

many grocery stores.

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