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POLITICAL - FW: Health Freedom eAlerts Being Blocked! Please Open: McCain Proposes Gutting DSHEA!

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Dietary Supplements, Clean Foods - Next Victims of Fake " Safety " Bills

Dietary Supplements, Clean Foods

Next Victims of Fake " Safety " Bills

McCain's " Dietary Supplement Safety " Bill

Joins Fake " Food Safety " S510

Farmers, Food and Your Freedom Under Attack...

02/04/10 - UPDATE: while the fake " Food Safety " Bill S510 remains stalled in the

Senate, after our November Blitz sent more than

150,000 emails to the Senate over one long weekend, this week Sen McCain

announced that he was offering another " Safety " bill,

this one aimed at the type of food called " Dietary Supplement " in a blatant

attempt to undermine your freedom to access high potency

vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements which Americans have enjoyed

since a unanimous Congress adopted the Dietary

Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). The McCain bill seeks to

overthrow major provisions of the law and force

" HARMonization " with international Codex Alimentarius (so-called " World Food

Code " ) restrictions on our food and health freedoms.

See our analysis of the bill at: <http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4608>

http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4608 and please take

the Action below; we've modified it to include the new bill; please send this

new message to your Senators, even if you've already

used the earlier version of this Action Item. See also:

http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4615 for our Health Freedom Action eAlert

eblast on this issue -- and please forward that link to all your contacts.

11/17/09 - UPDATE: the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

Committee (HELP Committee) " marked-up " S.510, the Senate

version of the (sic) " Food Safety " bill on Tuesday, November 18, 2009. This is

the last step before a full Senate vote. The Senate

bill can be read at: http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:S.510: -- this

bill has an even weaker Family Farm and Ranch,

Community and Home Garden exemption than the bill (HR.2749) which passed the

House at the end of July. Some minor changes were made,

as a result of hundreds of thousands of emails to decsion makers generated from

this Action Item and other citizen actions -- so now

it's time to continue to Push Back! We have until early in the new year to make

our voices heard, since the Senators, after

considering the nearly 150,000 messages they received from this Action Item,

will not vote on the bill until January. For updates:

see our blog entry at: <http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4014>


HELP Chairman Sen. Tom Harkin, mentioning " public concerns " (namely your Push

Back!) and the Committee's desire to protect family

farms and organic agriculture, confirmed (about minute 58.5 of the " Mark-up "

hearing video archive at the HELP site) that Codex

Alimentarius (the so-called World Food Code) does not trump the Dietary

Supplement Health and Safety Education Act of 1994 (the law

that allows the USA to have the most potent nutrients and most vibrant nutrient

market in the world) " DSHEA . governs the law here,

not Codex standards. " Chairmen Harkin further stated: the provision in bill that

requires FDA to " make recommendations including

whether to harmonize whth Codex does not signal any intent to move in a

different direction on DSHEA. "





[Message goes to the President, your Senators and the HELP Comment Email


NOTE: If you have already taken this Action Item, we encourage you, and every

member of your family and circle of contacts to do so

again since it has been amended to reflect the passage of HR 2749 on July 30,

2009 after two failed attempts on the previous days,

the " mark-up " of the Senate version, S510 in November 2009 and McCain's February

2010 gambit to extend the attack to Dietary

Supplements. If passed by the Senate, in any form, the Food Fascism Bill will

guarantee the loss of clean, healthy food, high

potency dietary supplements and independent farming in the US -- and the

complete industrialization of the US food supply. Now the

question is what will the Senate do?

We did manage to get some protective exemptions into the House bill for small

farmers who sell food directly to consumers or to

restaurants, but they are, frankly, weak and will not be enough to protect your

food or our farmers. But the Senate bill has much

weaker protections, just mentioning minor exemptions for restaurants once and

farms twice. McCain's " Dietary Supplement Safety " bill

is an obvious attempt to get the stalled (sic) " food safety " show going again.

We need to rally people immediately to submit the below email message to the

Senate and to visit with their Senators at home to

demand accountable voting on this bill.

The Obama administration is pushing new farm controls which will drive small and

independent farmers off the land, literally leaving

the field to Agribiz, (implementing all of Codex through complete HARMonization

and allowing the FDA to declare Marshal law) through

Congress as fast as possible and have coordinated the House bills so there will

be no debate and committee meetings are closed. The

story will not be the same in the Senate, if we can generate enough public


Transparency, change, undoing Bush's regulations, giving the public time to

comment, grassroots anything? None are visible in the

current legislative process. Our entire food system, and thus our health, is

being given to the last people with any interest in

quality or safety: Big Abgribiz. This is going on in the absence of public

scrutiny. Those who do know what is happening, of

course, have zero access to the process and to the major media. Meanwhile, the

media is absent while Congress is moving at warp

speed to sew this up.

There will be no direct, frontal assault on organic farming and dietary

supplements, but an insidious process of " infecting " organic

farming and nutrient products with regulations, " traceability " requirements,

required practices and prohibitions enforced by truly

draconian fines and prision terms for even minor offenses running to hundreds of

thousands to millions of dollars and 8 years in

prison for minor offenses... all under the guise of fake " food safety. "

Example: imagine Salatin's wonderful organic farm under the direction of

the USDA, with detailed instructions on what he must

feed and when, how he must medically " treat " his animals and with what, what he

must " spray " and when, ... you get the picture.

These bills will industrialize all farms and insure the farmers are forced to

buy chemicals and drugs. Organic is dead. As well as

human control over the food supply. As well as health.

H.R. 2749 includes a weak exemption for farmer to consumer or restaurant sales

because of the Push Back we generated. But the bill

has now passed the House and it is imperative that NO version of " food safety "

pass the Senate. More Push Back is needed for more

protection for dietary supplements, farmers, gardeners, community farming, all

local food production (including yours!) and food


We've set up an Action Item for you to send an unmistakable message to your

Senators. We must educate the Senate that you value

DSHEA, organic farmers and small farming and do not - do not - want independent

farmers regulated out of existence. You do not want

" Big Agrabiz " regulations applied to organic and small family farms and ranches

or to natural/organic food products, including

Dietary Supplements.

We have prepared the following Petition to Congress with regard to this matter:



(2010 Changes in Red)

To Amend S.510 or Any Food or Dietary Supplement Safety Modernization Act or

Similar Bill

By the Addition of the

Natural and Family Food and Farming Exclusion Amendment

And by Defeating Any Attempt to Add McCain's Fake

" Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 " Provisions to S510

The Members of the Senate of the United States of America:

Whereas the proposed Food Safety Administration within the Department of Health

and Human Services should focus its activities on

the significant public administration issues involving the capacity of large

scale, industrialized agriculture to threaten public


Whereas dietary supplements, organic and natural agriculture, family farms and

ranches, and natural or organic food products,

including dietary supplements are not a significant part of the food safety

problem, and

Whereas Congress previously provided for an exemption for natural food dietary

supplements from the increased agency authority

granted by the FDA Modernization Act of 2007, through a rule of interpretation,

added as section 1011 of that Act, and has on

numerous occasions exempted small and family farms from the same level of

regulation as has been deemed necessary in the case of

industrialized agriculture,

The citizens ascribing to this Petition therefore hereby request that any Food

Safety Modernization Act identical or similar to HR

2749 be defeated, or that it, or any substitute for it be amended to exclude

organic and natural agriculture, family farms and

ranches, and natural or organic food products, including dietary supplements,

through a rule of interpretation, as follows:

" Rule of Interpretation

" No provision of this act shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home,

home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm,

organic or natural agricultural activity, (B) to any family farm or ranch, or

© to any natural or organic food product, including

dietary supplements regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education

Act of 1994. "

We also note the language of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 USC sec 203 (s)

(2) which provides, " (2) Any establishment that has as

its only regular employees the owner thereof or the parent, spouse, child, or

other member of the immediate family of such owner

shall not be considered to be an enterprise engaged in commerce or in the

production of goods for commerce or a part of such an

enterprise... " Language such as this would be helpful to allay our concerns.

If the FDA Center for Food Safety is to be moved into a new Food Safety Agency,

then Dietary Supplements, regulated as foods under

the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) should be included in

such agency, with the proviso that such substances, as

foods, are deemed safe when used as directed.

We oppose any bill which undermines the provisions of DSHEA and call for

extending those protective provisions as has been proposed

by Rep. Dr. Ron of Texas. No provision of the fake " Dietary Supplement

Safety Act of 2010 " should be included in S510 or

adopted individually; we call upon all Senators to refuse to co-sponsor Sen.

McCain's bill which threatens our Health Freedom and

our rights under DSHEA.

Furthermore, the ascribing citizens Petition the Congress of the United States

to declare it the public policy of the United States

that organic and natural agriculture, home and community gardens, family farms

and ranches, and natural or organic food products,

including dietary supplements shall be at all times free from suit, vexation,

trouble, penalty, or loss of their goods, for the

inestimable values they confer upon the public.


You know we need your help to defray the costs of this Action Item and to keep

up the good food and freedom fight.

Please donate here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189


[March 7, 2009 - This Petition was prepared by Ralph Fucetola JD, a Trustee of

the Natural Solutions Foundation, for educational

purposes - www.HealthFreedomUSA.org and modified on July 31, 2009, November 17,

2009 and February 5, 2010]

>>Learn More <http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/>


February 06, 2010


Dear Senator

" The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act " - S.510 Sen. McCain's (sic) " Dietary

Supplement Safety Act of 2010 " Natural Solutions

Foundation, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, as part of its efforts to educate Congress

regarding the inestimable benefits of health and

food freedom, has asked its hundreds of thousands of supporters, with many of

your constituents, including me, among them, to alert

you to our deep concerns for the protection of organic and small family farms

and ranches from new legislation and regulation that

is more properly applied to large-scale agricultural businesses. The net result

of S.510, and any like it, will be to industrialize

the food production of the United States with near total loss of small scale,

wholesome and community-based farming. This is a loss

that neither our society nor our collective health status can afford. Our

concern focuses on legislation to establish a " Food Safety

Administration within the Department of Health and Human Services. " This bill is

H.R. 2749 which passed the House of Representatives

on July 30, 2009 despite intense opposition from the people of the United

States. The Senate will soon consider a similar bill.

While we do support DIVESTING THE FDA and USDA of their often mis-used food

authority, I adamantly oppose the bill which the House

passed and strongly OPPOSE S.510 which has even weaker protections for family

farms than the House bill. AS MY ELECTED SENATOR, I

URGE YOU TO VOTE AGAINST THESE BILLS and any similar substitutes. WE NEED


DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS TOO. If the Senate insists upon passing these dangerous and

ill-advised bills, it is urgently important that you

write into these bills specific language protecting organic and small family

farms and ranches as well as family and personal food

production. These enterprises and all natural products, including organic and

natural food products and Dietary Supplements, must be

unambiguously exempted from the controls of these bills. Such products and such

farms and ranches are not part of the food safety

problem. They are, in fact, the true food safety system. The problem is with

mega-farms and agra business facilities. H.R. 2749

included a weak exemption for farmer-to-consumer or farmer-to-restaurant sales,

that is not enough! S.510 has even weaker

exemptions! We, the health and freedom focused eaters of the United States

demand that our natural and organic food products,

Dietary Supplements and their producers be protected from the increased

regulation of food producers provided in these pending bills

and any similar enactments. Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter.

Health Freedom is Our First Freedom and I look to

you to protect it for all Americans. While the Senate HELP Committee " marked-up "

the bill on November 18, 2009, some minor changes

were made offering some small small improvements, but the specific language

recommended here is the minimum we must have to protect

important citizen interests. Addendum: Kindly accept this PETITION requesting

that Congress amend the pending bills to include a

specified Rule of Interpretation: PETITION To Amend S.510 or Any Food or Dietary

Supplement Safety, Modernization Act or Similar

Bill By the Addition of the Natural and Family Food and Farming Exclusion

Amendment And by Defeating Any Attempt to Add

McCain's Fake " Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 " Provisions to S510 or

Otherwise The Members of the Senate of the United

States of America: Whereas the proposed Food Safety Administration within the

Department of Health and Human Services should focus

its activities on the significant public administration issues involving the

capacity of large scale, industrialized agriculture to

threaten public safety, Whereas dietary supplements, organic and natural

agriculture, family farms and ranches, and natural or

organic food products, including dietary supplements are not a significant part

of the food safety problem, and Whereas Congress

previously provided for an exemption for natural food dietary supplements from

the increased agency authority granted by the FDA

Modernization Act of 2007, through a rule of interpretation, added as section

1011 of that Act, and has on numerous occasions

exempted small and family farms from the same level of regulation as has been

deemed necessary in the case of industrialized

agriculture, The citizens ascribing to this Petition therefore hereby request

that any Food Safety Modernization Act identical or

similar to HR 2749 be defeated, or that it, or any substitute for it be amended

to exclude organic and natural agriculture, family

farms and ranches, and natural or organic food products, including dietary

supplements, through a rule of interpretation, as

follows: " Rule of Interpretation " No provision of this act shall be deemed to

apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home

or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (B)

to any family farm or ranch, or © to any natural

or organic food product, including dietary supplements regulated under the

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. " We

also note the language of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 USC sec 203 (s) (2)

which provides, " (2) Any establishment that has as

its only regular employees the owner thereof or the parent, spouse, child, or

other member of the immediate family of such owner

shall not be considered to be an enterprise engaged in commerce or in the

production of goods for commerce or a part of such an

enterprise... " Language such as this would be helpful to allay our concerns. If

the FDA Center for Food Safety is to be moved into a

new Food Safety Agency, then Dietary Supplements, regulated as foods under the

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)

should be included in such agency, with the proviso that such substances, as

foods, are deemed safe when used as directed. We oppose

any bill which undermines the provisions of DSHEA and call for extending those

protective provisions as has been proposed by Rep.

Dr. Ron of Texas. No provision of the fake " Dietary Supplement Safety Act

of 2010 " should be included in S510 or adopted

individually; we call upon all Senators to refuse to co-sponsor Sen. McCain's

bill which threatens our Health Freedom and our rights

under DSHEA. Furthermore, the ascribing citizens Petition the Congress of the

United States to declare it the public policy of the

United States that organic and natural agriculture, home and community gardens,

family farms and ranches, and natural or organic

food products, including dietary supplements shall be at all times free from

suit, vexation, trouble, penalty, or loss of their

goods, for the inestimable values they confer upon the public.

We will add your signature from the information you provide.


Welcome back!

For your convenience, we have filled out your form with the information you

provided previously from postal code 52556.

Click to see <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/profile/> and manage

your information.

Not kurt.hansen@...? Please

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/logout.jsp?killorg=568> click here.

Thank you!


Send an Email

Natural Solutions Foundation


Please visit us at www.healthfreedomusa.org <http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/>

----- Forwarded Message ----

From: Natural Solutions Foundation <dr.laibow@...>


Sent: Fri, February 5, 2010 11:09:55 PM

Subject: Health Freedom eAlerts Being Blocked! Please Open: McCain Proposes

Gutting DSHEA!

Natural Solutions Foundation Emergency Health Freedom Action eAlert

The Voice of Global Health FreedomT


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=Z3mSCLc0hkAqnVzgUOBQxXsQ\



<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=NqPoGuteWVFQPjSo9KF%2BfQ\


February 5, 2010

Permalink:http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=LN70cP%2BUpYWeE\


Dear Health Freedom Supporter,

This is an Emergency eBlast concerning the three serious emergencies we are

facing right now, today:

Emergency #1. Health Freedom eAlerts Being Blocked!

Emergency #2. McCain Bill, Implementing Codex for Supplements, Gutting Health

Freedom Must be Stopped!

Emergency #3. GMOs contaminating our Food Supply! This must stop NOW!

Emergency #1:

This text-only eAlert in an attempt to pierce the wall of censorship that has

become increasingly apparent blocking your Health

Freedom Action eAlerts over the past several weeks. Ever since the ground

breaking 2010 Health Freedom War Council

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=ujbJktqQmp0z7lbECT0mSQBN\

9xCmDwTF> our blasts are blocked, censored, and

blatantly interfered with. We have recently been alerted that AOL, Verizon,

, Gmail and possibly other email service providers

appear to be preventing our urgent messages from getting to you, our

subscribers. This despite the fact that emails are only sent

is to supporters who have individually chosen to receive these messages, ( " opted

in " ). Yes, Natural Solutions Foundation blasts are

being blocked, in violation of your right to freedom of information!

Why? Because we are truly the Voice of Global Health FreedomT and we are very

effective! You know you can rely on our information,

and so do the Powers That Be, the ones that do not want you to have that

information. It really is that simple.

When you receive this email, we urge you to send it to everyone you know since

our ability to reach our huge email list is being

blocked, we believe, intentionally.

This urgent note is from General Bert Stubblebine, the Natural Solutions

Foundation President: " Mouse Warriors, we need your ACTION

now! Please follow the plan we've put forward in this eblast. This is a long

message, but we need you to follow it through. Your

health and freedom are, quite simply, at stake! "

We are researching solutions to this cyber censorship which are effective and

which we can afford. We fully expect to be on top of

the problem in the very near future, BUT it is imperative that you become the

Voice of Health FreedomT now since several urgent

issues require our full throated battle cry. TODAY!

Emergency #2:

Sen. McCain is introducing a horrific bill, the " Dietary Supplement Safety

[sic] Act of 2010 " (DSSA) designed to end your

access to high potency supplements by giving the bloated, corrupt and dangerous

FDA MORE power to destroy supplement access. This

bill is absolutely NOT to be confused with DSHEA, the Dietary Supplements Health

and Education Act (1994), which says nutrients are

food and, as food, you can have them in any form - and any amount - you like.

If we allow DSSA to pass, we will be living - and

dying - under something very much like the European Food Supplements Directive's

anti-supplement restrictions, implementing Codex

Alimentarius' dietary supplements and nutritional restrictions, to the " T " --

effective as close to immediately as the Fraud and

Death Administration can manage it. Listen to the Dr. Rima Reports as Dr. Rima

interviews Schons, MD, a renowned German

Immunologist practicing natural medicine in Germany:

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=3KSq02eXsSPRJ2upYZ9QswBN\

9xCmDwTF> . Food Supplements are going the way of

the dodo in the EU. The US is clearly next unless we act now - in massive

numbers, once for each member of your family, at

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=Gq4oMTpP2zJoqHhlzFCtuwBN\



Your legal right to access supplements and herbs will, quite frankly, be a thing

of the past. As we predicted years ago, the end of

the first decade of the new millennium was intended to be when we lost our

Health Freedom. Will you let that happen?

For several years, the Natural Solutions Foundation has kept you abreast of the

battle for our food, our health, our freedom,

indeed, as we documented and discussed in our 2010 Health Freedom War Council

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=nuEAx1reLPSQOhgqhOJyIwBN\

9xCmDwTF> last month, our very lives. We have

predicted that the FDA's Big Pharma Phriendly policies would bring Codex-style

restrictions home to us as " safety " when, in fact,

they are nothing short of health tyranny.

Take away high potency nutrients, herbs and other nutritional aids and what do

you have? Pharma triumphant and health freedom

defeated -- a total rout, and the end of the DSHEA freedoms we rely on. Since

the unanimous adoption by Congress of the Dietary

Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) we have seen a blossoming of

advanced, leading-edge, high potency nutrition

sought out by hundreds of millions to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We've warned these freedoms were under sustained

attack. Senator McCaine has just escalated the attack.

Once again, the Natural Solutions Foundation brings you the important stories --

we warned you, within hours of McCain announcing

his intent, that this was happening,

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=8YsiYknO9Bv9kiUuFtSuYgBN\




We call upon you to act now! By clicking here,

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=KK%2Fk8umcLB8jtzlH4Om5EHs\

QwJPXHou1, you are joining those who have acted upon

this important information and have begun to awaken the public to this threat.

It's time to move to ACTION.

Read more about this dangerous bill here -

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=FPB8objIumS2k2yj3phd0QBN\

9xCmDwTF> http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4608

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=rWLkJ%2BDKHFzYSlhVv8JZOw\


Here is the Action item which you must take now, once for each member of your

family, IF you value your health, your supplements and

your freedom.


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=aqdIDBsxJYDNZw%2FQKfoIMA\


We are in active contact with our friends in Congress and with key opinion

makers, seeking powerful alliances to stop the McCain

bill and its companion " Food Safety [sic] " Bill, s510. It would appear that the

ploy (you might call it a " conspiracy " ) is to

combine the two " Food Safety [sick] Bills into one, combining her worst features

of each, of course.

We will keep you posted as the story unfolds, but there is literally no time to

wait or waste. This MUST be nipped in the bud so

deeply that it never arises again! THIS IS WHERE PUSH BACK TURNS INTO TAKE DOWN!

McCain: Pharma Tool, Globalist Fool. But, as foolish as he may be, his bill

poses a major threat to you right now! [Question: if

pro is the opposite of con, does that mean Congress is the opposite of


The only thing they listen to is numbers; we proved that when we Pushed Back

with over 2.8 million emails, against the planned,

mass, forced " Swine Flu " vaccine -- and the threat evaporated. Let's do it

again! Let's set a goal of 1 million emails to the

Senate, 1 million emails to the White House and 1 million emails to HHS

Secretary Sebelius, 1 million emails to the Senate " HELP "

committee where the dangerous companion to McCain's bill, S510, the (sic) " Food

Safety Bill " has been stalled since our Push Back

campaign in December, will be joined shortly by this latest assault on our


That's a lot of emails, right? Well, our email system allows you to send an

email to your Senator, Pres. Obama, Sec. Sebelius and

HELP committe chair Harkin with one click of your freedom mouse.

Further more, take the action once for each member of your family and pass it

along to everyone you know who uses, has used, or

might some day use supplements. That's how we can make this Push Back effort go

viral and become effective Take Down!

We need to inundate the Senate HELP committee, since Tom Harkin said in

November, in response to the over 150,000 emails that we

generated in one weekend, that " DSHEA . governs the law here, not Codex

standards. " and that the provision in S510 allowing FDA to

" make recommendations including whether to harmonize with Codex does not signal

any intent to move in a different direction on


Now it's time for Senator Tom Harkin to keep that pledge and stop the McCain

Anti-DSHEA Bill!


http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=OjLecPvgnemenOaeMalpGN1f9\

wbX4Kn4 for Senator Harkin's comments.


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=hWFF7hVvEwCGqiRBnTzzUABN\


http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4608 for the dangerous terms of the McCain


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=%2BSp3ZD%2Fe66%2B%2Bg9O8\



Emergency #3:

One more thing: after Monsanto lost a court case in which the judge said that it

has to have an environmental impact study before it

can commercialize its GMO alfalfa (the fifth largest grain crop in the US), the

USDA obligingly provided that study, and,

predictably " found " that GMO alfalfa was safe, despite the known hazards to

people, babies in utero, organic farming and diary

operations (indeed, entire industries) and the biosphere.

What a surprise, with former Monsanto executive Vilsek as the Secretary of


OK. Gloves off. It is time, and past time, for a total ban on this insane

technology. Click the Action Item link below, once for

each member of your family, to tell the secondary power structure of the US [the

Congress and the White House] that we, the primary

power structure, absolutely reject this dangerous aberration and call for a

total ban on GMOs before there are no unmodified plants,

animals or people on the planet, and Monsanto owns the world food supply.

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=YzPyPAC5VThWkz0HCjnYwwBN9\


Why should you take the two Action Items above?

Why? Because your freedom depends upon it. Sen. Mc Cain's new bill will bring

Codex to your supplement shelf - and make sure it is


And here is my Open Letter to Forbes Magazine... about their pro-vaccine stance

Does it suprise you that Forbes named Monsanto as its Company of the Year?

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=QbZ2XdFY9DOvB%2BUmRMni9QB\


Please make your Tax Exempt recurring donation here, now.

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=yP2eGC8buEquBRVB9NO%2F2ns\


Remember, the EPA and FDA are, in a separate action, trying to take nano and

colloidal silver off the market. Why? Because silver

is the universal antibiotic and would destroy a vast pharmaceutical market if

people knew about it. After investigation, I

personally recommend the nano silver available at


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=HPSIM1qmZPRWrOxpMfbSdgBN\

9xCmDwTF> , Silver Biotics.

I would start laying in a supply now. I believe that although the product

carries an " expiration date " , there is no evidence to

suggest that it has a significantly limited shelf life.

Cognitive Enhancement? The best way to control your own mind!

Just a quick note to let you know that General Bert and I are personally

experiencing results with our Cognitive Enhancement Pack

(me) and Senior Cognitive Enhancement Pack (Gen. Bert) which are literally


I know supplementation and neurological enhancement very, very well. I have

never seen (or experienced) anything like this.

The name says it all: COGNITIVE. ENHANCEMENT.

That's the full story, in two words. Here are the other two words to the story:

Try Them!

Dr. Rima's Cognitive Enhancement Packs:

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=wjAtgklS3oocKzLnh4VZQgBN9\


The Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way

TUNE IN Every Week! Wednesday 8-10 PM Eastern

Think vaccine schedules are just for children? Think again!


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=MJzjFK3PBVVEjkuzT7rLtwBN\

9xCmDwTF> Archived at:

http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=1pCBsv6UqifHqVljIk71BABN9\


Don't Miss This Week's Incredible Guest, G. King, PhD, February 10, 2010 :

World Famous Mercury Expert.

These are emergencies we must respond to, battles we must win, a victory we must


Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow MD

Natural Solutions Foundation


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=gN9fkeD5tGx5b%2Bcy0Thzen\



<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=0JFkLn%2FWcm30r%2FxJ%2BX\


Food Freedom eJournal


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=1L0CCGxf6sfy7I6uWaOxhABN\


International Decade of Nutrition


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=Ei%2FbPZTzqfT3Qoc2RxMjbg\


Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=pxm5%2BzTutP7IaO1tdaHCdQ\


Valley of the Moon Coffee


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=TO2Z3W9pEg6rdMFTiIfNlgBN\


Virtual Malls Supporting Health Freedom


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=mm1NS%2Fz5MUPTiH0eWplmuw\


PS - If you haven't received them, here are the permalinks to the last couple


We always archive our Action eAlerts on the Health Freedom Blog at

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=hKC3TvJbVk7kqDNwGIuHzABN\

9xCmDwTF> www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Can't Lose for Winning if we PUSH BACK!

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=AbML9z3kyQVgeMTAJxO5zgBN\

9xCmDwTF> http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4595

War Council: from Push Back to Take Down!

<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=dXZK4P2n78fvXMOlNPLXPQBN\

9xCmDwTF> http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4548


<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=5tbapWaRBztVDritXUGxNABN\




http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2 & c=TZxFCBwNEi7yn6QDfCun4QBN9\



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