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POLITICAL - FW: check out...Refuse to buy mandatory health insurance..Mike

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Subject: check out...Refuse to buy mandatory health insurance..Mike

Check out the website www.TenthAmendmentCenter.com

<http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/> which carries a highly relevant article

on this matter: Health Care Nullification and Interposition



terposition/> ). It paraphrases Madison,

saying, " ...state governments not only have the right to resist unconstitutional

federal acts, but that, in order to protect

liberty, they are 'duty bound to interpose' or stand between the federal


government and the people of the state. "

I totally agree with Mike . Why should I buy their stupid health insurance

when I would not use it? I have not been to a

medical doctor in 20 yrs. I use dentists, homeopathic doctors, chiropractors,

massage therapists and naturopathic doctors. NONE

of whom would be covered under medical insurance. M.


As an American, I refuse to buy mandatory health insurance that supports corrupt

conventional medicine

<http://www.naturalnews.com/images/authors/Mike.jpg> Tuesday, January 05,


By Mike , the Health Ranger

Editor of NaturalNews.com (See

<http://www.naturalnews.com/index-HRarticles.html> all articles...)

(NaturalNews) Even if Obama's health care reform bill becomes law, mandating

that all Americans buy health insurance policies for a

failed system of " sick care " , I will refuse to comply. I've read the U.S.

Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and nowhere in that

document do I find that the federal government has the power to force consumers

to purchase for-profit insurance products from

private companies.

The very basis of the health care reform bill is, at its core, unconstitutional.

If this mandate is allowed to stand, it sets a

dangerous precedent for the U.S. government to require us to purchase other

products and services from whatever industries it

chooses to support. What's next? Will the government pass a law forcing us to

buy pharmaceuticals at thousands of dollars a year?

Will it force us to purchase U.S.-made automobiles in order to boost the

automobile industry? Is our economic free choice now

centrally planned by our own government operating like Communist China?

This is a serious question that Constitutional scholars will no doubt be

debating in the months ahead. But who am I kidding anyway?

The U.S. Government has long since abandoned the U.S. Constitution and no has

any intention of abiding by it. Want proof? Read just

one amendment: the 10th amendment.

Check out the website www.TenthAmendmentCenter.com

<http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/> which carries a highly relevant article

on this matter: Health Care Nullification and Interposition



terposition/> ). It paraphrases Madison,

saying, " ...state governments not only have the right to resist unconstitutional

federal acts, but that, in order to protect

liberty, they are 'duty bound to interpose' or stand between the federal


government and the people of the state. "

Our right to choose has been stolen away

In addition to the very serious legal problems with government-mandated private

health insurance, this health care reform

<http://www.naturalnews.com/health_care_reform.html> law strips away my right

to choose what type of medicine

<http://www.naturalnews.com/medicine.html> I wish to be treated with. I don't

find any credibility in the drugs-and-surgery

approach to health care. The pharmaceutical industry

<http://www.naturalnews.com/pharmaceutical_industry.html> is riddled with

scientific fraud <http://www.naturalnews.com/fraud.html> , quackery, corruption

and criminal behavior -- much of it documented right

here on NaturalNews.com. Its drugs are approved by a corrupt, dishonest

regulatory agency (the FDA) that has abandoned science in

its quest to push more drugs <http://www.naturalnews.com/drugs.html> onto the

people. Why should I, as a " free " American, be forced

to pay money to a system that I know to be largely based on fraud?

If I had a choice, I would prefer to buy into a system of naturopathic care,

where doctors respect the healing ability of the human

body and try to work with the patient instead of assaulting him with chemicals

and surgeries. But Obama's health

<http://www.naturalnews.com/health_care.html> care reform bill gives me no such

choice. I cannot choose to direct my money into a

system of medicine that I trust and respect. Instead, I am being forced to pay

money into a system that is morally corrupt and

scientifically fraudulent. It is a system that will only bring more harm and

suffering to the people while enhancing the profits of

the greed-driven corporations <http://www.naturalnews.com/corporations.html>

behind this medical scam.

I find it highly offensive that my own government would threaten me with a

financial penalty if I refuse to pay money to such a

racket. It's much like being forced to pay a " protection fee " to the mob. With

this health <http://www.naturalnews.com/health.html>

care reform decision, our government has now become the enforcement branch of

the Big Pharma crime ring, using the powers of the IRS



) to

intimidate people into handing over their money to a gang of dishonest

corporations that have found a whole new way to take

Americans for a ride.

With this bill, all Americans are essentially being held up at gunpoint. We're

being mugged on the streets by our own government,

and they're demanding not only our money (to the tune of over $15,000 a year for

a typical family) but also our lives -- because

conventional health care may very well cost you your life!

Breaking Americans down, one family at a time

The whole thing is pure highway robbery, sanctioned by the government. The

arrogant Congressmen and Senators who passed this law

are, themselves, guilty of robbing the American people blind in order to

redirect money into the pockets of some of the wealthiest

corporations in the world: the drug

<http://www.naturalnews.com/drug_companies.html> companies. Has anyone bothered

to answer the

simple question that if tens of millions of Americans can't afford health


insurance now, how are they supposed to afford to pay the fine for not buying


Forcing people to buy something they already cannot afford is a truly idiotic

idea. It's like passing a law that tries to solve the

homeless <http://www.naturalnews.com/homeless.html> problem by making it

against the law to not buy a house. The reason they're

homeless is because they can't afford a house in the first place!

Similarly, the reason people don't have health insurance right now is because

they cannot afford to buy any. How does forcing people

to buy what they cannot afford solve anything?

This is why I'm now convinced that the whole point of the health care reform

bill is to destroy American families. It was designed

from the start, I believe, to drive more families into bankruptcy and government

dependence. It's all part of a package of new

initiatives that appear to be created specifically for the purpose of destroying

America through debt and disease

<http://www.naturalnews.com/disease.html> .

You can reach no other conclusion, really, if you think about it. When you start

to realize about what our nation is doing with its

fiat currency, how the U.S. government has to rent debt

<http://www.naturalnews.com/debt.html> from the private corporation known

as the Federal Reserve, and how the drug companies are bankrupting cities,

states and federal programs, you really have to question

the motives of a new law that would further worsen both the debt and health

problems now tearing our country apart.

Why would members of Congress <http://www.naturalnews.com/Congress.html> pass a

health care " reform " bill that offered no reform

and no health? Why would the Obama <http://www.naturalnews.com/Obama.html>

administration be engaged in under-the-table,

behind-closed-doors deals with the drug companies just to make sure they

continue to be able to charge monopoly prices for their

dangerous medications? Why would the IRS

<http://www.naturalnews.com/the_IRS.html> now be invoked to enforce this

medical racket?

The answer can only be that somewhere at the top of government, someone is

diligently working to destroy America

<http://www.naturalnews.com/America.html> . There's no faster way to accomplish

that goal than to keep people diseased and indebted,

and this new health care reform racket accomplishes both of those goals quite


That's why I simply refuse to pay into such a system. For me to spend money

supporting such a racket goes against every moral fiber

in my conscious existence. I would no sooner pay money to this racket than I

would donate dollars to murderers or rapists. Every

dollar that goes into this system only perpetuates the crimes against humanity

currently being committed by the pharmaceutical

industry -- especially against our nation's children.

I guess the IRS is just going to have to issue me a fine. If so, I'll pay it

under protest, but I'd rather pay a fine to the IRS

than hand over my money to the corrupt, failed system of western medicine that

pretends to offer " health care " in America today.

The collapse of an empire isn't pretty

I'll have the last laugh, of course, because this whole charade will come

tumbling down soon enough. We are watching the last days

of the Roman Empire reflected in America now. The closer any empire gets toward

collapse, the more insane its legislative

initiatives become. Sheer desperation drives its legislators to enact

outrageously ill-conceived laws that would normally never even

be considered. Such is the nature of the last desperate gasps of a crumbling

empire -- an empire that has now turned to looting its

own citizens as a last-ditch effort to keep itself afloat.

Of course, every collapsing empire does much the same. The looting of the

citizenry is, in fact, one of the more important signs

that a collapse is imminent. It has happened repeatedly throughout history, and

it usually involves a looting of the treasury and an

abandonment (or hyperinflation) of the currency. Punitive taxation of the

population -- or a mandate requiring people to part with

their money -- is nothing new.

In the big picture, what we're seeing in the United States with this health care

reform bill isn't an aberration; it's merely one

milestone in the accelerating decline of an empire that has forgotten what

freedom really means.

Mark my words, because I will out-live the American empire by a wide margin:

After its collapse, historians will look back and they

will recognize that it was disease and the broken health care system that was

the final straw. No nation that keeps its population

diseased and bankrupt can hope to have any real future, and America apparently

has no intention whatsoever to even legalize actual

healing or medicinal herbs. This nation has made a decision to outlaw healing,

to outlaw natural medicine and to pursue a corrupt,

broken system of sick care <http://www.naturalnews.com/sick_care.html> that

offers no hope for the future.

It is a fateful decision for a nation that will one day serve as an important

history lesson. The title of that lesson, by the way,

will be " How America destroyed itself with debt and disease while keeping its

powerful corporations filthy rich. " In the end, of

course, everybody loses. There can be no abundance, no wealth and no hope for

any nation in the long term unless it finds a way to

keep its people healthy. America is now set on a course to learn this very

difficult lesson the hard way.

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