Guest guest Posted April 3, 2010 Report Share Posted April 3, 2010 My weight training plan implements the use of short twitch, medium twitch, and fast twitch muscle fibers. I have combined bodybuilding, Power lifting, and Olympic Weightlifting together. I feel they all have their benefits. The weight lifting itself will be between 20 minutes. The maximal lift routine will be separate from abs and conditioning lifts. The maximal lift routine is based off of High Intensity Training. HIT means there is only one exercise per a set to failure and a minute rest in-between. However, there will be three sets but each one set will favor 1 of the 3 muscle fiber groups. I will start off with a 1 rep max, then a 12 rep max, and finally a 30+ body weight max set. For legs do a 20 rep max instead of a 12 rep max. I will space out the muscle groups in these lifts so they get 5 minutes of rest time until they are utilized again for the 1 rep max sets. The actual rest period between each set is 1 minute. Breathing is a very important part to the maximal lifts. You want to breath in through your stomach and your chest to fill up your lungs completely before you descend the weight. As you ascend the weight breathe out completely. Repeat this with every set. Breath in before doing striking combos such as kicking and punching too. With each strike release a little bit of air out with your tongue touching your back upper gums of your two front teeth. As you strike you will make a quick “tsst†sound like a snake. The entire conditioning training would not go over an hour and 15 minutes. It takes the body 48-120 hours to completely recover from a full body routine. 'Roiders may only need to rest for 24 hours. Not for sure. I personally feel it is best to work out my full body 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For other people 2 days a week with 2-4 days of rest in-between each workout would work too. I would do any type of sport or other intense activity some other time of the day. To make it convenient for my schedule I would personally workout in the morning. However, always keep sports activities and conditioning at separate times of the day. Do one in the morning and the other at night. I would slowly sip a 33oz raw milk beverage during workout and wouldn’t consume another meal for 4 hours after I'm all finished with the beverage. I would space out my meals 4 hours apart as that's about the time you need another fat source. Fat takes five hours to completely absorb. It's very convenient to space it out every 4 hours to fit in with the 24 hour window. You need to distribute protein over a 24 hour period. I wouldn’t drink any water as there is water in raw milk and the other foods I eat. I would have three solid meals a day and 3 raw milk meals in between them. One raw milk meal at night in between sleep. I would eat a high calorie steak meal before I go to bed so I have a slow digesting source of protein in my sleep. I can get most of my carbs from unheated honey, raw milk, bee pollen, and coconut. It's good to avoid starches if you can but if you're an endurance athlete starches are the next best source from those other choices as endurance athletes need high carb intakes. Weighted Lifts* Clean & Jerk/Snatch/or Military Press Squats Olympic Bench Press Barbell Arm Curls Bent-Over Rows Dead lifts Heavy Upright Rows * These are lifts that I do in a 1 rep max range set and then a 12-20 rep max set. They are meant to build up power and create hypertrophy for the muscles. I may add a weight vest to make the exercises more difficult. You might hurt yourself with the clean and jerk/snatch and the dead lifts, so do the lifts with caution or do the other lifts listed instead. The clean and jerk and the snatch are both explosive movements, but the other lifts are power movements. They should all be done at the pace that matches your breathing. The third set of exercises will involve body weight exercises to failure: Pushups, Squats, Back Pushups, Handstand Pushups, Pull-ups, and Rope Climbing. Ab exercises: V-ups: 1 sets to failure Side Twists: 1 set each side to failure Ab rolling with a barbell to failure Conditioning lifts: These lifts I will do together in a combination with very little rest, without failure, and without max weight: Dips, lateral raises, windmill, upper body twists with heavy weight plate gripped in hands, weighted overhead sprints, weighted overhead duck walks or regular duck walks, jumping two/one legged, flipping 500 pound tires, beating 500 pound tires with a heavy bat, punching striking combos at varying speeds. Body weight exercises: gorilla crawls, bear crawls, break dancing, head/hand stands, cartwheels, back flips, pushups/one armed, body squats two/one legged, neck bridges and neck rotation on both sides. Yoga: right before sprinting Cardio: Sprinting, jumping rope at different intensities, jumping. For sprints do one all out sprint to failure. Try sprint between 100-400 meters at the end of the routine before cool down. Running shouldn't be necessary. If you don't have enough energy to do it with your routine do it another time of the day. Stretching: I also warm up with a light version of the body weight exercises and some light mobility stretches. I would go very light effort. I would cool down with some walking. I will include static stretching and dynamic stretching. I will do contract release stretching on days off excluding weekends. I will also roll my muscles on a hard pad after workout to release whatever knots may have developed. I may also massage myself in-between releasing the knots to help with the process. I stretched a lot with wrestling so I am flexible and recover quickly from stretches. Mobility training is just as important as stretching. Break Dancing is a good example of mobility training. Move your body in foreign movements and work on your ability to put your body in different positions you are not used to. Practice flipping, landing, rolling on the ground, jumping in circles in a rapid speed. Practice falling on the ground in different positions so your body adapts to the impact. Your ability to handle your body weight is critical for true strength development and a good way to avoid injury through over training your bigger muscle groups. See if you can work to being able to do the splits! Make sure you stretch and warm up/cool down before and after your workouts. Practice Yoga after all the intense work before finishing off with an all out sprint. I may purchase a portable gym set. My equipment would include a portable bench and squat rack, a rope, 500+ pound tire, heavy beating bat, pull up and dip bar, jump rope, box for jumping, barbell, rubber weight set including 2.5 pound weights and a weight vest. Other options would be a portable pull up set and an adjustable dumbbell set. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ---------------------------- I would recommend having all raw food if you can. You can have raw food and cooked food too. For a HIIT routine and your day to day activities you can have a higher fat, lower carb intake. If you are an edurance runner you need to load up on carbs before you go out and cycle, run, etc. Because I don't recommend long bouts of endurance activity I will not include any information regarding it in here. It's generally recommend to have 15g of carbs for a pound of bodyweight 5 hours before an endurance event. I'd also recommend to take in some fat with that meal as the body still uses a portion of fat as energy. Not very much though. Drink an 80% carb, 20% liquid beverage during the endurance event. You need to add in some protein too. Brown rice syrup, unheated honey, raw milk, coconut meat blended, eggs, and sundried seasalt are all good to add to this drink. Heck, even add in some bone broth. All these foods will bring in replenish minerals and trace minerals during the event. Consume 33oz every hour. For protein I would say to have 0.36g - 1.5g of protein per a pound of body weight. It's debatable. My theory is that if you do illegal steroids or eat raw meats, especially raw fertile eggs, you can bring the intake up to 1.5g of protein per a pound of body weight. To figure out your caloric intake first take your lean body mass (excluding body fat) and multiply it by 13.963 (14). This amount is your base metabolic rate. Then based on your activity level multiply that by 1.25-2 times. If you want to be precise with your caloric intake go buy a bodybugg or visit the HIIT articles by Kurilla and use the activity planner. Keep in mind those estimates are based on someone with 25% body fat. After you’ve figured out your daily caloric intake you can figure out your individual macro nutrient intake. Subtract your protein calories from your daily caloric intake, then the remaining calories should be 51.8% (50%) fat, 48.2% (50%) carbs, or half and half to simplify. This should be the macro nutrient ratio you want to follow on days you work out. Fast one day a week on a day you don’t work or workout. Optional, you might lose some muscle however. This gives your body rest. On days you don’t workout you can go 80% fat to 20% carbs or someone inbetween. Your body can fluctuate between using glycogen or free fatty acids as fuel. Unless you're doing endurance sports you can have a higher fat lower carb intake on activity days. You don’t have to but fat is a lot cheaper. Half your fat intake could be derived from one coconut, which is $1.50. Your body will shift to utilizing free fatty acids, ketones, glycerol, pyruvate, and lactate in the place of carbohydrates. Have most of your carbs before and during a workout. The types of carbs you want are vegetables, starches, berries, raw milk, and honey. You want most of your carb intake to be high fiber starches and simple carbs that contain the anti-insulin factor. The simple carbs that contain these are unheated unfiltered organic honey and raw milk. Vegetables and small portions of berries are low carb so they don’t make up that much of a percentage of your carb intake. You can get a good value by buying a bundle of produce from individuals that offer it. The types of fats you want are from ruminant grass fed animals, coconuts, eggs from pastured grass fed chickens, and dairy from pastured grass fed A2 cows/goats. You can have fish if you feel they are necessary. You should be able to get the entire omega 3 fats from the pastured grass fed animals. The only other source of omega 3 you would want are fresh flaxseeds. 1 tblspn a day. Buy a coffee grinder from Wal-Mart and grind it before you sprinkle it on a salad or have it in vegetable juice. Keep the flaxseed refridgerated. Try to get wild caught fish, avoid farmed. Avoid refined foods, refined sugars, refined starches, and vegetable oils that are high in polyunsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. The types of proteins you want are from ruminant grass fed animals, eggs from pastured grass fed chickens, and dairy from pastured grass fed A2 cows/goats. Animal protein contains the amino acid carnosine, not found in any vegetables whatsoever. You can only get zinc, hemme iron, and the absorb able version of vitamin B12 from animal product. Other foods and nutrients you would want are animal stock based bone broth or gravy, fermented foods, fermented cod-liver oil, organ meats including liver at least once a week, sundried himilayan seasalt, kelp granules, and magnesium chloride oil for baths. Other options instead of fclo are either sunlight or a vitamin D tanning bed. If you go with the other two options you need 1 oz of beef or lamb liver a day for the vit A content to balance out the vitamin D intake. Other optional supplements are Exsula Iridesca (all natural whole food based multi-nutrient), Megahyrate(helps to hydrate the cells and potent antioxidant), german produced creatine monohydrate(natural steroid), and freeze dried cordycep mushrooms(anabolic aid). Mix in a ¼ tspn of sundried himilayan seasalt with every gallon of raw milk and every gallon of bone broth. You may want to consider a 3-14 stage filter that removes chloride and fluoride from household water, a vitamin D tanning booth, and natural hygiene products that include no harmful man made chemicals. Removing cell phones is an option too. If you do need a cell phone and use a blue tooth there are devices you can get that dramatically reduce the radiation emitted by them. You want to eliminate as many toxins as you can. For sleep you want to make sure there’s no light as this ruins the melatonin production for your body. If you need a light to go to the restroom use a red bulb flashlight. You also want an egg shaped vase to put milk in, screw for coconut to get water out, and the elite greenstar juicer for juicing/blending purposes. Use a toaster oven instead of a microwave. Supplements: magnesium oil, megahydrate, cordycep mushrooms, kelp flakes, german creatine monohydrate, exsula-iridesca, and fermented codliver oil, butter oil, bee pollen, flaxseeds, and wheat grass Magnesium Chloride Oil: Have 49g for every pound of body weight once a week for 3 months. Then reduce the amount to 31g for every pound body weight once a week for the rest of your life. Helps build strong bones. 80% of people in USA are deficient. Megahydrate: Have 600mg with16 or more oz. of raw milk or water with a lemon squeeze in it once a day. It helps to store more water in the cells and detox the body of free radicals. Optional. Cordyceps Mushrooms: Have 1/8th of an oz. Once a day before you work out. Optional Kelp Flakes: Boil 4 tspns in daily bone broth for 3 months and then reduce to 1 tspn boiled in bone broth a day for rest of life. German Creatine Monohydrate: German manufacture is clean. Creatine Monohydrate is the best type. Load up with 4 tspns a day if under 200 pounds for five days. Load up with 6 tspns a day for five days if over 200 pounds. Continue with 1 tspn a day for 6 months and then take a month off. Will gain 10 pounds of water weight. Increases power and endurance and enhances body's ability to detox. For loading have a tspn at a time mixed with 16 oz of water. Have it a half hour before a meal or two hours after a meal. Space out at least 2 hours apart from eachother. Exsula Iridesca: Good alternative to a multivitamin as it has all natural nutrients and your whole vitamin/mineral complex. Most comprehensive plant formula in the world. Optional. Fermented Codliver Oil: Have a half tspn a day. Helps build vitamin D levels in the body. Have with high vitamin butter oil or a glass of raw milk. 25 OH D should be 60-100ng/ml – Get your vitamin D tests at Lab Corp once a month. $85 a test Bee Pollen: Have an oz a day. Flaxseeds: Have 1-2 tblspns a day. Supplies omega 3 alpha linoleic acid. Highest source by far. Keep it refrigerated and grind it with a coffee grinder before having it in a salad or vegetable juice. Wheat Grass: Optional Websites for supplements: & p=products & a=display & i=1088\ ternative\ _1?ie=UTF8 & s=hpc & qid=1269899565 & sr=8-1 & txtsearchParamT\ ype=ALL & txtsearchParamMan=ALL & txtsearchParamVen=ALL & txtFromSearch=fromSearch & txt\ searchParamTxt=4710 & txtsearchParamT\ ype=ALL & txtsearchParamMan=ALL & txtsearchParamVen=ALL & txtFromSearch=fromSearch & txt\ searchParamTxt=1609 Supplies:\ ef=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & s=home-garden & qid=1270253829 & sr=8-1 Books: Real Men do Yoga Hatha Yoga Illustrated Nourishing Traditions The Recipe for Living Without Disease and PRODUCERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND COOPERATIVES OF PRIMAL-DIET-QUALITY RAW FOOD from Aajonus Vonderplanitz at The Ketogenic Diet Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance Traditional Foods are your best medicine Diagnostic Bodybuilding by H. Brown The New HIT by Dr. Ellington Darden The Art of Expressing The Human Body Good articles/videos to read/watch: & id=1412783638 & feature=related Websites to visit: About Stocks Properly prepared meat stocks are extremely nutritious, containing minerals and electrolytes. Vinegar or acidic wine added during cooking helps to draw out minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, and potassium, into the broth. (I think tomato juice might do that also. -T ) Dr. Francis Pottenger pointed out that stock is of great value because it supplies hydrophilic colloids to the diet - these attract liquids - meaning that they attract digestive juices. This is especially true of gelatin. There has been a large amount of research on the beneficial effects of eating gelatin. It aids digestion. It’s not a complete protein, but it allows the body to more fully utilize the complete proteins that are taken in. Thus, gelatin-rich broths are a must for those who cannot afford large amounts of meat in their diets. (This is really important info for me! - T) Gelatin also seems to be of use in many chronic disorders, including anemia, diabetes, muscular dystrophy. Anyway, here is the recipe, I made it once, but didn’t have the calves foot.... Beef Stock (from Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon) About 4 pounds of beef marrow and knuckle bones 1 calves foot, cut into pieces (optional) 3 pounds meaty rib or neck bones 4 or more quarts cold filtered water 1/2 cup vinegar 3 onions, coarsely chopped 3 carrots, coarsely chopped 3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped several sprigs of fresh thyme, tied together 1 teaspoon dried green peppercorns, crushed 1 bunch parsley Good beef stock must be made from several sorts of bones: knuckle bones and feet impart large quantities of gelatin to the broth, marrow bones impart flavor and particular marrow nutrients, and meaty rib or neck bones add color and flavor. Place the knuckle and marrow bones, and calves foot in a very large pot with vinegar and cover with water. Let stand for 1 hour. Meanwhile, place the meaty bones in a roasting pan and brown in the oven at 350 degrees. When well browned, add to the pot along with the vegetables. Pour the fat out of the roasting pan, add cold water to the pan, set over a high flame and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen up the coagulated juices Add this liquid to the pot. Add additional water, if necessary, to cover the bones; but the liquid should come no higher than within 1 inch of the rim of the pot, as the volume expands slightly during cooking. Bring to a boil. A large amount of scum will come to the top, and it’s important to remove this with a spoon. After you have skimmed, reduce heat and add the thyme and crushed peppercorns. Simmer stock for at least 12 and as long as 72 hours(!) Just before finishing, add the parsley and simmer another 10 minutes. You will now have a pot of rather repulsive looking brown liquid containing globs of gelatinous and fatty material. It doesn’t even smell particularly good. But don’t despair. After straining you will have a delicious and nourishing clear broth that forms the basis for many other recipes. Remove bones with tongs or slotted spoon. Strain the stock into a large bowl. Let cool in the refrigerator and remove the congealed fat that rises to the top. Transfer to smaller containers and to the freezer for long term storage. The marrow may be removed and spread on bread. Your dog will love the leftover meat and bones. The congealed fat can be used to make Pemmican or put outside to feed the birds. You can vary this by using lamb bones, especially lamb neck and riblets. Or use venison meat and bones. Be sure to use the feet of the deer and a section of the antler if possible Fermented foods that are good to add are kimchi, sauerkraut, beet kvass, and high meat. The late Gironda recommended that people have 2-3 dozen organic fertile eggs everyday and that it gives the same benefits as illegal steroid Dianobol. Meals: 7AM, 11AM, 3PM, 7PM, 11PM, 3AM  Can you eat in between sleep or is that too big of a problem for you?  Prepare yourself a vegetable drink in advance.  Get out your anabolic power drink and your raw milk beverage at 7AM. Drink down the powerdrink right away. Work out for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  At 11AM or at your lunch break consume a solid meal.  At 3PM consume a raw milk beverage  At 7PM consume solid meal  At 11PM before you go to bed consume 1 more solid meal. Have red meat as your meat source for this meal. Red meat takes 8 hours to digest so you get a slow digesting protein source into your sleep.  Either drink a raw milk beverage at 3AM or combine that beverage with the other two raw milk meals earlier in the day and skip this meal..  Have bone broth with all of your solid meals. Little bit of fruit, meat, a mixed salad if you want. Have some starches such as potatoes, rice, or yams but it's probably not necessary. Supplements: magnesium oil, megahydrate, cordycep mushrooms, kelp flakes, german creatine monohydrate, exsula-iridesca, and fermented codliver oil  other supplies: bluetube headset, whole house 14 stage filter system, home gym equipment: jump rope, bench press, free weights, pullup up bar, 300-500 pound tire, squat rack, weight vest, air filter, elite greenstar juicer, special screw for coconut to get out the water in it, and red bulb flashlight  Power drink:  35% celery 15% cukes or zucchini 15%  green cabbage 15% carrots 15% beets, a tiny bit of habanero pepper, if you like it spicy and hot, wheat grass, 1/8th of oz cordycep mushrooms, 1 tblspn flaxseeds, jerusalem artichoke, 1 oz raw liver, 1/2 oz organic raw thyroid gland, 1/2 oz raw testis or ovary, 1 oz organic raw lung, 1/2 oz raw brain, 1/2 oz adrenal gland, 4 oz raw milk, 1 oz red onions, 1 oz unheated bee pollen, lemon squeeze  Supplements to mix in: 600mg megahydrate, cordycep mushrooms, 3 tspn exsula-iridesca, and 1/2 tspn fermented codliver oil  Have 1 tspn of german creatine with a 16 oz bottle of mineral spring water every day. half hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.  Take the magnesium chloride bath once a week in a bath.  Raw milk beverage:  60 oz raw milk 12 raw fertile eggs 1 tblspn of nutmeg 1/2 of coconut coconut meat blended into cream vanilla extract 1 tblspn of nutgmeg cinnamon lemon squeeze 8 tblspn raw bee honey  (seperate into 2-3 servings for the day for 2-3 meals. Add in a 1/4 of a tspn of sundried himilayan seasalt to every gallon of bone broth and every gallon of raw milk. Boil kelp flakes with bone broth)  Altogether the caloric total of these two drinks are: 286g of carbs, 205g of fat, and 156g of protein  This is for a 176 pound man at 2% bodyfat: 3600 cal 273g of fat, 271g of carbs 264g of protein  Workout on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  1/2 coconut meat a day. Supplies 75g of fat from the meat, 30g of carbs, 64oz of raw milk/egg beverage provides 124g of fat, 232g of carbs, 24g carbs from bee pollen  Your solid meals won't carry many calories from carbs. Small amounts of fruits, veggies, and salads have very little calorie content in them. I'd recommend starches but they're not necessary here.  So this means you want to get another 108g of protein and 70g of fat in your solid meals. That would be 2 2/3 oz of beef suet and 10 oz of fat free beef. It's best to get red meat with it's fat cap on it. This would mean it has a higher fat content. Fat caps are only healthy if it's from a pastured grassfed ruminant animal such as cow, lamb, bison, goat, and bufallo.  1 tblspn of butter contains 10g of fat. 1 oz of cheeze contains 11g of fat and 7g of protein.  1 oz of chicken skin contains 14g of fat and 5g of protein.  1 oz of pure animal fat from cows or muttons is 28g of fat  1 oz of fatless red meat is 10g of protein  3 oz of beef eye of round is 4g of fat and 25g of protein  Meals: 7AM, 11AM, 3PM, 7PM, 11PM, 3AM  Can you eat in between sleep or is that too big of a problem for you?  Prepare yourself a vegetable drink in advance.  Get out your anabolic power drink and your raw milk beverage at 7AM. Drink down the powerdrink right away. Work out for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  At 11AM or at your lunch break consume a solid meal.  At 3PM consume a raw milk beverage  At 7PM consume solid meal  At 11PM before you go to bed consume 1 more solid meal. Have red meat as your meat source for this meal. Red meat takes 8 hours to digest so you get a slow digesting protein source into your sleep.  Either drink a raw milk beverage at 3AM or combine that beverage with the other two raw milk meals earlier in the day and skip this meal..  Have bone broth with all of your solid meals. Little bit of fruit, meat, a mixed salad if you want. Have some starches such as potatoes, rice, or yams but it's probably not necessary. Supplements: magnesium oil, megahydrate, cordycep mushrooms, kelp flakes, german creatine monohydrate, exsula-iridesca, and fermented codliver oil  other supplies: bluetube headset, whole house 14 stage filter system, home gym equipment: jump rope, bench press, free weights, pullup up bar, 300-500 pound tire, squat rack, weight vest, air filter, elite greenstar juicer, special screw for coconut to get out the water in it, and red bulb flashlight  Power drink:  35% celery 15% cukes or zucchini 15%  green cabbage 15% carrots 15% beets, a tiny bit of habanero pepper, if you like it spicy and hot, wheat grass, 1/8th of oz cordycep mushrooms, 1 tblspn flaxseeds, jerusalem artichoke, 1 oz raw liver, 1/2 oz organic raw thyroid gland, 1/2 oz raw testis or ovary, 1 oz organic raw lung, 1/2 oz raw brain, 1/2 oz adrenal gland, 4 oz raw milk, 1 oz red onions, 1 oz unheated bee pollen, lemon squeeze  Supplements to mix in: 600mg megahydrate, cordycep mushrooms, 3 tspn exsula-iridesca, and 1/2 tspn fermented codliver oil  Have 1 tspn of german creatine with a 16 oz bottle of mineral spring water every day. half hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.  Take the magnesium chloride bath once a week in a bath.  Raw milk beverage:  60 oz raw milk 12 raw fertile eggs 1 tblspn of nutmeg 1/2 of coconut coconut meat blended into cream vanilla extract 1 tblspn of nutgmeg cinnamon lemon squeeze 8 tblspn raw bee honey  (seperate into 2-3 servings for the day for 2-3 meals. Add in a 1/4 of a tspn of sundried himilayan seasalt to every gallon of bone broth and every gallon of raw milk. Boil kelp flakes with bone broth)  Altogether the caloric total of these two drinks are: 286g of carbs, 205g of fat, and 156g of protein  This is for a 176 pound man at 2% bodyfat: 3600 cal 273g of fat, 271g of carbs 264g of protein  Workout on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  1/2 coconut meat a day. Supplies 75g of fat from the meat, 30g of carbs, 64oz of raw milk/egg beverage provides 124g of fat, 232g of carbs, 24g carbs from bee pollen  Your solid meals won't carry many calories from carbs. Small amounts of fruits, veggies, and salads have very little calorie content in them. I'd recommend starches but they're not necessary here.  So this means you want to get another 108g of protein and 70g of fat in your solid meals. That would be 2 2/3 oz of beef suet and 10 oz of fat free beef. It's best to get red meat with it's fat cap on it. This would mean it has a higher fat content. Fat caps are only healthy if it's from a pastured grassfed ruminant animal such as cow, lamb, bison, goat, and bufallo.  1 tblspn of butter contains 10g of fat. 1 oz of cheeze contains 11g of fat and 7g of protein.  1 oz of chicken skin contains 14g of fat and 5g of protein.  1 oz of pure animal fat from cows or muttons is 28g of fat  1 oz of fatless red meat is 10g of protein  3 oz of beef eye of round is 4g of fat and 25g of protein Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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