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Re: New to the Group

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hey, i still haven't gotten the concept of theese

protein drinks. what r they? where do u get them? when

r u supposed to start drinking them and how often?

will someone please help me out.



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Go to www. vitalady.com.. her site is complete with all the information you

will need.. She has protein, vitamins, minerals, and lots of other goodies on

her site..


from GA

open RNY 12/12/00

Revision 04/18/01

Revision 02/07/02

St wt.... 392


Wt loss..-205

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Hi Chad. To me, a protein drink is a delicious treat for my tastebuds

that is also " legal " and good for my body. It's absorbable protein

(as opposed to food protein, which we get very little of the nutritional

benefit of) so I know that my body is getting what it needs and is

able to make use of it. I get mine from Vitalady (www.vitalady.com

- GREAT website :) and I'm drinking 4 a day. You can start them

at around a week post-op because they're liquid.

Terry Mayers


At Wednesday, 28 August 2002, you wrote:

>hey, i still haven't gotten the concept of theese

>protein drinks. what r they? where do u get them? when

>r u supposed to start drinking them and how often?

>will someone please help me out.


>                           loverman




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After a bypass, it's hard for us to get the kind of protein necessary to

continue to heal. So we supplement. You'll find a lot of information here about

it, and also on the

ossg-protein list. There are different kinds of protein

available, and things that taste good to some peoplel don't taste good to

others. So, we suggest you taste samples first. Samples can be gotten from two

sources, one is www.vitalady.com and the other is www.wlssuccess.com

Just an aside - certain kinds of protein are more bioavailable to us than

others. Usually the blended whey proteins are predigested and more available.

Personally (and this is my taste only), I like the ProScore 100 choc, the Whey

Stack Choc, the PB55 Strawberry Twist (but I make it with crystal lite) and I

have the designer Praline Vanilla, which I'm not fond of by itself, but which

was WONDERFUL this morning with some daVinci Spiced Chai (which I got from

vitalady, and she may have in a sample) - it tasted just like gingerbread.

I think I want to taste the wheystack vanilla and strawberry next - those will

be my next sample order.

Also, there are other choices - keep reading the list and you'll hear about


Pam in Niceville

Date: 2002/08/29 Thu AM 01:03:23 EDT

To: GastricBypass-InfoCentral

Subject: Re: New to the group

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Order samples of different drinks from www.vitalady.com. Then you can try

different kinds without investing in a whole big jug of protein. I like

ProComplex chocolate, not too sweet and easy to mix. Add a spoonful of peanut

butter to the drink, and it's heaven in a glass.

Jeanne in WI

Age 39

Open RNY 05/21/2002

314/ 259.5 /150-175

5' 8 "


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Terry writes: re:protein shakes you can start them at about a week post-op...

Me: I'm actually starting them several months preop - Figured that getting

extra protein in will be good for my healing once I've had the surgery. So I'm

starting my shakes now, and backing into <LOL> my vitamin regime.

Pam in Niceville

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You are SO right Pam. I didn't know about them pre-op so I forget

that people start them before surgery. Right now I'm protein loading

for my upcoming tummy tuck so that the healing is easier. The same

thing is good for any surgery, including WLS.

Thanks for correcting me - start protein shakes BEFORE your surgery

and you should have a much easier time with the healing.

Terry Mayers


At Thursday, 29 August 2002, you wrote:

>Terry writes: re:protein shakes you can start them at about a week



>Me:  I'm actually starting them several months preop - Figured that

getting extra protein in will be good for my healing once I've had

the surgery.  So I'm starting my shakes now, and backing into <LOL>

my vitamin regime.


>Pam in Niceville



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Chad I know you need Centrum or equivalent 2x a day,dry formula A & D , E ,

Calcium citrate,I also take 2 iron,2 Vitamin C and a b-12 shot once a month

, Hope this helps plenty of water and protein and I am set !


Re: New to the group




> ty linda for the info, what vitamins should i take

> and when should i start them??????





> loverman


> __________________________________________________


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Chad I started about two months before surgery because I wanted every

advantage to heal well

Re: New to the group



> do people ever use protein drinks b4 surgery??????

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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i want as much input as possible, should i start the

protein drinks soon or wait to find out the date first

then go from there


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Chad I would at least start a month before surgery with the vitamins but

the protein I would start ASAP because we have members here who are losing

pounds just being on the protein because it kicks a lot of our wild cravings

to the curb as a matter of fact I am on # 4 today I was wanting to eat a

few minutes ago so I made another pro score 100 Chocolate shake then when I

finish it I am off to bed ,Chad feel free to ask all the questions you need

to in order to feel informed and comfortable with your decision to have

this surgery OK


Re: New to the group



> linda, when should i start taking the vitamins and

> drinking the protein shakes. I hope i'm not annoying

> everyone with all theese questions but i've never been

> through anything like this and i want/need as much

> information and support i can get.






> loverman


> __________________________________________________


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Yes, they help build up strength for a faster recovery afterwards.

Jeanne in WI

Age 39

Open RNY 05/21/2002

314/ 259.5 /150-175

5' 8 "


do people ever use protein drinks b4 surgery??????

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Sure. I did for 2 months prior to surgery and really believe it helped me

to heal fast and feel good so quickly after surgery.


do people ever use protein drinks b4 surgery??????


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Sharon, WELCOME TO THE GROUP. You are right, there is so much

information here. If you need a question answered, someone here can

answer it, because someone has probably been through it. It looks

like you are doing just great. The throwing up will stop. lol Keep

up the good work. Hugs,

Nan in Ohio


Open RNY


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Welcome to the group,Sharon......Betty S in TX

" Sharon Merritt " wrote:

>I just happened onto this group yesterday and joined. I had my surgery July

>5 and have already made it from 297,5 to 251.5. So far other than some

>throwing up I'm doing fine.I love all the great information and support that

>goes on in these groups!






>5'9 age 48



>Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen

>UCI Medical Center







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Just wanted to thank all those that welcomed me to the group. it's great to

have people to ask questions to. I'm finding I'm doing better all the time.

Yesterday I had a barbecue here and I was able to eat two beef ribs, meat

only that is and a little pasta salad. I'm always really content when I am

able to eat my little meal without a problem. Last time I tried ribs they

fought back if you know what I mean. I'm finding slow is a lot slower than I

thought. I thought I was eating slow but now I'm really starting to

understand slow and having a lot less trouble keeping things down and I'm

sure my new tummy is adjusting!




5'9 age 48



Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen

UCI Medical Center


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Yahoooooo Sharon

CONGRAGULATIONS on the great weight loss and welcome to the group.


From Northern Minn

RE: New to the group

> Welcome to the group,Sharon......Betty S in TX



> " Sharon Merritt " wrote:


> >I just happened onto this group yesterday and joined. I had my surgery


> >5 and have already made it from 297,5 to 251.5. So far other than some

> >throwing up I'm doing fine.I love all the great information and support


> >goes on in these groups!

> >

> >Sharon

> >

> >http://www.DesignWithMerritt.com

> >http://www.eclecticacademy.com

> >5'9 age 48

> >297.5/255.5/150

> >7/5/02

> >Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen

> >UCI Medical Center

> >http://www.ucihealth.com/news/uci%20health/mni3-02nnguyen.htm

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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LOL! Lahoma, welcome. I'm sure God understands why you want this so much.

Just remember, in His time. Good luck to you.

Jeanne in WI

Age 39

Open RNY 05/21/2002

314/ 259./150-175

5' 8 "


4-6 weeks! I just keep

praying and lettin God handle it. But do you think he can forgive me

for acting like a teenager about to get their drivers liscense,

because I know he has to be tired of me buggin him! :-)

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Dear Sharon,

Welcome to the GBIC group! Remember -- nothing is sacred, ask away

and get ready for all the letters/post in your mailbox, each day. :)

Congratulations on your awesome weight loss so far. Good luck and God

bless you richly.



Surgery date -- 9/5/02 -- One day and counting!

Starting weight -- 351.2

Current weight -- 342/ /145?

Dr. Schechner,

Va. Beach and Norfolk, VA

Gal. 2:20

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  • 2 years later...

I agree. Actually phase 1 makes me thinks consciously of what I am

putting in my mouth and body. I feel more in control on phase 1. Of

course more than 2 weeks on it would be kinda restrictive and become

boring over time. In my time since I started this group, (and SBD

the first time), and my fall off the wagon I have looked at many

other diet plans. I am back here because I believe that SBD is the

only plan that will teach me the discipline and control I need for

eating healthily, and it is the only plan that I could live on for

the rest of my life. It is no where as restrictive as other plans,

believe me! And I am beginning to think that the restrictive plans

set us up for failure right from the start.

I also learnt something recently that made me stop and think:

1. Food only tastes bad until you swallow it. After that it doesn't

need to taste good, it needs to nuture, heal and be good for your

body. (this is why I choose to not use artificial sweetners of ANY

KIND! even splenda.)

We all fall off our bikes when we first learn to ride. Do not be so

hard on yourself that you never get back on. It is only thru

persistance that you eventually master the skill. And does it really

matter how many times you fell off when you finally get it right?

> I don't think of phase 1 as a punishment. I am looking forward to


> back on track.



> -Beth

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