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Jeanette, sorry to learn that you had a stroke lately and also about the other liver changes (cirrhosis) because of the AIH. I am keeping you in my prayers. Please keep faith in the doctors as they are given the responsibility for making the right decisions. But at the same time, you all have to make sure they are not cutting corners because of the costs involved. I know accessing the best health care is not easy at times, even here in the US, but those involved have to make sure they are doing all that can be done.

Wishing you well.



At 08:53 PM 11/21/2001 +0000, you wrote:



> Hi At the moment can I please ask for you thoughts if you have time.I woke up this morning and couldn't move my left arm (I am doing this with one hand and one finger) I also couldn't speak and my left eye wouldn't open. Yes I have had a stroke when my doctor came he took my blood pressure it was 200/114 he was impressed. He is getting me to a neoroe (spelling) surgeon as a emergency and I have got to have a scan. I AM SCARED. I don.t know how much more I can take. My husband has taken time from work to look after me the doctor doesn't want me in hospital yet because I have spent so much time there with AIH and cirrhosis.I f you friends have got time say a little prayer.


> Jeanette UK


> AIH 1998 Cirrhosis2001


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Keeping you in thoughts and prayers....



> Hi At the moment can I please ask for you thoughts if you have

time.I woke up this morning and couldn't move my left arm (I am doing

this with one hand and one finger) I also couldn't speak and my left

eye wouldn't open. Yes I have had a stroke when my doctor came he took

my blood pressure it was 200/114 he was impressed. He is getting me to

a neoroe (spelling) surgeon as a emergency and I have got to have a

scan. I AM SCARED. I don.t know how much more I can take. My husband

has taken time from work to look after me the doctor doesn't want me

in hospital yet because I have spent so much time there with AIH and

cirrhosis.I f you friends have got time say a little prayer.


> Jeanette UK


> AIH 1998 Cirrhosis2001




> ---------------------------------


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Oh Jeanette...I cannot believe the doctor did not put you in immediately! Please, like Harper said...lean on that guy! You need to be monitored closely!


[ ] Stroke

Hi At the moment can I please ask for you thoughts if you have time.I woke up this morning and couldn't move my left arm (I am doing this with one hand and one finger) I also couldn't speak and my left eye wouldn't open. Yes I have had a stroke when my doctor came he took my blood pressure it was 200/114 he was impressed. He is getting me to a neoroe (spelling) surgeon as a emergency and I have got to have a scan. I AM SCARED. I don.t know how much more I can take. My husband has taken time from work to look after me the doctor doesn't want me in hospital yet because I have spent so much time there with AIH and cirrhosis.I f you friends have got time say a little prayer.

Jeanette UK

AIH 1998 Cirrhosis2001

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I hope that when you read this that you are doing better. I will

certainly add you to my prayers~GOD BLESS YOU.



> Hi At the moment can I please ask for you thoughts if you have

time.I woke up this morning and couldn't move my left arm (I am doing

this with one hand and one finger) I also couldn't speak and my left

eye wouldn't open. Yes I have had a stroke when my doctor came he

took my blood pressure it was 200/114 he was impressed. He is getting

me to a neoroe (spelling) surgeon as a emergency and I have got to

have a scan. I AM SCARED. I don.t know how much more I can take. My

husband has taken time from work to look after me the doctor doesn't

want me in hospital yet because I have spent so much time there with

AIH and cirrhosis.I f you friends have got time say a little prayer.


> Jeanette UK


> AIH 1998 Cirrhosis2001




> ---------------------------------


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I hope you are feeling better. Please take care of yourself and let your

husband help you as much as he can or that you will let him. You sort of

scar me prior to me starting Predisione my BP was 190/115 and took me off of

work and that was prior to being dx with AIH. My prayers are with you.

Please take care of yourself.


Gloria E. AIH 9/01

>From: tygrelily17@...



>Subject: [ ] Re: Stroke

>Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 06:11:46 -0000




>I hope that when you read this that you are doing better. I will

>certainly add you to my prayers~GOD BLESS YOU.





> >

> > Hi At the moment can I please ask for you thoughts if you have

>time.I woke up this morning and couldn't move my left arm (I am doing

>this with one hand and one finger) I also couldn't speak and my left

>eye wouldn't open. Yes I have had a stroke when my doctor came he

>took my blood pressure it was 200/114 he was impressed. He is getting

>me to a neoroe (spelling) surgeon as a emergency and I have got to

>have a scan. I AM SCARED. I don.t know how much more I can take. My

>husband has taken time from work to look after me the doctor doesn't

>want me in hospital yet because I have spent so much time there with

>AIH and cirrhosis.I f you friends have got time say a little prayer.

> >

> > Jeanette UK

> >

> > AIH 1998 Cirrhosis2001

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Dee 777,

I am new to the group, so I can't answer your questions. I am sorry to hear

about your dilema. Just wanted to offer best wishes to you for a speedy

recovery. I hope the dr's can get to the bottom of this for you.

God Bless,


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  • 8 years later...
Guest guest

Hi all,

A friend who is 87 years old called me today and told me she had a stroke

less than a week ago. She was in the hospital for a few days - lost her

ability to speak briefly, but has recovered that ability. She said she's

sleeping a lot since the stroke. She was sleeping a lot prior to it, but not

as much as now. The docs wanted to put her on statins, but she refused. I

think she's taking aspirin at her doctor's suggestion though.

She eats a primarily WAPF diet (has been doing so for years) but does eat

sweets. Can anyone offer suggestions on where she can get more info on how

to prevent a stroke from recurring? I encouraged her to see one of the local

WAPF practitioners and will check back with her in a day or two on that.



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  • 6 months later...

The mucous and cough would be totally unrelated to the passing out episode.  Glad your mom is on your butt about this.  Sounding more and more like a TIA...  Especially with you not remembering talking to anyone....  

Hugs,TeriOn Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:


OK everybody!!  My mother is right on my tail about seeing the Dr. on Monday.  Like you said Teri, it will show up when they test.  Plus, there is a bit of family history as well. 

I've also had to promise my mother that I will keep the phone right with me, in case something more happens.  She says that when she talked to me, I was slurring my speech.  Well, I hate to admit; but, I don't remember talking to her at all.  I can't remember very much except the fall.

It doesn't help that I still have the mucous and the cough!Gloria

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Trans Ischemic Attack  TIAOn Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:32 PM, trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...> wrote:


Thanks Teri, I just couldn't remember the initials! " A well-behaved woman never made history "  Mae Westhttp://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877

            On Feb 19, 2011, at 10:18 PM, Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> wrote:


The mucous and cough would be totally unrelated to the passing out episode.  Glad your mom is on your butt about this.  Sounding more and more like a TIA...  Especially with you not remembering talking to anyone....  

Hugs,TeriOn Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:


OK everybody!!  My mother is right on my tail about seeing the Dr. on Monday.  Like you said Teri, it will show up when they test.  Plus, there is a bit of family history as well. 

I've also had to promise my mother that I will keep the phone right with me, in case something more happens.  She says that when she talked to me, I was slurring my speech.  Well, I hate to admit; but, I don't remember talking to her at all.  I can't remember very much except the fall.

It doesn't help that I still have the mucous and the cough!Gloria

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Don't worry - even I'm concerned about what happened. Maybe not so much the sudden fall, as the loss of memory after that. It bothers me a whole bunch!!

Trans Ischemic Attack TIAOn Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:32 PM, trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...> wrote:

Thanks Teri, I just couldn't remember the initials!" A well-behaved woman never made history " Mae Westhttp://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877

On Feb 19, 2011, at 10:18 PM, Theresa Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> wrote:

The mucous and cough would be totally unrelated to the passing out episode. Glad your mom is on your butt about this. Sounding more and more like a TIA... Especially with you not remembering talking to anyone....

Hugs,TeriOn Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Gloria <gadamscan@...> wrote:

OK everybody!! My mother is right on my tail about seeing the Dr. on Monday. Like you said Teri, it will show up when they test. Plus, there is a bit of family history as well.

I've also had to promise my mother that I will keep the phone right with me, in case something more happens. She says that when she talked to me, I was slurring my speech. Well, I hate to admit; but, I don't remember talking to her at all. I can't remember very much except the fall.

It doesn't help that I still have the mucous and the cough!Gloria

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