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The Big Coincidence That May Doom Big Pharma (10-26-2010)

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Dear Reader:

In regard to what I am trying to do in regard to awakening the world that

depression and mental illness are curable in a five step fashion using natural

or non-drug means, there is a rather large coincidence.

This particular coincidence may spell doom for Big Pharma.

Please let me explain all of this.

The coincidence I am speaking of concerns the fact that " The Five Point Cardinal

Rule to Chemically Correct Mental Illness " is identical in its five points to

the next blog that I am going to write.

This next blog, one which should be completed in only another day or so, is

titled " The Five Fundamental Rules to Gain, Retain, or Regain Human Health " . The

list of five points in this blog to the one concerning the chemical correction

of mental illness is identical.

It so turns out that the human body and the human brain are connected. In

learning (from others, to include my son Willy) and in discovering what I did to

cure mental illness, I apparently accidentally discovered how to cure, or

greatly help from a health standpoint, a lot of other things as well.

The Five Fundamental Rules to Gain, Retain, or Regain Human Health are

applicable to the health, well-being, and longevity of every person on this

planet. (This is why there have been two apparent attempts on my life in 2010.)

Incidentally, the Five Fundamental Rules are fundamental rules that should

ALWAYS be addressed if anti-aging is your goal. Human growth hormone (or other

measures) might be good as an adjunct(s), but one must never forget the five

fundamental rules if you wish to live as long and healthy a life as possible.

(Aging and a declining essential nutrient status are synonymous, unless one

actively intervenes. And the latter begets the former in a rather big way.)

The similarity between The Five Point Cardinal Rule to Chemically Correct Mental

Illness and The Five Fundamental Rules to Gain, Retain, or Regain Human Health

is a coincidence that may spell doom for Big Pharma.

This coincidence means that we are all in the same boat, both the mentally ill

and the fiscally well-endowed alike.

What is this boat?

The fiscally well-endowed, who can both easily afford and would greatly benefit

from what I am saying in regard to Willy's Baggies, the Fundamental Rules, etc.

may soon lose the option of choice in regard to these nutritional and natural

healing measures. These nutritional and natural healing measures benefits should

and could greatly benefit almost EVERYONE'S health and longevity. (These

nutritional and natural healing measures hold the promise of often adding

decades of health to both body and brain life.)

The fiscally well-endowed WILL LOSE the above-mentioned health options if Big

Pharma, Big Medicine (the doctors), and Big Healthcare have their way in

Congress within the next year or two.

As a result of the Supreme Court ruling this past winter allowing corporations

to flood the federal election process with money (proof of this happening

already exists in regard to the upcoming November election) it should be

apparent to the general public that we are undergoing a rather obvious corporate

takeover of our government.

Big Pharma's strong corporate agenda is to take all, or at least some key

(critical), healing supplements out of the general public's hands. (Their very

future as an industry is at stake.)

Don't believe me on this? Well, Big Pharma, via their heavy handed influence

within the FDA, already tried to deny the general public access to almost every

single supplement in existence in 2007. (This is a matter of public record.) The

following link is one example of the proof of this:

Health freedom action alert: FDA attempting to regulate supplements, herbs and

juices as " drugs " [ by Mike , April 11, 2007]


The above link involves only one of a number of instances of anti-supplement

legal motion on the federal level within the past five years. Anti-supplement

regulation is being put before Congress more frequently with every passing year

it seems.


God help us all if nutritional supplements and other natural measures are not

proven to be powerfully therapeutic and soon. If they are not proven to be so,

these powerful nutritional and natural healing modalities are going to be taken

away from us by force of law. They are going to be taken away from us as soon as

enough corporate money floods the elective process such that Big Pharma (and

other related industries with a similar self-interest to Big Pharma) can buy the

passage of restrictive supplement (and other natural healing measure) laws.

Once these nutritional and natural measures are taken away from the general

public it is going to be hard to get them back again.

I pray that I soon find the collaborative means needed to show that

antidepressants do not stand a chance versus the healing power of a Willy's

Baggie approach coupled with a little common sense.

Lastly, in my opinion anyone over forty years old that has a net worth of over a

million dollars is a fool to not be using a Willy's Baggie like supplement

approach and implementing the Five Fundamental Health Rules on his or her self.

Or perhaps such people are not fools, as I have stated. Perhaps such people are

simply unaware of these important alternative medical discoveries and their

broad health, longevity, and maximum-performance implications. (Hopefully this

blog will make many of such persons aware. It may be only the influential and

the wealthy that have the power to stop Big Pharma in time.)



Important Note: This material is not copyright protected in ANY way. Anyone and

everyone may freely send this material to anyone they wish. In addition to this,

anyone and everyone may put this material on their own website if they wish.

Everyone has my signed " complete and irrevocable permission " in which to do so.

Signed… Darman and Dated… October 26, 2010.

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