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Red Blood Cells

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  • 6 years later...

First doing 200ml or 100mgs. are you feeling good on this program. And how long

have you been on TRT if you just started this can calm down. But until then yes

giver blood to the red cross don't tell them your on T meds or your count is

high just give it to them and if they can't use it it is not a problem. I don't

have this problem but there are men here the do have it and give blood to the

red cross. Did your Dr. tell you to take asperin to me this is not good.


mrmerc41 <mrmerc41@...> wrote:

I've have a problem with an elevated red blood cell count.Please excuse

the spelling.The doc says my hemoglobin is 20 and my hematocrit is 57.I

get injections of 200ml every 10 to 14 days.Tried takeing asperin.Would

lower dosages more often help or possibly donating blood as I've read

here help? The Red Cross will only take blood every 2 months is that

often enough to control my counts?Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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When my Hemoglobin count got up to 20 (range 13-17) they began

withdrawing 1 pint every two weeks. They took 8 pints in 2 months in

order to get my counts down. Since I had lung cancer they just dropped

the bag of blood into the garbage can. After losing 8 pints in 2

months I felt really bad. It has been 11 months and my counts have

remainded in the normal range ever since. " "


> I've have a problem with an elevated red blood cell count.Please


> the spelling.The doc says my hemoglobin is 20 and my hematocrit is


> get injections of 200ml every 10 to 14 days.Tried takeing


> lower dosages more often help or possibly donating blood as I've read

> here help? The Red Cross will only take blood every 2 months is that

> often enough to control my counts?Any suggestions would be



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Don't you think they over did it I know guys that were higher then you and they

had the red cross take a pint and in a week there count came down.


jahost1942 <jahost@...> wrote:

When my Hemoglobin count got up to 20 (range 13-17) they began

withdrawing 1 pint every two weeks. They took 8 pints in 2 months in

order to get my counts down. Since I had lung cancer they just dropped

the bag of blood into the garbage can. After losing 8 pints in 2

months I felt really bad. It has been 11 months and my counts have

remainded in the normal range ever since. " "


> I've have a problem with an elevated red blood cell count.Please


> the spelling.The doc says my hemoglobin is 20 and my hematocrit is


> get injections of 200ml every 10 to 14 days.Tried takeing


> lower dosages more often help or possibly donating blood as I've read

> here help? The Red Cross will only take blood every 2 months is that

> often enough to control my counts?Any suggestions would be



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For some of the guys it works giving blood. You would need to give the blood

the then in a week or two get your blood tested again. If your hematocrit is

not down then have your Dr. take a pint or right a scripet to take more. Please

get your Dr. to let you do your shots every week so your E2 will settle down and

your Hematocrit. If you need amo to show your Dr. print out the AACE Guildlines

I think it is on page 11 to do shots every 7 to 10 days. Here is a link.


Also go to Dr. 's site and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG

Update show this to your Dr. also.


mrmerc41 <mrmerc41@...> wrote:

,I've been on trt about 2 years.I feel o.k. Not great like I did

in the begining of the treatment.I believe it's 200ml per injection.My

T level is about 630 after 14 days.The doctor did not recomend asperin

but I figured 1 a day can't hurt because of it's blood thinning

benifits.I also take Indoplex/Dim.Do you think donating blood 1pint/2

months is enough to keep the hemoglobin and hematocrit down?

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Lori,

Yes it probably is the asthma, RBC's rise when there is not enough oxygen passing into the blood from the lungs, for example if you go and live at altitude, this could also occur with chronic asthma. Not too much to worry about especially if only slightly high. Atheletes often deliberately raise their RBCs. The only danger is if it gets too high it could increase your chances of getting some kind of blood clot, such as DVT etc... but it doesn't sound like you have much to worry about, just make sure you stay properly hydrated and make sure your blood lipids are okay (i.e. keep you cholesterol down).



-----Original Message-----From: samters [mailto:samters ]On Behalf Of Lori BaurSent: 23 October 2006 01:49samters Subject: red blood cells

What does it mean if your red blood cells are slightly out of range (high)? I have reviewed my blood work over the last few years and I have noticed my RBCs are consistently slightly high. Is that something to worry about? Would it be related to the asthma?



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  • 3 years later...
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I've googled this with no satisfactory answer. Does anyone know how to stimulate

red blood cell production and maturation. I suspect myself of being low.

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From what I recall, iron stimulates production, not so sure about



" The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity. " - Horton

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Parashis


> I've googled this with no satisfactory answer. Does anyone know how to

> stimulate red blood cell production and maturation. I suspect myself of

> being low.



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I've read that wheatgrass/barley grass are helpful in that. Also raw milk.

" Wheatgrass is a blood builder: Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and

hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference

is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is

iron. Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and

release free oxygen. This inhibits and reduces the action of anaerobic bacteria

(a disease-producing micro-organism). Wheatgrass juice has been shown to build

red blood cells quickly after ingestion. It normalizes high blood pressure and

stimulates healthy tissue-cell growth. " from


--- In , Parashis <artpages@...>



> I've googled this with no satisfactory answer. Does anyone know how to

stimulate red blood cell production and maturation. I suspect myself of being





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Thanks Lana,

I've been avoiding iron because I heard it's bad for men and post-menopausal

women. Cancer likes it too. Wonder if I take a little in the form of raisins if

that might be ok. Want to have more energy.

Re: Red Blood Cells


>From what I recall, iron stimulates production, not so sure about





> " The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity. " - Horton



>On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Parashis



>> I've googled this with no satisfactory answer. Does anyone know how to

>> stimulate red blood cell production and maturation. I suspect myself of

>> being low.






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I used to make it. Will start up again.

Re: Red Blood Cells


>I've read that wheatgrass/barley grass are helpful in that. Also raw milk.


> " Wheatgrass is a blood builder: Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and

hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference

is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is

iron. Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and

release free oxygen. This inhibits and reduces the action of anaerobic bacteria

(a disease-producing micro-organism). Wheatgrass juice has been shown to build

red blood cells quickly after ingestion. It normalizes high blood pressure and

stimulates healthy tissue-cell growth. " from



>--- In , Parashis <artpages@...>



>> I've googled this with no satisfactory answer. Does anyone know how to

stimulate red blood cell production and maturation. I suspect myself of being












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Liver is rich in iron and I've never heard it being contraindicated for post

menopause... Cancer likes oxygen, yes, which hemoglobin carries and that's

due to iron but I've never heard iron itself can increase cancer?


" The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity. " - Horton

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Parashis


> Thanks Lana,


> I've been avoiding iron because I heard it's bad for men and

> post-menopausal women. Cancer likes it too. Wonder if I take a little in the

> form of raisins if that might be ok. Want to have more energy.



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I must wait for better times to be tested but tested is what I want. Not to

mention having my hormones balanced by a Weston Price doctor like Dr. Cowan in

San Francisco. Meanwhile I was just wondering. Eating peanut butter doesn't

help. Not even soaked just Valencia. I don't point fingers at Heroin addicts

since I can't do a simple thing like that.

Re: Red Blood Cells

>> >

>> >Liver is rich in iron and I've never heard it being contraindicated for

>> post

>> >menopause... Cancer likes oxygen, yes, which hemoglobin carries and

>> that's

>> >due to iron but I've never heard iron itself can increase cancer?

>> >

>> >-Lana





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