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Magnesium fix for A-Fib

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Hi All,

I recently received an E-mail about how taking magnesium and

potassium supplements and taking epsom salt baths may help get rid of

A-Fib, particularly if you are a moderate to heavy drinker. Here is

the E-mail:

I would like to pass on the following story in the hope that it may

help someone else that contacts your web site.

I first experienced afib in the spring of 1999. After stopping in at

an urgent care facility, they sent me by ambulance to the emergency

room where the afib was stopped with Corvert. The hospital staff

informed me that it was probably my heavy drinking that caused the

episode so I stopped drinking for 3 years with no more afib


Eventually, I started drinking again and the afib returned after a

few months. Spring and summer of 2003 saw me in the ER twice and

both times corvert did the job. They also placed me on Cardizem for

afib and high blood pressure. Soon after the second episode I lost

insurance coverage and it was only a few days before the afib started

again. After 18 hours of being in afib, I decided to search the

internet for answers and resigned myself to go to the ER if nothing

was found. One of the stories I read mentioned that a bath in a

magnesium solution was prescribed by one woman's doctor. Remembering

that epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, I decided to take an epsom salt

bath and the afib stopped within 20 minutes. Once again, this was

after being in afib for 18 hours.

Since then I started taking a magnesium and potassium supplement

everyday and also take an epsom salt bath every one to two weeks and

the afib episodes have completely stopped. I used to get little 10

to 30 second episodes everyday but not any more. I even continued

drinking heavily for a while after this and even stopped the cardizem

(bad side effects) and still experienced zero symptoms.

I honestly believe that my afib was caused by excessive sweating and

dehydration (from the alcohol) which disrupted the mineral balance.

I have not shared this information with my cardiologist, his

brainwashing by the drug company sales people has been too effective

for him to understand that a simplistic cure of mineral balance is

possible. Not once did he mention that a cure could be this simple.

I would like to share this with as many people as possible but I'm

not sure how. Please feel free to post it where ever you think it

would do the most good.


Otis Price


Albuquerque, NM

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