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Re: Digest Number 352

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Thanks for sharing your information about your son. Generally, babies

who " wean " before one year of age are actually on a nursing strike.

Drinking from a bottle is easier for babies so sometime if they have the

choice they may tend towards the bottle. You could try only offering the

breast and not a bottle. Does he go to daycare full time?



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Thanks for sharing your information about your son. Generally, babies

who " wean " before one year of age are actually on a nursing strike.

Drinking from a bottle is easier for babies so sometime if they have the

choice they may tend towards the bottle. You could try only offering the

breast and not a bottle. Does he go to daycare full time?



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

Sorry to put a damper on things but I really need to vent right now!!! I am

sooo mad and I'm not exactly sure about who I am more mad at, me, or Dr.

Randall. As some of you may know I have had some problems with my surgical

incision, it has been open and draining since my surgery on April 3rd, well

it's a PIA but I've dealt with it, reluctantly at first because even though I

am a nurse I am very squeamish about doing procedures on myself.Dr. Randall

referred to it as a " little boo-boo " and told me I could take care of it

myself. Well the wound healed over and I thought it was going well, until my

appointment on May 16th when Dr. R had to " snip off " the top layer of skin

because the underneath was not healed at all - back to square one!! Well 2

days after that procedure the top layer healed over again, I called Dr.R to

tell him and he told me to scrub it with a wash cloth to open it up or to use

a Q-tip to open it, well the wash cloth didn't help so I resorted to the Q-

tip, very painful, anyway that wound is now about 90% healed over. Now my

problem is that I have a brand new area developing right above the old one. I

noticed on Sat. morning that I had a large, bulging, yellow, blister like

area, I called Dr. R to ask him what to do with it, I explained that it was

painful and the area was hard and swollen.I don't know what I was expecting

but I was not happy with his response, he actually sounded exasperated as he

told me " Toni, just pop the blister, that's all it needs... " First of all the

area was too swollen and painful to simply " pop " , if I thought it was that

simple I would not have even called him. Maybe I was being oversensitive as I

felt like he was treating me like a teenager whining over a zit. Secondly I

don't think it is appropriate for a physician to tell a patient to self treat

a condition he hasn't even seen. I did try to lance the area myself as I

really wanted to relieve the pressure and the pain, now I'm not sure that I

haven't made it worse. I am so sorry I ever told Dr. R that I am a nurse, I

don't feel He would have been so casual about my problem if I was not a

nurse. I am mad at myself for not requesting and insisting on a visiting

nurse in the beginning, I know that a trained eye would have spotted this

problem sooner. I am unable to see the area clearly because of its position,

I didn't know there was a new problem until I felt it and that's too late

now.If it still hurts tomorrow I will probably go to the ER which I really

don't want to do, the nursing community is pretty small in this area and I

have only told a small handful of people about my surgery, I feel that if I

go to the ER I may have to disclose info that I really don't want to. I live

in New Bedford and one of the reasons I chose Medford was because the chances

of me running into nurses I know was remote. I chose not to go to Boston

because I know several nurses at MGH and NWH also. I am just so aggravated

with the whole thing and I am really disappointed with Dr. Randall's lack of

sensitivity. sorry this is so long and such a downer but I really needed to

get it off my chest, thanks for " listening " . Toni.

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