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>>>I'll also respond to the list, because I've already had 3 e-mails

askingabout it.It's called Lacto-Plus and it's made by a company called

Nutri-West. & nbsp; Iget it from a local chiropractor and I gather they

market tochiropractors. & nbsp; They also have a website

(<http://www.nutriwest.com> www.nutriwest.com), but everytime I tried to

get on it tonight to see if you could order directlyfrom them, it froze up

my computer. & nbsp; I swear this stuff works 10 timesbetter for me than the

refrigerated stuff did. & nbsp; My stomach problemsstopped almost

immediately, then I tried the old stuff for a few days,felt sick again, so

I've stayed with this ever since. & nbsp; I pay about $18Can. for 60 pills

and I take 3 pills/day with food, <<<

I am trying out a similar product which is called Culterelle. It is

Lactobacillus GG and each capsule has 10 billion live/active cells. Like

the one above, it doesn't need refrigeration. 30 capsules were $13.69 at a

regular pharmacy (might be cheaper elsewhere).

I got diarrhea from it when I took more than one to start. So I am working

my way up to a higher dose. I take one in the morning and then 3


Culterelle directions:

Take 1 - 2 capsules per day.

Maybe taken concurrently with antibiotics:

Take 2 capsules twice daily throughout antibiotic therapy.



9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST, weekdays.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yoo Hoo Anyone Listening:

Can anyone give me some info on the subject below: Would really appreciate




Is anyone on Probion Professional Probiotic Formula. I just picked these up

from the naturopath. They are made by Phytogenics (at least that's what it

says in large letters at the bottom of the bottle. There is no mention of how

much acidophilus there is and on the back of the bottle it is all broken down in

how many mgs. of each bacteria there is in each capsule. And no mention of

refrigeration. He said to refrigerate it after I opened it up. As I've never

taken this before, I could use some info on how others are storing it and how

much acidophilus (as in billions, as I've been told to take) is in these


Thanks in advance.


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Is anyone on Probion Professional Probiotic Formula. I just picked these up

from the naturopath. They are made by Phytogenics (at least that's what it

says in large letters at the bottom of the bottle. There is no mention of how

much acidophilus there is and on the back of the bottle it is all broken down in

how many mgs. of each bacteria there is in each capsule. And no mention of

refrigeration. He said to refrigerate it after I opened it up. As I've never

taken this before, I could use some info on how others are storing it and how

much acidophilus (as in billions, as I've been told to take) is in these


Thanks in advance.


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sorry, I'm on something called Pro-Biotics Acidophilus made by Nutrition Now,

Inc. (www.nutritionnow.com) . Is said to contain 14 billion good bacteria per

capsule - refrigeration not required. On the label it says " A proprietary blend

of 100% Natural Cultures of : Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lacobacillus plantarum,

Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, S. Thermophilus, Bifidobacterium

bifidum, S. faecium, and Bifidobacterium infantis. As a dietary supplement take

up to 2 capsules per day.

No loaves baking in this oven! LOL


60 caps cost me $25 at a GNC store. Therefore, I only take 1/day. How they

cram 14 billion in a cap is beyond me - most I've seen anywhere. Probably all



Is anyone on Probion Professional Probiotic Formula. I just picked these up

from the naturopath. They are made by Phytogenics (at least that's what it

says in large letters at the bottom of the bottle. There is no mention of how

much acidophilus there is and on the back of the bottle it is all broken down in

how many mgs. of each bacteria there is in each capsule. And no mention of

refrigeration. He said to refrigerate it after I opened it up. As I've never

taken this before, I could use some info on how others are storing it and how

much acidophilus (as in billions, as I've been told to take) is in these


Thanks in advance.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I swear by Lacto-Plus, manufactured by Nutri-West. It's distributed

through naturopaths, chiropracters, etc. and is by the far the best

probiotic I've used. I had constant, severe stomach problems while using

a number of other probiotics and haven't had any trouble since starting

this last spring. I would recommend it to anyone experiencing stomach

problems while on the AP.


Hess wrote:


> From: " Hess " <krhess@...>


> Can people post to the group or to me privately which probiotics they

> have found most effective and/or least expensive (not necessarily

> compatible, I know)?


> And, does anyone feel Natren products are worth the extra cost?


> And does anyone agree that mixed products such as Flora Balance are

> ineffective as some strains will overbalance the others in the mix?


> Thanks.

> Hope


> (still waiting for results on myco. tests)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again,

My research keeps turning up more good resources and I want to share

everything I find with the group.

Been following all the discussion about Adriel and questioning if AP

is therapy or religion. All I can say is that I know there is a

downside to using antibiotics and what it does to the gut, and yes

there are more and more antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria

developing, but I think if we keep ourselves informed and act

intelligently that we can benefit tremendously from using our

doctor's prescribed plan of antibiotic treatment and undo any harmful

effects with preventative care.

So, I want to share my latest find:


This is the website of Natasha Trenev, who is considered an authority

on Probiotics. She's written a book on it and the book link to

Amazon is on her website. But more than that there are a lot of news

articles, updated monthly, and lots and lots of information. If you

look up Natasha's A to Z's, she has a page on Rheumatoid Arthritis,

another on Ankylosing Spondylitis, another on Chron's Disease, etc,

etc. This woman is very up to date on research in the field. She

sites information from Dr. Ebringer's studies and warns, for example,

not to use Probiotic products with FOS because it not only feeds the

acidophillus but it also nourishes Krebsiella and yeast. Be sure to

look up her page on Candidasis. Lots and lots of good info there. I

read her " medical " page which is actually directed at physicians (She

sells a product line of probiotics to doctors). Her recommendation

to them is to prescribe probiotics with antibiotics but taken at

least 3 hour apart, and to double or triple the dose when the course

of antibiotics is completed. Interesting.

> Hi group,

> I found one more page I really want to share because it sounded

> interesting. This is about Lactobacillicus GG, the patented


> that was cultured from humans instead of from milk or other

> food products. It has some proven qualities that are missing from


> lot of other acidophillus cultures in that it isn't destroyed by

> stomach acid, it adheres to the intestinal walls instead of


> through, and it can withstand contact with bile. He gives 3


> at the end for purchasing. The first one is definately the least

> expensive.


> check it out:



> BTW none of this is meant to criticize the use of antibiotics or


> other medications. They all have their place. I just think we


> to look at the whole picture and slowly try to restore the body


> to health in order to prevent recurring symptoms. People are doing

> this anyway, by weaning themselves off steroids and NSAIDs, for

> example, as the antibiotics become more and more effective. I


> think you can later stop taking the antibiotics without first

> eliminating the yeast infection that normally occurs with prolonged

> antibiotic use, and when that is done restoring the GI tract


> essential to prevent reinfection.


> Also, I'm not sure, but I suspect that if you work on improving

> intestinal health while you're taking antibiotics that the healing

> process might go a little faster. For example, keeping down the

> yeast population with regular care. Also, there is another way to

> improve the health of your GI tract. Your body needs

> certain prostaglandins to build the epithelial walls of the

> intestines. There are bad prostaglandins related to inflamation


> there are other good ones that protect your stomach and whole GI

> tract. Most NSAIDS interfere with the production of both kinds of

> prostaglandins, the good kind and the bad. If you read that


> by Elfstrom (the link is http://elfstrom.c


> that I mentioned in the note I posted about ulcers and NSAIDs, he

> explains how it happens. Using Misoprostol, a synthetic

> prostaglandin will alleviate the problem if your still need NSAIDs.

> Some people claim that taking Evening Primrose Oil, or Omega 3

> supplements help their arthritis. I think it's because those

> products help the body to synthesize the needed prostaglandins (the

> good ones)to help repair a leaky gut. When hyperpermeability

> decreases, less and less bad stuff gets into the bloodstream and


> start to feel better.


> I read some advice from the group about treating yeast when you


> to feel like the benefits of Minocine are plateaued or becoming


> effective. It's good advice. The overpopulation of yeast will


> you feel sick in itself (you can get a systemic yeast infection if


> gets a stronghold in the bloodstream) and also yeast will break


> the walls of the intestines and allow other bad stuff to get


> (See my other posts) I don't think we should wait for symptoms of

> yeast infection to start treating it. It's a known fact that

> prolonged use of antibiotics will cause yeast overgrowth. Control


> with diet, or control it with meds, or do both, but don't ignore it.



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  • 1 year later...

-Hi ,

I have heard of diffrent reactions to pro-biotics.

I have heard stories like yours where children become more " aware " and

so that may be why he is up going " ok so this is what it is REALLY all

about " " who cares if it is the middle of the night! " or you can have a

reaction like I had, tantruming for 3 straight days and horrible

agression and irritability. My sons whole problems focus around his

agressive/tantruming behavior so I was not surprised and actually was

expecting it. (It certainly didn't let me down either! (LOL) I don't

know what is worse being up all night or having your child angry.

Hopefully it will end soon. :) Patti

In @y..., Thorpeheather@a... wrote:

> Anyone like to give me some idea what to expect when starting


> please?

> We started on half a capsule a couple of days ago. I am

starting to

> see one or two amazing things happen but don't know if its

attributable to

> the probiotics or just coincidence. On the minus side, is

waking up at

> three in the morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed which is more

than can be

> said for me!!!!!!


> Many thanks





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Wow- this is exactly what happened with when we started

probiotics last month. He would be up and ready to party at 3 or 4

am which left us all exhausted. This went on for about 10 days

before we discontinued the probiotics. He was also highly irritable

(except at 3 am of course), stimmy and emotionally sensitive. We

stopped them, and have recently started Nystatin - really slowly. We

will add back in probiotics in a few days, really slowly as well. No

die-off apparent yet. The bad news is that the sleep problems have

remained. Hopefully this will not be the case for you. We had to

add in melatonin to help his body go back to sleep mode. Note that

NIcholas had NO sleep problems ever before this. Always slept 11

hours per night like clockwork. SIghhhhhhh. Those were the good old

days. It was suggested to me we should try a different probiotic.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

> >I have heard the best things about Culturelle, which you can also

> purchase from Kirkman<


> When we say one probiotics is better than another for some kids.

What is the determining factor that they help? Stool consistency and

form? This doesn't have anything to do with behaviors, does it?

My kids have behavioral regression from most probiotics, some bm

problems with some of them also.


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Guest guest

My older son's adverse reaction to practically anything is usually expressed

behaviorally - whining/crying, won't transition, grouchy, generally

fussed-up. My younger's son's adverse reaction to practiacally anything is

usually expressed physiologically - constipation/diarrhea, upset stomach,

headache. May depend on the person's pattern.


> When we say one probiotics is better than another for some kids.

What is the determining factor that they help? Stool consistency and

form? This doesn't have anything to do with behaviors, does it?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm thinking about going on something like that also ~ don't think it's called Perfect Food. I'll find out. IT's offered on one of the raw food sites.

I don't think everyone on this list has cancer or really BAD illness.

I have a lot of cleansing and body re-building to do personally from years of drug therapy for asthma. I also have Candida. Allergies, etc. Just want to be healthy and drug free. I'm 27.


Re: probiotics

These are my thoughts too, would like to hear more from others on this. Phyllis In a message dated 09/16/2002 11:10:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time, je@... writes:

it would seem with all the colon cleansing you would want to restore the flora with probiotics~I am surprised she did not recommend probiotics... next to parasite cleanse it seems vital to me

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These are my thoughts too, would like to hear more from others on this.


In a message dated 09/16/2002 11:10:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time, je@... writes:

it would seem with all the colon cleansing you would want to restore the flora with probiotics

~I am surprised she did not recommend probiotics... next to parasite cleanse it seems vital to me

----- Original Message -----

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it would seem with all the colon cleansing you would want to restore the flora with probiotics

~I am surprised she did not recommend probiotics... next to parasite cleanse it seems vital to me

Re: probiotics

I did not see that Hulda recommends probiotics anywhere. You can make your own yogurt to restore healthy flora.Jasmina

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If you are going to take a probiotic make sure it's a good one. There are so many out there. A good probiotic has to be able to survive exposure to gastric acid. Make sure what you are taking says "enteric coated" or "micro encapsulated" so that they will be resistant to both gastric acid and bile in order to be released into the colon.

Hope that helps!


Re: probiotics

These are my thoughts too, would like to hear more from others on this. Phyllis In a message dated 09/16/2002 11:10:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time, je@... writes:

it would seem with all the colon cleansing you would want to restore the flora with probiotics~I am surprised she did not recommend probiotics... next to parasite cleanse it seems vital to me

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I wonder what Dr would think of Perfect Food (it's a green food supplement with HSO's) I have been hearing alot about this from my candidiasis groups


Re: probiotics

These are my thoughts too, would like to hear more from others on this. Phyllis In a message dated 09/16/2002 11:10:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time, je@... writes:

it would seem with all the colon cleansing you would want to restore the flora with probiotics~I am surprised she did not recommend probiotics... next to parasite cleanse it seems vital to me

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Hi Everyone!

Hi Joyce :) I too am 27 I have a brain tumor (mass was removed but still segment on brain that is inoperable because it is calcified on the brain stem) I chose not to do radiation/chemo. The tumor caused a whole domino of effects for me in that it had crushed my optic nerves causing damage to my eyes... and also had crushed my pituitary gland so lots and lots of endocrine problems :( My neuro endocrinologist said that I would never be able to have children and that I should have a hysterectomy since the uterus would .. after all ... be nothing but a useless, symptom producing .. potentially cancer causing/bearing organ. Also, since I did not have the estrogen for my bones my bone density showed osteoporotic bones so the doc very quickly put me on fosomax and H.R.T (hormone replacement therapy) My story really is a long one and I hope I didn't bore anyone ;) I am here. Glad to be alive!! My ultimate goal right now is to get off of all medications so I can start to cleanse and heal~

thank you for listening


Re: probiotics

These are my thoughts too, would like to hear more from others on this. Phyllis In a message dated 09/16/2002 11:10:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time, je@... writes:

it would seem with all the colon cleansing you would want to restore the flora with probiotics~I am surprised she did not recommend probiotics... next to parasite cleanse it seems vital to me

----- Original Message -----

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Very simple. Boil milk (organic) and let stand until the temperature

comes down to about 95 degrees. Too hot and your yogurt will be too

sour or curdly. I like to keep the temperature fairly low with good

results.Then mix in few spoons (quart of milk) of your favorite

yogurt.After lots of experiments I settled on Brown Cow yogurt. Let

sit in warm place to keep the temperature between 90 and 100. I use

heating pad but had good results with simply covering with a

comforter.If I overcool the milk the pad brings the temperature back

to te desired level,the comforter won't do that.Let sit for 3 (very

mild) to 12 hours (tart) and you have fresh yogurt every day that

beats stale commercial product hands down.

As to your quest for water filter I bought Doulton with two

cartridges (one to remove fluriode which is still added by our

benighted authorities). Am quite happy with the filter.

Good luck, Jiri

> could you tell me how you make your own yogurt?

> Re: probiotics



> I did not see that Hulda recommends probiotics anywhere. You can

make your own yogurt to restore healthy flora.


> Jasmina


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Dear Jen,

Another remarkable story ,You go girl ! Don't let the doctors tell you how to clean yourself up.Remember they need you to stay sick or they would be out of buisness.

My Sister had a brain anyerizem? i don't know how to spell that word, wait a min I just remember that I got a big fat F in spelling it must run in the family.

Anyways it did rupture and she walked herself into the hospital and of course they didn't believe her and within a hour she was on morfean.Later that day she had 7 hours of brain surgery to find it and get rid of it.It was on her tempel nerve so she had a

85% chance of dieing . She said all she remembers is that she had a very warm feeling of love take over her starting at her feet and a voice said to her Debbie you will see your family again.She was not yet had the anastes yet.she was fully aware.

She lost her hair and not to mention has half her brain covered with a metal plate and 15 screws in her head.She asloo had a 50% hysterectomy And had know chance of getting pregnant .She is 38 so of course she thought she had no chance.

It's been three years since and she just had her first baby girl with the miracle of God to help her .There is more so if you want to know the rest let me know.I know you have been through alot and life is not always easy but the Lord will only give you as much as you can to learn .He knows your limit not you.God Bless you Darling and this e-mail come with a prayer for strength .


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Probiotics contain helpful bacterium for your intestine.

If you go to www.google.com and type in probiotics you will get a ton of hits.

Hope that helps some :)


Re: probiotics

What is probiotic anyways ? is it what you use after parasite cleanse?Cher

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  • 1 month later...

interesting point .lactose is in the whey from this site


sounds like modern production of milk products is very variable

sorry this is not more to the point.

> I have read several sources that suggest in order for lactobacillus

> to colonise the gut, lactose(milk sugar) must be present in the


> Obviously if one is on a dairy free diet, to avoid casein, this


> a bit tricky.

> Is there a way to supplement lactose with out casein? I know there


> a prescription medication that contains lactUlose - does anyone


> the difference between lactose and lactulose?

> Many thanks

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