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Re: Teeth

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Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years and not

for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to do with

the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a higher the

ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our problem?

I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are just very

fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named infection.

Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.

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Hi all,

My teeth and my daughter's are not so good. We share a dentist and

he is always trying to tell us the state of our teeth is from lack of

brushing and sugar in the diet...and that's it! But last time i was

in there, i mentioned to him that it seemed the Graves' group, in

general had bad teeth, too. He scoffed and will not hear of it.

According to him there is nothing else that can explain it but poor

dental care (hygiene and diet)...I think he is wrong.

> Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years and


> for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to do


> the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a higher


> ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our


> I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are just


> fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named


> Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.

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Hi ...I personally think he( your dentist) couldn't be more wrong..I

had thought it had a lot to do with genetics....my teeth are so much worse

than my husband's and I am so careful to take good care of them...and he all

but neglects his...he is also a mouth breather which is supposed to make him

more prone to decay, but he hasn't had anything done in 30 years and his

teeth are like rocks. My oldest son...who neglects his teeth too...has the

same rock solid teeth..whereas my younger son and daughter have my soft

teeth. Sounds like GD and bad teeth are linked somehow.


Re: Teeth

> Hi all,

> My teeth and my daughter's are not so good. We share a dentist and

> he is always trying to tell us the state of our teeth is from lack of

> brushing and sugar in the diet...and that's it! But last time i was

> in there, i mentioned to him that it seemed the Graves' group, in

> general had bad teeth, too. He scoffed and will not hear of it.

> According to him there is nothing else that can explain it but poor

> dental care (hygiene and diet)...I think he is wrong.




> > Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years and

> not

> > for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to do

> with

> > the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a higher

> the

> > ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our

> problem?

> > I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are just

> very

> > fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named

> infection.

> > Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Guess you'll be watching your younger son and daughter pretty

closely for Graves' symptoms, given their teeth. I hope they don't

have it, of course! I think if it isn't found by the 30s and someone

has it, they start to exhibit big mental problems: rage, panic,

anxiety...At least that seems to be the way in my family and I think

I have it, at least one brother and my only child.

Best of luck raising your babies! I hope they are alright.


> > > Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years


> > not

> > > for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to


> > with

> > > the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a


> > the

> > > ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our

> > problem?

> > > I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are just

> > very

> > > fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named

> > infection.

> > > Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.

> >

> >

> >

> > -------------------------------------

> > The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and

is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> > Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new


> > ----------------------------------------

> >

> >

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add me to the yuckie teeth list. i never had many

problems until after i had tiffany(15) which is when

they think i developed GD. hhhhhmmmm i thought it was

having trent and tiff 16 mo. apart, but now, maybe it

was the geaves. my teeth started cracking and

breaking, it's awful. luckily it's not in the front.

if i could afford the 2200+ for dentures, i would jump

at the chance. my hubby, who never pays attention to

his teeth, has no problem, but i, the one who cares

for my teeth, has broken bits all over. at least now i

know i am not alone.


--- Hearn wrote:

> Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have

> been for years and not

> for lack of care and professional attention. This

> might have to do with

> the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that

> with a higher the

> ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But

> is that our problem?

> I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the

> teeth are just very

> fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to

> be named infection.

> Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have

> in common.



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same here, I had to have dentures 6 yrs ago, when I was only 35. teeth cracking

and breaking off for no apparent reason. hmmmm? But from what I have read on

the net, there were alot of symptons that drs and myself never attributed to any

one thing, but " hindsight " , you know?


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Count me in as another who has weak teeth. It always has been such a struggle

although my parents always were very careful about us kids' oral health. I'm 32

going on 33 now and I've had so much bone loss and mobility that I actually

dream about my teeth falling out periodically. At one point I was ready to go

to the bookstore to look for books that are about interpretations of dreams!!

After many fillings, 2 crowns, one molar bonded with a adjacent tooth to make it

more stable, Now I face another terrible thing: sensitivity on my teeth. I've

stopped drinking soda recently, only water and unsweetened ice tea. Can't wait

to see my dentist at the end of July. I brush at least twice, use praxabrush in

all the nooks and crannies twice, floss at least once a day, usually more. I

even got the Sonicare toothbrush for both myself and DH (who has pretty strong

teeth). What more can I do?


Re: Teeth

same here, I had to have dentures 6 yrs ago, when I was only 35. teeth

cracking and breaking off for no apparent reason. hmmmm? But from what I have

read on the net, there were alot of symptons that drs and myself never

attributed to any one thing, but " hindsight " , you know?


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My teeth problems have actually calmed down lately but I have had

them most of my life. I have a lot of fillings, about 5 crowns. I see a

dentist 2 times a year and a periodontist 2 times a year.

The newest problem for me is one area of my teeth that was

resistant to my daily flossing and starting to bleed with brushing.

I'm on my 3rd little type of brush, a praxabrush, that seems to have

brought things under control.

I do hate thinking that this is related to Graves disease. It just

makes the whole thing more frustrating.

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My teeth have always been soft but a strange thing happened to me when my

TSH went high and just before I started replacement drug. My teeth started

bread of into pieces for no apparent reason. The Dentist and doctors say it

was just a coincident with the fact of my thyroid dying off. But I



>From: kfroilan@...

>Reply-To: graves_support

>To: graves_support

>Subject: Re: Teeth

>Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 20:29:22 -0000


>Hi all,

> My teeth and my daughter's are not so good. We share a dentist and

>he is always trying to tell us the state of our teeth is from lack of

>brushing and sugar in the diet...and that's it! But last time i was

>in there, i mentioned to him that it seemed the Graves' group, in

>general had bad teeth, too. He scoffed and will not hear of it.

>According to him there is nothing else that can explain it but poor

>dental care (hygiene and diet)...I think he is wrong.




> > Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years and


> > for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to do


> > the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a higher


> > ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our


> > I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are just


> > fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named


> > Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.




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Count me in as another who has teeth problems. My teeth were soft growing

up but my parents made sure they were taken care of.

In the last five years I've had trouble with teeth cracking, fillings

cracking, teeth grinding, and stress on teeth. I've contributed some of

this to the fact I started grinding my teeth five years ago. I find chips

of tooth all the time in my mouth. I've ground my teeth so much they look

horrible, I've considered false just because my natural are so horrible

looking. When I look at my wedding pictures and my beautiful teeth it makes

me sick what has happened the last 5 yrs. or so. I brush three or more

times a day, floss after every meal.

I believe that the grinding comes from the graves disease from the stress in

the hyper stage.

I too am tired of hearing that it is from candy, pop etc. When very seldom

have pop and very seldom had it growing up. With six children in my family

we couldn't afford or were aloud to drink it all the time. Pop, chips and

dip were a treat to us growing up and still is our family.

Three years ago was when my oldest had her first filling. My two daughters

and I went through a terrible time then with having teeth problems. When I

was pregnant in '96-'97 I bought chewable vitamin C. Two or threee times a

week I made my trip to one of my doctor appts. going out the door we'd grab

the chewable vitamin c. I read an article that Vit. C or acid fruit can

cause cavities, so I attribute some of it to the chewable vitamin C and not

brushing afterwards.

Debbie R.

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Hi all;Im kind of a learker here,but Im also a dental assistant for 20 years.not

to mention,Ive had graves disease for over 6 years and RAI twice .So Im

familure with teeth and graves disease.Ive experanced more gum problems since

Ive had graves,possably due to the diffrent medications Ive had to take or the

fact my immune system just isnt what it use to be.I must say though that

removing all your old fillings that are amalgam,to replace them with the

composite(tooth colored fillings) or inlays is somewhat defeating the purpose

unless you are allergic to or having a major reaction to the murcery.The reason

I say this is becouse when the murcery fillings are drilled out you get exposed

to far more,murcery then you ever will by having them in your mouth chewing on

them.I would recomend that if this is someting a person is considering doing ,be

sure to ask the dentist to at least use a rubber dam,that will keep you from

injesting some of the filling material when its removed.Also my experance has

been that there are alot of bad dentist out there(kinda like Endocronolagests)if

your having alot of dental work that is having to be redone often,your probably

getting substandard care.well done fillings should last around10+ years,good

crown and bridge work should last even longer.The new tooth colored filling

materials are very tecnique sensitive.If there not done well,a step is missed or

there not cured long enough or the tooth gets wet during certian parts of the

procudure.The material will break down easy.I have seen many people who think

they have soft teeth,that dont,they either have a very strong bite and grind

there teeth,causing fractures that eventually cause the teeth to break or need

root canals,or they have alot of fillings and crown work that breaks down at

the margins.Bad dentistry or bad hygine causes that.Anyway thats my 2 cents

worth,hope it will be of some help to some one.

Re: Teeth

Hi all,

My teeth and my daughter's are not so good. We share a dentist and

he is always trying to tell us the state of our teeth is from lack of

brushing and sugar in the diet...and that's it! But last time i was

in there, i mentioned to him that it seemed the Graves' group, in

general had bad teeth, too. He scoffed and will not hear of it.

According to him there is nothing else that can explain it but poor

dental care (hygiene and diet)...I think he is wrong.

> Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years and


> for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to do


> the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a higher


> ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our


> I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are just


> fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named


> Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.


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Hi, Cheryl. Thanks for delurking. Your experiences and knowledge will be

a boon for the group. About the mercury replacement: that's pretty much

what my dentist said and while I wondered if he was just toeing the party

line it did make sense to me.

If you don't mind my asking, why did you have RAI twice? I know it's not

uncommon but I've also heard that being on ATD's first increases the

possiblility of needing it more than once.

Hope you're doing well post-RAI and a happy fourth to everyone,




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Hi, Cheryl. Thanks for delurking. Your experiences and knowledge will be

a boon for the group. About the mercury replacement: that's pretty much

what my dentist said and while I wondered if he was just toeing the party

line it did make sense to me.

If you don't mind my asking, why did you have RAI twice? I know it's not

uncommon but I've also heard that being on ATD's first increases the

possiblility of needing it more than once.

Hope you're doing well post-RAI and a happy fourth to everyone,




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Hello Fay;No I dont mind you asking...the reason I had RAI twice was ignorance.I

lived in a small town with no internet access.I was only able to research the

disease in the libarary.All the info I could get indicated there were only 2

ways to cure(ha ha) this disease.Surgery and RAI.I was on ADTs for about 6

months,they wernt woring according to my Endo.He gave me 2 months to decide

which way I wanted to go.He made surgery sound so dangerous,you know the

possability of injurying your voice so you wouldnt speak normaly ever again or

the chance of injurying the gland that causes you to hold calcium.He made RAI

seem so easy and final.I just went along with it.But the first time the uptake

indicated 9 milicuries???would do the job so thats what I got.4months later my

#s were higher then before the RAI, soooo he said Id have to do it again but

would have to wait till the 6 month mark from my first time.So I had it done

again 15 milicures this time.well it worked so to speak.my thyroid is dead,or

dying .but 4 years later.Im not normal,by any means.Would I do it again NO NO

NO!!! Im riding an endless rollercoaster!My #s never have been in " normal " ranger

for more then a 6 month streach.I got TEDs and have had orbital decompression

done on both my eyes(I must say thats the only thing that has gone well in

treating this disease)and worst of all to me Im not the same person I was

mentaly and emotionally I have drasticly changed not in a good way.However I

have to say Im blessed,becouse I know it could be far worse.I have been able to

work throughout the whole illness.Ive maintained my sanity enough to stumble

through life and all the relatioships the disease has caused me to distroy.And I

have a new Endo who has me somewhat stable.Thanks to this newsgroup,I find

myself not alone,thats the worse part,friend and family grow tired of a cronic

illness.They dont want to hear about your problems forever.well Im rambling

better go Cheryl

Re: Re: Teeth

Hi, Cheryl. Thanks for delurking. Your experiences and knowledge will be

a boon for the group. About the mercury replacement: that's pretty much

what my dentist said and while I wondered if he was just toeing the party

line it did make sense to me.

If you don't mind my asking, why did you have RAI twice? I know it's not

uncommon but I've also heard that being on ATD's first increases the

possiblility of needing it more than once.

Hope you're doing well post-RAI and a happy fourth to everyone,




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The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.


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Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for the information on removing mercury fillings! I had never

thought of that and it makes good sense. Also I didn't know about a rubber

damn...probably here no one knows about them...they don't seem to know about

much else where I live either.

Take care,



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Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for the information on removing mercury fillings! I had never

thought of that and it makes good sense. Also I didn't know about a rubber

damn...probably here no one knows about them...they don't seem to know about

much else where I live either.

Take care,



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Thanks for that information Cheryl.

What does the dentist you work with say about the relationship between

Graves and gum disease? What do you think about it? Is there one?


dx hyperT/Graves Feb 2001; (treatment Toprol Xl and PTU)

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Thanks for that information Cheryl.

What does the dentist you work with say about the relationship between

Graves and gum disease? What do you think about it? Is there one?


dx hyperT/Graves Feb 2001; (treatment Toprol Xl and PTU)

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I've worked for two different dentists (one of whom is one of my best

friends) and they both said the same thing. Replacing mercury

fillings would expose a patient more than leaving well enough alone.

Please note, the years that I worked for dentists, I never saw any

correlation between autoimmune diseases and teeth problems.

Recently I had to replace a amalgam filling myself and I even chose

to use the amalgam filling again. Now if that tooth would have been

seen when I smile or open my mouth I'd chosen the Composite

material/tooth colored plastic resin. The reason I stuck with

amalgam is, that I have no fear of the " mercury " issue, they last

much longer and are much stronger and cheaper!

To say ones problems are from amalgam fillings containing mercury

isn't possible; we'd have to eliminate exposure from numerous sources


> Hi all,

> About teeth...I had gum surgery pre GD diagnosis and even after

two 1/2

> years of tapazole, two years ago, my gums are healthy. I don't


> it is the anti-thyroid meds but it could be related to GD.


> I do have some old mercury fillings. My dentist is very caring and

> conscientious ( as is my periodontist) and neither of them recommend

> removing mercury fillings. The dentist has many mercury fillings

> himself, he is Japanese and a vegetarian ( He said as a young man

he had

> a sweet tooth, but he is reformed) He had his blood tested for


> and it is very low, which he attributes to his diet. He always

gives me

> choice of material if I am having something replaced, and I get the


> kind, but he said that it isn't as if the new material could not


> problems too. He is also the dentist for a friend of mine who

chose to

> have her fillings taken out and he did a lot of reading, including

> things she brought to him, to help her analyze her situation. he


> not the dentist who profited from the removal, but he put much


> study into it and was honest with her that he could not establish


> it would be a help to her health and that the removal could indeed

> release more than her supposed current exposure. It has not been

> possible to establish a benefit t o her after the procedure


> suffers from various and strange auto immunities.


> My sister-in-law also had her mercury fillings removed and she

> continues four years later, at about the same level of up and down

> health. ) Hashimoto's thryroiditis. So don't hock the family

farm to

> replace those fillings.


> what a toothsome reply, eh?


> Jeannette

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Hi Cheryl,

Well, my dentist did say he could show me a ton of mouths just

like mine and worse, and they don't have graves'. But on the other

hand, what is one to make of the statement " You are the kind of

patient who, if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. " That seems to be

acknowledging some difference between me and that ton of other mouths.

I have trouble getting numb at the dentist. I wonder if that's due

to being hyper...

Nice to meet you Cheryl.

> > Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years


> not

> > for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to


> with

> > the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a


> the

> > ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our

> problem?

> > I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are


> very

> > fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named

> infection.

> > Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and

is not intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new


> ----------------------------------------



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Re: Teeth

Hi Cheryl,

Well, my dentist did say he could show me a ton of mouths just

like mine and worse, and they don't have graves'. But on the other

hand, what is one to make of the statement " You are the kind of

patient who, if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. " That seems to be

acknowledging some difference between me and that ton of other mouths.

I have trouble getting numb at the dentist. I wonder if that's due

to being hyper...

Nice to meet you Cheryl.

> > Hi Gang, My teeth are in terrible shape and have been for years


> not

> > for lack of care and professional attention. This might have to


> with

> > the acid or low, ph of our mouths. I have heard that with a


> the

> > ph the less likey we have of getting cavities. But is that our

> problem?

> > I don't have a much of problem with cavities; the teeth are


> very

> > fragile. This situation could be caused by a yet to be named

> infection.

> > Who knows. But it is another problem we seem to have in common.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and

is not intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new


> ----------------------------------------



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Re: Re: Teeth

Thanks for that information Cheryl.

What does the dentist you work with say about the relationship between

Graves and gum disease? What do you think about it? Is there one?


dx hyperT/Graves Feb 2001; (treatment Toprol Xl and PTU)


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.


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Hello ;My Dr is pretty clueless about thyroid problems in

general.Giveing me only general info,brush and floss more,I brush 3 times a day

and floss once a day.I also use a rinse called periomed that seems to help.He

said maybe some of my medication.irratates my gums???Overall I think the Dental

field is uneducated on thyroid problems,but what can you expect the medical

field in general seems uninterested in it.They have a textbook " cure " for our

problems and if it dont work they seem irratated.I just figure it has to be

becouse my immune system cant fight off all the bacteria,so sometime it need a

little help.Cheryl

Re: Re: Teeth

Thanks for that information Cheryl.

What does the dentist you work with say about the relationship between

Graves and gum disease? What do you think about it? Is there one?


dx hyperT/Graves Feb 2001; (treatment Toprol Xl and PTU)


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.


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Hi ,

I too have trouble getting numb at the dentist. Interestingly, I lurk at one

of the Sjogren's syndrome boards and this is also a common complaint there.

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I had that experience once--when my regular dentist was away and I had

another one working on me in an emergency. But once my regular guy was back,

I never had the problem again. I therefore wonder if a lot of that has to do

with the skill in " aiming " the needle the dentist has.


> From: daisyelaine@...

> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 12:56:52 EDT

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Re: Teeth


> Hi ,

> I too have trouble getting numb at the dentist. Interestingly, I lurk at one

> of the Sjogren's syndrome boards and this is also a common complaint there.


> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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