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Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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'That is wonderful Junior. How much more do you want to loose?

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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Cy, not being rude but no thanks on that 40 pounds grin.'

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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Dave, over a year.

Now the first 50 pounds was very fast.

I got sick back in June of last with a flesh eating bacteria.

I lost 50 pounds from June 4 to July 7.

My doctor said that was way to fast but under the circumstances no way to

prevent it.

The remainder has been slow.

My wife watches me like a hawk grin.

No particular secret to it.

Just old fashioned hard work and saying no a lot.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Re: Good news

Over how long a period Junior? And, any tips you want to share?


A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.

(Proverbs 16:23)

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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Kell, it took me only one year.

I didn't do anything different just stuck with the diet the doctor gave me

and said no a lot.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Re: Good news

Wow!!! Very Good! how long did that take you, and what did you do


I am very very proud of you


MSN: Kell@... <mailto:Kell%40alstown.com>

Skype: KlarssonNY

" I have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know

that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that

differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. " -- West

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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, I have about 25 more pounds to loose.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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A good job, Well done!


Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring

forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the

LORD shall be your rear guard, (Isaiah 58:8).

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Danny, thanks very much.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Re: Good news


A good job, Well done!


Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall

spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory

of the LORD shall be your rear guard, (Isaiah 58:8).

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Vicki' thanks very much.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Re: Good news

Way to g o, Junior. that must have taken a lot of work and perseverence and

determination. That is so wonderful.


Rev 1:7

BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those

who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it

is to be. Amen.

Rev 1:8

" I am the Alpha and the Omega, " says the Lord God, " who is and who was and

who is to come, the Almighty. "

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

__________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature

database 4200 (20090630) __________

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

http://www.eset.com <http://www.eset.com>

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Gator Bait,

Hey man, I am disappointed.

I figured that you would volunteer to show me how to lose that weight in a

hurry, I figured you would invite me down and then introduce me to one of

your gator buddies. (LOLLOLLOLLOL)

I'll bet that 40 pounds would be nothing at all.

Might be a small problem learning how to walk with only one leg but, oh

well, everything has some sort of cost. (LOL)

Cy, The Anasazi.


From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Junior Lolley

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 2:57 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: RE: Good news

Cy, not being rude but no thanks on that 40 pounds grin.'

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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Cy, no problem letting you meet one of my gator buddies grin.

I will introduce you personally.

You and him or her discuss the eating arrangements lol.

You know we have the big ones here.

We grow them big and down right mean.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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Gator Bait,

By Golly, I knew I could absolutely depend on you. (LOLLOLLOLLOL)

Cy, The Anasazi


From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Junior Lolley

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 6:24 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: RE: Good news

Cy, no problem letting you meet one of my gator buddies grin.

I will introduce you personally.

You and him or her discuss the eating arrangements lol.

You know we have the big ones here.

We grow them big and down right mean.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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I must be doing something wrong, I love the word No! lol. no, really great job


MSN: Kell@...

Skype: KlarssonNY

" I have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that

people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me

from a doormat or a prostitute. " -- West

Good news

As of this morning I weighed myself with the help of of course.

I have now lost a total of 96 pounds.

Have a great day.

And by the way the blood sugar is doing great.

Junior Lolley kg4itd

Liberty Co. e. c. Skype name Junior.Lolley

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  • 2 years later...

Well, Rod went to find out his results yesterday afternoon, the doctors say it

is not MS or cancer, this is a relief, but we are still worried about the

symptoms he is having.... the numbness and tingling on his left side of his

body,and he is finding it harder to balanceon that left side in the past few

weeks since all this started... Doctors have no idea what's wrong with him and

say that " maybe " he had a very mild stroke. I can't force Rod to get a second

opinion but since his symptoms are still there I am still worried.

I want to thank all of you for responding to me so suportively, I would suggest

this site to anyone I meet who is dealing with MS or anything like it, you guys

have been great. Since Rod does not have MS I will just be a lurker here and

listen to what you all have to say. I know something is wrong with Rod and if

it's not MS it's got to be something similar... I'm no expert on things, but I

do want him to possibly go to the Mayo clinic if things do not get better...

keep us in your thoughts, and thanks again for such a warm response :)


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I disagree strongly w/ the 1st assertion (goto Mayo), but agree

completely w/ the 2nd (get another opinion).

I traveled to Mayo in MN in early 2004, and they all they did was run-up

a $15K tab, while convincing me I would have to live w/ MS, because they

had only suppressing drugs to offer, e.g., Copaxone.

By 2010, I had a Lyme test by IgeneX, and it was +.

I wasted the period from initial symptoms (1995) until LD test (2010).

None of the einsteins at Mayo even mentioned Lyme, and I was physically

there, on-site, for 2 full days. Maybe if I had started treating LD in

the 90's, I wouldn't now be faced w/ such an entrenched case of LD.


tnesler@... said:

I would highly recommend going to Mayo if you can. They are amazing

considering the volume of patients they see each day/month/year...:-)

Considering the unknowns of your husband's condition a second opinion is

imperative. Don't accept an " I don't know " from the medical community.

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Check into the Lyme Disease. It is common for those w/ Lyme to have seen the

classic bullseye rash around the site of the bite but is not required. I never

saw a bite but I still have Lyme.

Cant impress enough how important it is to find a LLMD and the lab that runs his

bloodwork is IgeneX. A standard Western Blot may have already been done by the

MD's your using and if so they're inconclusive. Good luck and Happy Holidays!


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