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Re: Nutrition stocks for HIV patients siphoned

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Re: /message/9364

If this is the case of nutritional pack what about the medicines for the OIs

which are to be supplied by th SACS for the poor PLHIV.

What is the state of the demand and supply of them to the CCCs and who moniters

it. It will be great help if some steps are taken in this regard as well

Varsha Gaikwad

e-mail: <mpwnplus@...>

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Subject: Re: Denial & misuse of Nutritional Supplement for PLHAs in ART centre

Re: /message/9364

Hi friends,

I'm Arun. I belong to trichy, Tamilnadu. For the past few months in the

newspapers a sensitive issue is being highlighted repeatedly regarding the

nutritional supplement smuggled out by the ART

counsellors and others from the trichy GH - ART centre.

Still now about 3 enquiries have been done and not even a single action had been

taken on her since the first enquiry. Even in todays newspaper a news came that

yesterday till 10.30 PM the enquiry has been going with the ART lady doctor who

is under suspension among the 3 duty doctors. But the enquiry team didnt

included the another two doctors for the enquiry.

When ever i get time i voluntarily help the people living with HIV/AIDS because

i lost my relative(sister's Husband) due to AIDS. So i have a special concern

about the PLHAs and their children education.

I have seen a lot of PLHAs who are not affordable for proper food and they take

the nutrition supplement malt provided by the government as health drink before

taking the ART medicine as


But the cunning staff from ART Centre, with out giving the nutritional

supplement to the PLHAs, but she adjusted the records that the supplement malt

has been recieved by the PLHAs and they smuggled out a tonnes of it and sold

some for the dairy farm so that cows will give more milk if the nutritional malt

is provided to the breeding cows.

I'm bringing this issue to the knowledge of the people who

have real concern and care towards PLHAs. I just need to ask a few

queries to the concerned authorities who are incharge for the

development of the PLHAs.

The positive networks who represents the voice of PLHAs. What they

have to say about this issue going on against them???

The health minister of TamilNadu state as well as the Central Govt

about the govt schemes to be utilized with out any barrier?????

The Project Director - TNSACS, NACO, why they are not taking any

action regarding this and why they are not sensitizing their staff

regarding the rights and importance of the service. Are they

intrested in QUALITY or QUANTITY?

Why there are so many enquiries is being carried out as it is very

clear with proof that the ART STAFF are sole responsible for

this issue??

One of the enquiry is being carried out by the District collectorate

team and they have mentioned clearly the culprit behind this in their

report. But why still no action regarding this enquiry?

If the service provided is not useful for the PLHAs and it is being

misused by the staffs, there is no need of such services. why the

Govt cant stop such type of services?

Due to this type of culprits the officials who are really dedicated

will start withdraw their dedication and will be mentally prepared

that the word HIV/AIDS is only for making money and it is not a

service for the people who are being killed by the deadly virus.

Isn't it true????

Who are going to stop such culprits?

Who are going to stop this corruption?

Still now i myself cant find answers for the above queries.If

this type of corruption is not stopped the people wont come up for

treatment. So i'm expecting a solution atleast by this E forum

friends who have concern about the empowerment of PLHAs

Arun Kumar

e-mail: <arun_888@...>

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Dear Forum,

Re: /message/9364

Regarding this issue, I recieved a reply from Ms. Celina D'costa,

National Advocacy Officer of INP+. She had requested me to send proof

for this issue and then she will take necessary action.

I have clearly stated in my previous mail that already 3 enquiries had been

conducted by the district administration and the state AIDS control society and

still there is no action regarding this issue.

Already Mr. Sundar Raman, a member of this forum had published a Newspaper

cutting regarding this issue on september 10th. i dont understand what else

proof is required for the concerned authorities to take necessary action.

For the past few months this issue is highlighted in each and

every newspapers. according to me the culprits behind this, who or

what ever they may be, must be seriously punished.

Is it really fair that the nutritional supplement for the PLHAs are sold out as

cattle fodder just for the sake of money?

Atlast I have to say only one thing, dont make the PLHAs to suffer.

There are lot of ways to earn moneym please dont put your hands on the service

of PLHAs for the sake of making money.

Arun Kumar

e-mail: <arun_888@...>

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Dear Dr. Sundar Raman & forum members,

Re: /message/9364

I am Dr.Rani, ART Medical officer, Trichy ART centre since DEC

2005. Trichy ART centre established on OCT 2005. Today i came to know

from my friends that an issue is published regarding my suspension.

I want to clarify Dr. Sundar raman and all forum members that the issue

published in the forum, the message is true but the reason mentioned for my

suspension is absolutely false.

on 06/09/2008 at 1.30PM i recieved the show cause notice from

TANSACS by speed post and on the same day at 4.30 PM i recieved an

order from The Dean, Trichy GH urgently by FAX which was sent by

TANSACS by FAX at 3.13 PM

I want to clarify that the show cause notice as well as the suspension order is

not issued to me mentioning Nutrition pack smuggle. It is clearly mentioned that

1.I've started quarreling with the fellow counsellor Mrs. Sharmila

2.Failed to maintain records and registers properly, the white

card not being maintained by me for patients

3. Because of the negative attitude and quarreling nature

These are the reasons quoted in the show cause notice and i am asked

to give explanation for the above said reasons why my services should

not be terminated with immediate effect as i am a contract employee


And the suspension order is mentioned that pending the enquiry i'm

suspended from service with immediate effect, during the period of

suspension my head quarters will be Trichy and i should not leave the

head quarters with out the permission of TANSACS.

Hence i have kept like house arrest or home prision, i'm psychologically upset

from the day of my suspension. For the past 17 days i am pushed to live around

the four walls, unable to do my duty as a doctor.

But in the TImes of India newspaper quoted by Dr. Sundar Raman to

this forum says that I have been suspended based on the enquiry


Mrs. Sharmila, ART Counsellor had accepted that she is the only

responsible person for the nutrition smuggled by her.

But the suspension order is issued both to me along with the

culprit ART counsellor. This sensitive issue is being highlighted

continuously in various daily newspapers.

In this platform i take oppurtunity to clarify everyone about the explanation

from myside.

The district level positive Network people had given a written

complaint to the District Collector that on 26/12/2007 the ART

counsellor had smuggled the nutritional packs by a load auto.

On that date i was on leave. The medical officer who was on duty on that day

should be responsible for any happenings in the ART centre, is n't it?

But the show cause notice and the suspension order is given only

to me and not to the other medical officer who was in duty on that

day. Hence it is very clear that i am cornered for some reason.

Still now i have no idea that why they are taking revenge on me.

I am always a dedicated and a friendly doctor to my patients because i was

brought up like that from my childhood as my father was also a doctor and he

served in a remote village since 40 years instead of moving to city. By nature

i am soft and polite. But i am suspended for the reason that i am quarreling

nature. It really hurts me.

Through this forum i need justice. I hope that the doctors like me

in this forum will understand my emotions when my dedication is being

questioned by false allegations.


E-MAIL: <dr.raniarjjun@...>

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Dear forum,

Re: /message/9364

I work for PLHIV and in that sense I keep posting issues related to HIV, AIDS

and PLHIV. There are lot of other issues with other ART centers and various

service delivery points. It is sad that SACS do not have an effective monitoring

mechanism and the so called District Program Managers are also not able to

manage the district HIV affairs.

TANSACS should have a reasonable person at the district manager level to improve

services rather than to have random people who have political background and not

the 'subject background'.

Even for this issue the Trichy District program Manager should come out, discuss

and find a solution rather than passing on all problems to SACS. Can we hear

from the district program manager?



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