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> I keep checking but I haven't seen anything yet. She must be busy. I

> can;t wait for her to post. I knew she was going to get pg.


I really thought she was pregnant also, I kept telling her those " funny " not

quite crampy feelings sounded promising to me!


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>He was so drunk he basically came out and told everyone he wasn't getting

any. He's lucky I am pg or I would have

> knocked him one.

Hi Pam,

I can understand how you're feeling, and I haven't had sex since the

night before the transfer. At first he was pretty good about it, the last

few weeks all he does is joke about " not getting any. " It's so frustrating,

sometimes I just want to throw something at him (but I don't), I just try to

explain to him how hurtful his comments are, etc.

Hang in there! It does get better!!!!


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> I'm glad your u/s went well. I don;t have another one until week 20.

> The dr told me yesterday my insurance probably wont cover it. Your

> lucky that you get all these u/s'.

Hi Pam,

I think my u/s's have been approved because of everything that has happened;

my insurance company considers me high risk and Dr. Check has a lot of pull

in the infertility industry so most insurance companies don't question his

judgement. We'll probably do 2 more ultrasounds before I'm released, I

don't know what will happen once I get turned over to my OB. He also

specializes in high risk pregnancies/deliveries (we're taking every

precaution possible because of my mother's pregnancy history). I really

hope I'm able to have more u/s's after being turned over. It's just so

calming to be able to SEE the baby and know everything's okay. I'm planning

on doing a 3d u/s as soon as possible.


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What is KWIM?? I agree that you need to stay on top of the iron

thing. Better to catch it early. It irked me that the dr didn;t check

mine again. I am still tired, plus have been out of breath. I know

those are both pg things but I also read they are signs of low iron.


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> HI Pam!

> I love the amazing pregnancy web site!

> The pictures are great, and the pregnancy calendar is very


> Thanks for sharing!!!!

> maria

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> I owe on both of my u/s' that I had with this pg. I was charged

> different amounts for each one. ALthough they were both done in the

> same office. I even got a separate bill on one of them from the

> radiologist. I haven't paid anything yet.


That doesn't make sense. Did you call the office and question why the bills

were different amounts?

I would be really curious to hear their reasoning...


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> I didn't want to sound freaky by telling you that. Obviously this

> woman went way off the deep end. Has your dh ever stood up to her and

> told her to leave you guys alone?


That's a very good question.... Yes, he has. I think the first time he

truly stood up to her was the night of the car incidence. She never

expected him to press charges and/or take her to court. She figured she

could misbehave, as usual, and he would pick up the tab. Her little temper

tantrum cost over $15,000.

He also has had a constant fight with her about the shower. He's not going

along with her wishes of staying away, which is what's going to make it

really tough for me to say that I don't want to be there. I don't know how

to back out gracefully, that's why I'm thinking of faking sick (but I hate

the thought of it).


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Hey Pam,

I bought a maternity bathing suit about a month ago. I also only wear two

piece suits so it was a bit of a shock! It's best to get one early while

there's still a good selection. I actually found a really cute black one

from Steena, it looks like a very short baby doll dress and not the least

bit like a maternity bathing suit. Good luck!!!!


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> Thanks for the info on the vaseline. Are you trying it?


> What an awesome dr appt. Its hard to believe all this is going on

> inside us and we don't even know it. Everyone in awhile I will say to

> my dh can you believe I have this little baby growing in my tummy.


> What did you decide w/the shower? When is it?

Hi Pam,

I actually started using the Vaseline about 4 1/2 years ago. I only put it

on my legs, tummy, butt and arms though. was at my condo one day

while we were dating and asked for some moisturizer, when I gave it to him

he proceeded to throw about $400 of Clarins products in the trash. Told me

it was all junk and handed me a jar of Vaseline from his gym bag. I thought

he was joking, waited for him to leave then took everything out of the

trash! Apparently he's recommended it in his office for 20+ years, it works


Our u/s appointment was amazing! I am becoming so addicted to u/s, I don't

know what I'm going to do when I can't get one whenever I want????

The shower is this weekend. I decided not to attend, after thinking about

it I agree with everyone, it's not worth upsetting myself or the baby.

Thank you everyone for your support!


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> I also know someone who had the dr write down the sex of the baby and

> put it in an envelope. They put it under the tree and opened it on

> Christmas.

Oh Pam,

That's so sweet! What a wonderful Christmas present!!!!


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I still have a tendency to get adult acne occassionally so I don't use the

vaseline on my face, chest, or back. I've never had a problem with my legs

or stomach area. It does feel really good after shaving your legs. Have

you ever gotten acne in those areas? If you have, I would avoid it.

There is one form of acne medication that's safe to use while pregnant. I

don't remember what it's called but I'm supposed to pick it up at the

pharmacy today, I'll let you know what it is and you can ask your doctor

about it. said it doesn't work very well, but it's better than





> Thanks for the web sites. I am going to check them out before I go

> shopping this weekend.


> I have acne problems anyway. But boy have they been worse since I got

> pg. I am hoping once my hormones even out a bit my face will clear

> up. So you think the vaseline will be okay if I just do my stomach

> and thighs?


> Pam

> 15 weeks





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> I am going to check my acne meds when I get home. I would really like

> to use Accutane again. But I will have to wait until I am done having

> children. My cystic acne is definetly back since I went off bcp. I

> hate it.


From what I understand about cystic acne and accutane, the accutane works

for a certain number of years (approx. 7), then the symptoms return. It

probably has nothing to do with going off bcp, especially since they're not

strong enough to stop cystic acne. Also, if you're planning on nursing

you'll have to wait a little longer before going back on accutane.

I walked into a patient yesterday who recently went back on accutane after

being clear for 8 years, it's amazing how quickly it works!

Hang in there, you're making a baby, that's more important than clear skin!


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> How do they know they placenta is taking over?

I'm not a doctor but here's my nonmedical definition.....

I believe they look at a combination of the blood results and u/s. After

about 10-11 weeks, the HcG levels start to decrease (we're actually down to

about 89,000), the estrodial continues to increase and the progesterone

stabilizes then decreases. By viewing the baby you can tell how it is


I could be completely off, but that sounds sensible to me. I'll ask my

doctor how he knows next time I see him.


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I'm glad that your dr's appt went well. Sounds like everything is moving right along. I can understand about the pg being stressful. I think it's completely normal after a loss. I know I was always worried and found myself calling the dr then usual. Oh well that's what they are there for.

As for Sharon, I think she conceived naturally, but I'm not 100% sure. It's all so sad!

Love & hugs,



Jo-AnnI am so sorry to hear about Sharon. Did she conceive naturally? I know her and I had talked about IVF and adoption. I hope she is able to enjoy her wedding. Please let her know how sorry I am and that I am thinking of her.Pam

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I said the same thing to my dh. I don't know if I would be able to go

through another 9 months of sitting on pins and needles. It is hard,

it really is unfair that we can't really enjoy our pg and that

innocent feeling that SHOULD go with it. I try not to stress out

because I know it is not good for the baby but it is hard not to.

Take care.

ep 12-00


> Kim


> Thanks for the info on the kicking.


> You feel exactly like I feel. I just want to have this healthy


> I already told my dh I don't know if I will go through this again.


> is disappointed and hopes I change my mind after. Although being pg

> is very exciting the stress is over powering. I am a nervous wreck

> when I go to my appts. It is so unfair that we are unable to really

> enjoy being pg.


> Pam

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> I saw Cary's post. That is so awesome. I think her dr is doing a 5

> day transfer. Her transfer is on Saturday.

Hi Pam,

Is there any benefit to a 5 day transfer? I remember reading about them,

but it was very brief.


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Pam, thanks so much for the info! I guess I have awhile for that test. Hope you are doing ok. Re: AFP test Thanks The AFP test is a blood test. It tests for spina bifida and downs. You usually have it done around your 16th week.Pam

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Hi Pam,

I went shopping throughout NY city, then we were in Bronxville for the

graduation. I'm not real familiar with the Bronxville area, I know it's

about 20-30 minutes outside of NY. Sam goes to Sara Lawrence College.


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Hi Pam, I think I check that book out. Thanks. As soon as I am finished this class, I will have some free time thank goodness. Re: Pam's u/s update It is hard to believe now. When I had the u/s you look at the screen and think that little thing is kicking around inside me??? Now that I am starting to feel more activity its becoming more real.I wanted to mention that those books scare me to. I don't like reading about that kind of stuff. I bought The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy. I really like it. Its fun reading.Pam20 weeks

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