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Welcome! :o)

----Original Message Follows----

To: nmtc

Subject: Hello

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 21:04:08 -0000

Hello my name is Lott and I am new to this group. I am

currently taking a medical transcription course with CAI

transcription. It has been fun for me to read all of the posts and

see what I will be getting myself into. I did do medical

transcription work for a family practice office in Arizona before

moving here to Louisana about 4 months ago. Am anxious to finish this

course and see if anyone will hire me. I am a LPN but stopped working

about 4 years ago when my second daughter came along. I really love

the medical field and think that this is a way to keep myself in the

swing of things but still be able to be home with my kids, hopefully.

Glad to meet you all. Lott, CAI Transcription student, LA


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Welcome! :o)

----Original Message Follows----

To: nmtc

Subject: Hello

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 21:04:08 -0000

Hello my name is Lott and I am new to this group. I am

currently taking a medical transcription course with CAI

transcription. It has been fun for me to read all of the posts and

see what I will be getting myself into. I did do medical

transcription work for a family practice office in Arizona before

moving here to Louisana about 4 months ago. Am anxious to finish this

course and see if anyone will hire me. I am a LPN but stopped working

about 4 years ago when my second daughter came along. I really love

the medical field and think that this is a way to keep myself in the

swing of things but still be able to be home with my kids, hopefully.

Glad to meet you all. Lott, CAI Transcription student, LA


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Welcome! :o)

----Original Message Follows----

To: nmtc

Subject: Hello

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 21:04:08 -0000

Hello my name is Lott and I am new to this group. I am

currently taking a medical transcription course with CAI

transcription. It has been fun for me to read all of the posts and

see what I will be getting myself into. I did do medical

transcription work for a family practice office in Arizona before

moving here to Louisana about 4 months ago. Am anxious to finish this

course and see if anyone will hire me. I am a LPN but stopped working

about 4 years ago when my second daughter came along. I really love

the medical field and think that this is a way to keep myself in the

swing of things but still be able to be home with my kids, hopefully.

Glad to meet you all. Lott, CAI Transcription student, LA


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Hiya Brat. Been thinking about you all week, even with all this noise and confusion of 8 boys and

3 moms in the house...oh, and the summer theater intern in the back cabin, and his girlfriend, and

my sisters dropping in, and ... well, you get the picture. Are you feeling any better, in the emotional

department? Worried about you. Loving hugs, MM

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Hey!! BRIAN SPEAKS - - Doesn't say much, but at least HE SPEAKS!!

How is the house coming along? How are you doing??????????????

Hugs to you- a B.

> > SAndra,

> > I know the feeling, holidays are such a blessing but let me tell

> ya,

> > coming back to work is horrid. I also just returned from a 2 week

> > holiday and let me say that this week, 5:45 am has never seemed

> like

> > a curse!

> > To you and the working world out there, I wish you


> >

> > Glynis

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi li-pretty name....you have found a place that will not fall

apart --its a very strong support and i am grategul to it for the

comfort it gave me the first week of my diagnosis of ra, lupus and

apls. and continues to give.

a lot of people go to other doctors, and if your instinct tells you

it is time for you to, you should listem to it...and gosh the idea of

it always seems so daunting and exhausting i know...might try finding

one thru your most local SLE foundation chapter..thats hwere i found

my great doc.

i read abo0ut your fibrosis...and want you to research APLS, also

called sticky blood, cuxz fibrosis type conditions are very related

to it...you might search using one of my doctors name in google,

robert lahita, who seems to be an expert in women and immune diseases

and apls e put together a lot of what seemed to my old doctrs as

Just " womens problems " as symptoms of related APLS...so take a look...

hang in there..and welcome here

love and hugs, leslie

> Hi Everyone and thank you for all the welcomes! :-)


> My name is li, I have SLE, FM, I think a touch of Sjogrens,

possibly Raynauds but I don't know for certain, migraines and other

stuff. :-)


> I have had Lupus since 88' that I know of. Typical story I think;

took 5 years to get dx'd, was told it was in my head blah blah. I was

down and out and it took 1.5 years to get disability and even

Medicaid. I became very very ill and honestly didn't think I would

make it, but I did. Not because of the doctors, mind you. I had been

sick about 8 years before I found a decent doctor. Unfortunately

over 3 years ago - I had to move.


> I am 41, currently trying to find another doctor, live in the

midwest, divorced, live alone with my 3 kitties; Apple Cider, Quinn

and Liliput [aka Miss Lili]. ;-) My Furr-babies too. ;-)


> I belonged to another Lupus support group but it just seemed to

kind of fall apart. It has been a month or two and I need support. I

often get behind on mail... right now you don't want to know how many

emails I have in here... :-Þ I have a hard time just sitting in this

chair a lot, because I keep having problems with my right leg - can't

get it comfy no matter what. [my back]. I don't know what it is but

it has been going on for years and seems to be getting worse.


> I am in Osteopenia - the stage before Osteoporosis. I guess; it was

about 6 yrs. ago I was dx'd and haven't had a bone-scan since then.


> I am on Disability, so I have gov. insurance which as I am sure

many of you are familiar with; most doctors say no to. So... it just

get's very frustrating. Sometime's I am just to osick and too

exhausted to deal with it. I pretty much deal with it on my own. Me

and God.


> Currently I am trying to gather courage to tell my current

doctor " sayonara " . If I feel like it a little later, I will talk

about that.


> Oh and I have Fibrocystic disease [recently dx'd with that] and

also have fibroids on my uterus. I don't have a GYN to help me with

that now, although over a year ago, I should have had surgery, as one

told me it is bad enough to need a hysterectomy. But I have the anti-

phopholipid problem too and can not take any HRT or such. . This GYN

freaked out basically because I take blood-thinners... and didn't

want to do the surgery I guess. :-/ Nice; only one I could even find

to take me and my insurance. I am pretty tired of that scene.


> I guess that's enough complaining for now. ;-)

> li


> " You are only as old as you feel.....

> and I don't feel anything until noon.

> Then it's time for my nap. "

> Bob Hope

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li, Please feel free to vent and to whine away.... what is your

favorite cheese? I have military insurance, but it still took years

to find a dx and to find the meds that work for me. I was either

treated like a psychotic (take ze drugs) or like a hypochondriac (all

in yur head, take ze drugs) or like a drug addict (take ze drugs) I

finally found a doc who has given me Avinza and that works like a

charm! It is a long acting narcotic, and once you get used to it the

meds don't even make you tired anymore, just relieve the pain. I

sleep better, I've been more able to work in the last 2 months than

in the last 2 years! I sure hope you can find a doc that you are

comfortable with and that is comfortable with you. I got soooo tired

of the search! I don't do well on anti-depressants, they make me

tired, despondent, FAT, constipated, and morose. Yet they help so

many people that EVERY doctor wanted me to try their

particular " cocktail " before they would admit that they didn't work

on me. I know we can't help our weight, but I don't need drugs that

make me gain even more! Believe in yourself and take care of YOU!


> Hi Everyone and thank you for all the welcomes! :-)


> My name is li, I have SLE, FM, I think a touch of Sjogrens,

possibly Raynauds but I don't know for certain, migraines and other

stuff. :-)


> I have had Lupus since 88' that I know of. Typical story I think;

took 5 years to get dx'd, was told it was in my head blah blah. I was

down and out and it took 1.5 years to get disability and even

Medicaid. I became very very ill and honestly didn't think I would

make it, but I did. Not because of the doctors, mind you. I had been

sick about 8 years before I found a decent doctor. Unfortunately

over 3 years ago - I had to move.


> I am 41, currently trying to find another doctor, live in the

midwest, divorced, live alone with my 3 kitties; Apple Cider, Quinn

and Liliput [aka Miss Lili]. ;-) My Furr-babies too. ;-)


> I belonged to another Lupus support group but it just seemed to

kind of fall apart. It has been a month or two and I need support. I

often get behind on mail... right now you don't want to know how many

emails I have in here... :-Þ I have a hard time just sitting in this

chair a lot, because I keep having problems with my right leg - can't

get it comfy no matter what. [my back]. I don't know what it is but

it has been going on for years and seems to be getting worse.


> I am in Osteopenia - the stage before Osteoporosis. I guess; it was

about 6 yrs. ago I was dx'd and haven't had a bone-scan since then.


> I am on Disability, so I have gov. insurance which as I am sure

many of you are familiar with; most doctors say no to. So... it just

get's very frustrating. Sometime's I am just to osick and too

exhausted to deal with it. I pretty much deal with it on my own. Me

and God.


> Currently I am trying to gather courage to tell my current

doctor " sayonara " . If I feel like it a little later, I will talk

about that.


> Oh and I have Fibrocystic disease [recently dx'd with that] and

also have fibroids on my uterus. I don't have a GYN to help me with

that now, although over a year ago, I should have had surgery, as one

told me it is bad enough to need a hysterectomy. But I have the anti-

phopholipid problem too and can not take any HRT or such. . This GYN

freaked out basically because I take blood-thinners... and didn't

want to do the surgery I guess. :-/ Nice; only one I could even find

to take me and my insurance. I am pretty tired of that scene.


> I guess that's enough complaining for now. ;-)

> li


> " You are only as old as you feel.....

> and I don't feel anything until noon.

> Then it's time for my nap. "

> Bob Hope

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the list, jeannine! I'm 52 years old and was diagnosed type 2 about 5

years ago. I take metformin and Avandia. Are you on medications? I would love to

visit Australia some day. The films I've seen indicate there is some beautiful

scenery and critters Down Under.

I live in NorthWest Washington near Seattle.

Again, Welcome!

Ken GreyEagle

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Welcome, . You came to the right place. There is a subsection of the site

you are on, at http://dailystrength.org

where it is much easier to communicate and make friends, get tons of

information, lots of support for our " invisible illness " . It is a fun site,

where you can write in your own journal if you want to, send hugs, get hugs,

listen to others, as well as ask questions, etc. It's up to you, but I am so

grateful I went there---I am still a part of the yahoo group---like I said it is

a subsection. There are so many wonderful women there! Again, Welcome. Joaneh



My name is and Im 26 years old. I was diagnosed with fibro

about 5 1/2 years ago. I was also diagnosed with CFIDS about 2 years

ago. I joined this group because its hard to talk to people about

your pain when they think your to young to be in pain. I get this a

lot. That and its all in your head. I just want a place to come and

talk to people who wont tell me I must be lying because I dont look

sick. Now I know I didnt tell you much about myself, but thats

because I never know what to say! So if there is something I missed

just ask!!


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Welcome to the Group.

Lori H

valigirl1981 wrote:


My name is and Im 26 years old. I was diagnosed with fibro

about 5 1/2 years ago. I was also diagnosed with CFIDS about 2 years

ago. I joined this group because its hard to talk to people about

your pain when they think your to young to be in pain. I get this a

lot. That and its all in your head. I just want a place to come and

talk to people who wont tell me I must be lying because I dont look

sick. Now I know I didnt tell you much about myself, but thats

because I never know what to say! So if there is something I missed

just ask!!

Father, I know that You are watching over me. I trust my life to You.

Thank You that You are faithful and that You will act at just the right time for

me. I praise You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Finding fabulous fares is fun.

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Hi Valeria,

Welcome and it is nice to meet you, I understand, I

was diagnosed at your age or about a year before, I am

now 30 and my name is Debbie, because there are a lot

of Debbie's here, I go by Deb R, I know you will find

this group helpful and useful, very nice to meet you,

Deb R

--- valigirl1981 wrote:

> Hi,


> My name is and Im 26 years old. I was

> diagnosed with fibro

> about 5 1/2 years ago. I was also diagnosed with

> CFIDS about 2 years

> ago. I joined this group because its hard to talk

> to people about

> your pain when they think your to young to be in

> pain. I get this a

> lot. That and its all in your head. I just want a

> place to come and

> talk to people who wont tell me I must be lying

> because I dont look

> sick. Now I know I didnt tell you much about

> myself, but thats

> because I never know what to say! So if there is

> something I missed

> just ask!!





Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles. Visit the

Yahoo! Auto Green Center.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Antidepressants are used often with chronic pain patients. (I worked for a

psychiatrist for 6 years). Having chronic pain myself, I know that the

thought of living each and every day with some level of pain is quite

depressing. I take Lexapro and it helps. I take Ultram and Aleve, but am

thinking of asking my doc for something stronger for breakthrough pain.

I hope you will tell your pain management doc about your depression. The

more information we give our doctors, the better they are able to help us.

Good luck to you. (hugs)

-- Hello

Do Pain medications and muscle relaxer's really work in the use of

Fibromygalia and the bulged disks and narrowing nerve canals in my

Back. Has anyone else had a problem with depression I do have bipolar

But it seems that my depression has gotten worse lately. I know that

Chronic illness can cause moods to become unstable and for me at this

Point it's worrying both myself and my husband. I've been more moody

Lately and more apt to snap. I do see a pain management doctor this

Week. Hopefully they will have some suggestion, answers, and relief.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

welcome back about the only people who makeout with this stuff is lawyers, who

are pro-democrat.


Just a update, Sorry I have not been too active in the past ,but my son got

out on June 5th and up till this past Wednesday we been in court with hearings

,meetings with lawyer and his P.O.

They classified my son as a tier 3 sex offender , with victim notificatin and

public notifaction .He does not have to be on the National registery.And since

all this happen as a juvenile in a couple years we can petition the court to

have it expunged from his record IF there is nothing that could or will get him

in trouble any thing that he may do could send him to prison for many years.

I been so stressed out the last thing on my mind is being on here to let you

all know what is going on

Again Im sorry for being away

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

sorry , don't have any books like that, but congrats on your weight loss

keep up the good job


When you can't put your prayers into words

, God hears your heart.

~Be Blessed, Sugar


ok, sorry I have not posted in a while, I had my GB, and I have lost about 40

pounds, I am now on normal foods, just small amounts, I want to do the DR

Bernstein Diet, I know it has been talked about on this list before, but I would

love some input, is there a book, and does anyone have it on audio?

I got my self full off all injections before surgery, and I was taken off oral

after, I stay between 70 and 130 now.

any input would be great.

oh and my weight is down from 436, to 315.


MSN: Kell@...

Skype: KlarssonNY

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sorry , don't have any books like that, but congrats on your weight loss

keep up the good job


When you can't put your prayers into words

, God hears your heart.

~Be Blessed, Sugar


ok, sorry I have not posted in a while, I had my GB, and I have lost about 40

pounds, I am now on normal foods, just small amounts, I want to do the DR

Bernstein Diet, I know it has been talked about on this list before, but I would

love some input, is there a book, and does anyone have it on audio?

I got my self full off all injections before surgery, and I was taken off oral

after, I stay between 70 and 130 now.

any input would be great.

oh and my weight is down from 436, to 315.


MSN: Kell@...

Skype: KlarssonNY

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sorry , don't have any books like that, but congrats on your weight loss

keep up the good job


When you can't put your prayers into words

, God hears your heart.

~Be Blessed, Sugar


ok, sorry I have not posted in a while, I had my GB, and I have lost about 40

pounds, I am now on normal foods, just small amounts, I want to do the DR

Bernstein Diet, I know it has been talked about on this list before, but I would

love some input, is there a book, and does anyone have it on audio?

I got my self full off all injections before surgery, and I was taken off oral

after, I stay between 70 and 130 now.

any input would be great.

oh and my weight is down from 436, to 315.


MSN: Kell@...

Skype: KlarssonNY

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Hello Kelleigh,

Glad to hear the positive news!

If you google bernstein (try a couple of different spellings), you'll find him.

I know he's got a web site. His diet is essentially one with almost no

carbohydrates, including fruits and vegetables that are higher in carbohydrates.

I think he calls for about 30 total grams of carbohydrates per day. And this

includes carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables, as well as anything else

like, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.

You might want to give the South Beach diet a look also. That plan stresses

healthy meats and vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates such as ones that are

whole grain. As I recall, it incorporates a lot of cheese and yogurts and things

like that, along with lean meats.


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resources to help make your digital talking book experience more enjoyable!


ok, sorry I have not posted in a while, I had my GB, and I have lost about 40

pounds, I am now on normal foods, just small amounts, I want to do the DR

Bernstein Diet, I know it has been talked about on this list before, but I would

love some input, is there a book, and does anyone have it on audio?

I got my self full off all injections before surgery, and I was taken off oral

after, I stay between 70 and 130 now.

any input would be great.

oh and my weight is down from 436, to 315.


MSN: Kell@...

Skype: KlarssonNY

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Congratulations, Kelleigh. And good luck losing the rest of the weight and

keeping it off.



From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Kelleigh Larsson

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:00 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: Hello

ok, sorry I have not posted in a while, I had my GB, and I have lost about

40 pounds, I am now on normal foods, just small amounts, I want to do the DR

Bernstein Diet, I know it has been talked about on this list before, but I

would love some input, is there a book, and does anyone have it on audio?

I got my self full off all injections before surgery, and I was taken off

oral after, I stay between 70 and 130 now.

any input would be great.

oh and my weight is down from 436, to 315.


MSN: Kellalstown (DOT) <mailto:Kell%40alstown.com> com

Skype: KlarssonNY

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Hi , Great news that you have lost weight. Keep up the great work.








> ok, sorry I have not posted in a while, I had my GB, and I have lost about

> 40 pounds, I am now on normal foods, just small amounts, I want to do the

> DR

> Bernstein Diet, I know it has been talked about on this list before, but I

> would love some input, is there a book, and does anyone have it on audio?


> I got my self full off all injections before surgery, and I was taken off

> oral after, I stay between 70 and 130 now.


> any input would be great.


> oh and my weight is down from 436, to 315.

> Kelleigh

> MSN: Kellalstown (DOT) <mailto:Kell%40alstown.com> com

> Skype: KlarssonNY



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the list, Melvin. I'm Becky and also from Ohio. I was diagnosed

with type 2 diabetes more than 8 years ago now. You'll find lots of

knowledgeable people on this list and get lots of good advice.



From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Melvin Reynolds

Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 11:04 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: hello

Hi all,

My name is Melvin and I am from Ohio. I have been blind for almost 8

years now and it was caused by diabetic retinopathy. I have been a diabetic

since I was 5, so almost 32 years. I do have some other issues because of

the diabetes but will go into them another time.

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hi melview, welcome to our family in cyber space. i am a diabetic of forty two

years and blind totally seven years. hope we can all assist you with your daily

problems. karen


Hi all,

My name is Melvin and I am from Ohio. I have been blind for almost 8

years now and it was caused by diabetic retinopathy. I have been a diabetic

since I was 5, so almost 32 years. I do have some other issues because of

the diabetes but will go into them another time.

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If my math is correct, you lost your sight due to diabetic retinopathy when you

were around age 29. And that is pretty typical as far as I can tell. I lost my

sight due to the same disease, but I made it until I was age 33. I know of other

diabetics who lost their sight due to diabetic retinopathy, who also lost their

sight roughly in this age range.

I've been blind now for about 22 years however, but my modified life style, that

is, taking proper care of my diabetes for the first time, didn't begin until,

oh, probably 10-15 years ago.

Melvin, and anyone else, don't be bashful. As I think it was Kay said, and

others would agree, we're a big family here, never mind we're in cyberspace! You

can feel free to tell us about your condition, your struggles, and by all means,

your successes.


Visit: http://www.bardtalk.com and find answers to commonly asked questions

concerning BARD. Join the online discussion list, and discover many other

resources to help make your digital talking book experience more enjoyable!


Hi all,

My name is Melvin and I am from Ohio. I have been blind for almost 8

years now and it was caused by diabetic retinopathy. I have been a diabetic

since I was 5, so almost 32 years. I do have some other issues because of

the diabetes but will go into them another time.

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You are correct. I was 29 when the sight went totally. It was shortly

before that I went on an insulin pump and have been using one ever since and

I love it. I just upgraded my pump this past week to a 523 which isn't much

different from the one I had before.

We are struggling right now to keep my sugars high enough because I am on

a liquid diet. In October I developed gastroperisis. To keep me from being

sick every day my doctors have decided to put me on a total liquid diet,

which means a lot of broth and Jell-o. I am using regular Jell-o and

popsicles and they help to keep my sugars where they should be, but there

are still times that they drop rather low. We keep lowering my basal rates

and now at night I am only taking .05 units per hour, which is the lowest

that I can go without not getting any at all. I go Wednesday to Cleveland

Clinic to swallow a smart pill that will tell them how my stomach is

emptying from there I may have to have a gastric pace maker put in.





> Hi all,

> My name is Melvin and I am from Ohio. I have been blind for almost 8

> years now and it was caused by diabetic retinopathy. I have been a

> diabetic

> since I was 5, so almost 32 years. I do have some other issues because of

> the diabetes but will go into them another time.







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Oh I lost my sight the same way, well, detached retna at 27 years old, in fact,

on the 21st, I will turn 13 years being total blind


~To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.



Hi all,

My name is Melvin and I am from Ohio. I have been blind for almost 8

years now and it was caused by diabetic retinopathy. I have been a diabetic

since I was 5, so almost 32 years. I do have some other issues because of

the diabetes but will go into them another time.

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Hi Melvin

I am sugar, and live in Fresno, California.

I lost my sight the same way, and on the 21st of this month I will turn 13


in one way or another, we are family, thanks to our eyes and their drama, giggle

take care and Lord bless


~To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.



Hi all,

My name is Melvin and I am from Ohio. I have been blind for almost 8

years now and it was caused by diabetic retinopathy. I have been a diabetic

since I was 5, so almost 32 years. I do have some other issues because of

the diabetes but will go into them another time.

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