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Re: just being--another thought...

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This occurred to me today. Now that the " I should lose weight xyz " is

out of the picture I find myself " shoulding " in other areas.

Meaning, now that I " m not picking my body apart, I'm picking myself

apart and setting " goals " and putting pressure on myself.

When am I going to learn to just " sit " with things, be it weight,

lifestyle, etc?

I don't know if this makes sense?

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Press, I would say that the biggest challenge you and I both face is

learning to turn the power we do have for external assessment and

doing INWARD for the focus and benefit of ourselves. This blind spot

really is a detriment for me and frustrates me many times. However I

am accepting that in time and with gentle application I truly can 'do'

this for MYself. Bet you can too!! ehugs, Katcha


> This occurred to me today. Now that the " I should lose weight xyz " is

> out of the picture I find myself " shoulding " in other areas.

> Meaning, now that I " m not picking my body apart, I'm picking myself

> apart and setting " goals " and putting pressure on myself.


> When am I going to learn to just " sit " with things, be it weight,

> lifestyle, etc?


> I don't know if this makes sense?


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I think in my case, and this may be true for you as well, I tend to

internalize everything. Everything is my fault or I didn't do enough or

it's some flaw or whatever.

Here's an example:

I should get a new hobby: Nothing interests me right now, which means

I'm boring, lazy and wasting my life

I should make new friends: I'm an introvert by nature, that's a flaw.

You should be surrounded by people and friends and a flurry of activity

all the time or your life is not rich.

I should start a business and make a million dollars: Doing what I

don't know and I honestly don't want my own business which means I'm

unabmibitous and wasting my life.

See what I mean?


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Actually Press, my 'flaw' is that I am 1) high energy to the core & 2)

I don't internalize things as my fault so much as I have a need to

prove, to myself as much as others, that I can DO (whatever). Its also

is a ego boost to be 'able'.

All this makes the prospect of kicking back less likely. I will admit

that I do sleep well but even my sleep has its 'busy moments' when my

brain just won't shut off! Guess the world needs a balance of us human

types too ;-)

The down side is that my 'laziness' comes out in the form or eating?!?

There I can rebel and let things slide like a champ. . . . LOL!


> Katcha,


> I think in my case, and this may be true for you as well, I tend to

> internalize everything. Everything is my fault or I didn't do enough or

> it's some flaw or whatever.

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