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Re: stuck and frustrated

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I like your list of affirmations! I'm no expert and am new at this myself, but I say trust the process and try to be gentle with yourself. Do what you have to do and give yourself time to really know that those things are there anytime you want them. Take a minute to check out what's going on for you emotionally when you go for the sweets. Be in it, don't shut it out. If you still need to have the sweets then have them, but don't beat yourself up about it!!!!This is how I am trying to get through it - I hope it helps!

-- stuck and frustrated

I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I don't like the way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the candy and ice cream literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know they don't really.) It's been days and days and I just eat mountains of sweet things. I'm not bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not, anything sweet sounds good. And therefore I eat it. A little bit of this and that all day long. And I hate it. But somehow I feel powerless to stop. Maybe these foods aren't truly legalized? I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to legalize foods--should it be this awful process of eating it just because it's there? I can't envision the day when I WON'T want sweets after every meal and snack. And a few bites doesn't do it. Not right now anyway. I haven't been able to exercise, so I know that's contributing.I want to ask the question that many before me have asked...when will I stop wanting it?!?!So here are some affirmations I need to write out right now.... 1. I'm a good beautiful person no matter how much candy I eat and no matter who knows it.2. I don't have to eat something just because I know it will taste good. It will be there tomorrow. If it's not there, I can go buy more of it. 3. A few weeks of lots of sweets won't ruin anything. (Maybe my pancreas?)4. I am in charge of what I eat and how much. 5. Sweets will not make my stress go away or make me less lonely. (Or fix my kitchen which is torn apart right now after a minor flood.) 6. Just because I like something doesn't mean there's room in my tummy for it. And just because there's room in my tummy for it doesn't mean I need to eat it.7. Carbs are not evil. 8. Food is food. It is not love, punishment, or sin. 9. I can stop eating when I'm full. It is possible.10. I am happier when I eat fewer sweets because I feel in control, I feel better physically, I'm not so cranky.11. I'm not alone.Ok, just needed to put this out there. Thanks.

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I so know what you are saying here. I have asked the same question as to whether there will ever be time I dont want sweets especially after dinner. I too like you affirmations.


-------------- Original message --------------

I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I don't like the way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the candy and ice cream literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know they don't really.) It's been days and days and I just eat mountains of sweet things. I'm not bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not, anything sweet sounds good. And therefore I eat it. A little bit of this and that all day long. And I hate it. But somehow I feel powerless to stop. Maybe these foods aren't truly legalized? I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to legalize foods--should it be this awful process of eating it just because it's there? I can't envision the day when I WON'T want sweets after every meal and snack. And a few bites doesn't do it. Not right now anyway. I haven't been able to exercise, so I know that's contributing.I want to ask the questi

on that many before me have asked...when will I stop wanting it?!?!So here are some affirmations I need to write out right now.... 1. I'm a good beautiful person no matter how much candy I eat and no matter who knows it.2. I don't have to eat something just because I know it will taste good. It will be there tomorrow. If it's not there, I can go buy more of it. 3. A few weeks of lots of sweets won't ruin anything. (Maybe my pancreas?)4. I am in charge of what I eat and how much. 5. Sweets will not make my stress go away or make me less lonely. (Or fix my kitchen which is torn apart right now after a minor flood.) 6. Just because I like something doesn't mean there's room in my tummy for it. And just because there's room in my tummy for it doesn't mean I need to eat it.7. Carbs are not evil. 8. Food is food. It is not love, punishment, or sin. 9. I can stop eating when I'm full. It is pos

sible.10. I am happier when I eat fewer sweets because I feel in control, I feel better physically, I'm not so cranky.11. I'm not alone.Ok, just needed to put this out there. Thanks.

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I too seem to be drawn to sweets (esp. chocolate) like a moth to a

flame. What I am thinking of late is that my eating of sweets sets up

a 'repeating' need in that

1) the sweet really does 'satisfy' in that it shuts up the low blood

sugar screaming me!me!-ies. And being that I only eat a 'little bit' -

guess what, I am 'hungry' in a short time (hour-ish) once again, where

I eat a 'little bit more'....

2) If I don't FUEL myself with food that will not only satisfy my

hunger AND supply me with 'holding power' (such as protein and/or fat)

I will end up feeling 'hunger' and be 'seduced' by easy and convenient

'goodies' (aka sweets).

3) No matter how much I believe, tell or want to feel that legalizing

foods is THE way to IE, I also am finding that I need to incorporate

ALL the factors such as how long carb vs. protein vs. fat etc. 'lasts'

in my body.

This is not to say that legalizing isn't an important part of IE! Diet

Mentality will continue to nip at me until I get to where ALL food is

food and I can (and will) make the best choices for me that I am able to.

Hard as it is to believe for me, and many others it seems, there is

eating of sweets, happily too, within IE. I, and you too Ann, just

need to find that for myself.

Best to you and ehugs too - Katcha


> I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I don't

like the

> way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the candy and

ice cream

> literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know they don't

really.) It's

> been days and days and I just eat mountains of sweet things. I'm not

> bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not, anything sweet sounds good.


> therefore I eat it. A little bit of this and that all day long. And I

> hate it.

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I, too, liked Ann's list of affirmations.

Kim's suggestion to check in emotionally reminded me of a food journal

technique I read about recently. It includes a scale rating system of

1-10, not on hunger levels, but on emotional levels before and after

eating. Since I read this, I haven't formalized it by writing, but have

sometimes checked in trying to rate my emotions when I want to eat.

It's been a surprising tool. I wonder, Ann, if it would be helpful for

you. There was no judgement suggested in the rating, just an awareness.

Then also, the journal would include, as suggested in the literature,

what was eaten, when, how the body felt an hour afterwards, three hours

afterwards and some longer time later (I think it was a day or two --

which would have been too long for me in general because there would be

an overlap of foods and emotions to consider!) Just mentioning it in

case it tickles an 'ah-ha' moment for you, too.


Kim wrote:

I like your list of affirmations! I'm no expert and am new

at this myself, but I say trust the process and try to be gentle with

yourself. Do what you have to do and give yourself time to really know

that those things are there anytime you want them. Take a minute to

check out what's going on for you emotionally when you go for the

sweets. Be in it, don't shut it out. If you still need to have the

sweets then have them, but don't beat yourself up about it!!!!This is

how I am trying to get through it - I hope it helps!



From: Ann Darrington


04/01/2008 10:40:28 PM

To: IntuitiveEating_Support


stuck and frustrated

I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I

don't like the way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the

candy and ice cream literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know

they don't really.) It's been days and days and I just eat mountains

of sweet things. I'm not bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not,

anything sweet sounds good. And therefore I eat it. A little bit of

this and that all day long. And I hate it.

But somehow I feel powerless to stop. Maybe these foods aren't truly

legalized? I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to

legalize foods--should it be this awful process of eating it just

because it's there? I can't envision the day when I WON'T want sweets

after every meal and snack. And a few bites doesn't do it. Not right

now anyway.

I haven't been able to exercise, so I know that's contributing.

I want to ask the question that many before me have asked...when will I

stop wanting it?!?!

So here are some affirmations I need to write out right now....

1. I'm a good beautiful person no matter how much candy I eat and no

matter who knows it.

2. I don't have to eat something just because I know it will taste

good. It will be there tomorrow. If it's not there, I can go buy more

of it.

3. A few weeks of lots of sweets won't ruin anything. (Maybe my


4. I am in charge of what I eat and how much.

5. Sweets will not make my stress go away or make me less lonely. (Or

fix my kitchen which is torn apart right now after a minor flood.)

6. Just because I like something doesn't mean there's room in my tummy

for it. And just because there's room in my tummy for it doesn't mean

I need to eat it.

7. Carbs are not evil.

8. Food is food. It is not love, punishment, or sin.

9. I can stop eating when I'm full. It is possible.

10. I am happier when I eat fewer sweets because I feel in control, I

feel better physically, I'm not so cranky.

11. I'm not alone.

Ok, just needed to put this out there.


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I like the idea of rating the emotions prior to eating. May have to give this a try.


--------- stuck and frustrated

I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I don't like the way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the candy and ice cream literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know they don't really.) It's been days and days and I just eat mountains of sweet things. I'm not bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not, anything sweet sounds good. And therefore I eat it. A little bit of this and that all day long. And I hate it. But somehow I feel powerless to stop. Maybe these foods aren't truly legalized? I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to legalize foods--should it be this awful process of eating it just because it's there? I can't envision the day when I WON'T want sweets after every meal and snack. And a few bites doesn't do it. Not right now anyway. I haven't been able to exercise, so I know that's contributing.I want to ask the questi

on that many before me have asked...when will I stop wanting it?!?!So here are some affirmations I need to write out right now.... 1. I'm a good beautiful person no matter how much candy I eat and no matter who knows it.2. I don't have to eat something just because I know it will taste good. It will be there tomorrow. If it's not there, I can go buy more of it. 3. A few weeks of lots of sweets won't ruin anything. (Maybe my pancreas?)4. I am in charge of what I eat and how much. 5. Sweets will not make my stress go away or make me less lonely. (Or fix my kitchen which is torn apart right now after a minor flood.) 6. Just because I like something doesn't mean there's room in my tummy for it. And just because there's room in my tummy for it doesn't mean I need to eat it.7. Carbs are not evil. 8. Food is food. It is not love, punishment, or sin. 9. I can stop eating when I'm full. It is pos

sible.10. I am happier when I eat fewer sweets because I feel in control, I feel better physically, I'm not so cranky.11. I'm not alone.Ok, just needed to put this out there. Thanks.

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That is way too much work for me, but what I AM finding helpful is to write down what I eat, and a bit about how I feel (emotionally or physically) afterwards. I realized this way just how much eating fried foods makes me feel bloated and blechy... I just have to be careful not to make it a "diet journal"...


stuck and frustrated

I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I don't like the way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the candy and ice cream literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know they don't really.) It's been days and days and I just eat mountains of sweet things. I'm not bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not, anything sweet sounds good. And therefore I eat it. A little bit of this and that all day long. And I hate it. But somehow I feel powerless to stop. Maybe these foods aren't truly legalized? I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to legalize foods--should it be this awful process of eating it just because it's there? I can't envision the day when I WON'T want sweets after every meal and snack. And a few bites doesn't do it. Not right now anyway. I haven't been able to exercise, so I know that's contributing.I want to ask the question that many before me have asked...when will I stop wanting it?!?!So here are some affirmations I need to write out right now.... 1. I'm a good beautiful person no matter how much candy I eat and no matter who knows it.2. I don't have to eat something just because I know it will taste good. It will be there tomorrow. If it's not there, I can go buy more of it. 3. A few weeks of lots of sweets won't ruin anything. (Maybe my pancreas?)4. I am in charge of what I eat and how much. 5. Sweets will not make my stress go away or make me less lonely. (Or fix my kitchen which is torn apart right now after a minor flood.) 6. Just because I like something doesn't mean there's room in my tummy for it. And just because there's room in my tummy for it doesn't mean I need to eat it.7. Carbs are not evil. 8. Food is food. It is not love, punishment, or sin. 9. I can stop eating when I'm full. It is possible.10. I am happier when I eat fewer sweets because I feel in control, I feel better physically, I'm not so cranky.11. I'm not alone.Ok, just needed to put this out there. Thanks.

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