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Rajasthan State Level Advocacy for property rights of women living with HIV

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Dear Friends,

State level programme to address the issue of property rights of

the women living with HIV and AIDS

Greetings from Positive Women Network (PWN+)!

Positive Women Network (PWN+) is a self-help organization focusing entirely on

issues affecting women living with HIV and AIDS and children infected /affected

by HIV and AIDS in India. PWN+ addresses the need for support for women and

children with an aim to create an enabling environment where woman are empowered

and can access their rights and live a life free from stigma and discrimination.

On the 29th September 2008 from *9.30am* to *1pm*, PWN+ is planning to host a

half day programme with Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society(RSACS- Department

of Medical & Health) and UNICEF at *Park Prime, C-59, Prathviraj Road, C- Scheme

in Jaipur.

Focus for this event will be on the rights of the women especially Women Living

with HIV and AIDS in the property in practice. Please see the attached concept

note for full details.

Dr. Shyam Sharma, Assistant Director, RSACS. (9414258461) and Ms Anu, PWN+

(9928362533) may be contacted for more information.

We look forward to your response.

Kind Regards,

Ms. Anu

Rajasthan State Coordinator


e-mail: <rpwnplus@...>



State Level Programme. Property Rights for Women Living with HIV and AIDS.

Concept Note:

This concept note outlines a state level advocacy program to highlight the

property related Act under the Social Justice and Empowerment and suggestion to

improve its benefits for Women Living with HIV and AIDS. Focus for this event

will be on the rights of the women especially Women Living with HIV and AIDS in

the property in practice.

At this meeting Positive Women Network (here in after referred to as PWN+) will

present examples from their intervention area the Ajmer district, of experiences

both difficulties and advantages the women have encountered in accessing the

property rights.

Though the Property Act is confers the right on everyone equally, fear of the

society makes it difficult for the women to access her property. It is even more

difficult for Women living with HIV as she is violated by the natal and

matrimonial family. Though most often a woman living with HIV has no source of

income, yet she finds it difficult to ask for the maintenance and property for

fear of being violated.

With no income, bearing the burden of caring for the family and the failing

health she also finds it difficult to fight and follow up her case for the many

years that the case is pending with the court. This program will explore

possible ways of shortening the length of the legal process so as to benefit the

women during her life time.

Length of the legal battle lasting for many years often prevents many women from

taking up the case and if the legal system ensures justice can be meted out in

short time considering the special situation that women living with HIV are in,

it would benefit the status of these women in the community and help in

enhancing their quality of life.

This programme will further examine the benefits of the Property Act available

at state level in helping women to access it easily. The emerging discussions,

consideration and feedback will be then shared by the attending Panel of eminent

people from the department and judiciary as recommendations for enhancing the

justice within the system. The process will be documented diligently.

Programme Objectives:

1. To ensure that the Government department takes steps to fulfill the

commitment made in NACP III to mainstream HIV and AIDS in their policies,

schemes and programs

2. To share the experiences of positive women from PWN+, Ajmer District and

Tehsil Level to influence State Policy. These changes at State Level will guide

District and Tehsil Level policy and regularise benefit entitlements women

living with HIV and AIDS


Women living with HIV will be able to access their property within a stipulated

time period without having to go through a long waiting period for justice

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