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stuck and frustrated

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I'm tired of eating any and all sweets that come my way. I don't like the way I feel when I eat too many sweets. I feel like the candy and ice cream literally go right to my tummy fat roll. (I know they don't really.) It's been days and days and I just eat mountains of sweet things. I'm not bingeing, but whether I'm hungry or not, anything sweet sounds good. And therefore I eat it. A little bit of this and that all day long. And I hate it.

But somehow I feel powerless to stop. Maybe these foods aren't truly legalized? I don't know how to get there. I don't know how to legalize foods--should it be this awful process of eating it just because it's there? I can't envision the day when I WON'T want sweets after every meal and snack. And a few bites doesn't do it. Not right now anyway.

I haven't been able to exercise, so I know that's contributing.I want to ask the question that many before me have asked...when will I stop wanting it?!?!So here are some affirmations I need to write out right now....

1. I'm a good beautiful person no matter how much candy I eat and no matter who knows it.2. I don't have to eat something just because I know it will taste good. It will be there tomorrow. If it's not there, I can go buy more of it.

3. A few weeks of lots of sweets won't ruin anything. (Maybe my pancreas?)4. I am in charge of what I eat and how much. 5. Sweets will not make my stress go away or make me less lonely. (Or fix my kitchen which is torn apart right now after a minor flood.)

6. Just because I like something doesn't mean there's room in my tummy for it. And just because there's room in my tummy for it doesn't mean I need to eat it.7. Carbs are not evil. 8. Food is food. It is not love, punishment, or sin. 9. I can stop eating when I'm full. It is possible.10. I am happier when I eat fewer sweets because I feel in control, I feel better physically, I'm not so cranky.11. I'm not alone.Ok, just needed to put this out there.


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