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Sunday checkin and my new ideas

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Hi everyone :) Today I hauled all the kids to the gym and did 2 22-minute segments for a total of 350 calories burned on the elliptical trainer. I don't think I'm fit enough to do the intense intervals that I used to do, but I change up the tempo and cross-ramp every few minutes and do "mini-intervals" of getting my heart rate up to the 140's then letting it drop back to the 120's.

After reading some of the free Prevention and Fitness mags that have been piling up around my house (you know, finally decluttering them LOL), I've decided to incorporate these strategies into my eating this week (and my husband will join me, as he also gained 10 lbs in the last few months):

1. eat one serving of mono-unsaturated fats/oils at each meal (almonds, olive oil or olives, dark chocolate) - this is supposed to encourage your body to preferentially burn the internal belly fat that is so dangerous to your health. You still have to eat fewer calories to lose weight, but this targets the belly fat.

2. exercise in 2 segments with a 20 minute break in between. I've read in several places that this is supposed to be a much more efficient kick to your metabolism than one long workout.

Also my goal is to do 4 workouts this week - I did 3 last week and am trying to gradually increase frequency, length, and intensity :)

Everyone have a great week!


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