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Global financial crisis and it's implications for HIV response

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Global financial crisis and it's implications for HIV response

" A careful monitoring of the situation is needed and efforts should

be taken to protect, particularly the poorest among the population

groups who are vulnerable to HIV infection and made vulnerable by HIV

and AIDS " (Asian People's Alliance to Combat HIV/AIDS)

Asian People's Alliance to Combat HIV/AIDS (APACHA) Statement on the

Global financial crisis and it's implications for HIV response.

Currently, global markets are experiencing severe economic turmoil,

characterised by dented faith in global economic regulatory

institutions, severe credit crunch, and depletion of asset values.

Many fear that the current crisis may lead to a synchronized economic

recession in the major world economies in the near future. Such a

scenario has wide reaching implications on all aspects of modern

human society. However, it has severe implications on health and well-

being of economically and socially vulnerable sections of society,

particularly individuals and communities vulnerable to HIV and made

vulnerable by HIV infection.

Asian People's Alliance to Combat HIV/AIDS (APACHA) call all the key

stakeholders to focus attention on the global financial crisis and

it's implications for HIV response in general and specially on

economically and social weaker sections of the society who are

infected, affected and made vulnerable by HIV.

The health-financing models in many developing countries rely heavily

on direct state support and individuals own resources for health care

and related support services. Even a slight financial downturn in

such countries may have implications on health and well being of

already vulnerable populations.

There are limited data and models available to predict the

trajectories of such impact on HIV response in general.

APACHA is concerned that a severe global financial crisis may have

implications on all major aspect of HIV response such as reduced

resources for conducting information, education and communication for

(IEC) efforts for prevention, care, treatment and stigma reduction.

Essential HIV support services may be cut as the direct result of any

massive economic downturn, such as what is happening in Zimbabwe.

Resource limitations may dampen advocacy for greater community

participation and the creation of supportive social environment,

which is an essential component of an effective HIV response.

Efforts to implement good governance practice is an area which has

achieved the least progress in the overall HIV response. Good

governance- transparency and accountability- could be one of early

casualty of economic downturn as agencies may be tempted to cut

corners with service delivery.

When calls are being made " to know your epidemic " , resource crunch

may slow the efforts to create and manage localised HIV knowledge

and capacity development

In this context, the role of civil society will be crucial. Civil

society must be extra vigilant to monitor the level of inequity in

HIV response and to ensure that the most vulnerable populations,

particularly, economically vulnerable populations groups are not

further stressed under the weight of a failed global economic system.

In many countries, the HIV response is depends largely on Overseas

Development Assistance (ODA). HIV care and treatment programs in

several countries are completely dependant on the generosity of

global community. Continuing access to affordable HIV testing,

counselling, care and treatment needs to be ensured. Investment in

HIV related skill and capacity development is essential for

continuing an effective HIV response

The victims of the economic downturn should not be the programs for

blood safety, access to clean needle and syringe programs, programs

for reducing mother to child transmission of HIV, access to condoms

and diagnostics facilities.

The economic cost of implementing non-discriminatory policies, which

reduce stigmatization and human rights violations, must not be used

as an excuse to scale down such programs.

Civil society must ensure that structural reforms continue, such as

the decriminalization of consensual sex, protection of the basic

human rights, and promotion of universal access to health care.

Any economic bailout package of the currently flawed market economy

must ensure the best interest of the economically poorest segment of

society. They should not have to pay the price for the worst of the

past unregulated economies and excesses of a few, which preceded the

current crisis.

The food crisis, which preceded the current economic crisis, has

already made a severe dent on the food and nutritional security of

people infected and affected by HIV, particularly from the

economically weaker sections of the society. Unfortunately, even

before the global HIV civil society grappled with the implications of

a global food crisis, the economic crisis has hit, making the

situation further worse.

In June 2001, 189 Heads of State and government representatives

signed the United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. They

promised to fight stigma and discrimination, promoting prevention,

mobilizing resources, advocating universal access to treatment and

promoting accountability. An economic crisis should not be an excuse

to reverse their promises.

Asian People's Alliance to Combat HIV/AIDS (APACHA) call up on all

the key stakeholders of HIV response to carefully monitor the

implications of current Global Economic crisis and the worsened food

sovereignty crisis. The global HIV leadership must carefully monitor

the situation and efforts should be taken to protect the poorest

among the population group who are vulnerable to HIV infection and

made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS.

We call up on:

1. Governments to " Keep the Promise! " A financial crisis should not

be an excuse to turn away from the promises they have made.

2. UNAIDS to develop a global advocacy strategy to address the impact

of the financial crisis on HIV response, with particular emphasis on

poor, marginalised and vulnerable population groups.

3. Global Fund to ensure a preferential option for the poor in all of

their future grant making.

4. Civil society to be vigilant and monitor the impact of the

economic crisis on HIV responses, particularly on poor, marginalised

and vulnerable population groups.

____________ _________ _________ _______

APACHA, is the largest Asian multi-sectoral civil society formation

that brings together people affected and infected by HIV/AIDS, and

made vulnerable to by HIV/AIDS, social movements, trade unions,

women's rights movements, youth movements, faith based organizations,

policy makers, and other progressive peoples' associations who share

a commitment to combat the causes and consequences of HIV/AIDS.

APACHA has country chapters in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan,

Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam, with it's global

secretariat in Nepal.

Media contact:

Mr. Prabodh Devakota,

APACHA International Secretariat

Madhur Marg, Chun Devi

House no 23

P O Box : 7647

Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone : 00977-1-4721277, 4721278, 4720926



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