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Introducing myself

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Hi !!

Welcome to the group. I ahve been a member for quite sometime. But, I was

recently " re-diagnosed " as having BU instead of UD.

Did you just find out about your BU?



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My name is . I have a bicornuate uterus. I've been searching for a group

like this for a while. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.


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  • 2 years later...
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Your doctor is a moron. Sorry to be blunt, but I'm so

tired of these doctors who are making people worse

under the guise that they are the experts.

The AACE now says appropriate ranges for TSH is .3 -

3.0. Meaning anything above 3.0 is Hypothyroidism.

At 11 OR 8, I'm sure you were in agony. I've never

heard of one person getting better on a dose that

small. With TSH that high, you should probably be on

120mcgs or more T4, depending on weight and muscle

mass. Meaning if you weigh 400 pounds, you would

probably be on a much higher dose.

Aside from that, Synthroid or T4 medication is not the

best meds, in my opinion. Most people need T3. Many

do far better on Armour or T4 meds w/ T3 meds.

Having a GP or Endo is sort of irrelevant. You need a

doctor that will order the appropriate tests and dose

you accordingly. You need to be tested for Free T4,

Free T3 and TSH.

You probably have anxiety and all those symptoms

because you are still horribly and terribly HypoT and

are suffering. What is worse is that you've been

paying some idiot doc to get better and he's taking

your money and NOT helping you. This should be


In fact, I wish there was a section in the files area

where we can list the names of idiot doctors to

avoid!! The only way they will ever learn or change is

if we affect them where it matters to them and that's

their wallets!!!!

Feel better,


--- Blazing Krimson wrote:

> FLAVOR00-NONE-0000-0000-0000000000004.0;Hi,

> everyone...



> My name is and I just joined your group a few

> days ago. I've been reading the emails with

> interest...boy is there a lot of information to

> absorb!


> I'm a little lost, so please bear with me if I ask

> questions you've heard a million times before, or if

> I ask something that seems very obvious.


> I'm 41 and female, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid

> about 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact

> numbers, but I seem to remember at the time my TSH

> was around 11. I was put on .025 levoxyl and that

> brought it down to about 8.5 in 30 days. My doctor

> seemed to think this was more or less ok (???) so my

> dosage was never increased.


> Lately, I've felt so lousy, I've been reading up

> more on Hypothyroid, and it is abundantly clear to

> me that 8.5 is not only NOT ok, it stinks! I have

> an appointment tomorrow with another doctor, with

> whom I'm hoping to get this beast under control.


> My questions are these...


> 1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in

> addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

> 2. Are there any specific questions I need to be

> asking the PCP that I might not know enough about

> the disease to ask?

> 3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in

> conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so

> incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost

> tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating -

> in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed,

> exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

> 4. Is there anything else I could or should be

> doing to help myself?


> I'm just beginning this journey that most of you

> have been on a long time, even though I was

> diagnosed years ago. I look forward to your

> support, and to offering whatever support I'm able

> to, once I get a little less lost :)


> Thank you for being here,




> __________________________________________________


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Hi , Welcome!

Never hesitate in asking a question here.... we have new people joining daily, and when you're hypo, well, we call them brain farts... we sometimes forget things and simple reminders go a long way to keeping us on top of stuff.... so ask away!!!!

Okay.. your questions:

1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

Endos aren't always the best when it come to thyroid care, thought there are exceptions to every rule. Your best bet would be to do some hunting to find a doc that is good with thyroid diagnosis, care and treatment AND/OR a doc that is very good with treating folks to good health and listening to them to work out a solution the to patients better health.

2. Are there any specific questions I need to be asking the PCP that I might not know enough about the disease to ask?

A big first step is to ask for a copy of your labs, with the lab's ranges. So that you can not only see what they are testing, but find out where your numbers are and adjust your dose accordingly. Right now your TSH is WAY TOO HIGH and you are in serious need of proper care. You'll also want to ask this new doc what tests he plans on running, what his target TSH is, as well as Free T4 and Free T3 AND what medications he prescribes. Specifically you should be watching for a doc that says more than just one type of medication. The keywords are something to the effect of: synthetics, like Synthroid, naturals, like Armour and additional T3 for those that need it.

3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating - in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed, exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

Oh yeah, many of us have been where you are, don't feel as though you are alone or that this is all in your imagination. Having a TSH as high as you have, for as long as you have has most likely stressed your adrenals. The adrenals kick in to keep us going when the thyroid hormones are too low and our body is out of whack.

4. Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help myself?

Yep... we'll be taking you by the hand and showing you things that we've tried... not everything works for everybody so there is no magical list that we can give you to follow... but by sharing what we ALL learn with each other we can ideas on what may or may not work. I've tried some whacky things that didn't help at all and other equally whacky things that worked like magic. As an example... by taking one of my doses at bed time. You'll hear more about that as you get to know us....

You have a lot to learn... and some basics to get familiar with before you go in tomorrow... we have a couple of pages on our web site that will give you some of those basics to make more of this make sense... I hope you'll have time to read at least the first one before you leave:



Take a note book or pad or something with you with the questions you want to ask, leave plenty of room to write the answers. Don't worry about spelling.. just get the info down and we can help you with anything that doesn't make sense.

Make notes of what the doc tells you... dosing, meds, testing schedules, goals that he has in mind... all that kind of stuff... Again, don't get flustered if stuff he says doesn't make sense right now.. you'll learn as you go.... and plenty of folks here to answer questions....

Now.. after your appointment.. we'll get into things like good and bad foods... supplements and vitamins that help.. all that fun and happy stuff....

.... you're not alone.. and you're gonna get better.... Honest

Oh, and once you are less lost... we'll be putting you to work helping others... you'll earn your keep!!! *wink*


Topper () *15 years post RAI, no remaining thyroid function, self medicating with Natural thyroid since July '02. Minnesota, USA*

On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 13:38:10 -0700 (PDT) Blazing Krimson writes:

Hi, everyone...

My name is and I just joined your group a few days ago. I've been reading the emails with interest...boy is there a lot of information to absorb!

I'm a little lost, so please bear with me if I ask questions you've heard a million times before, or if I ask something that seems very obvious.

I'm 41 and female, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I seem to remember at the time my TSH was around 11. I was put on .025 levoxyl and that brought it down to about 8.5 in 30 days. My doctor seemed to think this was more or less ok (???) so my dosage was never increased.

Lately, I've felt so lousy, I've been reading up more on Hypothyroid, and it is abundantly clear to me that 8.5 is not only NOT ok, it stinks! I have an appointment tomorrow with another doctor, with whom I'm hoping to get this beast under control.

My questions are these...

1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

2. Are there any specific questions I need to be asking the PCP that I might not know enough about the disease to ask?

3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating - in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed, exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

4. Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help myself?

I'm just beginning this journey that most of you have been on a long time, even though I was diagnosed years ago. I look forward to your support, and to offering whatever support I'm able to, once I get a little less lost :)

Thank you for being here,

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Hi ,

So good that you have joined us. You are not kidding that is way, way too high and you need to see someone that knows what the h--ck they are doing whether endo or PCP. With you being like that for so long it is more than likely that your adrenal glands are so exhausted and that is adding to your problems. You need a complete endocronology work up with a complete CBC and everything in the hormone side of things. There will be others that will be able to say more precise so I'll leave it to them. But if they don't come on board before you go DEMAND a complete overhaul. Don't mean to scare you but you have been neglected for so long that it most likely has complicated your problem needlessly. If you don't get what you need go somewhere else but keep trying till you get the care you deserve.

DawnBlazing Krimson wrote:

Hi, everyone...

My name is and I just joined your group a few days ago. I've been reading the emails with interest...boy is there a lot of information to absorb!

I'm a little lost, so please bear with me if I ask questions you've heard a million times before, or if I ask something that seems very obvious.

I'm 41 and female, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I seem to remember at the time my TSH was around 11. I was put on .025 levoxyl and that brought it down to about 8.5 in 30 days. My doctor seemed to think this was more or less ok (???) so my dosage was never increased.

Lately, I've felt so lousy, I've been reading up more on Hypothyroid, and it is abundantly clear to me that 8.5 is not only NOT ok, it stinks! I have an appointment tomorrow with another doctor, with whom I'm hoping to get this beast under control.

My questions are these...

1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

2. Are there any specific questions I need to be asking the PCP that I might not know enough about the disease to ask?

3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating - in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed, exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

4. Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help myself?

I'm just beginning this journey that most of you have been on a long time, even though I was diagnosed years ago. I look forward to your support, and to offering whatever support I'm able to, once I get a little less lost :)

Thank you for being here,


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Hi ,

So good that you have joined us. You are not kidding that is way, way too high and you need to see someone that knows what the h--ck they are doing whether endo or PCP. With you being like that for so long it is more than likely that your adrenal glands are so exhausted and that is adding to your problems. You need a complete endocronology work up with a complete CBC and everything in the hormone side of things. There will be others that will be able to say more precise so I'll leave it to them. But if they don't come on board before you go DEMAND a complete overhaul. Don't mean to scare you but you have been neglected for so long that it most likely has complicated your problem needlessly. If you don't get what you need go somewhere else but keep trying till you get the care you deserve.

DawnBlazing Krimson wrote:

Hi, everyone...

My name is and I just joined your group a few days ago. I've been reading the emails with interest...boy is there a lot of information to absorb!

I'm a little lost, so please bear with me if I ask questions you've heard a million times before, or if I ask something that seems very obvious.

I'm 41 and female, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I seem to remember at the time my TSH was around 11. I was put on .025 levoxyl and that brought it down to about 8.5 in 30 days. My doctor seemed to think this was more or less ok (???) so my dosage was never increased.

Lately, I've felt so lousy, I've been reading up more on Hypothyroid, and it is abundantly clear to me that 8.5 is not only NOT ok, it stinks! I have an appointment tomorrow with another doctor, with whom I'm hoping to get this beast under control.

My questions are these...

1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

2. Are there any specific questions I need to be asking the PCP that I might not know enough about the disease to ask?

3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating - in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed, exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

4. Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help myself?

I'm just beginning this journey that most of you have been on a long time, even though I was diagnosed years ago. I look forward to your support, and to offering whatever support I'm able to, once I get a little less lost :)

Thank you for being here,


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I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who answered my introduction yesterday. I will send a more well-thought-out message later this afternoon. My appointment with the new doc is at 2pm, so I've got my fingers crossed and re-crossed that this is the first step to wellness.

Last night was the worst night of my life - I didn't sleep at all and spent most of the night laying in bed, shivering as if it was freezing cold in here, which it isn't. There has to be something else going on, hasn't there? Ah, well...I guess we'll find out soon enough :)

Thank you for all your support,


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Hi . . . I was just wondering . .. you don't use Splenda or Sucralose, do you? I will explain more to the list later . . . but when I started my thyroid meds a month ago, I was still having some issues, and they even got worse with the thyroid medicine -- twitching, twittering, jitters, and they were more significant at night. More later . . . the teawife

From: The_Thyroid_Support_Group [mailto:The_Thyroid_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of Blazing Krimson

Last night was the worst night of my life - I didn't sleep at all and spent most of the night laying in bed, shivering as if it was freezing cold in here, which it isn't. There has to be something else going on, hasn't there? Ah, well...I guess we'll find out soon enough :)

Thank you for all your support,

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Hi, ...

Nope, no Splenda or Sucralose for me. I'm a good old fashioned sugar kinda gal :)

I'm just back from the doc and blood work, and having slept about 15 minutes total last night, I'm exhausted. Will write more later about what's going on and what she said.

Thanks for your support,

-- RE: Introducing myself

Hi . . . I was just wondering . .. you don't use Splenda or Sucralose, do you? I will explain more to the list later . . . but when I started my thyroid meds a month ago, I was still having some issues, and they even got worse with the thyroid medicine -- twitching, twittering, jitters, and they were more significant at night. More later . .. . the teawife

From: The_Thyroid_Support_Group [mailto:The_Thyroid_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of Blazing Krimson

Last night was the worst night of my life - I didn't sleep at all and spent most of the night laying in bed, shivering as if it was freezing cold in here, which it isn't. There has to be something else going on, hasn't there? Ah, well...I guess we'll find out soon enough :)

Thank you for all your support,


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Hope you get a good rest .... then fill us in gal!!!

*shy smile*

Topper ()

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 13:56:31 -0700 (PDT) Blazing Krimson writes:

Hi, ...

Nope, no Splenda or Sucralose for me. I'm a good old fashioned sugar kinda gal :)

I'm just back from the doc and blood work, and having slept about 15 minutes total last night, I'm exhausted. Will write more later about what's going on and what she said.

Thanks for your support,

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Hope you get a good rest .... then fill us in gal!!!

*shy smile*

Topper ()

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 13:56:31 -0700 (PDT) Blazing Krimson writes:

Hi, ...

Nope, no Splenda or Sucralose for me. I'm a good old fashioned sugar kinda gal :)

I'm just back from the doc and blood work, and having slept about 15 minutes total last night, I'm exhausted. Will write more later about what's going on and what she said.

Thanks for your support,

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, believe it or not, YOU have been on this journey a long time. The dumbo that kept your TSH so high and made your hypo even worse by giving you such a small dose (down regulated the thyroid itself even MORE, sheesh!), needs to be strung up, as far as I'm concerned. Stay as far away as possible from this doctor, as he/she does not understand anything about this. You are probably much more hypo than you were when starting the treatment. You need the Free T3 and the Free T4, which are the thyroid hormones, not the pituitary TSH hormone. However, it is even obvious by this TSH that you are very hypo. If the thyroid hormones themselves are low, then the TSH isn't going to matter. Even the pituitary is slowed down and affected by chronic hypo. The thyroid regulates every single body tissue. Symptoms, not just labs either. It's not clear to me which doctor you have the appointment with, but I would steer clear of most endos, as they are mainly diabetes doctors, sad to say, and are totally sold out to $ynthroid.

Introducing myself

Hi, everyone...

My name is and I just joined your group a few days ago. I've been reading the emails with interest...boy is there a lot of information to absorb!

I'm a little lost, so please bear with me if I ask questions you've heard a million times before, or if I ask something that seems very obvious.

I'm 41 and female, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I seem to remember at the time my TSH was around 11. I was put on .025 levoxyl and that brought it down to about 8.5 in 30 days. My doctor seemed to think this was more or less ok (???) so my dosage was never increased.

Lately, I've felt so lousy, I've been reading up more on Hypothyroid, and it is abundantly clear to me that 8.5 is not only NOT ok, it stinks! I have an appointment tomorrow with another doctor, with whom I'm hoping to get this beast under control.

My questions are these...

1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

2. Are there any specific questions I need to be asking the PCP that I might not know enough about the disease to ask?

3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating - in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed, exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

4. Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help myself?

I'm just beginning this journey that most of you have been on a long time, even though I was diagnosed years ago. I look forward to your support, and to offering whatever support I'm able to, once I get a little less lost :)

Thank you for being here,

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, believe it or not, YOU have been on this journey a long time. The dumbo that kept your TSH so high and made your hypo even worse by giving you such a small dose (down regulated the thyroid itself even MORE, sheesh!), needs to be strung up, as far as I'm concerned. Stay as far away as possible from this doctor, as he/she does not understand anything about this. You are probably much more hypo than you were when starting the treatment. You need the Free T3 and the Free T4, which are the thyroid hormones, not the pituitary TSH hormone. However, it is even obvious by this TSH that you are very hypo. If the thyroid hormones themselves are low, then the TSH isn't going to matter. Even the pituitary is slowed down and affected by chronic hypo. The thyroid regulates every single body tissue. Symptoms, not just labs either. It's not clear to me which doctor you have the appointment with, but I would steer clear of most endos, as they are mainly diabetes doctors, sad to say, and are totally sold out to $ynthroid.

Introducing myself

Hi, everyone...

My name is and I just joined your group a few days ago. I've been reading the emails with interest...boy is there a lot of information to absorb!

I'm a little lost, so please bear with me if I ask questions you've heard a million times before, or if I ask something that seems very obvious.

I'm 41 and female, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I seem to remember at the time my TSH was around 11. I was put on .025 levoxyl and that brought it down to about 8.5 in 30 days. My doctor seemed to think this was more or less ok (???) so my dosage was never increased.

Lately, I've felt so lousy, I've been reading up more on Hypothyroid, and it is abundantly clear to me that 8.5 is not only NOT ok, it stinks! I have an appointment tomorrow with another doctor, with whom I'm hoping to get this beast under control.

My questions are these...

1. Should I be seeing an endocrinologist in addition to or instead of my Primare Care Physician?

2. Are there any specific questions I need to be asking the PCP that I might not know enough about the disease to ask?

3. Has anyone experienced extreme anxiety in conjunction with being Hypothyroid? I have been so incredibly anxious lately, I feel like I'm almost tingling and vibrating. It's quite debilitating - in addition to feeling slow, foggy, depressed, exhausted, dizzy and unsteady, it's just no fun.

4. Is there anything else I could or should be doing to help myself?

I'm just beginning this journey that most of you have been on a long time, even though I was diagnosed years ago. I look forward to your support, and to offering whatever support I'm able to, once I get a little less lost :)

Thank you for being here,

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  • 2 years later...
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Jeannie thank you for sharing your story I look forward to going through the IE journey with you. Eva

Hi all, I joined here last week, and I'm just getting used to the format! I bought the IE book last year, and after going back to Weight watchers and not succeeding, and trying other diets with no success, I'm finally DONE with dieting. I'm so worn out from it all. I've hit the wall, so to speak! So here I am. I want to be an intuitive eater, which is exactly how I USED to be when I was my thinnest! How in the world did I get out of that mode? Anyhow, because I've been "dieting" for years now, its taking me some time to get back to "normal". I did VERY well this weekend, but thoughts of calorie consumption, etc. keep popping into my head. I'm really focusing on eating only when I'm hungry, but darn, sometimes that is tough. What is tough is KNOWING when I'm really hungry. I also am working on eating until satisfied, which is another obstacle. But I know that over time, I will get better at it. Anyhow, I am not someone with a lot of weight to lose. About 10-15 lbs is really all I'd like to lose. And if it means it takes a year or so to lose that, but through IE, I'm good with that. I simply want my life back from the mental consumption of dieting all the time. I hope to get to know you all better!Jeannie------------------------------------

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Hi Jeannie!

Thanks for joining and for introducing

yourself! I think you’ll find lots of wisdom and support here.

Can I make a suggestion? Take it or leave

it, but something stood out in your post. This is really normal for people to

do, so don’t think it’s just you or anything like that. But you

mentioned you did “very well” over the weekend. I totally

understand what you are saying, and it’s really awesome that you are

making progress. However, I think when we start to categorize IE as doing well

or not doing well, we kind of fall into an all or nothing trap, that black and

white thinking that is the diet mentality. There is no good or bad in food,

weight, behavior, etc. When we think we are doing well, that implies that other

times we aren’t, or we are bad. This idea of being bad can drive diet

thinking because we want to get back in control.

You may feel differently, and I encourage

you to go with what feels right for you. I just like to look at IE as a process

and journey where we have ups and downs, but the downs are just as exciting as

the ups because they are learning experiences.

Hope this is helpful. I would love to know

your thoughts as well as others on this topic!




Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

Get your copy of " 6 Simple Steps

to Guilt Free Eating " by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com



[mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of heffnermaps

Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 8:03





Introducing myself

Hi all,

I joined here last week, and I'm just getting used to the format! I

bought the IE book last year, and after going back to Weight

watchers and not succeeding, and trying other diets with no success,

I'm finally DONE with dieting. I'm so worn out from it all. I've

hit the wall, so to speak! So here I am. I want to be an intuitive

eater, which is exactly how I USED to be when I was my thinnest!

How in the world did I get out of that mode?

Anyhow, because I've been " dieting " for years now, its taking me

some time to get back to " normal " . I did VERY well this weekend,

but thoughts of calorie consumption, etc. keep popping into my head.

I'm really focusing on eating only when I'm hungry, but darn,

sometimes that is tough. What is tough is KNOWING when I'm really

hungry. I also am working on eating until satisfied, which is

another obstacle. But I know that over time, I will get better at


Anyhow, I am not someone with a lot of weight to lose. About 10-15

lbs is really all I'd like to lose. And if it means it takes a year

or so to lose that, but through IE, I'm good with that. I simply

want my life back from the mental consumption of dieting all the

time. I hope to get to know you all better!


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> Hi Jeannie!


> Can I make a suggestion? Take it or leave it, but something stood out in

> your post. This is really normal for people to do, so don't think it's just

> you or anything like that. But you mentioned you did " very well " over the

> weekend. I totally understand what you are saying, and it's really awesome

> that you are making progress. However, I think when we start to categorize

> IE as doing well or not doing well, we kind of fall into an all or nothing

> trap, that black and white thinking that is the diet mentality. There is no

> good or bad in food, weight, behavior, etc. When we think we are doing well,

> that implies that other times we aren't, or we are bad. This idea of being

> bad can drive diet thinking because we want to get back in control.



>Hi Gillian,

I don't mean to " butt in " on your conversation with Jeannie, but as another

newbie, I just

thought I would share my thoughts about this. I was a little confused at first

by your

suggestion. I am trying to incorporate so many new behaviors and ways of

thinking that I,

too, have been thinking about how " well " I am doing and what areas I need to

work on and

do " better " in. So when I first read this, I thought, " So how do I evaluate my

progress? "

As I thought more about it, I figured out that I could do it in a way that was

similar to the

way I was taught to do charting, when I worked in a clinic. We were only allowed

to state

the facts as we observed them, with NO JUDGMENT attached. So I will try to do

that, going

forward. I will try to state things, both in my mind, and in my posts, simply as

observations, with no judgment attached. For example, " Today I ate more slowly,


more conscious and aware during my meal, " instead of writing, " Today I did

better at

staying conscious... " , or " Today I did well at staying conscious... " .

This is a whole new world, a world without judging and evaluating every single

thing I do.

Amazing! :-)

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Hi Gillian,

I do understand what you are saying, about still being in the " diet

mentality " , and how I said I was doing very well over the weekend

with IE. I realize that IE is a process, and I guess what I meant

was that by " doing very well " was that I was doing well in paying

attention to my hunger signals, and in determining whether i was

truly hungry or not before eating, and doing well in terms of

learning to eat until satisfied and then stopping.

It was clear to me when I began IE that it was going to be a work in

progress, and I've had some times where I've not listened to my

body, but I've used those times to do some self talk, and tell

myself that what I did wasn't " bad " , or that the " food was bad " ,

etc. I chalk this all up to a learning experience. I would be

lying to admit that I don't have some personal goals in mind with

regards to IE, though. But those are more related to where I want

to eventually be, which is to be free of the diet mentality. I would

love to be eating intuitively and free of always thinking or

worrying about food, in about six months. I KNOW, though, that I

can't really put a timeline on it, and I " m sure that throughout my

lifetime I will have moments when I slip back into the diet

mentality. But I want those moments to be the exception and not the

rule. reading the IE book made me realize that this is not

something that will happen overnight, and that even after

months/years, that slipping backwards can happen easily.

I hope, at some point, to be where I won't be thinking that

i'm " doing well " ! I totally understand where you are saying that it

is falling back into the diet mentality, but in this case, I'm not

thinking in terms of diet, but really as to how I am doing in the

process. Its no different to me as when I have a new process at

work that I'm having to implement, and its my first few times doing

it, and I will judge as to how I'm doing in the process. Make sense?

I appreciate the honest feedback though. I DO want to be aware of

the times when I may be slipping back into diet mode, and take all

suggestions openly! :)

Thanks Gillian!



> Hi Jeannie!




> Thanks for joining and for introducing yourself! I think you'll

find lots of

> wisdom and support here.




> Can I make a suggestion? Take it or leave it, but something stood

out in

> your post. This is really normal for people to do, so don't think

it's just

> you or anything like that. But you mentioned you did " very well "

over the

> weekend. I totally understand what you are saying, and it's really


> that you are making progress. However, I think when we start to


> IE as doing well or not doing well, we kind of fall into an all or


> trap, that black and white thinking that is the diet mentality.

There is no

> good or bad in food, weight, behavior, etc. When we think we are

doing well,

> that implies that other times we aren't, or we are bad. This idea

of being

> bad can drive diet thinking because we want to get back in control.




> You may feel differently, and I encourage you to go with what

feels right

> for you. I just like to look at IE as a process and journey where

we have

> ups and downs, but the downs are just as exciting as the ups

because they

> are learning experiences.




> Hope this is helpful. I would love to know your thoughts as well

as others

> on this topic!




> Thanks!

> Gillian


> Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

> Healthier Outcomes



> Get your copy of " 6 Simple Steps to Guilt Free Eating " by visiting

> http://www.healthieroutcomes.com



> _____


> From: IntuitiveEating_Support

> [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 8:03 AM

> To: IntuitiveEating_Support

> Subject: Introducing myself




> Hi all,

> I joined here last week, and I'm just getting used to the format!


> bought the IE book last year, and after going back to Weight

> watchers and not succeeding, and trying other diets with no


> I'm finally DONE with dieting. I'm so worn out from it all. I've

> hit the wall, so to speak! So here I am. I want to be an intuitive

> eater, which is exactly how I USED to be when I was my thinnest!

> How in the world did I get out of that mode?


> Anyhow, because I've been " dieting " for years now, its taking me

> some time to get back to " normal " . I did VERY well this weekend,

> but thoughts of calorie consumption, etc. keep popping into my


> I'm really focusing on eating only when I'm hungry, but darn,

> sometimes that is tough. What is tough is KNOWING when I'm really

> hungry. I also am working on eating until satisfied, which is

> another obstacle. But I know that over time, I will get better at

> it.


> Anyhow, I am not someone with a lot of weight to lose. About 10-15

> lbs is really all I'd like to lose. And if it means it takes a


> or so to lose that, but through IE, I'm good with that. I simply

> want my life back from the mental consumption of dieting all the

> time. I hope to get to know you all better!


> Jeannie


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