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Re: Introducing myself - Hi everyone!

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Welcome Nyna so glad to have you here this is a wonderful group very supportive they give great advice. I think you will enjoy it here. EvaSee AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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Welcome Nyna and just dive right in here. The more you say about what

you are experiencing as you try on IE, the more that you can 'gain'

from it too. Have fun along with us here as we travel a path that

leads us back to ourselves! - Katcha




> Good Morning All! My name is Nyna. I just joined the group

yesterday. I'm a

> 46 year old mom of 4, living in Taos, New Mexico. The main thing

that I'd

> like you all to know about me is that I'm very weary of the constant

> obsession that I have over the foods that are " forbidden " , so I'm


> that trying the Intuitive Eating principles may be the magic key-

since I've

> tried many of the other ways over my adult life. Weight Watchers and Fat

> Flush most notably - no success with WW, Incredible success with FF,

> although I gained a lot back once I returned to my more normal way

of eating

> - that's typical. I eat 80% organic, am a carnivore, and LOVE

sweets! That

> to me is my biggest " issue " - sweets in the form of ice cream and

" sundrops " ,

> not cake etc. I'm looking forward to connecting with others who are


> to live with their bodies " knowing " what is best for them at any given

> moment and going with that knowledge.


> The last year has been a big challenge for me physically - we moved

a little

> over a year ago from another state, my husband injured himself so I have

> most of the day to day physical responsibility, and our lives here

have been

> very erratic and unsettled, so my body has held onto an additional 30

> pounds! Yikes!


> Anyways, I think that is enough for now - I look forward to getting

to know

> you all!


> Blessings! Nyna


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Hi Nyna. I'm very new here too (just joined 2 days ago). I also am so sick of obsessively worrying about every morsel that passes my lips. I've been doing it since I was about 12 though so it's a hard habit to break. One of my goals this year is to learn to love myself for reasons other than my appearance...then I think the weight wouldn't be so important either.

I too have a severe sweet tooth. I seem to eat fine all day and then after dinner I'm like a crack addict only with sugar.....looking for my fix. I haven't figured out how to handle it yet but I keep trying new things....one of them is going to work! Journaling seems to help sometimes but other times I'm too lazy to bother and just go directly for the candy. sigh.

Good luck to you, Nyna. I'm glad to have met you :)

Introducing myself - Hi everyone!

Good Morning All! My name is Nyna. I just joined the group yesterday. I’m a 46 year old mom of 4, living in Taos , New Mexico . The main thing that I’d like you all to know about me is that I’m very weary of the constant obsession that I have over the foods that are “forbidden”, so I’m thinking that trying the Intuitive Eating principles may be the magic key- since I’ve tried many of the other ways over my adult life. Weight Watchers and Fat Flush most notably – no success with WW, Incredible success with FF, although I gained a lot back once I returned to my more normal way of eating – that’s typical. I eat 80% organic, am a carnivore, and LOVE sweets! That to me is my biggest “issue”- sweets in the form of ice cream and “sundrops”, not cake etc. I’m looking forward to connecting with others who are learning

to live with their bodies “knowing” what is best for them at any given moment and going with that knowledge.

The last year has been a big challenge for me physically – we moved a little over a year ago from another state, my husband injured himself so I have most of the day to day physical responsibility, and our lives here have been very erratic and unsettled, so my body has held onto an additional 30 pounds! Yikes!

Anyways, I think that is enough for now – I look forward to getting to know you all!

Blessings! Nyna

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Hi Nyna, I'm kinda like you - mainly organic (Weston Price/Nourishing Traditions


Grass-fed and 'full fat' are staples in our house :) For me, the knowledge I

gained from both

of these worked together with IE principles to help me sort through the diet

noise .

I hope you enjoy it here and find the support you need.




> Good Morning All! My name is Nyna. I just joined the group yesterday. I'm a

> 46 year old mom of 4, living in Taos, New Mexico. The main thing that I'd

> like you all to know about me is that I'm very weary of the constant

> obsession that I have over the foods that are " forbidden " , so I'm thinking

> that trying the Intuitive Eating principles may be the magic key- since I've

> tried many of the other ways over my adult life. Weight Watchers and Fat

> Flush most notably - no success with WW, Incredible success with FF,

> although I gained a lot back once I returned to my more normal way of eating

> - that's typical. I eat 80% organic, am a carnivore, and LOVE sweets!

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Hi Nyna! How old are your kids? I'm 41 and also have 4 kids but they are younger (12,5,3,3) ... and your story sounds a lot like mine, I spent years obsessing about every bite, even though it generally just made me eat more bad stuff because it was always on my mind! I've been working on IE for about 6 months now and it has been SOOOO freeing to let those obsessive thoughts go! I probably eat less junk food, but I enjoy it much more :):)

anyway, welcome and nice to meet you!


-------------- Original message --------------

Good Morning All! My name is Nyna. I just joined the group yesterday. I’m a 46 year old mom of 4, living in Taos, New Mexico. The main thing that I’d like you all to know about me is that I’m very weary of the constant obsession that I have over the foods that are “forbidden”, so I’m thinking that trying the Intuitive Eating principles may be the magic key- since I’ve tried many of the other ways over my adult life. Weight Watchers and Fat Flush most notably – no success with WW, Incredible success with FF, although I gained a lot back once I returned to my more normal way of eating – that’s typical. I eat 80% organic, am a carnivore, and LOVE sweets! That to me is my biggest “issue”- sweets in the form of ice cream and “sundrops”, not cake etc. I’m looking forward to connecting with others who are learning to live with their bodies “

knowing” what is best for them at any given moment and going with that knowledge.

The last year has been a big challenge for me physically – we moved a little over a year ago from another state, my husband injured himself so I have most of the day to day physical responsibility, and our lives here have been very erratic and unsettled, so my body has held onto an additional 30 pounds! Yikes!

Anyways, I think that is enough for now – I look forward to getting to know you all!

Blessings! Nyna

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Mikki – my children are 17, 10 , 9

and 6. The oldest a boy, then the 3 girls. Thanks for the warm welcome. I look

forward to a new way of looking at food!

Peace- Nyna

P.S. Thanks for the welcome from all of

you! I’m happy to be here, and will begin engaging in conversation soon.


IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ]

On Behalf Of mkbehnke@...

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008

2:31 PM



Subject: Re:

Introducing myself - Hi everyone!

Hi Nyna! How old are your kids? I'm 41 and also have 4 kids

but they are younger (12,5,3,3) ... and your story sounds a lot like mine, I

spent years obsessing about every bite, even though it generally just made me

eat more bad stuff because it was always on my mind! I've been working on

IE for about 6 months now and it has been SOOOO freeing to let those obsessive

thoughts go! I probably eat less junk food, but I enjoy it much more :):)

anyway, welcome and nice to meet you!


-------------- Original message --------------

From: " Nyna & Machei Matysiak " <livingearthfarmtaosnet>

Good Morning All! My name is Nyna. I just joined the group

yesterday. I’m a 46 year old mom of 4, living in Taos, New

Mexico. The main thing that I’d

like you all to know about me is that I’m very weary of the constant

obsession that I have over the foods that are “forbidden”, so

I’m thinking that trying the Intuitive Eating principles may be the magic

key- since I’ve tried many of the other ways over my adult life. Weight

Watchers and Fat Flush most notably – no success with WW, Incredible

success with FF, although I gained a lot back once I returned to my more normal

way of eating – that’s typical. I eat 80% organic, am a carnivore,

and LOVE sweets! That to me is my biggest “issue”- sweets in the

form of ice cream and “sundrops”, not cake etc. I’m looking

forward to connecting with others who are learning to live with their bodies

“ knowing” what is best for them at any given moment and going with

that knowledge.

The last year has been a big challenge for me physically – we

moved a little over a year ago from another state, my husband injured himself

so I have most of the day to day physical responsibility, and our lives here have

been very erratic and unsettled, so my body has held onto an additional 30

pounds! Yikes!

Anyways, I think that is enough for now – I look forward to

getting to know you all!

Blessings! Nyna

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