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has sent you a 10% discount

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(your thoughtful pal) just bought a few things at Amazon.com and is using our Share the Love program to pass along an additional 10% discount to you.

Click the links below to see more product information on your discount list and purchase any of the following items by August 20, 2003. You'll receive an additional 10% discount, thanks to

and Share the Love:

The Complete Are You Being Served? Collection (Series 1-5)


~ Inman


DVD; Not Rated

Region 1 encoding (US and Canada only)

Average Customer Review:

Keeping Up Appearances - Hyacinth in Full Bloom Set


~ Routledge


DVD; Not Rated

Region 1 encoding (US and Canada only)

Average Customer Review:

See all of your discounted items

Plus, each item you buy may earn

credit toward future Amazon.com purchases. So you save money,

saves money--gee, ain't love grand? (But hurry, this offer expires on August 20, 2003.)

Please note that

requested that we send you this savings invitation (but don't worry--since you're

's friend, we won't use your e-mail address for anything else). If you have additional questions about how the Share the Love program works, please visit our Help department.


Earth's Biggest Selection

Find, Discover, and Buy Virtually Anything


Please note that this message was sent to the following e-mail address: autoimmune-ills .To opt out of receiving Share the Love offer e-mails, please visit: http://www.amazon.com/manage-stl-email

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