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Sharon, re your inquiry on Hulda . I have been using her program as

well as others for three years. I have successfully reduced a malignant

breast tumor to less than half its size, it hasn't re-grown in three years.

I have my blood checked for cancer markers every few months and am followed

by a doctor.

IMO, of utmost importance is cleansing toxins from the body and avoiding

toxins. Avoiding new toxins is no easy task in today's world, but it can be

accomplished to some degree to lessen the toxic load and allow the body to

heal itself.

If you have any specific questions about Dr. 's program, I would be

happy to answers them.


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I would like to hear more on what you are doing. I had a tumor removed 14

months ago and then started natural treatments. I am cleansing, using

zapper, juicing, herbs. I would love to hear your regiment, since you have

measurable success. You may want to email me at jab44419@... unless

others want the details too.

Thanks this is encouraging.


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Hi Kathy,

InghamSeeker@... wrote:

>>Sharon, re your inquiry on Hulda . I have been using her program

as well as others for three years. I have successfully reduced a

malignant breast tumor to less than half its size, it hasn't re-grown in

three years. I have my blood checked for cancer markers every few months

and am followed by a doctor.<<

I have lots of questions, hope you don't mind. First of all, I'd like

to say that my mom found a lump about a year and a half ago in August.

We saw a holistic practitioner for a while, who said that he was going

to assume it was not cancer because lumps usually were not. He

" treated " her for 6 months. But it turned out to be cancer. She had

her breast removed last June. She refused all other conventional

treatment. She has been working with a different alternative place via

telephone. They seem much better than the original " doctor " she went

to. Now she found another lump in the exact area where they removed

her breast and they removed it. It was the cancer again and they think

it may have gotten into her bones. She is having a bone scan today and

we are pretty scared of what she will find out.

I take it that you have not had surgery on the lump? Did you have it

biopsied to find out it was malignant? Have you removed dairy

products and/or meat from your diet? I've heard (from Lyman)

that removing casein (milk protein) from the diets of rats shrunk their

tumors. What kind of foods do you eat? My mom has been eating a

mostly meatless, dairyless diet w/ lots of organic and mostly whole

grains. Unfortunately I just found out that she has been eating a

Chinese take out Shrimp/vegetable dish about 2 times per week and she

does eat eggs and some canned fish.

What other treatments have you done? Did you do the Hulda

program on your own or did a doctor help you through it? My mom is

interested in doing the Hulda program but we think it seems to be

kind of complicated to do without guidance of some sort.

How long did it take to shrink your tumor?

>>IMO, of utmost importance is cleansing toxins from the body and

avoiding toxins. Avoiding new toxins is no easy task in today's world,

but it can be accomplished to some degree to lessen the toxic load and

allow the body to heal itself. <<

What is the best way to clear out the toxins?

>>If you have any specific questions about Dr. 's program, I would

be happy to answers them.<<

My mom has bought both books by Dr. . " The Cure for All Cancers "

and the new one for Advanced Cancers. I'm really afraid to have her

try this program and not do conventional treatment, but I'm also afraid

for her to try the conventional treatment (radiation and chemo). Does

anyone have anything to say about radiation and chemo?

I hope I haven't asked too many questions. I appreciate any info you

can give me. If a lot of what you have done to get past this is in the

archives, maybe I could look it up rather than have you repost it.

We are leaving for her bone scan in a couple of hours. I was feeling

pretty ok with everything but now I'm starting to feel kind of panicky.

It's so hard. We don't know what to do because she's been using

holistic treatment this whole time. Obviously not the right ones


I do want to add that I think this lump may have been there. Maybe

they missed it when they removed her breast and it grew. I hope bone

cancer doesn't have to be terminal. If that's what she has.

I also wanted to add that she was on some type of parasite cleanse,

liquid trace minerals, 12 caps of IP6, CoQ10, and Immune Energizer.

Thanks for any help/info.

Warm Regards,

Sharon, who's really scared and confused here today in Buffalo

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sharon, please see my post to Ann on the regimen I use. If you have any

questions after that, please e-mail me again and I will answer your further


So happy to hear that the bone scan was OK. I know what you are going

through, been there. It is tough, but you will get through this. Just be

very careful about using allopathic treatments for this problem - the cure is

often worse than the disease.

Blessings, Kathy.

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  • 4 months later...

" Gloria M. Tate " wrote:

> Hi,

> After Carolyn Steane wrote in about the zapper and Hulda , I decided

> to read the book. I got her *Cure for All Diseases* from interlibrary loan

> and my husband made me a zapper, using a plastic box from radio shack and

> the other materials described in the book.

I have been doing the zapper every day.

> Have I gone mad? Most definitely, but I am not sure the stuff is

> part of it.

Move over, friend. I've got a zapper too - more than one kind. My

husband has made one for each of our children and a few for friends.

The unit he made is in a little plastic case about 3 " X 5 " x 1 " -

convenient for carrying when traveling.

Some of you old timers may remember Joy who was so helpful to the group

in our early days. Joy made herself a zapper and has used it


Back in November of 1995, I put on a seminar at one of the hotels in

Dallas for people with rheumatic disease. Dr. Franco was the speaker.

At noon, lunch was served in individual rooms - one for each type of

disease represented. I sat with the lupus group. At my table was an

older couple with their daughter and her husband who was a nurse. The

conversation at first was about the mother who had lupus and was now on

the AP, but then the nurse began to tell me about his father-in-law who

had lung cancer put in remission with diet and the Essiac herbs. He

went on to relate several other stories of people he knew who had used

these herbs successfully. I'd used them myself for lymphomatoid

papulosis back in 1994 so it wasn't news to me.

About six weeks later, I received Hulda 's book The Cure for all

Cancers in the mail from this nurse. In it was the schematic and

instructions for making a zapper. I was getting ready for a trip to LA

to visit a retired researcher and a research/treatment center in

California so told my husband to take the book to friends of ours. Lee

had suffered for months from a bronchial infection she couldn't shake

even after several rounds of antibiotics. Maybe , her husband,

would make a zapper for her to try.

The California trip was a great success and on my way home from the

airport my husband casually mentioned had made the zapper for Lee

and it completely cleared up her infection.

When I got home I discovered our daughter was very sick with a viral

infection. brought over the zapper and it immediately broke up the

congestion and in no time she was back to work. Whenever anybody in our

family feels a cold or flu coming on, out comes the zapper. My

daughter-in-law used it successfully three or four times for mastitis

when she was nursing her last child.

The technology has advanced and now there are other types of units

available, but Huldah's zapper still has its place.


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Hi Ethel :

What other technology ? Are you talking about the Beck zapper ? I am

interested in this technology. As an electrical engineer, it fits with my


Re: rheumatic Hulda




> " Gloria M. Tate " wrote:

> > Hi,

> > After Carolyn Steane wrote in about the zapper and Hulda , I


> > to read the book. I got her *Cure for All Diseases* from interlibrary


> > and my husband made me a zapper, using a plastic box from radio shack


> > the other materials described in the book.


> I have been doing the zapper every day.

> > Have I gone mad? Most definitely, but I am not sure the stuff is

> > part of it.


> Move over, friend. I've got a zapper too - more than one kind. My

> husband has made one for each of our children and a few for friends.

> The unit he made is in a little plastic case about 3 " X 5 " x 1 " -

> convenient for carrying when traveling.

> Some of you old timers may remember Joy who was so helpful to the group

> in our early days. Joy made herself a zapper and has used it

> successfully.


> Back in November of 1995, I put on a seminar at one of the hotels in

> Dallas for people with rheumatic disease. Dr. Franco was the speaker.

> At noon, lunch was served in individual rooms - one for each type of

> disease represented. I sat with the lupus group. At my table was an

> older couple with their daughter and her husband who was a nurse. The

> conversation at first was about the mother who had lupus and was now on

> the AP, but then the nurse began to tell me about his father-in-law who

> had lung cancer put in remission with diet and the Essiac herbs. He

> went on to relate several other stories of people he knew who had used

> these herbs successfully. I'd used them myself for lymphomatoid

> papulosis back in 1994 so it wasn't news to me.


> About six weeks later, I received Hulda 's book The Cure for all

> Cancers in the mail from this nurse. In it was the schematic and

> instructions for making a zapper. I was getting ready for a trip to LA

> to visit a retired researcher and a research/treatment center in

> California so told my husband to take the book to friends of ours. Lee

> had suffered for months from a bronchial infection she couldn't shake

> even after several rounds of antibiotics. Maybe , her husband,

> would make a zapper for her to try.


> The California trip was a great success and on my way home from the

> airport my husband casually mentioned had made the zapper for Lee

> and it completely cleared up her infection.


> When I got home I discovered our daughter was very sick with a viral

> infection. brought over the zapper and it immediately broke up the

> congestion and in no time she was back to work. Whenever anybody in our

> family feels a cold or flu coming on, out comes the zapper. My

> daughter-in-law used it successfully three or four times for mastitis

> when she was nursing her last child.


> The technology has advanced and now there are other types of units

> available, but Huldah's zapper still has its place.


> Ethel


> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups



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Hi Gloria :

I built the Hulda zapper about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I can't say I've noticed

any difference in using it. I agree with you though, if Hulda is

right, and every disease is the result of either toxic substances or

parasites, we are in deep doo doo. If you follow every suggestion of hers,

there is pretty much nothing you can eat or drink, you should get rid of all

your pets, and you should live in a sterile room like the millionaire

. It's pretty depressing if even half of it is valid. I have not tried

the liver or kidney cleanse protocols she recommends, but would be

interested in your experience with them. I may try them in the near future.

I am going to perform one of her tests to look for liver flukes in the

saliva , if I find them, I will become a believer ! I'll let you know what I

find out............Dean.

rheumatic Hulda


> Hi,

> After Carolyn Steane wrote in about the zapper and Hulda , I


> to read the book. I got her *Cure for All Diseases* from interlibrary


> and my husband made me a zapper, using a plastic box from radio shack and

> the other materials described in the book. I also started taking the

> ingredients for her parasite removal plan: Black walnut hull tincture (She

> tells you how to make all the stuff or you can buy it at health food or


> Self Health Resource Center and many other places on the web.

> Also, there are many recipes and excerpts from 's books on the web,


> you don't need to keep the book), wormwood capsules and clove capsules.


> tincture was $12 for a small bottle here, but yesterday I found out where

> there is a black walnut tree and it is bearing fruit now, AND the lady


> I could have all I want. You just soak them in vodka for three days and

> then save the liquid to mix two teaspoons with water as a drink once a


> Anyway, I am a super skeptic, and the book makes you afraid of every

> substance in your house and life

> (And my room is over the garage!!!),

> but I am actually better. I have been doing the zapper every day. I have

> always had a lot of pets and children around here and I am an avid


> and I rarely wear gloves. I am also not so careful about hand washing


> petting a child or animal (They seem clean to me), so I probably do have

> parasites. Who knows? I do notice that I have a low grade stomach ache at

> times and if I take the clove capsules right before bed, I get indigestion

> and have to take alka seltzer. But that could also be because I have been

> eating a lot of junk this weekend from Labor Day parties.

> Have I gone mad? Most definitely, but I am not sure the stuff is

> part of it. Let me know.

> love,

> Gloria




> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups



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I am somewhat sceptical of reports of widespread parasite contamination, as

our pediatrician told me when my family had a long-lasting stomach flu a

couple of years ago, that even though giardia parasite is endemic in ground

water here, few got infested with the parasite. We did test the kids

repeatedly at the time, and all tests came out negative. I also had a few

parasite tests back when my IBS got bad 15 years ago, and again, all

negative. But I have wanted to do the anti-parasite herbs, just to leave no

stone unturned.

The tinctures are quite expensive here too. I have been waiting for my

black walnut trees to bear this year--should be ready to make the tincture

anytime. Several black walnuts on the property here, and wormwood planted

all over the yard, cloves in the kitchen. I'll let you know if I have any

noticeable changes after I try it.

Even just a generous pinch of cloves in tea can be quite constipating--they

are recommended for diarrhea by some herbalists because of that. I'd try a

small dose of those first to see how they affect you. They also contain a

blood-thinning compound, if that is a concern.

Some of my herbal books also recommend bromelain and papaya extract against

worms. Liz G

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Dear Liz, I read the emails and immediately got in the car and went and bought

's book, A CURE FOR ALL DISEASES. Am on about page 25 and want to purchase

a zapper. I know better than to think either Bob (hubby) or I are able to make

one ourselves. This kind of ability was left out of our genes. I have only

found one " electronic " generator advertised in alittle newpaper. I also see

colloidal silver generators. Are these the same item? If you, Ethel, , or

anyone else out there has purchased a good one, will you please post the

source? Many thanks.

Liz G. wrote:


> I am somewhat sceptical of reports of widespread parasite contamination, as

> our pediatrician told me when my family had a long-lasting stomach flu a

> couple of years ago, that even though giardia parasite is endemic in ground

> water here, few got infested with the parasite. We did test the kids

> repeatedly at the time, and all tests came out negative. I also had a few

> parasite tests back when my IBS got bad 15 years ago, and again, all

> negative. But I have wanted to do the anti-parasite herbs, just to leave no

> stone unturned.

> The tinctures are quite expensive here too. I have been waiting for my

> black walnut trees to bear this year--should be ready to make the tincture

> anytime. Several black walnuts on the property here, and wormwood planted

> all over the yard, cloves in the kitchen. I'll let you know if I have any

> noticeable changes after I try it.

> Even just a generous pinch of cloves in tea can be quite constipating--they

> are recommended for diarrhea by some herbalists because of that. I'd try a

> small dose of those first to see how they affect you. They also contain a

> blood-thinning compound, if that is a concern.

> Some of my herbal books also recommend bromelain and papaya extract against

> worms. Liz G


> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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You can read about Hulda on www.quackwatch.com. Lots of interesting

stuff. I'm not calling her a quack, mind you. Just saying healthy skepticism

is a good thing.



> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________


> Message: 2

> Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 12:37:17 -0500

> From: " Gloria M. Tate " <MissGloria@...>

> Subject: Hulda


> Hi,

> After Carolyn Steane wrote in about the zapper and Hulda , I decided

> to read the book. I got her *Cure for All Diseases* from interlibrary loan

> and my husband made me a zapper, using a plastic box from radio shack and

> the other materials described in the book. I also started taking the

> ingredients for her parasite removal plan: Black walnut hull tincture (She

> tells you how to make all the stuff or you can buy it at health food or from

> Self Health Resource Center and many other places on the web.

> Also, there are many recipes and excerpts from 's books on the web, so

> you don't need to keep the book), wormwood capsules and clove capsules. The

> tincture was $12 for a small bottle here, but yesterday I found out where

> there is a black walnut tree and it is bearing fruit now, AND the lady said

> I could have all I want. You just soak them in vodka for three days and

> then save the liquid to mix two teaspoons with water as a drink once a week.

> Anyway, I am a super skeptic, and the book makes you afraid of every

> substance in your house and life

> (And my room is over the garage!!!),

> but I am actually better. I have been doing the zapper every day. I have

> always had a lot of pets and children around here and I am an avid gardener,

> and I rarely wear gloves. I am also not so careful about hand washing after

> petting a child or animal (They seem clean to me), so I probably do have

> parasites. Who knows? I do notice that I have a low grade stomach ache at

> times and if I take the clove capsules right before bed, I get indigestion

> and have to take alka seltzer. But that could also be because I have been

> eating a lot of junk this weekend from Labor Day parties.

> Have I gone mad? Most definitely, but I am not sure the stuff is

> part of it. Let me know.

> love,

> Gloria



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Dean, this type of technology probably started with Royal Rife back in

the 30's. In 1932, it is said he isolated the cancer virus and learned

how to

destroy it. In 1934, he opened up a clinic which successfully cured 16

of 16 cases within three months. " Working with some of the most

respected researchers in America along with leading doctors from

Southern California, he electronically destroyed the cancer virus in

patients, allowing their own immune systems to restore health. "

Eventually Rife was able to determine the precise electrical frequency

which destroyed individual micro-organisms responsible for cancer,

herpes, tuberculosis and other illnesses.

Unfortunately this did not set well with the medical establishment.

Rife's work was stopped and the treatments were forced underground. In

the 1950's, Crane, engineer, machinist, laboratory analysit, health

resercher and inventor, joined Rife. Together they built better

equipment and were able to interest a new group of doctors, but the

authorities eventually jailed Crane, and persecuted Rife beynd belief.

There is a lot of information on the web re the Royal Rife instruments,

and Barry Lynes has written the story in The Cancer Cure that Worked.

The book is published in Canada by Marcus Books, P.O. Box 327,

Queensville, Ontario, Canada L0G 1RO.

ISBN 0-919951-30-9

The pulsers from Beck, like Hulda 's zapper, cover a wide range of

frequencies, but the Beck models are thought to be more effective.

Bruce Stenulson has built the EM+ systems including thr EMEM2+. You

might check out http://showcase.end.com/althealth/zappers.htm.

Beck's pulsers are sold by Sota, Inc. http://www.sota-inc.com. Also

check out the Jaguar pulsers -


The FTC and the governments of Canada and England are in the process of

trying to shut down these two operations.


For more info on the pulsers see -




We have been using the magnetic pulser on our black lab with great


Molly Bear was bitten by red ants late last summer and developed an

infection on her leg that eventually was diagnosed as a lick granuloma.

Vet said we probably never would clear it up because she would either

keep irritating that spot or start one in another area. He said he

presently had 55 large dogs he was treating for this same condition. He

put her on

antibiotics and I put her on the magnetic pulser. In no time, much to

the surprise of the vet, the infection was down to the point they could

remove the granuloma by surgery. It took forever to get the incision

healed because Molly kept chewing

off the bandage at night and licking it open even with one of those

collars around her neck.

We put a sock over the bandage and eventually it did heal up so we

removed the collar and bandage. In no time at all we were back to

square one only this time the lump and open sore were larger. It's my

daughter's dog and she pays the bills. She decided no more surgery so

this time twice a day I cleansed the wound with hydrogen peroxide and

applied ichthammol (a black salve) on the open wound to draw out the

infection, bandaged it, covered it with a sock, and then pulsed twice a

day. Once there was no bubbling when applying the peroxide we switched

to vitamin E and continued the pulsing. The infection and granuloma are

gone and hair is growing over the area, but we have to keep the bandage

and sock on or we will end up with the same problem all over again.

Molly even learned to bite a hole in the sock during the night, and get

the bandage off and through the hole in the sock. The only deterrent we

found was to soak the sock with bitter apple and apply powdered

cayenne. This may go on for the rest of her life but we now know the

problem can be solved without antibiotics and surgery.

The following is an old URL, but had information on the ultimate zapper.



Dean Chirigos wrote:



> Hi Ethel :

> What other technology ? Are you talking about the Beck zapper ? I am

> interested in this technology. As an electrical engineer, it fits with my

> expertise.........Dean.

> Re: rheumatic Hulda


> >

> >

> >

> > " Gloria M. Tate " wrote:

> > > Hi,

> > > After Carolyn Steane wrote in about the zapper and Hulda , I

> decided

> > > to read the book. I got her *Cure for All Diseases* from interlibrary

> loan

> > > and my husband made me a zapper, using a plastic box from radio shack

> and

> > > the other materials described in the book.

> >

> > I have been doing the zapper every day.

> > > Have I gone mad? Most definitely, but I am not sure the stuff is

> > > part of it.

> >

> > Move over, friend. I've got a zapper too - more than one kind. My

> > husband has made one for each of our children and a few for friends.

> > The unit he made is in a little plastic case about 3 " X 5 " x 1 " -

> > convenient for carrying when traveling.

> > Some of you old timers may remember Joy who was so helpful to the group

> > in our early days. Joy made herself a zapper and has used it

> > successfully.

> >

> > Back in November of 1995, I put on a seminar at one of the hotels in

> > Dallas for people with rheumatic disease. Dr. Franco was the speaker.

> > At noon, lunch was served in individual rooms - one for each type of

> > disease represented. I sat with the lupus group. At my table was an

> > older couple with their daughter and her husband who was a nurse. The

> > conversation at first was about the mother who had lupus and was now on

> > the AP, but then the nurse began to tell me about his father-in-law who

> > had lung cancer put in remission with diet and the Essiac herbs. He

> > went on to relate several other stories of people he knew who had used

> > these herbs successfully. I'd used them myself for lymphomatoid

> > papulosis back in 1994 so it wasn't news to me.

> >

> > About six weeks later, I received Hulda 's book The Cure for all

> > Cancers in the mail from this nurse. In it was the schematic and

> > instructions for making a zapper. I was getting ready for a trip to LA

> > to visit a retired researcher and a research/treatment center in

> > California so told my husband to take the book to friends of ours. Lee

> > had suffered for months from a bronchial infection she couldn't shake

> > even after several rounds of antibiotics. Maybe , her husband,

> > would make a zapper for her to try.

> >

> > The California trip was a great success and on my way home from the

> > airport my husband casually mentioned had made the zapper for Lee

> > and it completely cleared up her infection.

> >

> > When I got home I discovered our daughter was very sick with a viral

> > infection. brought over the zapper and it immediately broke up the

> > congestion and in no time she was back to work. Whenever anybody in our

> > family feels a cold or flu coming on, out comes the zapper. My

> > daughter-in-law used it successfully three or four times for mastitis

> > when she was nursing her last child.

> >

> > The technology has advanced and now there are other types of units

> > available, but Huldah's zapper still has its place.

> >

> > Ethel

> >

> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

> >

> >


> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Hi Ethel! I'm brain-fogged. If you should have time, could you

explain what the Sota magnetic pulser ($250) does vs. the integate

($115). Thanks! Ann Or is there a web site that clearly

explains the differences?

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I just have to jump in here!

I saw Hulda 's book at and Noble a few months ago when I started

researching RA. It sounded like utter nonsense to me at the time. Rhonda, you


not call her a quack but I will! It flies in the face of common sense and I can

just see desperately ill people giving up their beloved pets because of this

tripe. There's more and more research, in fact, pointing to the opposite

conclusion - that we are living too sterile a life and that we evolved dealing

with many of the germs and parasites that we are so obsessive about. (I don't

know about other parts of the world, but the big fad in the USA these days is

" anti-bacterial " everything (including Windex!!))

I was just reading today about one line of research that shows that children who

are brought up in less-than-immaculate environments have less asthma and


than those brought up in super clean environments. One of the theories goes so


as to posit that perhaps these over-active immune responses are due to the


system not having enough to do... Interesting, no?

Anyhow, back to Hulda. Thanks, Rhonda, for posting this. Anyone who takes Hulda

seriously needs to read about the lawsuits and also the outrageous prices


by her. And ask yourself, how often was Dr. Brown sued (never). How many gadgets

did he sell? And did he charge obscene prices for a treatment ? (well, I don't

know for sure about this, but I suspect that Dr. Brown charged regular fees. He

devoted his life to something FOR WHICH THERE IS MEDICAL EVIDENCE and I've never

heard about him enriching himself in the process. Ethel should be able to tell


if Dr. Brown charged excessively!).

It makes me sick how people like Hulda enrich themselves at the expense of

desperate and suffering people. Believe me, I know how much we all want to find

something that will work surely and quickly. I suffer too! But I read somewhere

that no disease has more quackery in it than arthritis! Caveat emptor!

Be well,

Rhonda wrote:


> You can read about Hulda on www.quackwatch.com. Lots of interesting

> stuff. I'm not calling her a quack, mind you. Just saying healthy skepticism

> is a good thing.

> Rhonda


> ----------

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think you should have hugged your open minded doctor. Maybe you still should

go back and do that! I am reading this book and find it fascinating. Can't

follow her advice on diet but I am doing the zapper now - in here for the long

haul of using it at least for a year - along with all my other things like diet

(this one here) and the AP and the herbs and my oils. But something is working

so I am not giving it up!

Babs56p@... wrote:

> I just saw my eye dr. who showed me Hulda 's book " A Cure for all

> Diseases " . I flipped to the RA section and she stated that it was caused by

> round worms in the joints???!!! Comments?


> My eye dr. also showed me the " zapper " someone made for him which was just

> dropped off to him. He's going to try it.


> Babs

> RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

> 200 mg. Minocin

> 112 mcg. Synthroid

> 2 mg. Hytrin

> 10 mg. Lipitor

> Mestinon

> Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.

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Dear Babs, Read my letter to which I just posted then found your letter

here! My older son made the homemade one. It cost less than $30.00 however, I

do prefer the bought one because one of my concerns is that the homemade does


have a low battery indicator like the Sota which I bought. I was at home with

the family laughing at me for all my hocus pocus ideas when I used it the first

time. There is practically no feeling. It is so subtle that I barely can feel

anything and then I wonder if it is my imagination because it is such a light

feeling. There is no feeling of being shocked if that is what is worrying you.

I was warned that you should begin using this when you can give in to fatigue


rest or sleep. I will say that since using this, I have not used a sleeping

pill. I have needed absolutely nothing. In fact, I can't wait for bedtime part

of the time and I am sleeping really well except for the many small-bladder


I have to make during the night due to my liquid intake. But when I get up to

use the bathroom, I am back in bed and sound asleep once again. The zapper is

the only thing I can think of for this new phenomenon. Now get your zapper and

show that doctor you are not afraid! I am not putting down the home made


- I still use mine. I have one upstairs and one downstairs - how is that for

laziness? I just wish that the feeling was stronger when being zapped so it

would be obvious when a battery is getting low. Anybody have anything to say

about how you tell about the low battery? Have a great day.

Babs56p@... wrote:

> Hi : Who made the zapper for you? I saw my eye dr. again today and he

> hasn't tried the zapper yet - a bit nervous about doing it alone, i.e.

> without a nurse or something. Is it scarey? What do you feel when using it?

> Was someone with you the first time?


> Good to hear from you. How's Sommer?


> Babs

> RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

> 200 mg. Minocin

> 112 mcg. Synthroid

> 2 mg. Hytrin

> 10 mg. Lipitor

> Mestinon

> Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.

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the zapper does what exactly? Do you have any schematics you can post or

instructions? Is this for RA specifically? I have PA sort of the same.


> From: " Denny " <denny@...>

> Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 19:27:37 -0400

> <Babs56p@...>, <rheumaticegroups>, " Fain "

> <slfain@...>

> Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: Hulda


> If anyone is interested in building your own zapper, you can do like my

> husband did, and just purchase a 9V battery eliminator from Radio Shack for

> $6.99. Then you can plug it in to an outlet or you can use the battery.

> Makes sense to me.

> Hope this saves somebody some money.

> Skip & Denny

> Re: rheumatic Re: Hulda



>> Dear Babs, Read my letter to which I just posted then found your

> letter

>> here! My older son made the homemade one. It cost less than $30.00

> however, I

>> do prefer the bought one because one of my concerns is that the homemade

> does not

>> have a low battery indicator like the Sota which I bought. I was at home

> with

>> the family laughing at me for all my hocus pocus ideas when I used it the

> first

>> time. There is practically no feeling. It is so subtle that I barely can

> feel

>> anything and then I wonder if it is my imagination because it is such a

> light

>> feeling. There is no feeling of being shocked if that is what is

> worrying you.

>> I was warned that you should begin using this when you can give in to

> fatigue and

>> rest or sleep. I will say that since using this, I have not used a

> sleeping

>> pill. I have needed absolutely nothing. In fact, I can't wait for

> bedtime part

>> of the time and I am sleeping really well except for the many

> small-bladder stops

>> I have to make during the night due to my liquid intake. But when I get

> up to

>> use the bathroom, I am back in bed and sound asleep once again. The

> zapper is

>> the only thing I can think of for this new phenomenon. Now get your

> zapper and

>> show that doctor you are not afraid! I am not putting down the home made

> zappers

>> - I still use mine. I have one upstairs and one downstairs - how is that

> for

>> laziness? I just wish that the feeling was stronger when being zapped so

> it

>> would be obvious when a battery is getting low. Anybody have anything to

> say

>> about how you tell about the low battery? Have a great day.


>> Babs56p@... wrote:


>>> Hi : Who made the zapper for you? I saw my eye dr. again today

> and he

>>> hasn't tried the zapper yet - a bit nervous about doing it alone, i.e.

>>> without a nurse or something. Is it scarey? What do you feel when

> using it?

>>> Was someone with you the first time?


>>> Good to hear from you. How's Sommer?


>>> Babs

>>> RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

>>> 200 mg. Minocin

>>> 112 mcg. Synthroid

>>> 2 mg. Hytrin

>>> 10 mg. Lipitor

>>> Mestinon

>>> Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.




>> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups








> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups



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If anyone is interested in building your own zapper, you can do like my

husband did, and just purchase a 9V battery eliminator from Radio Shack for

$6.99. Then you can plug it in to an outlet or you can use the battery.

Makes sense to me.

Hope this saves somebody some money.

Skip & Denny

Re: rheumatic Re: Hulda

> Dear Babs, Read my letter to which I just posted then found your


> here! My older son made the homemade one. It cost less than $30.00

however, I

> do prefer the bought one because one of my concerns is that the homemade

does not

> have a low battery indicator like the Sota which I bought. I was at home


> the family laughing at me for all my hocus pocus ideas when I used it the


> time. There is practically no feeling. It is so subtle that I barely can


> anything and then I wonder if it is my imagination because it is such a


> feeling. There is no feeling of being shocked if that is what is

worrying you.

> I was warned that you should begin using this when you can give in to

fatigue and

> rest or sleep. I will say that since using this, I have not used a


> pill. I have needed absolutely nothing. In fact, I can't wait for

bedtime part

> of the time and I am sleeping really well except for the many

small-bladder stops

> I have to make during the night due to my liquid intake. But when I get

up to

> use the bathroom, I am back in bed and sound asleep once again. The

zapper is

> the only thing I can think of for this new phenomenon. Now get your

zapper and

> show that doctor you are not afraid! I am not putting down the home made


> - I still use mine. I have one upstairs and one downstairs - how is that


> laziness? I just wish that the feeling was stronger when being zapped so


> would be obvious when a battery is getting low. Anybody have anything to


> about how you tell about the low battery? Have a great day.


> Babs56p@... wrote:


> > Hi : Who made the zapper for you? I saw my eye dr. again today

and he

> > hasn't tried the zapper yet - a bit nervous about doing it alone, i.e.

> > without a nurse or something. Is it scarey? What do you feel when

using it?

> > Was someone with you the first time?

> >

> > Good to hear from you. How's Sommer?

> >

> > Babs

> > RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

> > 200 mg. Minocin

> > 112 mcg. Synthroid

> > 2 mg. Hytrin

> > 10 mg. Lipitor

> > Mestinon

> > Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.




> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups





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Wow! Wish she were in MI!! You've found someone who is thinking instead of

just treating, I'm impressed. Yes, I've read her book and it makes sense to

me. And yes I ordered a zapper (made my first one), so I'll see.

<< I just saw my eye dr. who showed me Hulda 's book " A Cure for all

Diseases " . I flipped to the RA section and she stated that it was caused by

round worms in the joints???!!! Comments?

My eye dr. also showed me the " zapper " someone made for him which was just

dropped off to him. He's going to try it.


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  • 1 month later...

Jethro Kloss, Back to Eden:

Who is she that goeth forth as the morning - fair

as the moon, clear as the sun, and with banner

floating above her? The true healing art.

Whence art thou? - I come from nature.

What art thou? - Herbs, water, food, pure air,

sunshine, exercise and rest.

Where art thou going? - On the wings of the

morning to the ends of the earth.

What is thy commission? - To go to every

physician and nurse and whosoever will,

to restore many families, prevent

much suffering and premature death, and wipe

the tears from many eyes.

Speed on thy flight, thou message of health and joy.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Oh, geeesh, is at it again. He has taken it as his personal mission to

dissuade others from taking responsibility for their health. Instead he

would like for us all to be led like lambs to slaughter. Thanks for

pointing out he is up to his old tricks and disregard him or better yet,

killfile him.

Oh Moderator, please remove from this list or is he using another email

address? Thanks. CBond.

Does Dr post on this list?


> Hey all...


> I was wondering if Dr is part of this list or is this just

> people who like what she has written??


> Ben



> The first link contains the answer:

> http://www.geocities.com/healthbase/hulda_clark_hcphcb.html


> This one leads to more information, before you get in too deep:

> http://www.geocities.com/healthbase/hulda_clark.html


> Especially this site:

> http://www.uoguelph.ca/~kkolas/



> The site is moderated, censored and controlled absolutely by her brother,

> Leo Regehr, and others who profit from her methods or work for her. It is


> front for promoting her. Any real questions or doubts get censored or


> in banning.



> Regards,


> Lee, PT

> E-mail: webmaster@...


> The Quack-Files: http://www.quackfiles.com

> Anti-Quackery Sites: http://quackbusters.quackfiles.com

> Danish: http://dansk.quackfiles.com


> ***********************************************************

> " If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. " -- Reebok


> " Test everything; hold fast what is good. " -- 1 Thess. 5:21

> " Mankind's capacity for deception and self-deception knows no limits. " --


> " Chiropractic isn't all it's cracked up to be, and neither is

manipulation! "

> ***********************************************************







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I was sent this from someone privately regarding my earlier post. This was

unsolicited, and I thought that if you were not already aware of it, that I

would bring it to your attention. It appears as if this person is trying to

cause trouble for your group, and has access to the messages posted here

including member's email addresses.


Does Dr post on this list?

Hey all...

I was wondering if Dr is part of this list or is this just

people who like what she has written??


The first link contains the answer:


This one leads to more information, before you get in too deep:


Especially this site:


The site is moderated, censored and controlled absolutely by her brother,

Leo Regehr, and others who profit from her methods or work for her. It is a

front for promoting her. Any real questions or doubts get censored or result

in banning.


Lee, PT

E-mail: webmaster@...

The Quack-Files: http://www.quackfiles.com

Anti-Quackery Sites: http://quackbusters.quackfiles.com

Danish: http://dansk.quackfiles.com


" If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. " -- Reebok ad.

" Test everything; hold fast what is good. " -- 1 Thess. 5:21

" Mankind's capacity for deception and self-deception knows no limits. " -- PL

" Chiropractic isn't all it's cracked up to be, and neither is manipulation! "


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

In a message dated 08/06/2001 4:15:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

maryw67686@... writes:

> Leonard, if you are truly interested in what Hulda has to say,

> please read " The Cure For All Advanced Cancers " and " The Syncrometer

> Science Laboratory Manual " .

I am interested in what she has to say but would be much more interested in

an objective, rational, fair-minded assessment of her work. Regretably, I

haven't come across this anywhere. Suffice it to say that people's views of

her work tend to be highly polarized. My comments were written in response to

the extent to which I saw her repeatedly go off the deep end in what little

I've read from her first two books (among many other things). A primary

reason for my not reading more of her work is that I don't know how to

distinguish between her (many extremely valuable) valid assertions and those

that go off the deep end or that are exaggerated out of recognition

(beginning w/the titles of her 3 main books).

> Of course you cannot know, until you try her methods whether they work.

Huh? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. Of course I could potentially get a

pretty good idea of the efficacy of her methods w/o trying them (just like

almost anyone can evaluate almost any medical treatment w/o trying it

personally). I could do that (among other ways) on the basis of the thousands

of people who have used her methods. It was primarily on the basis of reports

of people who've used her methods (not from what I've read in her books) that

has convinced me that there is much validity to her work, including her

cancer treatments. Even if I had cancer and used her methods (and was using

no other treatments concurrently), and the cancer promptly went away, would

it be rational for me to then conclude that her methods have a high success

rate or to conclude that most of her substantive assertions are valid (or to

conclude anything of the sort)? And if I used her methods and they produced

no apparent effect, would it be rational for me to conclude that her methods

" don't work " or have a poor success rate or that her major assertions are

invalid (or anything of the sort)? These aren't just rhetorical questions

aimed at you. Sadly, my impression is that this is how many people's opinions

are formed about a lot of things.

> But she is routinely misquoted.


> As she has been, once again, here.

True. And I apologize if I reinforced/compounded the misquoting of her.

> I don't expect everyone to agree with her, but of all the cancer

> protocols I have tried and studied, hers has by far, been the most

> helpful, in keeping me alive these past two years.

That's wonderful. Unlike most other people, I confidently believe that many

people, like yourself, are healed from cancer (and many other diseases) by

her protocols.

> I am shocked and dismayed to hear you refer to her as going off the deep


Why? Have you never read anything she's said that you consider going off the

deep end? I think if you and other people who support her work took a more

balanced, critical, unemotional approach to Dr. and her work (more

openly acknowledging its strengths and weaknesses), then people (myself

included) would take what you say about her work more seriously.

> What particularly upsets me are the people with cancer that will read

> what you said and will decide to investigate Hulda's methods no further.

> It could cost them their lives.

That's certainly a possibility, and I sure hope that doesn't happen (and I'm

very glad that didn't happen w/you). Is it really likely that that did or

will happen? Is there anyone on this list with cancer that has decided to

investigate Hulda's methods no further largely in response to what I've

posted? If so, please speak up. If I had instead made a blatantly exaggerated

positive claim about her work, would you have been upset that someone with

cancer might read it and decide to investigate Hulda's methods rather than

other methods than might be much more effective for them? ( " It could cost

them their lives. " )

I read your comment as sounding like a guilt-trip, suggesting that no one

should make any harsh criticisms of Dr. ? or any other alt. cancer

practitioner? Though I don't think you meant it that way. My comment was

certainly reasonable and justified (I'd be glad to send you documentation to

substantiate it).

I actually more sympathetic to her work than most people who I see post about

her. The vast majority of the email posts commenting on her work either (1)

clearly idealize her and take an uncritical attitude toward her and her work

(and my impression is that most people [though not myself], pay little

attention to these posts), (2) acknowledge a general point she makes about

health or parasites (not about any special protocol, technique, or machine of

hers, and not about cancer), or (3) completely dismiss her and her work (the

most common post). I think you picked the wrong post to criticize.

As I'm sure you know, there are many things I could have written to

effectively mislead people into dismissing her work or dismissing the (in

some ways misleading) positive things you've said about her. But being that I

try to fairly acknowledge the plusses and minuses of her work, I'm not going

to try to mislead people. Rather, I openly acknowedge that there is much

validity in her work and that she often goes off the deep end.

I wonder if you also fault Dr. for the extent to which SHE has provoked

people not to investigate her methods further? In my opinion, the primary

reason so few people investigate her methods is the fact that she clearly

goes off the deep end so often and that she and her supporters exhibit such

an uncritical attitude toward her work.

In case anyone's unclear, I strongly encourage anyone and everyone interested

to read Dr. 's unique and brilliant works, as well as commentaries on

and reviews of it, and to please report your findings/impressions to this

list. In particular, I would love to see someone investigate her work who has

an open mind and sufficient knowledge and critical judgment to fairly assess

her work, being that there's obviously " much validity to much of what

says... "


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Hulda is an old friend from the 1950s when we worked in the same lab. She is

basically a good-hearted person and has a legitimate PhD from the U. of Minn,

where we were in the same department, she as a graduate

student. Some of us who knew her well and know of her work fail to see a

scientific basis for parts of it. As for me, an electronics person, the

Synchrometer is baloney.

The Zapper, according to testimony, does bring about favorable changes in quite

a few people. Personally, I don't buy it, but I could be wrong. However, one

must understand the power of the placebo, well

administered. Psychological cures are my specialty.

So while Huda has her list of patients she claims cured, so do a lot of other

therapies. How really cured they are and for how long is a big question. And who

determined they were cured?

My own belief is that ultimately the permanent cure comes from dietary changes.

Other cultures don't have cancer nearly to the degree we do. When they move to

America, they develop our diseases. I think this is

a well-known fact hard to argue with.

Hulda's condemnation of isopropyl alcohol and a tapeworm may be valid, but she

has no scientific supporters I know of. It makes sense not to put all one's eggs

in one basket and to utilize more than one

approach to curing cancer.

Loren Parks

leonardleonard1@... wrote:

> Dear ,

> In a message dated 08/06/2001 4:15:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> maryw67686@... writes:

> > Leonard, if you are truly interested in what Hulda has to say,

> > please read " The Cure For All Advanced Cancers " and " The Syncrometer

> > Science Laboratory Manual " .

> I am interested in what she has to say but would be much more interested in

> an objective, rational, fair-minded assessment of her work. Regretably, I

> haven't come across this anywhere. Suffice it to say that people's views of

> her work tend to be highly polarized. My comments were written in response to

> the extent to which I saw her repeatedly go off the deep end in what little

> I've read from her first two books (among many other things). A primary

> reason for my not reading more of her work is that I don't know how to

> distinguish between her (many extremely valuable) valid assertions and those

> that go off the deep end or that are exaggerated out of recognition

> (beginning w/the titles of her 3 main books).


> > Of course you cannot know, until you try her methods whether they work.

> Huh? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. Of course I could potentially get a

> pretty good idea of the efficacy of her methods w/o trying them (just like

> almost anyone can evaluate almost any medical treatment w/o trying it

> personally). I could do that (among other ways) on the basis of the thousands

> of people who have used her methods. It was primarily on the basis of reports

> of people who've used her methods (not from what I've read in her books) that

> has convinced me that there is much validity to her work, including her

> cancer treatments. Even if I had cancer and used her methods (and was using

> no other treatments concurrently), and the cancer promptly went away, would

> it be rational for me to then conclude that her methods have a high success

> rate or to conclude that most of her substantive assertions are valid (or to

> conclude anything of the sort)? And if I used her methods and they produced

> no apparent effect, would it be rational for me to conclude that her methods

> " don't work " or have a poor success rate or that her major assertions are

> invalid (or anything of the sort)? These aren't just rhetorical questions

> aimed at you. Sadly, my impression is that this is how many people's opinions

> are formed about a lot of things.


> > But she is routinely misquoted.

> True.

> > As she has been, once again, here.

> True. And I apologize if I reinforced/compounded the misquoting of her.


> > I don't expect everyone to agree with her, but of all the cancer

> > protocols I have tried and studied, hers has by far, been the most

> > helpful, in keeping me alive these past two years.

> That's wonderful. Unlike most other people, I confidently believe that many

> people, like yourself, are healed from cancer (and many other diseases) by

> her protocols.


> > I am shocked and dismayed to hear you refer to her as going off the deep

> end.

> Why? Have you never read anything she's said that you consider going off the

> deep end? I think if you and other people who support her work took a more

> balanced, critical, unemotional approach to Dr. and her work (more

> openly acknowledging its strengths and weaknesses), then people (myself

> included) would take what you say about her work more seriously.


> > What particularly upsets me are the people with cancer that will read

> > what you said and will decide to investigate Hulda's methods no further.

> > It could cost them their lives.

> That's certainly a possibility, and I sure hope that doesn't happen (and I'm

> very glad that didn't happen w/you). Is it really likely that that did or

> will happen? Is there anyone on this list with cancer that has decided to

> investigate Hulda's methods no further largely in response to what I've

> posted? If so, please speak up. If I had instead made a blatantly exaggerated

> positive claim about her work, would you have been upset that someone with

> cancer might read it and decide to investigate Hulda's methods rather than

> other methods than might be much more effective for them? ( " It could cost

> them their lives. " )


> I read your comment as sounding like a guilt-trip, suggesting that no one

> should make any harsh criticisms of Dr. ? or any other alt. cancer

> practitioner? Though I don't think you meant it that way. My comment was

> certainly reasonable and justified (I'd be glad to send you documentation to

> substantiate it).


> I actually more sympathetic to her work than most people who I see post about

> her. The vast majority of the email posts commenting on her work either (1)

> clearly idealize her and take an uncritical attitude toward her and her work

> (and my impression is that most people [though not myself], pay little

> attention to these posts), (2) acknowledge a general point she makes about

> health or parasites (not about any special protocol, technique, or machine of

> hers, and not about cancer), or (3) completely dismiss her and her work (the

> most common post). I think you picked the wrong post to criticize.


> As I'm sure you know, there are many things I could have written to

> effectively mislead people into dismissing her work or dismissing the (in

> some ways misleading) positive things you've said about her. But being that I

> try to fairly acknowledge the plusses and minuses of her work, I'm not going

> to try to mislead people. Rather, I openly acknowedge that there is much

> validity in her work and that she often goes off the deep end.


> I wonder if you also fault Dr. for the extent to which SHE has provoked

> people not to investigate her methods further? In my opinion, the primary

> reason so few people investigate her methods is the fact that she clearly

> goes off the deep end so often and that she and her supporters exhibit such

> an uncritical attitude toward her work.


> In case anyone's unclear, I strongly encourage anyone and everyone interested

> to read Dr. 's unique and brilliant works, as well as commentaries on

> and reviews of it, and to please report your findings/impressions to this

> list. In particular, I would love to see someone investigate her work who has

> an open mind and sufficient knowledge and critical judgment to fairly assess

> her work, being that there's obviously " much validity to much of what

> says... "


> Leonard



> You are digging your grave with your teeth!

> Read Hundreds of Collected Cancer Testimonials and learn:

> cancer-testimonials/messages/


> Learn more about cancer:

> http://curezone.com/diseases/cancer/

> http://curezone.com/diseases/cancer/faq.asp


> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the


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Things must change.

It is to the full bloom of alternative medicine that we must look to, to

the exquisitely brilliant book, The Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual,

by Dr. , that we turn to in order to cure cancer. When the head of

the NCI, (Dr.Klausner?), was asked when cancer was going to be cured, he

demurred, because to do so would promulgate the fallacy that cancer is but

one disease. But is this correct? Through the employment of the

Syncrometer, Dr. has been able to find common denominators in tumors,

and to devise a most intricate program to rid us of these and other

deleterious factors.

Although I had been assured by my surgeon and my brother - a cancer

specialist - that I would be fine, it turns out that I was very sick,

harboring the Fasciolopsis Buskii parasite. I am struggling with the

program, as elaborated in the Manual, because the medical establishment has

precluded the establishment of Centers to help me.

Indeed, the burden has shifted to the malevolent medical establishment

to disprove Dr. 's theories, a much too onerous burden for anyone to

carry. They CAN NOT prevail.

In the meantime, I remain desperate for help. And the question is why.

Things must change.


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