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Hi Elena,

From: " me2youlink " <me2youlink@...>

> Hulda 's program...I only have her older books.

May I ask your opinion/thoughts on Hulda 's protocol--strengths,

weaknesses, indications, contraindications, which parts of her regimen are

most/least useful?

I'm convinced that her cleanses (e.g., parasite cleanse) are very valuable

and think her zapper's quite effective (both for healing cancer & other

diseases, and pain relief), but I don't really know what to make of most of

the rest of her protocol, except that at least a small portion of people get

great results from intensively following her protocol.


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Hi Leonard,

> May I ask your opinion/thoughts on Hulda 's protocol--strengths,

> weaknesses, indications, contraindications, which parts of her

regimen are

> most/least useful?

Well, a point of agreement with Hulda for me would be toxic

chemical exposures as the direct and immediate cause of most cancers.

I don't see obssessive testing for specific exposures as very

practical, however, since there's hundreds of thousands of NEW

chemicals introduced into the environment EVERY YEAR and no one ever

evaluates the overwhelming majority of these for carcinogenicity, so I

think it's pointless to test for known carcinogens which, according to

some researchers, constitute no more than a fraction of a percent of

the actual carcinogens released into our environment.

I don't buy her parasite theory either as the cause of " all " cancers,

nor the elimination of those hypothetical parasites as the " cure for

all cancers. " I don't know what to think of the zapper, theoretically

it is quite possible it does what she says it does, then again, my

only experience with it was in Mexico where a doctor who works with

her tried to teach me how to use an older version of it and you had to

discern the pitch of the sound the device was making... It was my

impression that his interpretation of what he was hearing was quite

arbitrary, and I'm far from tone deaf but for the life of me I

couldn't see (or, rather, hear) how this method could yield any

precise answers, the interpretations were way too subjective for my

comfort. Ok, what else... Her anti-cat stance (based on her pet

parasite theory again) I find most inaccurate -- people had cats long

before the current cancer epidemic, and in my family, where the

current case of cancer is the first one in recorded history, no one

ever lived without cats. What else... Boric acid that she suggests

to use instead of toxic chemicals IS a toxic chemical. Her makeup

recipes don't work -- not the eyeliner of activated charcoal, not the

lipstick of beet powder. I haven't tried much else.

> I'm convinced that her cleanses (e.g., parasite cleanse) are very


I believe it, but they are not " her " cleanses. It's a worldwide

naturopathic tradition to use all kinds of cleanses, many are much

more drastic and many others are much more gentle. I favor the

gentler ones.

> and think her zapper's quite effective (both for healing cancer & other

> diseases, and pain relief),

I've heard anecdotal stories both ways.

but I don't really know what to make of most of

> the rest of her protocol, except that at least a small portion of

people get

> great results from intensively following her protocol.

Did you go to Hal Huggins' presentation at the Cancer Control

Society's recent conference? I think you did, right? Remember he was

talking about all those intricacies of removing mercury and root

canals without which it's going to do more harm than good? Something

about doing left side only with this and right side only with that,

something weird... and something new, and Hulda never took this

into consideration, so at least one of them is off with the whole deal

-- but she's relying on HIS information, right? So how reliable is

ANY of it? I think she and Hal and many others are very good at

pointing out certain problems, not so good at finding the right

solutions... I may be wrong of course. In any event, her herbal

program is not unique, and not uniquely anti-cancer (being

antiparasitic it might get to some cancers because surprisingly

enough, many herbal remedies for parasites AND cancer do overlap, not

because " all cancers are caused by parasites " but because many old

proven herbal anti-parasitic preparations are quite seriously toxic

and there's always a chance that something toxic to healthy cells will

be more so to the cancer cells). As for the rest, I dunno...

wouldn't be my first choice, definitely. (With apologies to Nina and

everybody else who might disagree.)


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Regardless of what your opinion is of me, Elena, I would say that your

summation of Hulda is very good. I have read most of what she has

written and find it to be a compilation of what others have done for years,

just repackaged.

As to the zapper, the very best use of it I have personally seen was by a DC

who uses it in conjunction with a muscle testing regimen to help pinpoint

things that are not otherwise easily located. As to " curing " anything

because of its output, I do not see nor have I heard of any really well

documented instances of that occurring. Does not mean it has not happened,

just lacks credible evidence that it really happens. Antidotal stories are

not sound documentational devices.


Bruce Guilmette, Ph.D.

Survive Cancer Foundation, Inc.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things

there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

[ ] Re: Hulda

Hi Leonard,

> May I ask your opinion/thoughts on Hulda 's protocol--strengths,

> weaknesses, indications, contraindications, which parts of her

regimen are

> most/least useful?

Well, a point of agreement with Hulda for me would be toxic

chemical exposures as the direct and immediate cause of most cancers.

I don't see obssessive testing for specific exposures as very

practical, however, since there's hundreds of thousands of NEW

chemicals introduced into the environment EVERY YEAR and no one ever

evaluates the overwhelming majority of these for carcinogenicity, so I

think it's pointless to test for known carcinogens which, according to

some researchers, constitute no more than a fraction of a percent of

the actual carcinogens released into our environment.

I don't buy her parasite theory either as the cause of " all " cancers,

nor the elimination of those hypothetical parasites as the " cure for

all cancers. " I don't know what to think of the zapper, theoretically

it is quite possible it does what she says it does, then again, my

only experience with it was in Mexico where a doctor who works with

her tried to teach me how to use an older version of it and you had to

discern the pitch of the sound the device was making... It was my

impression that his interpretation of what he was hearing was quite

arbitrary, and I'm far from tone deaf but for the life of me I

couldn't see (or, rather, hear) how this method could yield any

precise answers, the interpretations were way too subjective for my

comfort. Ok, what else... Her anti-cat stance (based on her pet

parasite theory again) I find most inaccurate -- people had cats long

before the current cancer epidemic, and in my family, where the

current case of cancer is the first one in recorded history, no one

ever lived without cats. What else... Boric acid that she suggests

to use instead of toxic chemicals IS a toxic chemical. Her makeup

recipes don't work -- not the eyeliner of activated charcoal, not the

lipstick of beet powder. I haven't tried much else.

> I'm convinced that her cleanses (e.g., parasite cleanse) are very


I believe it, but they are not " her " cleanses. It's a worldwide

naturopathic tradition to use all kinds of cleanses, many are much

more drastic and many others are much more gentle. I favor the

gentler ones.

> and think her zapper's quite effective (both for healing cancer & other

> diseases, and pain relief),

I've heard anecdotal stories both ways.

but I don't really know what to make of most of

> the rest of her protocol, except that at least a small portion of

people get

> great results from intensively following her protocol.

Did you go to Hal Huggins' presentation at the Cancer Control

Society's recent conference? I think you did, right? Remember he was

talking about all those intricacies of removing mercury and root

canals without which it's going to do more harm than good? Something

about doing left side only with this and right side only with that,

something weird... and something new, and Hulda never took this

into consideration, so at least one of them is off with the whole deal

-- but she's relying on HIS information, right? So how reliable is

ANY of it? I think she and Hal and many others are very good at

pointing out certain problems, not so good at finding the right

solutions... I may be wrong of course. In any event, her herbal

program is not unique, and not uniquely anti-cancer (being

antiparasitic it might get to some cancers because surprisingly

enough, many herbal remedies for parasites AND cancer do overlap, not

because " all cancers are caused by parasites " but because many old

proven herbal anti-parasitic preparations are quite seriously toxic

and there's always a chance that something toxic to healthy cells will

be more so to the cancer cells). As for the rest, I dunno...

wouldn't be my first choice, definitely. (With apologies to Nina and

everybody else who might disagree.)


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Elena and Bruce,

You both surprised me. Both of you seem to be well-read and educated people

but... how can you debate about a subject you are obviously not very familiar

with on the site where people are desperately looking for any kind of help?

Isn't it just wrong to make theoretical assumptions like this in such a

humiliating way?


I don't need your apology. I would even say Dr. doesn't need it. It doesn't

matter because what you said didn't change the quality of the program Dr

is giving to people as a gift. Your criticism and skepticism can impact those

who could potentically benfit from it but it definitely doesn't bother you.

That's what makes me upset.


What summation of the program are you referring to in your response to Elena?

You both didn't even read the latest book. So what are you discussing? What

did Dr repackaged in her protocol from your highly professional opinion?

Somebody's research that has taken years of selfless work can only be questioned

by equally strong and well supported arguments.

I wish I could say something nicer to you.

Don't question me, question the truth.


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actually, I was specifically asked, by Leonard, for my OPINION. I

expressed just that. Out of respect to people like you who are doing

this program, I didn't go any further with it, didn't share any

" anecdotal " information I'm privy to, but since you insist...

A respectable gentleman who invests in alternative cancer therapies

whom I know went to school with Hulda and still likes to tell

the funniest stories of the dumb things she did with electrical

devices that only a D minus student would think of doing.

Another respectable gentleman who worked with cancer patients at a

number of clinics in Tijuana has known of Hulda 's involvement

with same for many years and asserts that her former associates had to

part ways with her repeatedly because " all her patients kept dying. "

Now you may think it's a good thing to keep such information secret, I

think the opposite is true. You think I'm doing a disservice to her

potential clients sharing this, I think the opposite is true.

Different perspectives, eh?

> the program Dr is giving to people as a gift.

A gift? At eight thousand a week, it may be a bargain, depending on

whose prices you compare hers with, but most certainly not a gift.

It's a business, and any potential customers are entitled to opinions

as to whether to support it or take their business elsewhere.

>Your criticism and skepticism can impact those who could potentically

> benfit from it but it definitely doesn't bother you. That's what

makes me upset.

I most certainly am aware of the potential impact, but don't

overestimate my influence. My skepticism didn't dissuade YOU...

chances are it won't dissuade any other devout Huldaists out there.

On the other hand, Leonard, who has specifically asked me for my

opinion, has made it his noble life's mission to gather scientific

information AND private opinions AND anecdotal testimonials on various

anticancer protocols, so I just participated in one of his informal

surveys that have, in the past, yielded rather clear pictures,

patterns, representative of several (sometimes conflicting) viewpoints

in every case, not just one. I like his approach very much and I've

been badly, badly burned by taking anyone's word for anything without

trying to gather as much information as possible from ALL sources

available... I've a hunch you might benefit from same too should you

feel someday that unquestioning devotion and loyalty to a program or a

practitioner, no matter how wonderful, isn't where it's at AT ALL.

Best wishes,


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The cure for all cancers, the Cure for all Diseases, and the Prevention of

all Cancers are but an arm-reach from my desk top when I am in my office.

Many of the things she notes have been discussed for over 50 years. Begin

with the theory as presented by Virginia Livinston on " microbial bugs " and

cancer she worked on all through the late 1940's and the 50's and the 60's.

You can back that up further to Royal Rife and his work with pulsed

electrical charges killing numerous " bugs " . There are even further roots

that go back to the 1880's. It is nothing new. Rife is great. On our

website I list one of the best commercially made machines in the world as

something I think everyone should seriously consider. I would not want to be

without it for myself. Are all cancers derived from some microbial " bug "

type? I do not know. I know that some cancers respond very well to rife

technology and others do not respond at all. Does that make Rife technology

invalid? NO! It makes it like anything else in the cancer business,

something that works for some people for some diseases some of the time. It

is a tool, not the " final solution " .

I do take exception to her zappers as I have seen too many of them not work

to be impressed. I stand by my opinion of her zappers and the very best use

I have ever seen one put to was in the hands of a skilled kinesiologist as a

detection tool that was absolutely marvelous.

Her diet regimens are noted by at least a dozen other authors dating as far

back as the 40's. I never said they didn't work, far from it. She

repackaged them and people make use of them. That is fine. The same with

her supplement selections. I use many of them based upon documented

scientific research of my own. I know at least 30 cancer people who have

clients all over the world that also use many of the things she has listed.

She sells books that have protocols that work for a number of cancers for a

number of people. They do not work for everything or everyone and the

moment you cross the line and say they cure it all, you are wrong.

I am on the road for the next several weeks, but if you wish, I will sit

down and go through the books I have and make notations, but I can't do it

from 1500 miles away.

Desperation does not breed success. No one is dashing hopes. I believe it is

necessary to understand both sides of a situation. You cannot make rational

decisions based upon antidotes and wishes. Research for yourself. Use her

books as one of the tools. If they look good to you, try them. But

understand that it might not be right every time.

There are many, many things that work for cancer and work well. This group

puts forth many fine ideas and provides much help to many people. If you

are happy with Dr. , that is fine, but her solutions are no better or

worse than many others out there. They work for some and not for others.

Nothing works for everyone all the time and that is reality.

Bruce Guilmette, Ph.D.

Survive Cancer Foundation, Inc.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things

there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

[ ] Re: Hulda

Elena and Bruce,

You both surprised me. Both of you seem to be well-read and educated people

but... how can you debate about a subject you are obviously not very

familiar with on the site where people are desperately looking for any kind

of help? Isn't it just wrong to make theoretical assumptions like this in

such a humiliating way?


I don't need your apology. I would even say Dr. doesn't need it. It

doesn't matter because what you said didn't change the quality of the

program Dr is giving to people as a gift. Your criticism and

skepticism can impact those who could potentically benfit from it but it

definitely doesn't bother you. That's what makes me upset.


What summation of the program are you referring to in your response to

Elena? You both didn't even read the latest book. So what are you

discussing? What did Dr repackaged in her protocol from your highly

professional opinion? Somebody's research that has taken years of selfless

work can only be questioned by equally strong and well supported arguments.

I wish I could say something nicer to you.

Don't question me, question the truth.


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I have no experience with Hulda as well as a few other names and

devices that keep popping up in e-mails.

Just a moment ago, on the Flax Oil list someone raised a point that blenders

or mixers such as I use 'kill' the enzymes because the 'dynamo effect'

caused by rotating blades creates 'electricity' that I suppose, fries the


I wrote asking for some evidence of this because I do not know enough about

a 'dynamo effect' and would like to know how this is either calculated or

proven? So I cannot accept this person's condemnation of making a smoothie

because of this effect. I am, however, open to be educated about it.

There is so much going on about so many subjects, we 'seekers' of good

health should question all of them and ask whether or not someone is

speaking from experience, knowledge, or both. One thing that probably

applies to 'alternative' practitioners too is that many illnesses are 'self

limiting' and therein is the success of the Allopathic practitioner. Let's

face it, many illnesses simply end. Cancer doesn't usually 'just end', but

it surely can take a lot of time to do its dirty work and a lot of cash can

be shelled out in the meanwhile.

Look at the money spent on cancer 'cures'. Then Moss points out that the

studies often show either no time gained compared to one not treated or a

gain so small one might wonder if the treatment was worth the loss of the

quality of life?

As for a 'slam' at something costing thousands of dollars? I'm all for it!

Those that can verify something usually do and I have been satisfied being

on this list when they do 'justify' their claims. Perhaps one of the list

'experts' that actually work with cancer patients can educate us a bit more?

Joe C.

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Please, you can do better, I know. A respectable gentleman telling stories about

stories and at this time Dr is helping people. Please don't do it. I know

, I met her and I talked to her. She is a rare person for this society

who is dedicated to her research not to her business. You know that in this

country everything must be paid by somebody. She doesn't get any grants and she

doesn't have any sponsors. She is on her own working 20 hours a day.

Unfortunately, there are people around who may take advantage of this but what

you can do. I know people surviving after her treatment more than 10 years and

having a normal healthy life. Unfortunately, she can't replace lost organs and

help everyone. That is a fact.

When I'm talking about her gift to people I mean a detailed and comprehensive

program in her books. I don't know any other described in such details ready for

people to use. Just follow it! I don't understand your anger and irritation

about all this. And , by the way, her program is not $8,000, it is $5,000/week.

I agree, It is expesive, but she works with those who was sent home to die!!!

I've been fighting my cancer after recurrence since December 2001 and my medical

doctors don't promise me anything. Even more, they are surprised that I'm still

here and function as a healthy person.

I am not trying to say that 's program is a miracle for everyone, though in

many cases it is. I'm sayng that it works, and in many cases it depends on how

you follow it. That's it. Please, don't reply to me with any stories about the

guys who know something about . If you you can offer something really

helpful, I will be 100 per cent with you and very grateful.

Oh, by the way, Breuss was not a medical doctor and was a wierd person with a

very difficult character. But does it really matter if his protocol can help?


me2youlink wrote:


A respectable gentleman who invests in alternative cancer therapies

whom I know went to school with Hulda and still likes to tell

the funniest stories of the dumb things she did with electrical

devices that only a D minus student would think of doing.

Another respectable gentleman who worked with cancer patients at a

number of clinics in Tijuana has known of Hulda 's involvement

with same for many years and asserts that her former associates had to

part ways with her repeatedly because " all her patients kept dying. "

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You are really very angry with me. I didn't even deserve " Hi " from you. Well,

this I will definetely survive. You probably didn't get what I meant. This is

good that 's books are on your desk. I believe she desrves some attention

from you.

Let's talk seriously about this program.

She never, never claimed that she's invented everything she's been using in her

program. Her parasite cleansing program is not new but she perfected it and it

really stops the fire of cancer development. The most important thing is the

right dose. If it is not enough, you get a result but it is not permanent and

it is so easy to be infected.

If the " Prevention " book is on your desk you probably read the " Cancer location

table " and the " Food Chart " . Have you applied it to your cancer? I noticed

that the digestive system reacts in a certain way to a wrong product. Now about

water. Ar first it looked wierd to me but we tested water from my house and 10

different places and, unfortunately, she is right. In many cases the program

doesn't work and recurrances happen where the water is bad.

About supplements. Do you know that her son, Jeff, is very busy testing the

supplements they recommend? And they are really clean, not polluted. She made a

system, a program and she goes with the patient step by step explaining why you

need to do this and what may happen, and what you need to do next.

Zappers. Very interesting. Her zapper is approved in Europe as a medical device.

But again, she doesn't make and sell zappers. She recommends the characteristic

and you do what you think is right. I bought my zapper from Dr.

Association. She has nothing to do with this organization and never approved

their zapper but it was my choice and my decision and it works both on regular

program and on frequencies. As to her diet, it is more like tips to what not to

eat. And this is very important. Nutrition program would be great but she

doesn't have it yet.

You are right there is no universal solution for all of us. We are all looking

for the best treatment program. I don't want you to sit with her books and make

notations for me. I really want you to open your mind to her simple

recommendations and apply them if you want. You are doing an important job

helping others but don't forget about the trees that make the woods.



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Hi again, Nina,

> If you you can offer something really helpful, I will be 100 per

cent with you and very grateful.

Let me try.

You mentioned inflamed gums. This may be a symptom of kidney

problems, according to traditional Chinese medicine, possibly

" energetic " first, without lab tests showing anything abnormal for a

while. The liver is likely to be involved as well. How long ago did

you last have your liver/kidneys functions checked?

A few remedies I would use with inflamed gums would include the

Ayurvedic herb amla (aka amalaki), or better yet, triphala, a mix of

three Ayurvedic herbs that also contains amla. I would take it

internally, religiously, and also brush with this mix. I would also

brush with CoQ10. I would rinse with a Russian remedy -- a strong

decoction of oak tree bark -- and take some internally. I would take

a Chinese one, pearl powder, and also brush with it. I would

incorporate a very diluted (in oil) version of the best-grade oil of

oregano for rinsing, and drink plenty of sage tea and rinse with it.

I'd do more, or something different, if this didn't take care of it.

Another thing I would do is examine my emotions for a phenomenon

called " projection. " I.e., when I _assume_ that someone else is angry

and irritated based on _email_ communication, I'd reflect back on my

own emotional state to find out whether it might, just might, be ME

who is angry and irritated instead. Then I would try to uproot the

real, deeper source of the emotion than the immediate trigger. Then I

would try to deal with it by expressing it via directing it back where

it belongs (often way back in childhood!) instead of repressing,

pretending it's not there, or projecting it onto someone else and

telling them that THEY are angry. This -- owning one's own feelings

-- instead of trying to bounce them off onto someone else -- I see as

a very important step towards healing. It occurred to me to try

suggesting it because I know for a fact that, contrary to your

assumption, I was neither angry nor irritated when I wrote whatever I

wrote about Hulda -- not with her, not with you, neither one of

you have caused me or my loved ones any harm and I don't get angry

with people just because I disagree with them, I just disagree... So

if you perceived anger and irritation, you may, just may, have been

the source... I'm not asserting it, since it's impossible to know

another person's inner state, I'm just giving you and idea of where I

would look and what for.

> Oh, by the way

> Breuss was not a medical doctor and was a wierd person with a very

difficult character. But does it really matter if his protocol can help?

No. I'm not a big afficionado of medical doctors, and I'm not easily

impressed by charming, charismatic personalities. I didn't say

anything about Hulda 's personality though, for lack of any

knowledge of same and a consequent absence of any opinion on the subject.

Best wishes,


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Hi, Elena,

Thanks for your recommendations. The problem with the gum is old and I had to

take clindamycin that is one of the mildest among antibiotics but still. I

didn't want to do it but the inflammation deep under the tooth was so bad and so

paiful that I couldn't sleep at night. It is the second week I'm taking it and

the problem is going away but slowly. I don't have any problem with kidneys but

liver is not good, there are cancer cells there. I'm using a homemade toothpaste

of soda+ oregano oil for brushing and sage tea as an application and for

rinsing. I know alma but never used it and never heard of brushing with CoQ10

though I'm taking it every morning upon rising 1 cap 400mg. I tried propolis for

brushing. I will try tonight before bedtime Q10. Interesting! Oak bark is also

a good idea. I remember one of my friends back in Russia was using it very

successfully for gynecological irrigations.As to psycology I'm a clinical social

worker with all attributes. I know what projection is. I

have nothing against disagreement but you sounded too judgmental in expressing

your disagreement. If my impression was too strong, that 's how it was.


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Hi Guys

I see some real heated debate going on here..

I profess ignorance in all things about cancer - but my philosophy - which

has seen me outlast medical projections - is merely to look at what the body

would normally consume - organically - let my body choose from that

selection (i.e. stop and let my body decide what I fancy) - and vision that

food helping my body to heal - plus meditation to distress - plus occasional

prayer and good deeds - plus working through and out my negative emotions

when helping others on the internet.

But I also pick up anecdotal advice from groups such as these - and choose

what seems to make sense. There is no point in scientific research for me -

with my cancer, scientifically, I should be dead - there was no hope of even

surviving until now.

But what I realise is that of all the above - maybe some or even none meant

the difference? Just maybe I am just bloody lucky to have reacted to the

chemo and also to the immuno therapies? Or maybe some greater being has a

mission for me? Or maybe with CHANGE I can survive - after all I read a bit

of books such as 'Cancer as a turning point'. People do survive.

But, what I do not hear from you guys is 'nuggets' of advice - what inside

this therapy or that you feel has worked for you.

Maybe is a charlatan fleecing or maybe a saint - or just maybe we

should all benefit from one or two snippets of advice?

Natural herbs I can live with - yes a little of this and a little of that -

if the sort of things we might eat as animals. When it gets to creamed

cheese - well that is processed - and as an adult at 52 I would not be

suckling - so I just do not buy into that any more or less than any other

human formulation whether it be dacarbazine or not. OK, if all else fails,

maybe I will eat my life away with cream cheese and coffee enemas - but only

as a last resort.

I am also aware of the placebo effect - and that faith sometimes works -

even if it is a belief in blue coloured smarties - well if it works for you

- fine.

But for most people I feel that being grateful for what life is left,

nurturing the body with healthy organic foods, adding in 'known' healing

foods such as broccoli, honey, garlic, etc - meditation and release from

self-grief and appreciation of the beauty of the moment - helping others and

having the joy of a child laugh, laughing at a joke, sitting in front of a

warm fire, feeling the rain - -all these things make for life whatever its


Love and Healing


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My apologies for not saying Hi. That was rude on my part and not intended as


As I stated, her recommendations are fine in that I know people who have

tried them and do follow them. I must have misunderstood what you were

driving at.

I personally (and this is me and I did not mention it before) think her

cleanses are pretty harsh compared to others out there that do the same

thing. I never said they did not work.

To start with diet, I do not agree with all she says on it, but as I stated,

it is based upon a lot of other stuff I read by dozens of others. Never

said it was bad. I believe there is a great deal that works. You need to

investigate what is going on. Since I started, I have changed my opinion on

a lot of things as to what does and does not work. I certainly do not have

all the answers, but then again, that does not mean I have to agree with

everything she has in print. I do not.

If you ever looked at what we recommend people think about as to water (we

don't sell anything)under NUTRITION, we strongly encourage people not to

drink it if it comes from the tap. I personally use a home water distiller

and have recommended them because I think it is even better than reverse

osmosis in that it does put a slightly negative charge into the water which

in turn does help with cellular fluid exchange (flush them out). More junk

comes out of tap water than I ever thought possible to flow through a water

pipe and still be drinkable.

Her zappers still suck as far as I am concerned and I have seen at least 3

dozen of them sitting unused by people I know because they did not work. I

have never actually met anyone who had success with them. If you like them,

fine, but I still stand by my opinion. Europe does not have the best track

record going for natural healing considering the effects of codex has done

and what ground has been lost there. I still think it is one of the best

diagnostic tools I ever saw as used by a DC for alternative therapies. It

was wonderful and if I spent more time doing therapy than grief counseling I

would probably purchase or build one for that purpose.

I think there is much merit to radio wave and/or electrical treatment of

some diseases. If I didn't, I would not be a proponent of Rife type

equipment as I have seen much good come of it aside from what I have had it

do for me. I believe everyone needs to see look at everything. You never

know what will work for you.


Bruce Guilmette, Ph.D.

Survive Cancer Foundation, Inc.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things

there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

[ ] Re: Hulda


You are really very angry with me. I didn't even deserve " Hi " from you.

Well, this I will definetely survive. You probably didn't get what I meant.

This is good that 's books are on your desk. I believe she desrves some

attention from you.

Let's talk seriously about this program.

She never, never claimed that she's invented everything she's been using in

her program. Her parasite cleansing program is not new but she perfected it

and it really stops the fire of cancer development. The most important thing

is the right dose. If it is not enough, you get a result but it is not

permanent and it is so easy to be infected.

If the " Prevention " book is on your desk you probably read the " Cancer

location table " and the " Food Chart " . Have you applied it to your cancer?

I noticed that the digestive system reacts in a certain way to a wrong

product. Now about water. Ar first it looked wierd to me but we tested water

from my house and 10 different places and, unfortunately, she is right. In

many cases the program doesn't work and recurrances happen where the water

is bad.

About supplements. Do you know that her son, Jeff, is very busy testing the

supplements they recommend? And they are really clean, not polluted. She

made a system, a program and she goes with the patient step by step

explaining why you need to do this and what may happen, and what you need to

do next.

Zappers. Very interesting. Her zapper is approved in Europe as a medical

device. But again, she doesn't make and sell zappers. She recommends the

characteristic and you do what you think is right. I bought my zapper from

Dr. Association. She has nothing to do with this organization and never

approved their zapper but it was my choice and my decision and it works both

on regular program and on frequencies. As to her diet, it is more like tips

to what not to eat. And this is very important. Nutrition program would be

great but she doesn't have it yet.

You are right there is no universal solution for all of us. We are all

looking for the best treatment program. I don't want you to sit with her

books and make notations for me. I really want you to open your mind to her

simple recommendations and apply them if you want. You are doing an

important job helping others but don't forget about the trees that make the




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I don't have any problem with kidneys but liver is not good, there

are cancer cells there. I'm using a homemade toothpaste of soda+

oregano oil for brushing and sage tea as an application and for

rinsing. I know alma but never used it and never heard of brushing

with CoQ10 though I'm taking it every morning upon rising 1 cap

400mg. I tried propolis for brushing. I will try tonight before

bedtime Q10. Interesting! Oak bark is also a good idea. I remember

one of my friends back in Russia was using it very successfully for

gynecological irrigations.As to psycology I'm a clinical social

worker with all attributes. I know what projection is. I

> have nothing against disagreement but you sounded too judgmental

in expressing your disagreement. If my impression was too strong,

that 's how it was.

> Nina


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  • 1 year later...
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Hulda tries to claim that parasites etc. cause pretty much *all*

human disease, including cancer.

That means she's ignoring pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs, radiation,

and so on.

Therefore, she can't be anywhere near completely correct. But on the

other hand, some of what she says is good.

So if you keep in mind that there are lots of causes for any negative

health condition, you still might learn some useful things by reading

what she has written.

-- In , " ronnimike " wrote:


> I have been trying to do a little reading on this lady and I am just

> not sure what to make of her...


> Has anyone tried her ideas....are they safe or sensible? What about

> the zapper she talks about so often.....does it help?


> This is not meant as a barb or snide comment ... more just

questioning and being unsure.

> Thanks for your help

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I believe all of it causes cancer...Toxins AND Parasites because it taxes the

immune system. That is why Linus ing won the Nobel Prize for his work

with diseases and Vitamin C. He was able to reverse many diseases by building

the immunity of those who were sick.....regardless of the causes.


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She's extremely knowledgable, and I find her books useful.

But note that in her books she says that mercury/dental amalgam and toxic metals

in general are a major factor in cancer and other chronic conditions, and along

with parasites, viral, and bacterial infections; all of these must be dealt with

to recover. She suggests a dental cleanup for all with chronic conditions, and

likewise dealing with any toxic metal exposure.


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  • 1 month later...

This is the one I have done several times. I did not use the ornithine though. Don't know what it is, and I don't think it's necessary for a good flush. The only things I bought were organic olive oil, grapefruits, and magnesium citrate (which I used in place of the magnesium sulfate--asked a pharmacist and he said they do the same thing). Magnesium citrate is cheap, and convenient, and tastes a heck of alot better than those epsom salts! PattyDGRAHAMA@... wrote: Dr. Hulda Information Center See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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  • 8 months later...
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Hello Rhoda,

I have the same concerns about Budwig. Perhaps the protocol hasn't

adapted to the changing times? I do worry about consuming so much

dairy. And also, with the new supplements available, I would think some

of them would work very well with Budwig. If JB were alive today, I

wonder what adjustments she would have made to her protocol?


On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 21:41:51 -0700, " Rhoda Mead " <firefly541@...>


> *I joined an e-list for ies. NONE of them was doing at all well. I

> also

> checked out Gerson, Breuss, macrobiotics, and a couple of others.


> From what I could find out, Budwig has by far the greatest remission

> rate, better than any allopathic regime. However, there are serious

> problems

> with the protocol IMHO; no emphasis on detoxification, ignoring the loss

> of

> nutrients in our foods, and also ignoring recent research on the

> usefulness

> of some anticancer supplements. Rhoda*




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IMO, diet alone will not prevent nor cure cancer.

According to Hulda , cancers arise from pollution from isopropyl

alcohol and fluke worms (parasites) being attracted to the isopropyl

alcohol collecting in your liver.

So to prevent cancer, the human or the dog must get away from all

sources of isopropyl alcohol, including shampoos, soaps, rubbing

alcohol, etc. Also regular de-worming / parasite cleansing is a must.

There are zappers for dogs.

Hope this helps.

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