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RE: Re: What's your favourite Pie?

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not! A tart is a tart. A pie is a pie. J You can have one crust (bottom) or two. Coconut cream pie is a one

crust pie. It’s like chocolate cream pie, except the pudding (filling)

part is vanilla with coconut mixed in. Then you put a meringue crust on top and

sprinkle more coconut and then broil it a sec for the coconut to brown. You

probably have to like coconut. J



Re: What's your favourite Pie?


> Coconut cream pie! I think I'll make one for Bunny Day!!! I can't


> Thanks for reminding me. :-)


What in the name of all that is holy is coconut cream pie???

Somebody American please explain!



ps - I'm not much of a pie person (I actually wonder if we're even on

the same definition of " pie " here. Do tarts count? I do love proper

French lemon tarts - the proper baked custardy kind, not the ikky

little jammy kind).

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I think they are similar but from watching the Food Network, I think the crusts are somewhat different (I'm not sure how) and I bet they aren't as sweet as American pies.


-------------- Original message --------------

>> Absolutely not! A tart is a tart. A pie is a pie. :-) You can have one> crust (bottom) or two. Whaaaaaa? LOL How is a one-crust pie different to a tart? You make a bottom crust and sides, you prepare and put in a filling, you stick it in the oven and bake it, you cut it into slices and eat it! (preferably not all at once - but listen to your intuition! <g>)This is a sample recipe for my favourite kind of French lemon tart. (American friends, you can just call it a tangy lemon pie if you like. ;-)http://www.recipezaar.com/234277(only I would make my own shortcrust pastry, natch!)

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aren’t tarts really, really small? J Size counts, you know.



Re: What's your favourite Pie?


> Absolutely not! A tart is a tart. A pie is a pie. :-) You can have one

> crust (bottom) or two.

Whaaaaaa? LOL How is a one-crust pie different to a tart? You make a

bottom crust and sides, you prepare and put in a filling, you stick it

in the oven and bake it, you cut it into slices and eat it!

(preferably not all at once - but listen to your intuition! <g>)

This is a sample recipe for my favourite kind of French lemon tart.

(American friends, you can just call it a tangy lemon pie if you

like. ;-)


(only I would make my own shortcrust pastry, natch!)

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They can be but I think they can also be a big pie just like the American pies.


-------------- Original message --------------

But aren’t tarts really, really small? J Size counts, you know.



-----Original Message-----From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of sigi_geeSent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 7:55 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: What's your favourite Pie?

>> Absolutely not! A tart is a tart. A pie is a pie. :-) You can have one> crust (bottom) or two. Whaaaaaa? LOL How is a one-crust pie different to a tart? You make a bottom crust and sides, you prepare and put in a filling, you stick it in the oven and bake it, you cut it into slices and eat it! (preferably not all at once - but listen to your intuition! <g>)This is a sample recipe for my favourite kind of French lemon tart. (American friends, you can just call it a tangy lemon pie if you like. ;-)http://www.recipezaar.com/234277(only I would make my own shortcrust pastry, natch!)

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Sounds like you are well on your way!


-------------- Original message --------------

You know, I've also begun to find, now that I'm actually, reallyattempting to do true IE, without any eating-disordered behaviors,that I simply do not WANT to eat a lot of rich, sweet foods all thetime. Don't get me wrong -- I still really like a lot of rich, sweetfoods, like chocolate, cheesecake, candy, what have you. It's justthat my body has given me firm indications on these matters that Ishould only eat so much of them, and only so often, or I will probablyfeel ill and gross for many hours afterwards.I mean, yes, I can still choose to eat them, and I can still choose tocontinue to eat them long past the point of fullness, or long past thepoint at which I know I will start to feel sick. I guess I'm justgetting tired of constantly pushing my body over its comfortable edges.You know, after all the drama I build up in my head sometimes aboutbinging, after I've started to work on all the self-hatred issues andbeing

afraid of getting fat and all that, binging just becomespedantically boring. It's a same old routine, really... eat too much,feel sick, get guilty about eating other things, and, if I decide toactually listen to my hunger signals after the binge, not even eat fora LONG time after because I'm so full. Honestly, I just get tired ofdoing the same dang damaging thing again and again! I get tired of notbeing happy with myself, with not ever being hungry, and with neverfeeling physically good. And it's too simplistic to say that I "justdecide" to change those circumstances -- but, in essence, that'sexactly what I'm doing when I choose to really, truly give IE a goodshot, yet again.I want to feel good about myself, both mentally AND physically,without painful deprivation. And isn't that what IE is really all about?Carolyn> > > I don't mind lemon meringue pie, but I don't bake it as often as I > used to - haven't for ages, actually. I can live without meringue, I > guess. It's another one of those (sweet) things that I used to think > I loved, but since practising intuitive eating I realise I don't > actually care for so much. My tastes are heading further and further > away from sweet stuff. If I go for desserts I like a nice, sharp > kick to them (such as really tangy lemon, or tart berries which make > you pucker up a bit <g>).> > I think this may be the first Easter ever where perhaps I just won't > have any chocolate eggs or bunnies. Not because I "can't" or am > resisting them, but simply because I've realised recently (shock, > horror) I'm just not that fussed about chocolate and what you'd > call "candy". Can t

ake it or leave it - preferably leave it. Maybe > a smidge of best quality dark, bitter stuff now and again ... meh. > We'll see.> > :-)> > S

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Sounds like you are well on your way!


-------------- Original message --------------

You know, I've also begun to find, now that I'm actually, reallyattempting to do true IE, without any eating-disordered behaviors,that I simply do not WANT to eat a lot of rich, sweet foods all thetime. Don't get me wrong -- I still really like a lot of rich, sweetfoods, like chocolate, cheesecake, candy, what have you. It's justthat my body has given me firm indications on these matters that Ishould only eat so much of them, and only so often, or I will probablyfeel ill and gross for many hours afterwards.I mean, yes, I can still choose to eat them, and I can still choose tocontinue to eat them long past the point of fullness, or long past thepoint at which I know I will start to feel sick. I guess I'm justgetting tired of constantly pushing my body over its comfortable edges.You know, after all the drama I build up in my head sometimes aboutbinging, after I've started to work on all the self-hatred issues andbeing

afraid of getting fat and all that, binging just becomespedantically boring. It's a same old routine, really... eat too much,feel sick, get guilty about eating other things, and, if I decide toactually listen to my hunger signals after the binge, not even eat fora LONG time after because I'm so full. Honestly, I just get tired ofdoing the same dang damaging thing again and again! I get tired of notbeing happy with myself, with not ever being hungry, and with neverfeeling physically good. And it's too simplistic to say that I "justdecide" to change those circumstances -- but, in essence, that'sexactly what I'm doing when I choose to really, truly give IE a goodshot, yet again.I want to feel good about myself, both mentally AND physically,without painful deprivation. And isn't that what IE is really all about?Carolyn> > > I don't mind lemon meringue pie, but I don't bake it as often as I > used to - haven't for ages, actually. I can live without meringue, I > guess. It's another one of those (sweet) things that I used to think > I loved, but since practising intuitive eating I realise I don't > actually care for so much. My tastes are heading further and further > away from sweet stuff. If I go for desserts I like a nice, sharp > kick to them (such as really tangy lemon, or tart berries which make > you pucker up a bit <g>).> > I think this may be the first Easter ever where perhaps I just won't > have any chocolate eggs or bunnies. Not because I "can't" or am > resisting them, but simply because I've realised recently (shock, > horror) I'm just not that fussed about chocolate and what you'd > call "candy". Can t

ake it or leave it - preferably leave it. Maybe > a smidge of best quality dark, bitter stuff now and again ... meh. > We'll see.> > :-)> > S

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Sounds like you are well on your way!


-------------- Original message --------------

You know, I've also begun to find, now that I'm actually, reallyattempting to do true IE, without any eating-disordered behaviors,that I simply do not WANT to eat a lot of rich, sweet foods all thetime. Don't get me wrong -- I still really like a lot of rich, sweetfoods, like chocolate, cheesecake, candy, what have you. It's justthat my body has given me firm indications on these matters that Ishould only eat so much of them, and only so often, or I will probablyfeel ill and gross for many hours afterwards.I mean, yes, I can still choose to eat them, and I can still choose tocontinue to eat them long past the point of fullness, or long past thepoint at which I know I will start to feel sick. I guess I'm justgetting tired of constantly pushing my body over its comfortable edges.You know, after all the drama I build up in my head sometimes aboutbinging, after I've started to work on all the self-hatred issues andbeing

afraid of getting fat and all that, binging just becomespedantically boring. It's a same old routine, really... eat too much,feel sick, get guilty about eating other things, and, if I decide toactually listen to my hunger signals after the binge, not even eat fora LONG time after because I'm so full. Honestly, I just get tired ofdoing the same dang damaging thing again and again! I get tired of notbeing happy with myself, with not ever being hungry, and with neverfeeling physically good. And it's too simplistic to say that I "justdecide" to change those circumstances -- but, in essence, that'sexactly what I'm doing when I choose to really, truly give IE a goodshot, yet again.I want to feel good about myself, both mentally AND physically,without painful deprivation. And isn't that what IE is really all about?Carolyn> > > I don't mind lemon meringue pie, but I don't bake it as often as I > used to - haven't for ages, actually. I can live without meringue, I > guess. It's another one of those (sweet) things that I used to think > I loved, but since practising intuitive eating I realise I don't > actually care for so much. My tastes are heading further and further > away from sweet stuff. If I go for desserts I like a nice, sharp > kick to them (such as really tangy lemon, or tart berries which make > you pucker up a bit <g>).> > I think this may be the first Easter ever where perhaps I just won't > have any chocolate eggs or bunnies. Not because I "can't" or am > resisting them, but simply because I've realised recently (shock, > horror) I'm just not that fussed about chocolate and what you'd > call "candy". Can t

ake it or leave it - preferably leave it. Maybe > a smidge of best quality dark, bitter stuff now and again ... meh. > We'll see.> > :-)> > S

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Absolutely, and I don't even like pie that much. When I went to the store yesterday, I looked at them in the bakery and the frozen ones, and decieded I really didn't want one, it was just all this talk of pies that was triggering the thought. Besides, If I really want one, I think I would make my own - probably apple. But if so, got to eat it fresh out the oven when it is still warm and with vanilla ice cream on top!


-------------- Original message --------------

Is all this talk about pies making anyone else really hungry for pie??!! LOL!!!---


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Absolutely, and I don't even like pie that much. When I went to the store yesterday, I looked at them in the bakery and the frozen ones, and decieded I really didn't want one, it was just all this talk of pies that was triggering the thought. Besides, If I really want one, I think I would make my own - probably apple. But if so, got to eat it fresh out the oven when it is still warm and with vanilla ice cream on top!


-------------- Original message --------------

Is all this talk about pies making anyone else really hungry for pie??!! LOL!!!---


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Absolutely, and I don't even like pie that much. When I went to the store yesterday, I looked at them in the bakery and the frozen ones, and decieded I really didn't want one, it was just all this talk of pies that was triggering the thought. Besides, If I really want one, I think I would make my own - probably apple. But if so, got to eat it fresh out the oven when it is still warm and with vanilla ice cream on top!


-------------- Original message --------------

Is all this talk about pies making anyone else really hungry for pie??!! LOL!!!---


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Oh yeah, lemon! I forgot about that one.

With lightly browned meringue on the top! J




Hood-son, MS, ACSM

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From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of Lexie

Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 2:19


To: IntuitiveEating_Support


Re: What's your favourite Pie?

I like the center of the pecan pie...without the pecans! I love a

good tangy lemon pie as well.

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